God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 336

Not to mention that Tang San's father is Clear Sky Douluo, the youngest titled Douluo in the mainland, even if Tang San only has a Clear Sky Hammer spirit, the future will be smooth.

What's more, Tang San's own talent is even more amazing. Not to mention his innate soul power, he is the third twin spirit in a century, and both spirits are rare top martial spirits!

The Clear Sky Hammer in his left hand, the world's number one martial soul, is extremely powerful.

The Blue Silver Emperor with his right hand is a rare martial arts soul. Listening to Tang Hao's description, I am afraid it has a great restraint effect on the martial arts spirit and soul beast of the plant system!

Tang San was watched by everyone, even if he was a human for two lives, he couldn't resist the fierce gaze from all directions, and quickly left the martial arts field with Xiao Wu.

After Tang San and Xiao Wu left, even though the spirit awakening continued, the disciples of the Clear Sky School around were obviously out of interest, and disciples of the Clear Sky School left from time to time.

That said, it was Tai Xiong's innate soul power jewel in front, and then Xiao Wu's innate twentieth level soul power. It was not until the surrounding Clear Sky School disciples could digest these two news.

Immediately after that was Tang San's congenital full spirit power, and he was still a rare twin spirit!

With these three accidents, the spirit awakening of those Haotian sects with innate spirit power of eight or nine or even six or seven levels and four disciples of single attributes naturally did not attract them that much.

Not only the disciples of the Clear Sky School around, but even the elders of the Clear Sky School who presided over the awakening of the Martial Spirit were somewhat absent-minded. As for the new generations who were about to awaken the Martial Spirit, they had an expression of crying without tears.

In the past, the Wutian Sect of the Clear Sky School had awakened its martial soul. As long as the direct disciples of the Clear Sky School had awakened the ninth level of innate spirit power, they were already eye-catching.

Who ever thought that three freaks appeared directly this time!

Naturally, Tang San and Xiao Wu didn't know the aspirations of the new generation of Clear Sky School. The two soon came to the valley behind Clear Sky School and found A Yin who was cooking the flower garden here.

"Xiao San, Xiao Wu, are you here?" A Yin put down the kettle in his hand, looked at Tang San and Xiao Wu, and smiled: "Xiao San's martial arts awakening is complete? What martial arts, Clear Sky Hammer or Blue Silver Emperor? "

She was cultivated into a human form by a 100,000-year soul beast, and she had accepted Xiao Tian's guidance. Although she was not as broad as the master, she was not much worse than the master.

"Godmother, you are partial." Before Tang San could speak, Xiao Wu rushed to A Yin, holding A Yin's arm and said coquettishly: "You only ask what martial spirit Brother has awakened, and you don't care about Xiao Wu. "

A Yin knocked on Xiao Wu's head, and said with an aura: "Your godmother, I am also a 100,000-year-old soul beast cultivator. Can I still be unclear about your situation? It's nothing more than innate soul power."

"Godmother, you guessed it wrong," Xiao Wu said triumphantly: "I have the 20th level of innate soul power."

A Yin was speechless, shook his head, and asked, "What about your brother?"

She knew Xiao Wu's situation, so she didn't show the slightest surprise. In fact, if Xiao Wu was willing, it would not be difficult for her to create a twentieth level of innate spirit power.

"Brother, he is a twin spirit," Xiao Wu didn't sell Guanzi, and said immediately: "Two spirits, one is the Clear Sky Hammer, and the other is Godmother your Blue Silver Emperor. As for spirit power, brother is also innate. Full of soul power."

After listening to Xiao Wu's words, Ah Yin couldn't help being stunned for a while, and then he came back to his senses and was pleasantly surprised: "I can't think that Xiao San turned out to be a twin martial soul. In this way, Xiao San is likely to have a chance to hit the 100th level, an unprecedented achievement God level!"

Chapter 769: A Hundred-level God!

A Yin was very clear about the idea of ​​becoming a god at the hundredth level, otherwise she would not choose to give up the 100,000-year cultivation base and transform into a human form.

You must know that the difficulty of soul beasts wanting to become gods is not ordinary, and even the deep-sea devil whale king, who has the longest known cultivation base and has reached a million years, has never become a god.

And for the cultivation base to reach a million years, it would take ten full calamities, and the difficulty is simply not what ordinary people can imagine!

Therefore, after the cultivation base reached one hundred thousand years, Ah Yin decisively chose to abandon the once invincible cultivation base, transform into a human form and start over again, in order to hit the 100th level.

But becoming a god at a hundred levels is not that simple. Since she has cultivated into a human form, she has seen too many amazing talents of Tianjiao.

Among other things, the three major limit Douluo in the mainland nowadays, whether it is Tang Chen, Qian Daoliu, or the Seagod Island’s Bo Saixi, are all natural resources.

However, even they are still stuck at the level of ninety-nine titled Douluo, and they are far away from the hundredth level.

