God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 338

As the elder of the Clear Sky Sect, I have naturally heard of Xiao Tian, ​​the mysterious master who defeated Qian Daoliu twice, not to mention that Xiao Tian and Tang Hao are also related, and these elders of the Clear Sky Sect will naturally not fail to pay attention.

But none of them thought that the legendary Xiao Tian would suddenly appear in the Clear Sky Sect.

"Yes, I am Xiao Tian," Xiao Tian nodded, looked at the elder of the Haotian Sect who was talking, and asked, "I wonder if you are?"

"I am Tang Zhen, the second elder of the Haotian School," Tang Zhen looked at Xiao Tian and solemnly said: "I have heard of Mr. Xiao's name for a long time. I originally thought that Mr. Xiao should be as old as me, or even older than me.

But now it seems that I underestimated the hero of the world. If you let outsiders know about Mr. Xiao's age, I am afraid that the so-called title of the youngest titled Douluo on the mainland would be lost."

He was telling the truth. Xiao Tian looked like he was only in his twenties, but he was already able to defeat the Great Envoy of the Spirit Hall, a level ninety-nine limit Douluo Qiandaoliu. Doesn't this mean that Xiao Tian is about twenty years old? Have you stepped into the realm of Title Douluo?

In contrast, Tang Hao, who had only stepped into the titled Douluo realm at the age of forty-four, was a mediocre person!

As for their age, those who still haven't been able to break through the titled Douluo realm, I am afraid they can only be regarded as waste!

"Second elder joked," Xiao Tian shook his head and said lightly: "My situation is rather special, it's nothing, Tang Hao's talent is really good..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Tian turned around and asked: "I seemed to have heard you arguing about Tang San, who should teach this kid?"

While speaking, Xiao Tian pointed to Tang San next to him, and his eyes fell on Tang Zhen, the second elder of the Haotian School, causing Tang Zhen to stand up unconsciously.

"Senior Xiao also knows what the twin martial souls and the twin martial souls that are born with full soul power represent. Although the master is your disciple, no one can match in martial arts theory, but if you want to teach Xiaosan this child, I am afraid some Not satisfactory..."

Tang Zhen was watched by Xiao Tian, ​​just as if he was being stared at by a terrifying one-hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast, but thinking of Tang San's amazing talent, Tang Zhen had to bite the bullet.

"Then what do you think, if I teach Tang San?" Xiao Tian looked at Tang Zhen, his face a little more playful.

"Even Qian Daoliu is defeated in your hands. If Senior Xiao you are willing to teach Xiao San, the junior will naturally have nothing to say," Tang Zhen said with a serious expression looking at Xiao Tian.

He knew very well what strength Qian Daoliu was. He was able to fight with his uncle, Clear Sky Sect as the supreme master, and the ninety-nine-level limit Douluo Tang Chen. Even if he loses in the end, his strength should never be underestimated.

Xiao Tian's ability to defeat Qian Daoliu twice was enough to prove how strong his strength was. Under such circumstances, if Xiao Tian was willing to teach Tang San, Tang Zhen would naturally not say much.

"Haha..." Xiao Tian smiled unclearly when he heard the words, looked at Tang Zhen, shook his head and sighed: "Then you missed the real Baoshan.

As far as teaching students and studying Wuhun, I am far worse than masters."

Hearing this, Tang Zhen couldn't help being speechless, and finally stalked his neck and said: "But the master's strength is indeed too weak. In case the master takes the junior out to practice, in the event of danger, is it possible to have the minor third to protect?"

Chapter 774: Washing the essence and cutting the marrow, soaring soul power (Part 1)!

Xiao Tian heard the words with a slightly unclear smile on his face, and said casually: "Can I understand the words of the second elders as long as the master is strong enough, you will not object to giving Tang San this kid to the master to teach ?"

"Not bad!" Tang Zhen thought for a while and nodded.

They are very clear about the situation of the master. Innate only half-level soul power, but they are barely able to cultivate soul power. The twenty-ninth-level great soul master is probably the peak that the master can reach. Otherwise, in the past few decades, how can the master not have the least Breakthrough?

This is also the reason why Tang Zhen is still willing to step on it even if he knows that Xiao Tian is setting himself up.

He didn't think anyone could change the fate of the master against the sky, let him break through the realm of the great soul master, and reach the soul sect or even higher level!

Not even Xiao Tian!

"In that case..." Xiao Tian smiled and said to Tang Zhen: "Then use the noble sect martial arts field, and the second elder of the trouble should go down and let the Haotianzong disciples stay away from the martial arts field for the time being."

Although Tang Zhen was a little unclear about his reasons, Xiao Tian just borrowed the martial arts field for a while. He could completely call the shots of such trivial matters, so he agreed without hesitation.

After that, the elder of the Clear Sky School next to Tang Zhenchong nodded his head, and the elder of the Clear Sky School walked outside the martial arts arena.

