God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 337

He also didn't know whether some of the things he knew in his previous life could work in this world.

Xiao Tian's hand received the ring brilliance for a flash, and a faint blue blade of grass exuding amazing aura appeared in Xiao Tian's hand. Tang San's eyes condensed, and a shocking color flashed in his eyes.

Seeing Tang San's expression, Xiao Tian smiled and said lightly: "Since your kid is curious, then go meet your uncle with me, A Yin Xiaowu, will you go there together?"

"I won't go," A Yin shook his head and smiled: "The flowers in this garden have not been watered yet."

Although she was also curious about what means Xiao Tian planned to use to help the master improve his aptitude and soul power, Xiao Tian's subsequent questioning seemed very perfunctory, and it was obvious that this teacher did not want to bring herself and Xiao Wu.

A Yin guessed that Xiao Tian might have something to tell Tang San, so he immediately refused to go with Xiao Tian.

Xiao Wu also shook her head when she saw this, grabbed A Yin's arm, and smiled: "I'm here with Godmother."

Chapter 771 Xiao Tian and Tang San!

Xiao Tian didn't say much when he heard the words, and immediately took Tang San out of the valley to find the master.

On the way, Tang San looked a little hesitant, and he hesitated for a while before asking: "Master, what you showed me just now is Jiu Xuan Tong Luo Grass, right?"

The "Xuantianbaolu" recorded the information of Jiuxuantongluocao, but he had no idea that there was such a spiritual grass in this world.

Therefore, he didn't know if what Xiao Tian had just brought out was the Jiuxuan Tongluo Grass or just other spirit grasses that looked more like Jiu Xuan Tongluo Grass.

"It is indeed the Nine Profound Tongluo Grass," Xiao Tian nodded slightly and smiled: "Since you know the Nine Profound Tongluo Grass, you should understand what this kind of spirit grass does."

Tang San nodded silently, and after a while, he asked in a low voice, "Master, I...may I ask a question?"

He has always been curious about the origins of Xiao Tian, ​​especially when he was secretly practising "Xuan Tian Gong" when he was a child. Xiao Tian found out, but Xiao Tian showed no other expressions at all, not even surprised, as if he had already expected it. .

During the time when Shenghun Village was with Xiao Tian, ​​he even discovered the difference between Xiao Tian and the rest of the world. The most important point was that Xiao Tian had extremely terrifying insights on how to improve spirit power.

Whether it is opening the meridians or taking the treasures of heaven, material and earth, they have not been developed by people in this world. For people in this world, they can only rely on meditation and fighting to improve their spirit power.

Therefore, he also had some doubts in his heart, and he had guessed the origin of Xiao Tian more than once.

Before he thought about it, Xiao Tian was probably a descendant from a certain terrorist force, and that force was hidden deep on the mainland, as far as Wuhun Hall, the two empires, and the seven sects were not even noticed!

"Ask," Xiao Tian said without turning back.

"Tao Sun wants to know, Master, you...what exactly is it?" Tang San approached Xiao Tian and cautiously said: "Master, you called me out alone this time, maybe you have something to confess to me alone?"

Xiao Tian paused, turned his head, looked at Tang San with a serious face, seeing Tang San's scalp tingling for a while.

After a while, Xiao Tian added a faint smile on his face, nodded, and smiled: "It seems that you have guessed, and I have the same origin as you."

Tang San's heart trembled, not knowing whether Xiao Tian was testing himself or he really came from a different world like him, so even though Tang San was shocked in his heart, his face was blank, and said in doubt: "Master, you said What, what is my background? Are you really a descendant of some hidden power?"

"You kid don't have to sloppy eyes with me," Xiao Tian shook his head and laughed. He looked around, and said directly: "I am from another world just like you, but in my world, Tang Sect has become history."

Xiao Tian's voice suddenly sounded in his mind, Tang San was startled first, and then a deep fear appeared on his face.

Not only did Xiao Tian explain his origins in one word, he even revealed his identity as a disciple of the Tang Sect in his previous life!

If he could easily reveal the biggest secret in his heart, how exactly did Xiao Tian exist?

