God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 317

Unexpectedly, the Evil Sword Immortal was so decisive, almost without even giving them a buffer time, it directly detonated the terrifying resentment in his body!

How did they know that Evil Sword Immortal had already had a will to die when they fought with them at the beginning. For Evil Sword Immortal, if they were defeated in the hands of the Dragon Kwai and others, they would definitely die. If they hurt the Dragon Kwai and the others , Xiao Tian shot, he is also bound to die.

Under this circumstance, it is not surprising that Evil Sword Immortal would choose to blew himself up and drag the Dragon Kwai Zi Xuan to their burial.

The terrifying energy impact directly shredded the fire net under the solania cloth. The Eight Desolation Profound Fire Array is already known for attacking. In terms of defense and trapping the enemy, it is far inferior to the formation of the same level, so even if the solanum has tried its best to control Fire Net intercepted the energy fluctuations caused by the Evil Sword Immortal's self-detonation, but still did not hold on for a moment.

After the fire web was torn apart, the energy fluctuations carried countless fragments of purple flames, slamming against the barrier clothed by Zi Xuan with five spirit beads.

The brilliance of the five-color barrier flowed and stalemate with energy fluctuations. No one can do anything about it. The Five Spirit Orb is a divine object made by Nuwa with the leftover corners of the Sky Stone. The barrier is covered by the Five Spirit Orb and its defensive power. Looking at the Six Realms, no one dares to say that it can be easily broken!

It's just that although the five-color barrier is strong, it is also extremely terrifying for the consumption of spiritual power. Even before Zi Xuan passed the spiritual power of Nuwa to Lin Qing'er, the five-color barrier could not be maintained for too long.

After passing Nv Wa's spiritual power to Lin Qing'er, although Zi Xuan's "Nine Revolutions of Immortal Body" practiced is tyrannical, the stored spiritual power is far more than that of the same level, but it is still inferior to her heyday .

Maintaining this huge five-color barrier is also extremely difficult for Zi Xuan. Therefore, under the impact of the energy of the evil sword immortal's self-explosion, Zi Xuan's face quickly turned pale, and then a mouthful of dark red blood spurted out, the five-color barrier Shattered in response, the five-spirit pearl brilliance dimmed and fell towards Yuzhou City.

Zi Xuan's blocking did not make the energy impact of the evil sword immortal's self-detonation also weakened much, and the remaining energy impact was wrapped in the fine five-color light spots, and hit the sword air cage jointly fabricated by Sedum and Xu Changqing.

Sedum and Xu Changqing's strength is not weak. The sword formation they have jointly deployed is lethal, and there are few people in the six realms that can be attacked, but in terms of defense, it is even worse than the Dragon Kwai's Eight Desolate Profound Fire Array!

Therefore, the defenses jointly deployed by Sedum and Xu Changqing were broken without even being supported for a moment, and the remaining energy fluctuations were cast away unabated and slammed towards Sedum.


The nightshade's face changed. Among them, Sedum, who is now the reincarnation of Scaboo, has the weakest strength. If it is swept by the energy fluctuations of the evil sword immortal, it will be weakened several times. , Is not Sedum can catch it!

Therefore, the nightshade did not hesitate at all, his figure flashed, and he stopped in front of Sedum, and at the same time, the powerful ghost power in his body spread all over his body, condensing into a solid ghost power shield in front of him.

Chapter 719 Zi Ling Immortal Clothes Prestige!

"Xiaokui!" Jingtian's face changed wildly when he saw it, and before he could go on, the terrifying energy fluctuations hit the ghost power shield under the solanum cloth.

Although the defensive power of the ghost power shield arranged by Solanum is not weak, it is not enough to see the energy impact generated by the self-destruction of the evil sword fairy.

The ghost power shield didn't support it for a moment, it shattered, and the nightshade himself became pale because of the ghost power consumption.

After the energy shock smashed the ghost power shield, it cast off unabated, and slammed towards the nightshade. With the power of this energy shock, if it was hit, even if the nightshade strength was amazing, I am afraid it would have to fall on the spot!

"Xiaokui!" When Zi Xuan and others saw this scene, their eyes were distraught, especially Sedum, their faces were full of regret!

If it weren't because he was too careless, how could Dragon Kwai block this blow for him?!

Seeing the energy impact, it quickly hit the nightshade, and the nightshade suddenly emitted a faint purple light. The terrifying energy impact fell on the purple light, like snow under the sun, quickly dissolving, no Can shake the purple light!

"This is?!" Jingtian and the others opened their eyes wide, their faces full of disbelief.

The energy shock that they could not stop after exhausting their means was so easily resolved by this purple light?

"Master made the move?" Zi Xuan reacted quickly and looked around, but the surrounding area was empty, and there was no figure of Xiao Tian at all.

"It's not the master, but it has something to do with the master," Solanum shook his head and touched the purple Xia Yi with a complicated expression.

She never imagined that the purple Xia Yi that Xiao Tian gave her as an introductory gift had such a terrifying power!

When she saw Xiao Tian's understatement, she thought that this purple Xia Yi was an ordinary magic weapon, which had no effect other than avoiding the breeding of inner demons.

