God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 316

The dark sword light hit the flame shield, making a earth-shaking sound, and the terrifying energy fluctuations spread in all directions, clearing the surrounding clouds!

The four Sedums had to mobilize the spiritual power in their bodies and lay defenses in front of them to prevent accidental injuries from the aftermath of the attacks of the dragon knight and the evil sword fairy!

The energy fluctuations quickly dissipated, and the silhouette of the nightshade appeared in the sight of several people. In front of the nightshade, a dark purple flame shield continued to sink and float, and the nightshade had a long breath and a calm expression.

"Is Xiaokui already so strong?" Jingtian couldn't help muttering when he saw this scene.

Although his current strength is much weaker than when he was a Scaboo in his previous life, his eyesight is not bad at all.

Evil Sword Immortal's sword just now, looking at the six realms, would not be able to take it more than two hands, and he didn't expect the dragon kwai to take it so easily.

Looking at the appearance of nightshade, obviously there is still room for it.

Evil Sword Immortal's face was also a little bit more horrified. At the beginning, in Yuzhou City, he fought against Solanum, but at that time Solanum was not his opponent at all!

You must know that at that time he only escaped from the lock demon tower, and his strength was at a low point. In that state, he could easily beat the Dragon Kwai, which shows how weak the Dragon Kwai was at that time!

However, how long has passed since, after he absorbed a lot of grievances, and his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, he couldn't easily solve the dragon sunflower?!

So what kind of freak did Xiao Tian teach!

Chapter 716 The evil sword fairy's rogue tricks!

We must know that he is a gathering of evil thoughts, able to absorb the evil thoughts and grievances of the world to strengthen himself, and there is no bottleneck in the improvement of strength. This is where he dares to engage in trouble in Yuzhou City!

Things are just as he expected, absorbing a lot of grievances in Yuzhou City, his strength has reached a peak, looking at the human world, even the descendants of Nuwa in his heyday will not be his opponent!

However, before he had time to flex his muscles, he was imprisoned in a sword-qi cage by Xiao Tian, ​​without seeing the sun.

If it was just like this, he also had some guesses about Xiao Tian's strength. Although Xiao Tian's seal made him angry, it was not something that he could not accept.

What really made him unable to accept was that how long had passed since then, the ants that he could easily obliterate at the beginning, have now grown to the point where they can compete with him!

You must know that Solanum does not have his talent for absorbing evil thoughts and grievances to strengthen himself!

"Why, surprised?" Seeing the expression of the evil sword immortal, Dragon Kwai shook his head, disdainfully said: "My master's skills are good fortune, how can you imagine the means? Although I don't know where your confidence lies. Yuzhou City is a demon, but since it's here, don't leave!"

Before the words fell, the Bahuang Xuanhuo formation pattern suddenly lit up, and the surrounding heaven and earth aura seemed to be summoned by some kind, and rushed to the Bahuang Xuanhuo formation like a tide.

The faint purple lines of fire emerged out of thin air and grew rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, they turned into countless faint purple fire dragons with their teeth and claws dancing!

This is also a trick she created. Originally in Xiao Tian’s description, the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Array was used to the extreme, and it was able to summon a beast that would destroy the world, but Dragon Kwai tried many times and couldn’t. Do it to summon anything.

Later, she simply gave up the ability of the Eight Desolate Profound Fire Array to summon beasts, and directly changed the summoning array pattern to the spirit gathering array pattern that gathers the aura of heaven and earth!

Through the spirit gathering pattern, the aura of heaven and earth in a radius of tens or even hundreds of miles is gathered into the Eight Desolate Profound Fire Array. With the help of the Eight Desolate Profound Fire Array, the heaven and earth aura will be used to expand the Nine Nether Flames in the formation. This attack!

Evil Sword Immortal's face changed suddenly, and from those purple fire dragons, he actually faintly felt a powerful threat!

Cannot be hardwired!

Xie Jianxian's heart jumped wildly, and a strong resentment suddenly appeared all over his body, and countless ghosts surrounded him, making a stern cry.

The nightshade looked unchanged, and with a light wave of his right hand, countless purple fire dragons rushed towards the evil sword immortal like rain hitting bananas!

The purple fire dragon surrounded the evil sword immortal from all directions, sealing all the space he could avoid.

"Humph!" Evil Sword Immortal snorted coldly when he saw it, his body suddenly exploded and turned into boundless black energy, which filled the Bahuang Profound Fire Array.

He was originally a gathering of evil thoughts, invisible and formless. Facing the attack of the nightshade, although he could not avoid it, he was completely able to disperse his body.

