God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 324

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Tian was wrapped in a burst of white light. In a moment, the white light dissipated, and Xiao Tian's figure disappeared in the manor...


Douluo Continent, the edge of the Star Dou Great Forest.

Numerous powerful men with amazing strength surrounded the edge of the Star Dou Great Forest. All of them wore uniform costumes and looked cold, like a well-trained army.

If an outsider sees the logo on these people's clothes, they will understand that these people are all from the huge monsters on the mainland that can compete with the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire-Wuhun Palace!

"Tang Hao, hand over the 100,000-year soul beast next to you, and use it for yourself. I can still see it for the sake of the Clear Sky School and let you make a living!"

In the endless forest, a man wearing a pale gold robe and a golden crown, with a cold expression, looked at the two people who were supporting each other and said coldly.

"Chihiro Ji!" Opposite the man in the golden robe, a burly, bare-chested, muscular, angular man holding a pitch-black sledgehammer, said every word: "I want to move Ah Yin, unless I step on my body. past!"

"Stubbornly stubborn!" Qianxunji's face suddenly sank, and a phantom seraph angel appeared behind him, coldly shouting: "In that case, I will fulfill you!"

As he spoke, nine top-matched spirit rings appeared behind him, and the eighth spirit ring suddenly lit up. There was a divine light flashing in the eyes of the phantom Seraphim, holding a big sword, facing Tang Hao cut down!

Chapter 737 Hey, stop!

Tang Hao was not afraid, eight spirit rings hovered behind him, and the first yellow spirit ring suddenly exploded. The majestic spirit power filled Tang Hao’s limbs, and he waved the Clear Sky Hammer and smashed towards Qian Xun. !

This is the profound meaning of the Vast Sky School’s divine skill-Osumi Hammer. The spirit ring will be exploded. After the ring is exploded, the spirit ring’s power will be fully burst out, instantly turning into its own power, blending into the attack, and producing Going far beyond one's own original powerful force.

When exploding the ring, the higher the quality of the spirit ring, the greater the effect.

But this is also Osumi Hammer's desperate skill, which cannot be easily used if it is not a last resort.

Because each spirit ring can only launch one attack, when all spirit rings pass through the explosive ring, the user himself will also enter a weak state.

Moreover, it is extremely dangerous to blow the ring. If the control is not good, the ability of the ring can not be suppressed by its own ability, and it may be eaten by the energy of the ring.

The Clear Sky Hammer quickly turned into a huge hammer the size of a hill, and the hammer head fell towards Qianxunji.

Qianxunji let out a cold snort, put his hands together into a sword, and the seventh spirit ring behind him suddenly lit up. Qianxunji's figure disappeared, leaving only a seraph in the air. The flame surrounds the holy sword, as if to burn everything!

The Clear Sky Hammer and the Holy Sword collided with each other, making a terrifying sound of air explosion, and the strong fluctuations spread in all directions, destroying the surrounding trees.

Tang Hao was forced to take a few steps backwards by the majestic power. He was second and third behind him. Two spirit rings, one yellow and one purple, suddenly exploded. Under the infusion of the majestic spirit power, Tang Hao actually swung the Clear Sky hammer again. , Hit the Seraphim hard!

"Yueguan! Ghosts! I hold Tang Hao, and you two will take down the one hundred thousand year old soul beast!" The holy sword in the Seraphim's hand was pointed diagonally, just to the side of Ah Yin.

As soon as Qianxunji's voice fell, two figures, one yellow and one black, sprang out of the dense forest, with nine spirit rings shining with cold colors, one left and the other right towards Ah Yin.

"A Yin!" Tang Hao's expression suddenly changed. He was fourth and fifth behind him. Two spirit rings, one purple and one black, exploded at the same time. His figure suddenly appeared in front of A Yin, and the Clear Sky Hammer carried a terrifying power toward the left. Road black shadow fell!

The dark shadow on the left uttered a screaming scream, and flew out, hitting a big tree with several people in a hug.

"Old ghost!" Seeing this scene, the yellow figure on the right was frightened and angry, and a strange chrysanthemum appeared in his hand. With a strong wave, yellow light fell, covering Tang Hao and Ah Yin.

At the same time, the ninth spirit ring behind Qian Xunji instantly surged, and the majestic spirit power fluctuations gushed out of him, and the holy sword in his hand burned with a raging flame, slashing it in the light of Tang Hao and Ah Yin!

Tang Hao's eyes were about to split, and the three black spirit rings left behind him instantly exploded. A ray of blood shed from the corner of his mouth, but Tang Hao didn't care. The Clear Sky Hammer in his hand swelled in the wind, as if the sky was falling, toward the six wings. The angel smashed!

"This can't stop me!" The Seraph shook his head, the holy sword slashed on the Clear Sky Hammer, and the aftermath directly flew Tang Hao out.

Speaking of fighting alone, even if he has already stepped into Title Douluo, he may not be able to take over Tang Hao's chaotic cloak hammering method with only 89 spirit power.