Unexpectedly, the defensive ability of this purple Xiayi is also so amazing, even the energy impact of the self-detonation of the evil sword fairy can not be shaken!

"I'm Master, how can I let us deal with this evil sword immortal matter," Solanum murmured, "It turns out that he had expected all this a long time ago."

Seeing that the nightshade was okay, Zixuan and others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and immediately looked at the purple Xiayi on the nightshade with a bit of envy in his eyes.

Even if they have a good relationship with the nightshade, at this moment they can't help but envy the opportunity of the nightshade. It is no exaggeration to say that with this purple xia dress, the nightshade can cross the six realms and protect itself.

As for who this purple Xia Yi came from, they don't need to think about it. Except for the master of Dragon Kwai and Zi Xuan, the mysterious senior Xiao Tian, ​​who among these six realms can come up with such a miraculous Magic treasure to come?

"The evil sword immortal blew himself up, I am afraid that the crystal of evil thoughts will also be destroyed, what shall we do next?" Xu Changqing looked at Zi Xuan and said softly.

"Wait a minute," Zi Xuan hadn't had time to speak, when the nightshade on the side suddenly said, with a cold expression on her face, she said coldly: "The evil sword fairy is not dead yet!"

As he said, with a wave of the right hand of the Solanum, the majestic ghost power surged towards the void, and at the same time the purple ling fairy clothes on her body were flourishing, coating her ghost power with a light purple brilliance.

"Damn, little girl, do you really want to fight with me to kill the net?" Following the movement of the nightshade, a furious roar sounded out of thin air, and then a wisp of black smoke emerged, flying towards the distance.

Chapter 720 The Evil Sword Immortal Falls!

"The fish is dead and the net is broken?" Solanum sneered when he heard the words, his expression suddenly became cold, and he said with disdain: "Why do you deserve it?!"

Not to mention that their goal this time is to kill the evil sword immortal and obtain the crystal of his evil thoughts, so as to help Zi Xuan quickly increase her strength.

Just because the evil sword immortal blew himself up before, and almost injured Sedum, it was enough to make Dragon Kwai sentence the evil sword immortal to death in his heart!

While speaking, the nightshade shook his right hand, and the majestic ghost power turned into a big hand that covered the sky, grabbed it towards the void, the big hand of the big sky was surrounded by a faint purple light, sealing the surrounding space.

"Little girl, you forced me!" A tyrannical aura rises in the space blocked by the big hand, exactly the same as the scene when the evil sword fairy blew himself up.

Obviously, the Evil Sword Immortal was really driven to a dead end this time, completely banned from the thought of escape, and planned to rely on the source of self-destruction to pull two people back!

"If you let you blew yourself up, then I would really be a waste!" Solanum lip curled his lips, the purple ling fairy clothing on his body was magnificent, and the purple light lingering above the big hand was like burning oil. Generally, it is flooded in the space sealed by the sky and big hands.

Under the shroud of purple light, the Evil Sword Immortal suddenly wailed and wailed, and the aura that had risen quickly fell directly to the bottom, and even gradually became weak.

Seeing this scene, Tang Xue on the side couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

They all saw how strong the Evil Sword Immortal was before, especially when he pretended to blew himself up before, it was so powerful that it could not be an exaggeration to say that it was destroying the world.

However, now it was easily kneaded by the nightshade, without even the slightest resistance!

They are not stupid, they naturally know where the problem is.

"I don't know how much Senior Xiao Tian worked on Xiaokui's Xia Yi," Tang Xue looked at the purple Ling Xian Yi on Solanum, a little envious.

With this purple water immortal clothing bodyguard, even if the nightshade is not strong, not many people in the six realms can move the nightshade.

What's more, the strength of Solanum is now that there are few enemies in the six realms. With this purple ling fairy clothing bodyguard, I am afraid that the strength has stood at the pinnacle of the six realms, enough to talk to the giants of the first realm on an equal footing!

Hearing Tang Xue's words, Solanum could not help but smile wryly: "Actually, I don't know how strong the purple ling fairy clothes are. At the beginning, the master just told me that this purple ling fairy clothes won't invade water and fire, and at the same time, it can effectively prevent the breeding of demons.

As for the defensive ability, Master did not mention it. Perhaps in Master's opinion, the defensive power of this Ziling Immortal Yi is not worth mentioning."

"Perhaps this is the case," Zi Xuan suddenly said: "This evil sword immortal is a polymer of evil thoughts and resentment, and the main reason for the breeding of heart demon is evil thoughts and resentment. This Ziling fairy clothes can prevent the heart. The breeding of demons obviously has a miraculous effect in purifying evil thoughts and grievances..."

Zi Xuan didn't say the following words, but Tang Xue saw that several people were smart people, and naturally understood what Zi Xuan meant.

That is, this Ziling fairy robes is not as tyrannical as they thought, but just to restrain the evil sword fairy.

But even so, Tang Xue couldn't help being a little envious when he saw a few people. To know that the path of cultivation, the most feared is the breeding of inner demons. This purple ling fairy clothes can prevent the breeding of inner demons, and it is enough to be called a treasure!

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