Even Tang Hao, the youngest Title Douluo in the mainland, couldn't guarantee the chance to hit the 100th rank.

Therefore, A Yin was not too sure whether he could reach the 100th level, but hearing Tang San's twin martial spirits and innate full spirit power, A Yin couldn't help but expect a little bit more in his heart.

The congenital full spirit power represented Tang San's extraordinary talents, while the twin martial souls represented Tang San's infinite possibilities in the future, and could even embark on a path that no one had ever walked before.

"Little San, you will be with Xiao Wu in the past two days and listen to Master's guidance," A Yin quickly calmed down, and said to Tang San, "After your Master comes back, I will ask him to give you pointers."

What Ah Yin said was naturally Xiao Tian who was rushing from the far north to the Clear Sky School.

If Tang San was innately full of spirit power, A Yin didn't intend to disturb Xiao Tian, ​​but in the face of the current situation, A Yin didn't think anyone could be more suitable to teach Tang San than Xiao Tian!

"Goddamn, what about me?" Xiao Wu immediately hugged A Yin's arm when she heard the words, and said coquettishly.

"Go mother, try it," A Yin nodded helplessly, and immediately exhorted: "But you don't have too much hope. Your mother also met Master at the beginning, but Master didn't want to accept an apprentice. I'm afraid Master. I may not agree to give you personal advice."

A Yin knew very well about Xiao Tian's temperament. Although his master was strong, but he was also a little lazy, otherwise Xiao Tian would not have thrown Tang San and Xiao Wu to the master to teach.

It's just that the twin martial spirits are very important, and Ah Yin is still a little worried about the master, his junior, so he wanted to try to see if Xiao Tian could teach Tang San himself.

Xiao Wu pursed her mouth when she heard the words, but didn't say anything. In the years in Shenghun Village, she also had some understanding of Xiao Tian's temper and knew that Senior Xiao was not a good talker.

"These two children, I have handed them over to the master, so I won't overstep them," at this moment, a very calm voice suddenly came not far away.

A Yin and the others followed their reputations, only to find that Xiao Tian had already appeared in this valley at some point, leaning against a thick tree hugged by the two, with a faint smile on his face.

"Master, how did you come in?" Ah Yin was taken aback for a moment and asked immediately.

The Clear Sky School is heavily guarded. Unidentified people can't even enter the villages at the foot of Clear Sky School, let alone enter Clear Sky School.

Chapter 770 Xiao Tian's Arrival!

Xiao Tian couldn’t help being speechless. He took out a sign from the ring and shook it in front of Ah Yin. The signs on the sign had six patterns, namely a sword, a hammer, a crown, an incomplete human figure, a dragon and a flower. chrysanthemum.

"I forgot that Hao's Heaven Dou Sixth Emperor is in your hands, Master. Most of the Haotian Sect disciples and elders are concentrated in the martial arts field, and no one will stop you from Master," A Yin said suddenly.

Although the Clear Sky School is the number one sect in the world, the face of the Wuhun Palace must be given.

For those holding the spirit hall elder order, the elders of the Clear Sky Sect and Tang Hao and others can dismiss it, but the disciples of the Clear Sky Sect and the four single-attribute disciples below do not dare to neglect.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Xiao Tian to enter the Clear Sky Sect. Moreover, the valley behind the Clear Sky Sect is not a forbidden place. Xiao Tian holds the Heaven Dou Six Emperor's card and can naturally flow unimpeded.

"I heard what you said just now," Xiao Tian didn't get too entangled in this issue, shook his head, and said calmly: "Since I have handed Xiao San and Xiao Wu to your junior to teach, I won't overstep it."

"But Master," A Yin was a little anxious. "Even though he has made great achievements in martial arts theory, his spirit power is only twenty-ninth level after all!"

"This is also the reason why I came to the Clear Sky School this time to find you first, not your junior," Xiao Tian smiled and said: "I have found a way to improve your junior's spirit power and aptitude. , It’s just almost blindly cited."

"Yaoyin?" Ah Yin was puzzled, and immediately asked, "What kind of medicine?"

"A drop of your blood," Xiao Tian pointed to Ah Yin, and explained: "You are the blue silver emperor's human form, with extremely powerful self-repair ability. Your blood inherits this characteristic and is most suitable for use as an adjuvant. "

Ah Yin didn't hesitate at all, pointing his right hand into a knife, and passing it across the palm of his left hand, a drop of blue-gold blood slipped and was taken by Xiao Tian, ​​and then put it into a jade bottle.

The wound on Ah Yin's hand healed instantly, with no scratches visible.

"Master, there aren't many treasures that can enhance soul power, can I take a look?" At this moment, Tang San, who had not said anything, suddenly looked at Xiao Tian with a little curiosity on his face.

He is really curious. Although he has been a human for two lives, he did not belong to this world in his previous life. Even now, he is ignorant of this world.

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