But now, with Ah Yin's attention constraining Tang Hao, an 89-level Contra can't turn the sky, even if this Contra is the most outstanding descendant of the Clear Sky School!

"Hundred thousand year soul beast, I hope that the soul bone I need will appear this time," the Seraphim, holding the angel's holy sword, walked towards Ah Yin step by step.

Although Tang Hao on the side wanted to stop him, because of the ring-exploding backlash and Qian Xun Ji's attack, he was now at the end of the crossbow, and he had no ability to stop it!

"Hao, take good care of our son!" A Yin looked at Tang Hao, with endless tenderness in his eyes, and at the same time there was a faint blood flame burning on his body!

"No, she wants to sacrifice, stop him!" The Seraphim's expression changed, and he quickly ordered. As he spoke, the holy sword in Seraphim's hand slashed towards Ah Yin, obviously intending to kill her!

"Oh, stop." Seeing the angel's holy sword quickly fall on Ah Yin, a sigh suddenly resounded across the edge of the star-doug forest, and a white figure appeared quietly.

Chapter 738: The Name of Xiao Tian!

With the appearance of the white figure, everything around it seemed to be still, and the blood flame burning on Ah Yin's body was also suppressed by some inexplicable force. The original irreversible sacrifice was interrupted by Shengsheng!

As for Chihiro Ji, it was the instant that the white figure appeared, the Wuhun real body was broken, and she fell to the spot, looking pale at the white figure that suddenly appeared.

"Master, why are you here?" A Yin quickly asked when seeing a figure in white clothes appearing, with a little surprise on Qiao's face.

This white figure naturally crossed to Xiao Tian on the Douluo plane. Because of the [Designated Identity Card], although Xiao Tian had not triggered the main quest on the Douluo plane, he was already a one-hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast Ah Yin. Master.

"I said, don't run around until Tang Hao breaks through the ninetieth level of spirit power, it's not that there is no spirit beast in the Star Dou Great Forest to kill you to obtain spirit rings."

Xiao Tian glanced at A Yin, and said with an aura: "If I don't come today, you and Tang Hao must explain at least one!"

A humiliated expression appeared on Ah Yin's face, and he whispered, "Isn't this to find a suitable spirit ring for Hao? Who knows that it will be blocked by the people in the Spirit Hall."

Xiao Tian shook his head, his eyes fell on Tang Hao, and he said coldly: "Tang Hao boy, what did I say when I handed A Yin to you, do you remember?"

Tang Hao clutched his chest and stood up, nodding hard.

"Hmph! I think you forgot all!" Xiao Tian snorted coldly, with a bad tone: "Otherwise, why would you be fooling around with A Yin! I remember that I said that the Spirit Hall has been moving frequently recently and you need to obtain the spirit ring. Just find the soul beast in the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest, where there are Titan Giant Apes and Sky Blue Bull Pythons, no one dares to come near!"

"Senior Xiao, I..." Tang Hao was speechless, not knowing what to say.

"I'll find you to settle the account later!" Xiao Tian glanced at Tang Hao, then his gaze fell on Qianxunji, and said every word: "Boy, rely on the strength of Title Douluo to besiege my apprentice, you are brave It's not small, how about I play with you?"

While he was speaking, nine bloody red spirit rings rose slowly behind Xiao Tian, ​​floating behind him like a scorching sun.

"Nine or nine hundred thousand year spirit rings!" The Ghost Douluo, who had just woke up, saw this scene and was immediately frightened.

And Ju Douluo Yueguan, who had made a sneak attack before, also looked pale, and looked at Xiao Tian with the same look of a monster.

On the contrary, Qian Xun Ji seemed to think of something, his face suddenly changed, and he said in amazement, "Nine hundred thousand year spirit rings, unknown spirits, you are Xiao Tian!"

Chihiro Ji remembered that his father, Qian Daoliu, had fought a mysterious strong man in the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest. The two had three moves, regardless of victory or defeat, but Qian Daoliu bluntly stated that he was defeated after returning to the Spirit Hall. Up.

Because of the three moves, the mysterious powerhouse did not use Martial Soul, but Qian Daoliu had already used the Angel Sword!

The news that Qianxunji learned from Qian Daoliu was that the mysterious powerhouse called himself Xiao Tian, ​​and all nine spirit rings were one hundred thousand year spirit rings!

"You have some eyes," Xiao Tian looked at Qianxunji in a calm tone: "Yes, I am Xiao Tian, ​​dare to take action against my apprentice, let me talk about it, how to solve it, if I can't give it to my satisfaction Program……"

Xiao Tian looked around and said in a cold tone, "This is a good place to bury the bones!"

Chapter 739 Let Qian Daoliu Lead People!

Qianxunji's face immediately turned pale when he heard Xiao Tian's words. He knew very well that others might be afraid of the behemoth Wuhun Hall, but this one...

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