God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 341

The master didn't know what Tang Hao was thinking, but seeing that Tang Hao's expression was a little strange, he immediately explained: "The largest enveloped area of ​​the holy dragon domain is a kilometer in radius. No matter how my strength improves, it will not expand.

The biggest role of the Holy Dragon Domain is to suppress. All the creatures that are shrouded in the Holy Dragon Domain, except for the creatures marked by me and some special spirits and soul beasts, any creatures below the god level regard their cultivation base and bloodline, and are weakened by a percentage. The strength of ten to fifty percent!

As my strength increases, this weakening ratio will gradually approach 50%. In addition, for the dragon soul beasts and martial souls, the Holy Dragon Domain can weaken their strength by 30% on the previous basis!"

Chapter 781 The Talent Skills of the Earth Demon Dragon!

Hearing the words of the master, Tang Hao and others suddenly showed shock on their faces.

Even Tang San, who knows the least about martial arts and domains, can easily understand how terrifying the master's domain is!

Not to mention the scope of covering a radius of kilometer for the time being, below the god level ignores the strength to weaken the strength of the creatures shrouded in the domain, based on this alone, the holy dragon domain is enough to be called a god level ability!

"Huh..." With a deep breath, Tang Hao embraced his hands and said in a deep voice, "Master, you can test the field, and I will protect the law for you."

Before he knew the master’s domain ability, he might not have been so, but now...

He also wants to see how strong the Holy Dragon Realm is!

Yu Xiaogang nodded lightly, his eyes condensed, and the golden sacred dragon phantom appeared behind him, screaming to the sky.

Following the movement of the golden sacred dragon phantom, circles of sound waves spread in all directions. At the same time, Tang Hao and others only felt that a tyrannical pressure was acting on their shoulders out of thin air, and the spirit power in the body was also affected by a certain An unknown force erased part!

It’s just that this feeling didn’t last long and disappeared without a trace. Tang Hao and the others were not fools, and naturally understood that the terrifying coercion should be the ability of the Holy Dragon Domain, and now they can not be affected by the Holy Dragon Domain. , It is obvious that the master has used another method.


At this moment, the Powerful Demon Dragon lying on the mound in the middle of the rock pile suddenly let out a stern roar, and its tail swept continuously, breaking some stones to pieces.

Tang Hao's eyes became serious, his eyes locked on the earth magic dragon.

Although an earth magic dragon is nothing to him, even the martial spirit can kill it in seconds without using him, but Tang San Xiaowu and the master are not strong enough. In case something accident happens, these three People can't hold the blow of the earth dragon.

So Tang Hao didn't dare to relax a little bit.

After a while, the Earth Demon Dragon seemed to perceive the problem, and looking in the direction of the master, an astonishing killing intent flashed through the golden vertical pupils.


The Earth Demon Dragon roared, fell on all fours, and its tail hit the ground fiercely. With the Earth Demon Dragon as the center, the ground suddenly vibrated, as if something was about to come out of the ground!

"Pay attention to your feet! Look at the signs of looseness on the ground and evade immediately! This is the natural ability of the Earth Demon Dragon-Cracking the Earth. Once it is swallowed by the cracks, it is difficult to retreat even if it is stronger than the Earth Demon Dragon!"

Xiao Wu's face changed, and he quickly reminded.

"Don't worry," Tang Hao shook his head and stomped his foot. The terrifying spirit power spread around him as the center. The ground that was shaking was covered by Tang Hao's domineering spirit power, and it calmed down instantly.

"The so-called talent skills are nothing more than the ability to mobilize soul power. As long as the source of soul power is cut off, the talent skills can also be easily cracked." After cracking the earth magic dragon skills, Tang Hao looked at Tang San and laughed. Said.

As for Xiao Wu, Tang Hao didn't say much, because he knew very well that Xiao Wu, who was cultivated by a 100,000-year soul beast, might have more knowledge than him!

When Yu Xiaogang saw Tang Hao crack the skills of the Earth Demon Dragon, he had no other actions. He knew it clearly, and shook his head with a smile. The golden holy dragon phantom behind was enveloped by a dazzling golden light, like a big round. Take off!

After a while, the golden light dissipated, and a majestic golden sacred dragon appeared behind the master, and the golden dragon eyes were full of majesty!

Chapter 782 Farting Like Thunder!

Unlike other beast spirits, the master’s spirit was originally a mutant spirit. Due to the previous failure to mutate to the golden holy dragon, it eventually mutated in the opposite direction. Although the master’s spirit was a beast spirit, it was independent of the soul master. The presence.

