God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 323

Although Chunyang Palace of Zhongnan Mountain is not afraid of Penglai Xiandao, he is only a disciple of the elder of Chunyang Palace, and Chunyang Palace will not go to full-scale war with Penglai Xiandao for him.

But now it seems that he doesn't need to worry about these things...

Daoxuanji's expression was solemn, and even a little bit of horror was hidden. It took a long time before he said: "This is indeed the location of Penglai Xiandao. Those black hills should be Penglai Xiandao...

I don't know who is capable, but in a short period of time, Penglai Xiandao can become such a look!"

Calculating the time, it only took less than a day to receive a call from Wei Hong from Wei Langxuan and then to bring Wei Langxuan to Penglai Xiandao.

Being able to quietly destroy the Penglai Fairy Island, which is protected by a heavy array and where Mahayana monks sit on the island, in less than a day. This is probably something that only the legendary fairy can do!

Hearing Dao Xuanji's words, Wei Langxuan seemed to have thought of something, his eyes widened suddenly, and he lost his voice: "Master, do you think Brother Xiao did it!"

The reason why Wei Hong contacted him was not because Xiao Tian went to Penglai Fairy Island alone. Wei Hong was worried about Xiao Tian's accident and only then found him to see if he had any solutions?

And after he received Wei Hong's call, he begged Dao Xuanji to come to Penglai Xiandao together, so Xiao Tian was the most likely to make all of this!


"Brother Xiao is younger than me, isn't it true that he has stepped into the legendary realm of human immortality?" Wei Langxuan said in disbelief.

"Not necessarily," Dao Xuanji shook his head, and said in a deep voice, "It is also possible that Xiao Tian's elders made the move, but whoever it is can destroy Penglai Immortal Island in a short time, I am afraid that it is at least the existence of the immortal realm. , This kind of existence cannot be offended in any way!"

As the law enforcement elder of Chunyang Palace in Zhongnan Mountain, Daoxuanji knew that there were old monsters in the fairyland realm hidden in Chunyang Palace, so Daoxuanji knew very well how strong the old monsters in the fairyland realm were!

The old monsters in the immortal realm, in today’s cultivation sects, are the sacred needles of the sea, frightening the existence of all directions, but because of the limitation of life span and the reason why the spiritual energy of the world is becoming thinner, these old monsters will not survive until the sect’s survival. Shot!

Dao Xuanji is also very clear about what a human immortal master who can shoot at will represents!

"Langxuan, contact your grandfather and say that I want to see the Daoist Xiao Tian he said," Dao Xuanji thought for a while and said to Wei Langxuan.

However, Xiao Tian used his own strength to destroy the Penglai Fairy Island, and he was able to do all this by relying on the elders of the sect. It is enough to prove that Xiao Tian is extraordinary. Dao Xuanji would like to meet this mysterious Daoist Xiao Tian. It would be great to be able to form a good relationship.

Chapter 735 Designated Identity Card!

Xiao Tian naturally did not know these episodes after he left. After returning to the manor in the depths of Wuliang Mountain, Xiao Tian activated the Zhaowu Xuanguang Formation and then returned to the backyard of the manor, sitting at the stone table not far from the roots of the flat peach. The properties panel is called.

Name: Xiao Tian

Race: Terran

Cultivation: the peak of the immortal!

Gongfa: Nine-turn Immortal Body (third layer)

Teacher's point: 1500

Reputation: 600000

Disciple: Yang Guo, Xiao Feng, Wang Yuyan, Baguio, Lin Jingyu, Xiao Li, Dragon Kwai, Zi Xuan

Saint Master’s exclusive skills: [Shien] [Shiwei]


"The system turns all prestige into mentorship points," Xiao Tian told the system in his heart.

As soon as the voice fell, the number in the prestige column on the attribute panel was quickly cleared, and the teacher point became 7500.

"Really young," Xiao Tian shook his head rather disgustingly, a little speechless.

The third level of the fusion of the rank nine immortal body requires him a full 10,000 mentor points, and I don’t know how many mentor points are needed for the fourth level to successfully merge!

