God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 343

If Xiao Tian were here, he would tell Ah Yin, there was no need to make a fuss.

Because under the combined effect of her blood and the Nine Profound Tongluo Grass, the meridians in the master's body have long been tyrannical, and absorbing a 20,000-year spirit ring is actually not difficult for the master.

Chapter 786 Golden Sacred Dragon's Third Soul Ability!

Not only Ah Yin, but even Yu Xiaogang himself was a little surprised. He had no idea that he could easily absorb the 20,000-year spirit ring.

You know this is his third spirit ring!

According to his martial arts research theory, the best age of the third spirit ring of a soul master is about two thousand years, but he has exceeded the best age of the third spirit ring ten times!

What is even more frightening is that, judging from the situation he had just absorbed the spirit ring, the 20,000-year spirit ring is far from reaching his limit!

"The teacher really gave me a big gift!" Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but sigh.

Originally, he thought that Xiao Tian used the Nine Profound Tongluo Grass to open up the meridians in his body and turn Luo Sanpao into a golden holy dragon. It was enough to shock the world.

But now it seems that he still underestimated his own teacher who was younger than him.

I also underestimated the Nine Profound Tongluo Grass that Xiao Tian found in the Far North!

"Senior Xiao Tian's research on martial arts is really comparable to gods," Tang Hao couldn't help but exclaimed when he heard Yu Xiaogang's words.

In his opinion, to be able to transform the master from a waste martial arts soul with half-level innate soul power into what it is now, Xiao Tian's methods are already capable of turning decay into a miracle, which is beyond the reach of human beings.

Not even the Three Ultimate Douluo!

"Master's strength and methods are naturally beyond doubt," A Yin smiled, looked at the master, and said: "Junior, let's take a look at your third spirit ability."

The master closed his eyes and felt it, and then whispered: "My third spirit ability is a controlling spirit ability. It can ignore the difference in spirit power and pull the creatures within the attack range of Luo Sanjiao into the nightmare illusion. The duration is ten. second.

According to the difference between me and the soul power hit by the spirit ability, this time will be extended or shortened accordingly, the shortest will not be less than five seconds, and the longest will not exceed 30 seconds."

"What a terrifying skill!" Tang Hao said in a daze.

Any spirit ability that can take effect regardless of the difference in spirit power can be called the best spirit ability, not to mention that the third spirit ability of the master is a group attack skill, which greatly enhances the value of this spirit ability!

"The Golden Sacred Dragon Martial Spirit is probably higher in rank than the Seraphim Martial Spirit in the Spirit Hall. It is not surprising that such a terrifying spirit ability will appear, not to mention that the third spirit ring of Junior Brother is Produced by the 20,000-year-old earth magic dragon."

A Yin whispered, but the slight shock remaining on her face betrayed her. Obviously, after knowing the effect of the master's third spirit ability, she was not so calm in her heart.

Tang San and Xiao Wu both looked shocked, and after a while, Xiao Wu murmured: "No, I also want to find Master and ask him if he has any talents.

I don't want to reach the level of a teacher, just let me condense a ten thousand year spirit ring in the third spirit ring."

"Then you have to find the teacher by yourself," Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but laugh when he heard Xiao Wu's words: "The teacher always spoils you, if you go to the teacher, the teacher will definitely find a way to find a treasure that suits you. of."

Yu Xiaogang paused when he said that, seeing the joy on Xiao Wu's face, he smiled and said, "But now, I'll go find a place to try the third spirit ability first."

"Teacher, if you want to try the third spirit ability, I have a good place," Xiao Wu's eyes rolled, and she said suddenly.

"Oh?" Yu Xiaogang became interested when he heard the words, "Where?"

Yu Xiaogang didn't have the slightest doubt about Xiao Wu's words. After all, Xiao Wu had lived in the Star Dou Great Forest for 100,000 years. Compared to his familiarity with the Star Dou Great Forest, he and Tang Hao and others were naturally far inferior to Xiao Wu.

"Follow me!" Xiao Wu smiled and walked towards the depths of the Star Dou Forest.

Upon seeing this, the master and others hurriedly followed Xiaowu behind Xiaowu, and soon a few people disappeared near the rubble...

Chapter 787 Farting like a meteor!

Deep in the Star Dou Forest, next to the Lake of Life.

Yu Xiaogang looked at Xiao Wu helplessly, and said with an aura: "Xiao Wu, you don't plan to let me test my third spirit ability with soul beast overlords like Titan Giant Ape and Sky Blue Bull Python, right?"

