God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 342

And the 20,000-year soul beast, the strength is at least equivalent to the general soul king, the subdragon species like the earth magic dragon, the strength is estimated that the soul emperor is even stronger after all.

His second spirit ring skills probably won't have any effect at all, so he has no plans to experiment.

Hearing what the master said, Tang Hao nodded and walked directly towards the Earth Demon Dragon.

After two steps out, Tang Hao stopped suddenly, his eyes fell in the woods not far away, and he said coldly, "A few people in the forest, have you seen enough?"

Before Tang Hao spoke, three people suddenly walked out of the woods not far away, led by two elderly men, a man and a woman. The old man was holding a dragon-head crutch in his hand, while the old woman was holding a snake-head crutch, behind them. , Followed by a rather strong man.

"Dragon stick and snake stick, huh, dragon snake?" Tang Hao coldly snorted when seeing the crutches in the hands of the two old men.

"Old man Meng Shu," the old man leaning on the leading cane nodded at Tang Hao, and said with a smile: "If you can tell our origins in one go, I think your identity is not simple, I wonder if you are?"

After Tang Hao broke through the titled Douluo realm and then lived in seclusion in Saint Soul Village, his aura became more restrained under the influence of Xiao Tian.

But this time, Tang Hao, A Yin and others came to the Star Dou Great Forest to hunt down the soul beasts. In order to avoid trouble, both Tang Hao and A Yin changed their faces.

In addition, Tang Hao didn't release the Clear Sky Hammer spirit, and Meng Shu didn't recognize the Clear Sky Douluo that moved the world in front of him for a while.

"My name, you are not qualified to know," Tang Hao snorted coldly, and said lightly: "It's too late to get out of here!"

"The arrogant junior!" Meng Shu's face suddenly sank when he heard the words, and he shouted: "If you can know my identity, which big sect you should come from? I will teach you a lesson for your elders today, let you Know what it means to be someone outside!"

He was attracted by the movement of the master and the Earth Demon Dragon. He was called out by Tang Hao as soon as he arrived here, and then Tang Hao shouted in front of him. How could he bear it?

"Junior?" Tang Hao's expression was cold, before he had time to speak, a circle of pale golden ripples suddenly swept across him, enveloping the couple and the strong man behind them.

Tang Hao's expression remained unchanged. He knew exactly what the pale golden ripples were, but the expression of the dragon snake became very frightened, because after being enveloped by the golden ripples, they clearly felt that the spirit power in their bodies was out of thin air. A part is gone!

Chapter 784 The Dragon and Snake Who Flees in the Wild!

"What field is this?" Meng Shu quickly guessed the details of the golden ripples and lost his voice.

After all, the Dragon Snake is also well-known in the world of spirit masters, and they are even more capable of contending Title Douluo by virtue of their martial arts fusion skills.

Therefore, although he has no domains himself, Meng Shu is no stranger to domains.

It's just that he has been in the spirit master world for many years, but has never encountered a situation that was suppressed by a domain released by a two-ringed spirit master with a spirit power of no more than 30!

"Sacred Dragon Realm," the master looked at Meng Shu, and said lightly: "Duke Long Meng Shu, your worldly dragon snake hid while we hunted the soul beasts. Could it be that we want to swallow this earth dragon with us? Go down?"

"Your Excellency is misunderstood, we are just attracted by the previous battle, wanting to see what happened," Meng Shu shook his head, looking at the master with dread.

If a 30th-level two-ringed spirit master dared to speak to him like this before the master released the domain, he would have killed it long ago.

But before Tang Hao explained his origins, and the master released a terrifying realm like the Holy Dragon Realm, coupled with the existence of Tang San and Xiao Wu, this made him have to wonder if the master's party came from somebody Huge power!

If his guess is correct, a master with such a terrifying realm can't be protected in secret!

Therefore, even though Meng Shu did have the idea of ​​robbing the Earth Demon Dragon when he saw the Earth Demon Dragon before, he still dare not show it.

"Count you acquaintance," Tang Hao snorted coldly, and said lightly: "You know what's happening here now, can you get out?"

Tang Hao's words were not at all polite, and with his identity as the Vast Sky Douluo, he didn't need to give the Shilong Snake face.

What's more, when hunting the soul beast, there are outsiders watching by, and no matter who it is, it will be angry.

Meng Shu's face turned blue and red after hearing this, but considering the protection that the master might have behind him, Meng Shu still endured it.

However, although Meng Shu can bear it, Snake Po Chaotianxiang's temper is equally hot. Hearing Tang Hao's words, six spirit rings suddenly appeared behind him, coldly snorting: "I really think there is a realm to do whatever you want?!"