"Don't be nervous," Xiao Tian shook his head and said, "If I am malicious to you, no one can protect you. The reason for telling you this is to let you feel at ease and learn from the master. After all, he is the world. The aboriginal people of China know better than us about martial arts and soul power cultivation."

Chapter 772 The idea of ​​the elder of the Haotian School!

Tang San was stunned when he heard the words, and then a little speechless.

Xiao Tian made such a big move and broke his origins just to tell him this?

"Tui Sun understands," but speechless, Tang San nodded at Xiao Tian, ​​respectfully.

If before this, Tang San was still looking forward to Xiao Tian being able to point him, after all, Xiao Tian was a truly titled Douluo, his strength was unfathomable, and his understanding of this world would definitely be far better than himself.

But now...

Tang San guessed that Xiao Tian's strength might be that he had the strength he has now before coming to this world, and might even be stronger, but because of the limitations of this world, it became what he saw.

Under such circumstances, Xiao Tian personally pointed him out to open his horizons, and even found a path different from the mainstream of this world.

But in contrast, a teacher who knows the world's cultivation system better will be more effective for him now!

"It's okay to understand, let me go to the master," Xiao Tian nodded and walked towards the martial arts field.

Tang San hurriedly followed, and from time to time along the way, he could meet the disciples of the Clear Sky School whose spirits had been awakened. All these disciples of the Clear Sky School looked at Tang San with envy.

Soon, the two went to the martial arts field and saw Tang Hao and Master surrounded by several Haotianzong elders.

"Young Sect Master, the young master has amazing talents. You don't need to teach it yourself. How can you give the young master to a great soul master to teach?"

An elder of Clear Sky School complained.

He has heard the name of the master, but what about it?

It's just a mutated waste martial arts soul that was removed from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family. Whether it is hoped to break through to the 30th level of soul in this life is a question, so how can you teach Tang San such a arrogant?

Among other things, relying on the master's strength, how could he lead Tang San out to practice, and how could he lead Tang San to hunt down the soul beast he needed?

"Yes," another Haotianzong elder echoed: "Young Sect Master, although the master is unmatched in martial arts theory, but that is a theory after all. In case there is something wrong with the master's theory, then the young master can It's ruined!"

After awakening his spirit, Tang San has been regarded by the elders of the Clear Sky School as the hope of the rise of Clear Sky School.

Think about it, when Tang San stepped into the titled Douluo realm, with the powerful combat power of twin spirits, Haotian Sect might not be able to reach a new height under the leadership of Tang San and Tang Hao's father and son!

Therefore, they will try their best to eliminate any factors that may affect Tang San's development!

The first thing that was ruled out was to let Tang San be the master's disciple and accept the master's teaching!

The idea of ​​the Haotianzong elders was to let Tang Hao teach Tang San himself, if not, then the elders of them would teach Tang San personally. In short, Tang San shouldn't make any difference!


Hearing the words of several Haotianzong elders, Xiao Tian looked at Tang San with some playfulness, and then coughed twice.

The Haotianzong elder who had been persuading Tang Hao and Tang Hao and the master turned their heads at the same time.

Several Haotianzong elders still had doubts on their faces, they were guessing the identity of Xiao Tian, ​​but Tang Hao and Master had already respected Xiao Tian: "Senior Xiao/Teacher!"

"What's the situation?" Xiao Tian pointed to a few elders of the Haotian School, and asked Tang Hao.

Tang Hao was a little bit more embarrassed when he heard that, he hesitated, and then smiled bitterly: "Senior Xiao, Xiao San has awakened twin martial arts, and is born with full spirit power, so the elders felt that giving Xiao San to the master to teach might be I delayed the junior..."

Chapter 773 Second Elder Tang Town!

The elder of the Clear Sky School saw that Tang Hao was so respectful to Xiao Tian, ​​and did not react for a while. After a while, one of the elders of the Clear Sky School recovered, looked at Xiao Tian, ​​and said silently, "Senior Xiao? Could it be that you are Xiao Tian?!"

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