Although this will cause his strength to fall because some of the black energy is burned out by Jiu Nether Fire, the sky above Yuzhou City is already full of endless grievances and evil thoughts. Without Xiao Tian's ban, he can completely absorb these grievances and Evil thoughts to make up for yourself!

Seeing this scene, Solanum frowned and his face became a little ugly.

With the help of the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Array, she was indeed able to easily suppress the Evil Sword Immortal, but in the face of the current situation, Dragon Kwai was somewhat helpless.

Chapter 717

Although the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Array is powerful, it is based on its terrifying consumption of spiritual power. Even though she has now broken through to the realm of immortals, the ghost power in her body is not enough to support the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Array too long. Attack of time.

However, Evil Sword Immortal passively defends, and even the body is dispersed, and she only needs to absorb evil thoughts and resentment to make up for herself. In contrast, her consumption far exceeds Evil Sword Immortal.

If this stalemate continues, she will definitely lose in the end!

Thinking of this, Solanum was no longer acting aggressively, and immediately shouted: "Brother, Sister Zixuan, Sister Xuejian, Big Brother Xu, let's do it together!"

If she were the only one, Evil Sword Immortal would not be able to do anything, but now that Zi Xuan and others are by her side, Evil Sword Immortal wants to rely on this trick to continue the stalemate, it is undoubtedly a foolish dream!

The four of Zi Xuan did not hesitate at all when they heard this, and at the same time poured their attacks towards the Bahuang Xuanhuo array!

The endless sword aura and the mighty power of the five spirits are flooded in the Bahuang Profound Fire Array, sometimes mixed with the mighty purifying power. The black energy that was originally flooded in the Bahuang Profound Fire Array is in this strong offensive. Immediately below, the tortoise shrank into a ball, and once again transformed into the appearance of an evil sword fairy.

It's just that this time the Evil Sword Immortal seemed to be more embarrassed, and his aura languished, his eyes full of resentment when he looked at the Dragon Kwai and others.

Similarly, for Xiao Tian, ​​the master of Dragon Kwai, Xie Jianxian's heart is also full of resentment!

If it weren't for Xiao Tian, ​​he wouldn't be trapped in the sword qi cage. Not only would he not be able to escape, he would not even be able to improve his strength!

If it hadn't been for Solanum and others, he wouldn't have ended up in such an embarrassing situation!

"Since you want me to die, let me die together!" Evil Sword Immortal gritted his teeth for a while, and the resentment and evil thoughts that filled the sky above Yuzhou City quickly gathered towards him. Evil Sword Immortal's body swelled rapidly, and the terrifying breath came from him. Exudes.

The expressions of Dragon Kwai and others changed suddenly, and they quickly used their own methods.

The Eight Desolate Profound Fire Array patterns quickly lit up, and thin purple lines emerged, forming a giant net, blocking all the surrounding space.

Beyond the giant purple net, it was Zixuan urging the defenses laid by the five-spirit formation. The five-spirit orbs trembled crazily, and the terrifying power of the five-spirit overflowed, forming a barrier that circulated the five-color brilliance, which happened to turn the purple The flame giant net wraps it.

Sedum and Xu Changqing teamed up to set up a sword formation, and countless sword qi appeared above the sky, crisscrossing and forming a huge sword qi cage, sealing the space where the evil sword immortal was located.

Although the two of them could not work together to set up the kind of sword air cage that Xiao Tian arranged to isolate the spirit and resentment of heaven and earth together, but in terms of blockade and defense, the sword air cage set by them was not weak!

As for Tang Xue's view, a strong white light appeared all over her body, and a trace of divinity emerged from her body, setting her off like a nine-day fairy.

Following Tang Xuejian’s actions, bursts of light golden rain fell towards the place where the evil sword fairy was, and the grievances and evil thoughts that filled the sky above Yuzhou City turned into wisps of blue smoke when they were exposed to the light rain. Disappear.

"People of the gods? Humph! It's too late! Even if you die, I will bury you and the people of Yuzhou City!" The evil sword fairy laughed wildly, and his body suddenly exploded!


The sound as if the heavens and the earth were cracking resounded over Yuzhou City, and terrifying energy fluctuations broke out, rapidly spreading in all directions.

Chapter 718 Terrorist Impact!

The horrible energy fluctuations spread rapidly in all directions, as if the sky was falling. Wherever the energy fluctuations passed, the space was torn apart, and dark space cracks emerged, which was daunting.

Zixuan Dragon Kwai and others had serious expressions, and the sudden explosion of the Evil Sword Immortal really made them somewhat unexpected. They thought that even if the Evil Sword Immortal was in a downward trend, they should struggle a bit.

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