Unlike Long Duke Meng Shu's dragon head cane, Chao Tianxiang's snake head cane does not belong to the dragon martial spirit, and her strength is far superior to that of the master, so the Holy Dragon Realm has not weakened his spirit power much.

Compared with Long Gong Meng Shu, whose spirit power was directly suppressed by the Holy Dragon Realm by more than 30% because the martial spirit belonged to the dragon family, Chao Tianxiang was undoubtedly less afraid of the master and others.

"Huh?" Tang Hao's expression condensed when he heard the words, and the aura that belonged to Title Douluo suddenly exploded, like an ancient magic mountain, awe-inspiring.

Feeling the aura of Tang Hao, Meng Shu could no longer calm down, and said in horror: "Title Douluo!!"

"Get out!!" Tang Hao frowned and shouted angrily.

Meng Shu didn't care about what to say, and quickly pulled Chao Tianxiang and the strong man away.

Although he and Chao Tianxiang are collectively known as the Dragon and Snake, they claim to be able to compete with Title Douluo by virtue of their martial arts fusion skills, but they really have to face a Title Douluo, but they lose more and win less.

What's more, once fighting against Tang Hao and others, under the master's holy dragon domain, the power of their martial arts fusion skills may be greatly reduced. In that case, they are even less likely to be Tang Hao's opponents!

Therefore, Meng Shu didn't even hesitate at all, and immediately left with Chaotianxiang and the strong man.

Chapter 785 Absorb 20,000-year spirit ring!

After Gai Shilongshe left, Tang Hao simply summoned the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Spirit in order to avoid long nights and dreams. His figure flashed and appeared in front of the Earth Demon Dragon, and the Clear Sky Hammer smashed down with terrifying power.


A terrifying bombardment sounded, and the solid scales on the Earth Demon Dragon instantly shattered and flew away in all directions.

The proud defense of the Earth Demon Dragon was like a piece of paper in front of Tang Hao, and it couldn't even play a blocking role!

A flash of fire flashed in Yu Xiaogang's eyes when he saw this. Tang Hao showed strength that he could not even imagine before, but after Luo Sanpao's transformation was completed, he believed that it would not be long before he could easily achieve Tang. Hao such a degree!

"Master, kill this earth magic dragon first," Tang Hao put away the clear sky hammer, dragged the dying earth magic dragon to the master, and said with a smile.

If it weren't for the spirit ring to be absorbed by the person who killed the spirit beast himself, the hammer he had just dealt with the Earth Devil Dragon would leave it a breath?

Yu Xiaogang nodded when he heard the words, drew a dagger from his waist, and pierced it through the scales under the neck of the earth magic dragon.

The dying Earth Demon Dragon was stabbed to the heart by the master and killed on the spot, emitting a dark luster on his body, and then a black spirit ring emerged.

Yu Xiaogang's expression became serious. This time he was trying to absorb the ten thousand year spirit ring, and he was not sure whether he could absorb the 20,000 year spirit ring.

However, Luo Sanpao finally transformed and succeeded, and he did not want to improve his strength in an orderly manner. What's more, according to his research on martial arts and some theories that Xiao Tian had told him, he believed that he had succeeded in absorbing ten thousand years of spirit ring. The rate is around 80%.

Even if the spirit ring of the Earth Demon Dragon is close to 20,000 years, and the Earth Demon Dragon is a subdragon species, the difficulty of absorbing the spirit ring will increase. He also believes that there is a 60% chance that he can successfully absorb this 20,000 years. Soul ring.

For him, if this adventure succeeds, he will achieve an unprecedented black third spirit ring. Even if it is unsuccessful, with Tang Hao and A Yin and his wife nearby, he will suffer at best.

"Junior Brother, don't worry about absorbing the spirit ring, if there is any problem, I will interrupt in time," A Yin seemed to have guessed the master's thoughts and said with a smile.

"Senior Sister Lao," Yu Xiaogang nodded, and then stopped hesitating, raising his right hand, and the black spirit ring flew towards his right hand as if it was being pulled, then turned into a dark light, and fell into his. In the palm of your hand.

As the dark light entered his body, Yu Xiaogang only felt that there seemed to be a warm current in his body, wandering through the meridians around his body, and after a while, the bottleneck that had originally imprisoned him to increase his spirit power broke.

And the aura that Yu Xiaogang exudes is also rapidly increasing, just a few breaths, it soars from the 30th level of spirit power to the 39th level of spirit power!

"So easy?" Ah Yin couldn't help but widen his eyes, looking at the master like a monster.

Originally, she thought that the master would have to spend some setbacks this time, and there might even be accidents, so she was ready to take action at any time, but the master so easily absorbed the 20,000 years of the earth magic dragon. Soul ring?

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