Not far in front of Yu Xiaogang, Xiao Wu was sitting on a black giant ape whose eyes shone like citrine. Behind the giant ape, a 100-meter-long cyan bull-headed python coiled around, and her eyes were looking curiously. With Yu Xiaogang.

As for Tang Hao, A Yin and Tang San, they stood far away, making a look of watching the show.

"Teacher, of course you need to find a suitable target to try your soul skills," Xiao Wu jumped off the giant ape and laughed: "Da Ming and Er Ming are the strongest soul beasts in this Star Dou Great Forest. If you are the third The spirit ability is effective for both Da Ming and Er Ming, then this spirit ability can really be called a divine ability!"

Yu Xiaogang shook his head and said speechlessly, "Xiao Wu, although my third spirit ability can ignore the difference in spirit power, facing such a spirit beast overlord, I'm afraid it won't work. If this is the case, it will not achieve the test effect. Up."

"Master, you might as well try your third spirit ability."

At this moment, Daming, the sky green cow python, who was coiled behind the giant giant ape Erming, suddenly said, "Senior Xiao Tian is kind to me and Er Ming.

Since you are the disciple of Senior Xiao Tian, ​​we should try the spirit abilities with you. As for the spirit abilities that you worry about will not have any effect on us..."

Daming shook his head when he said this. The original huge body quickly shrank to more than ten meters long, and the luster on the scales became dimmed.

After doing all this, Da Ming looked at Yu Xiaogang and said, "I suppressed the soul power in my body to only half of what it was before. You can first try to see if it works for me. If not, I will continue to suppress my soul power. ."

Yu Xiaogang nodded lightly when he heard the words. Daming had already said so. If he refused to resign, he would not know what is good or bad.

"Da Ming, be careful!" Yu Xiaogang said in a deep voice.

Before he finished his words, a dazzling golden light suddenly appeared behind Yu Xiaogang, and at the same time three spirit rings, two yellow and one black, were suspended behind Yu Xiaogang.

Soon, the golden light dissipated, and the figure of the golden sacred dragon Luo Sanpao appeared in the sky, and the golden dragon pupil stared at Daming. A majestic coercion radiated from Luo Sanpao's body, pressing towards him. .

"Golden Sacred Dragon," Daming's huge bull head shook twice and said: "It's a pity that you only have thirty-ninth level of spirit power. If you are the strength of Title Douluo now, even if I face this golden dragon, I am afraid. I also want to avoid the front for the time being."

"There will be that day," Yu Xiaogang took a deep breath and sternly shouted: "Fart like a meteor, three cannons!"

As the master's voice sounded, the third black spirit ring behind him suddenly flourished, and the dense black light was like a whirlpool, attracting everyone's eyes.

The three golden sacred dragons roared, their wings spread out, and the huge dragon's tail swept away. A cloud of purple-black smoke sprayed from the tail of the three sacred guns, enveloping Da Ming in an instant!

After being enveloped in purple and black smoke, Da Ming only felt his consciousness blurred, as if he was in a claustrophobic space, with endless darkness in all directions.

But this feeling only lasted for about three seconds, Da Ming regained consciousness, his eyes pierced through the purple black smoke and fell on Yu Xiaogang, his pupils were full of shock.

Chapter 788: Choice!

Although it deliberately suppressed its spirit power to only half of the original level, it didn't think Yu Xiaogang's spirit ability could have an effect on it.

After all, it is the well-deserved soul beast overlord in this Star Dou Great Forest, the Azure Bull Python!

You must know that even a Sky Blue Bull Python with a ten-thousand-year cultivation base can compete with some weak one-hundred-year-old soul beasts, not to mention that it has reached one hundred thousand-year cultivation base!

Even if the soul power is suppressed by it for fifty thousand years, it is confident that the attacks below the soul sage will not have any effect on him at all!

However, Yu Xiaogang's third spirit ability broke its cognition. Even if this spirit ability only caused its consciousness to be blurred for three seconds, Da Ming knew exactly what it meant.

This proves that Yu Xiaogang's third spirit ability is comparable in power to the sixth spirit ability of ordinary spirit masters, and even stronger!

"Very good spirit ability," Daming shook his head, blowing away the purple and black smoke around, Chongyu Xiaogang said: "It can make me fall into a state of unconsciousness for three seconds, even if I face a normal one hundred thousand year soul beast. It also works.

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