Unlike other beast spirits, it is only with the increase of spirit power that they can possess some of the characteristics of spirits when they activate spirit abilities.

After Luo Sanpao successfully transformed into a golden sacred dragon, this characteristic still remained.

Seeing the golden sacred dragon floating in the air, Xiao Wu shrank his head unconsciously, and then simply hid behind Tang San.

She is a one-hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast soft bone rabbit cultivator, and was born to be suppressed by the golden sacred dragon, so even if she is already a human body now, and knows that the golden sacred dragon can't help her, but there is a sense of fear from deep in the blood. It still made her a little uncomfortable.

"Since Luo Sanpao's transformation, he hasn't officially tried the trick. Today, I will try this earth magic dragon."

After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, his gaze fell on Tang Hao, and he smiled and said, "Also, please help under Haotian's crown to help sweep the formation."

Tang Hao nodded, his face calm: "Master, just try, I will pay more attention."

Yu Xiaogang took a deep breath when he heard the words, and the two spirit rings hovering behind him hovered up, finally floating on top of the golden holy dragon's head.

"Fart like thunder--" The master screamed, "Three cannons!"

As the master's voice fell, the first yellow spirit ring floating above the golden holy dragon's head suddenly lit up.

The three cannons of the golden sacred dragon roared, and the golden dragon's tail swung. Accompanied by the terrifying sound of gas explosion, the pale golden smoke bombarded the earth magic dragon like a cannonball.


With a terrifying explosion, the Earth Demon Dragon was directly smashed into the ground. At the same time, with the Earth Demon Dragon as the center, a large number of cobweb-like cracks appeared within a radius of 100 meters.

"This power!" Tang Hao's eyes condensed upon seeing this, his eyes full of horror.

To be honest, this kind of powerful attack is actually nothing to him, he can easily make a stronger attack than this.

But the problem is that he is a 92nd-level Power Attack System Titled Douluo, and the spirit he possesses is the world's first weapon, the Clear Sky Hammer!

But the master now only has 30th-level spirit power, and he hasn't even obtained the third spirit ring yet, just a 30th-level two-ring great spirit master!

With the master's strength, how can he not be surprised if he can issue such an attack?

"It's a terrible soul curse!" When Tang Hao was shocked by the power of the master's first soul ability, Xiao Wu chuckled her mouth, "What, the golden sacred dragon is such a mighty spirit, the result is a soul curse. It's so weird..."

The master was originally quite satisfied with the power of Luo Sanpao's first soul ability after the transformation, but suddenly he heard Xiao Wu's words, the corners of his mouth twitched twice.

After a while, the master said helplessly, "These two spirit rings were obtained before Luo Sanpao's transformation. At that time, Luo Sanpao was not the golden sacred dragon now, and it is normal for the soul curse to be more exotic. ..."

When saying this, the master really wanted to quickly increase his strength to the level of a 70th-level soul sage, because once his soul power reached the 70th level, he did not need to recite the soul curse when he cast his soul skills!

Just as the master was speaking, the Earth Devil Dragon, which had been smashed into the ground by Luo Sanpao's first spirit ability, had crawled out of the pit, shook the mud on his body, and a pair of vertical pupils were full of anger!

Chapter 783 Duke Long and Snake Po, Conquering Dragon Snake!

Although Luo Sanpao's first spirit ring skill was quite powerful, the Earth Demon Dragon was after all a dragon spirit beast that was good at attacking and defending.

You must know that even if it's just the lowest Yalong, the defense power is not comparable to that of ordinary soul beasts, let alone the Yalong who is good at defense like the Earth Demon Dragon?

Luo Sanpao's attack just now caused the Earth Demon Dragon to be stunned by the terrifying impact for a moment, but after recovering, the Earth Demon Dragon's eyes were full of fiery killing intent.

"It seems that if you want to challenge the 20,000-year soul beast with the strength of the 30th-level two-ring great spirit master, the difficulty is indeed a bit more difficult," the master shook his head, put away the holy dragon domain, and smiled at Tang Hao: "I still want to ask. You shot under Haotian's crown."

His current two spirit rings, the first spirit ring skills are attack skills, and the second spirit ring skills are auxiliary.

Inferring from the power of the first spirit ring, the hypnotic smoke of the second spirit ring should be able to take effect below the soul sect. As for the time, I am afraid it depends on the strength.

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