When he opened the system mall with his hand, Xiao Tian's gaze suddenly condensed, his eyes became fierce, and he asked in his heart: "System, is there such thing in the mall?"

In the first row of the system mall, there is a card that exudes a strong rhyme, and the introduction of the mall is only a short sentence——

[Designated ID Card]: 500 teacher points, consumables, the host can designate the identity of the next trip through the world.

(Note: The identity obtained by the host through the designated identity card will not affect the normal triggering of main tasks and special tasks!)

Although the introduction given by the system is not long, Xiao Tian understands what a huge opportunity is hidden under this simple introduction!

In other words, if Xiao Tian had a designated identity card before, he could completely designate his identity as Gu Yuan’s master or Soul Tiandi’s master, in order to borrow the ancient and soul clan's huge resources.

But this identity will not be tied to Xiao Tian's main task, that is to say, this is equivalent to Xiao Tian without spending a little bit of effort, to have one more apprentice who can trigger a special task!

What's more, this [Designated ID Card] is not expensive, 500 mentor points are nothing for Xiao Tian today, so Xiao Tian did not hesitate at all, and immediately bought this [Designated ID Card].

"Host, please note that the current level of the designated ID card is too low and can only be effective for lower planes. If the host wants to be effective for higher planes, please purchase a higher-level designated ID card," I bought it on Xiao Tian [Designated ID Card] At the moment, the system prompt sounded in his mind.

"That's it, but it has no effect," Xiao Tian said indifferently.

It takes a full 5000 mentor points to open a medium plane randomly. He doesn't want to put all the mentor points into the open plane authority now.

"Purchase random low-level fantasy plane permissions," Xiao Tian thought for a while and ordered in his heart.

As his voice fell, the only remaining 7000 shien points instantly became 5500, and at the same time a dice with a large number of pictures appeared out of thin air, spinning in front of Xiao Tian.

"System, just tell me which plane it is next time," Xiao Tian shook his head and said helplessly, "Stop!"

The dice that was originally spinning quickly stayed still in place, and seeing the picture on it, Xiao Tian's expression suddenly became a little weird.

Chapter 736 Going to Douluo Continent!

"System, what should I do with the spirit ring if I go to this plane?" Xiao Tian asked the system in his heart speechlessly.

Because what he just pulled out was not another plane, it was the Douluo continent plane, a world that relied on various martial arts to fight!

On the Douluo Continent, the simplest criterion for evaluating strength is to look at the spirit power level and the age of the spirit ring!

Xiao Tian has nothing to worry about at the spirit power level. With the strength of the other's immortal pinnacle, even if he does not reach the god level, he is still properly titled Douluo level, but this spirit ring is a bit uncomfortable. It is impossible for him to go to Douluo. How many great soul beasts in the mainland hunted and absorbed the soul ring?

"Do not worry about the host, the system will automatically match the corresponding spirit ring according to the host's strength." The system quickly answered.

"That's it," Xiao Tian nodded slightly, took out the [Designated ID Card] he had just bought, and poured his spiritual power into it.

[Designated ID Card] A burst of change, turned into a line of flowing text, appeared in front of Xiao Tian——

Please choose a designated identity: A. Blue Silver Emperor A Yin’s master B. Vast Sky Douluo Tang Chen’s best friend C. Seagod Island owner Bo Saixi’s fellow brother

The corners of Xiao Tian's mouth twitched twice. There are too few identities to choose. Besides, what the hell is this option? Why is it all related to the older generation?!

"The options given by the designated identity card are linked to the host's strength. The host's current strength is equivalent to that of a peerless titled Douluo at level ninety-nine of the Douluo continent. Therefore, the options given by the designated identity card are comparable to those of the older generation Hook up." Perceiving Xiao Tian's doubts, the system quickly responded.

"That's it," Xiao Tian was relieved, and immediately raised his hand and clicked on the option A column. The flowing text floating in front of Xiao Tian instantly bounced, turning into countless light spots and falling on Xiao Tian.

"That's it?" Xiao Tian raised his eyebrows and said silently, "Send me to Douluo Continent."

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