Xiao Tian smiled when he saw it, and the brilliance of the ring flashed in his hand, and a jade bottle containing a drop of Ah Yin's blood and nine blades of Nine Profound Tongluo Grass appeared in his hand.

"Take it, listen to my instructions before taking it," Xiao Tian handed the jade bottle and Jiuxuan Tongluo grass to the master, and said lightly.

The master took two things, with a little doubt on his face.

Even if his research on martial souls is unmatched, but he still doesn't understand what Xiao Tian intends to do, is it possible that Xiao Tian is so confident that only these nine blades of grass can increase his spirit power?

Tang Zhen on the side was also a little puzzled. He didn't know what Xiao Tian meant by taking out these nine blades of grass. Is it possible that Xiao Tian planned to use these nine blades of grass to improve his cultivation?

If this is the case, didn't he live on a dog for the first half of his life in Tang Town?!

Xiao Tian didn't say much, his right hand volleyed in the void, and a few simple patterns of the spirit gathering formation appeared out of thin air, covering the martial arts field.

"Sit in the middle of the martial arts field, then swallow the drop of blood in the jade bottle, and then begin to meditate," Master Xiao Tianchong said after setting up the formation.

The master did not hesitate at all, and immediately followed Xiao Tian's statement.

Seeing the master's actions, Xiao Tian then turned his gaze on Tang Zhen and the others, and said: "Second elder, and the other elders, Tang Hao, Xiaosan, you first retreat to the edge of the martial arts field."

Although Tang Zhen and the others were puzzled, they didn't say much. They walked to the edge of the martial arts field and stood still, their eyes fixed on Xiao Tian.

Seeing a few people standing on the edge of the martial arts field, Xiao Tian's expression suddenly became solemn, his hands kept waving, and the rich heaven and earth aura gathered towards the master's location.

"It's now, swallow the Nine Profound Tongluo Grass!" When the aura around the master reached a certain level, Xiao Tian immediately shouted.

The master immediately took the Nine Profound Tongluo Grass down upon hearing the words, and the entrance of the Nine Profound Tongluo Grass turned into a turbulent torrent rushing towards the master's meridians, and the terrifying energy almost burst the master directly!

Xiao Tian's expression became more solemn, he knew very well that now is the real beginning...

Chapter 775: Washing the essence and cutting the marrow, the soul power soars (medium)!

Swallowing the grass leaves of the Nine Profound Tongluo Grass does not mean that everything is worry-free. This kind of spiritual grass is the gathering of the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth. If it can't be absorbed, the energy that will soon escape will condense and form again.

This is also why the Nine Profound Tongluo Grass has existed in the frozen forest for countless years, and the soul beasts that swallowed it are countless, and this spirit grass can still exist.

Because all the soul beasts that swallowed the Nine Profound Tongluo Grass failed to absorb it, instead, he was blown up by the terrifying spiritual power of the Nine Profound Tongluo Grass!

After exploding those soul beasts, the spilled energy once again condensed and formed and gathered at the roots of the Jiuxuan Tongluo Grass. This has led to the existence of the Jiuxuan Tongluo Grass next to the Ice Throne in the frozen forest for countless years.

The situation that the master encounters right now is the same as those soul beasts who swallowed the Nine Profound Tongluo Grass. If the energy of the Nine Profound Tongluo Grass cannot be absorbed smoothly, there is only one waiting for the end of the master——

That's death!

Taking a deep breath of turbidity, Xiao Tian didn't dare to be careless, the Nine-turn Indestructible Body was spinning like crazy, a majestic infuriating energy surrounded his fingertips.

However, from the outside world, nine blood-red spirit rings suddenly appeared behind Xiao Tian. The spirit ring was radiant, and the terrifying coercion wreaked havoc in the martial arts field, which forced the elders of the Clear Sky School to retreat again and again. Retreat, this barely supported it.

"No wonder Senior Xiao wants us to strictly order Haotianzong disciples not to approach the martial arts field," Tang Zhen, with his mighty soul power, can still support Xiaotian's coercion, unlike the other poor Haotianzong. Elder, can't even speak.

"This kind of coercion, if the ordinary Soul Douluo comes, I am afraid it will not be able to support it, and it will be instantly beheaded by the coercion released by Senior Xiao. No wonder Senior Xiao can defeat Qian Daoliu twice!"

Not only Tang Zhen, but even Tang Hao couldn't help being a little bit stunned. Although he had been with Xiao Tian for several years, he had never seen Xiao Tian make a full shot.

Therefore, he only knew that Xiao Tian was very strong, but he did not expect that Xiao Tian was already so strong!

Xiao Tian didn't pay attention to Tang Hao, who was sighing on the side. At this moment, his expression was solemn, his eyes fell on Yu Xiaogang, and he didn't dare to relax a little bit.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang, who swallowed the Nine Turns Tongluo Grass, was equally uncomfortable. The huge spiritual power of the Nine Turns Tongluo Grass was like a fierce tsunami, constantly impacting the meridians in his body.

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