God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 344

If you are dealing with a 100,000-year soul beast with insufficient spiritual power, you should be able to control it for about eight seconds, but when you encounter a soul beast with strong spiritual power, this control effect will be greatly reduced."

Yu Xiaogang nodded, although he only controlled Daming for three seconds, the result was beyond his expectation.

He originally thought that it would be good to be able to control Da Ming for a second, after all, even if his soul power was suppressed to only half of the original Da Ming, that would be the overlord of the Star Dou Great Forest!

"It will take some time for me to reach the 40th level of spirit power. It's better to find a suitable spirit ring for Xiao San," Yu Xiaogang recalled Luo Sanpao, and then said to Tang Hao and others.

"Yes, brother, there are countless spirit beasts in this Star Dou Great Forest. Whether you want to attach the first spirit ring to the Blue Silver Emperor or the Clear Sky Hammer, you can find a suitable spirit beast."

Xiao Wu immediately smiled at Tang San upon hearing this.

Although she had grown into a human form from a 100,000-year soul beast, she didn't like seeing others hunting and killing soul beasts, except for Tang San.

"The Blue Silver Emperor and the Clear Sky Hammer are both top martial arts spirits, but my suggestion is to add a spirit ring to the Blue Silver Emperor first," Yu Xiaogang said to Tang San, "The additional spirit ring of the Blue Silver Emperor requires you to explore it yourself. But the Clear Sky Hammer spirit has the experience of Clear Sky School for reference.

My personal suggestion is to add nine spirit rings to the Blue Silver Emperor first, and then, based on Clear Sky School's experience, directly hunt down the corresponding ten thousand years or even one hundred thousand years of spirit beasts to add spirit rings to the Clear Sky Hammer."

"The master is right," Tang Hao nodded, and said solemnly, "Although the Blue Silver Emperor is stronger than the Clear Sky Hammer.

But on this martial arts spirit, only Ah Yin can provide you with constructive advice, and the Clear Sky Hammer has several best options to choose from. It is easy to push your Clear Sky Hammer spirit to the limit. ."

Even Ah Yin nodded slightly and said softly, "Little San, your father and your teacher said it well, the Blue Silver Emperor Martial Spirit, even I am still groping.

The first seven spirit rings of mine are self-condensing, and the spirit abilities are all the skills I once mastered, and they have no real knowledge of what spirit beasts I want to hunt."

"I understand. I won't add any spirit ring to the Clear Sky Hammer before the Blue Silver Emperor reaches the Nine Rings," Tang San nodded and said seriously.

Chapter 789 Xiao Tian Followed Secretly!

"What about me?" Seeing that Tang San's problem was solved, Xiao Wu hurried to A Yin's side, swaying A Yin's arm, and said a little.

"What are you?" A Yin flicked on Xiao Wu's forehead, and said with no good air: "You don't have to hunt down soul beasts before the 70th level of spirit power. The condensed spirit ring produces the most soul abilities. What else do you want for you?"

"Godmother, look at the teacher's third spirit ring..." Xiao Wu pointed to the master, blinked at A Yin, and said coquettishly: "Godmother, is there any way to make me? When condensing the spirit ring, increase the age of the spirit ring?"

"I can't help it," A Yin shook his head, and immediately smiled: "But you can find your master, he must have a way."

"But who knows where Master is now," Xiao Wu pouted, somewhat depressed.

A Yin shook his head, and immediately set his eyes on a big tree not far away, and said helplessly, "Master, you heard what Xiao Wu said, right?"

Her blue silver domain can spread to dozens of miles in the forest with the power of plants, and can detect all the conditions within the domain.

As early as when they entered the Star Dou Great Forest, she had noticed that Xiao Tian was behind them secretly, but she hadn't broken it.

Because in her opinion, Xiao Tian was undoubtedly a superfluous act. After all, there are Da Ming and Er Ming in the Star Dou Great Forest, and among the five of them, there is also Tang Hao, the Haotian Sect wizard.

Even if the Wuhun Palace is dispatched, it may not be able to catch all five of them in the Star Dou Great Forest!

"It was still discovered by you." There was a hearty laugh from the big tree, and then Xiao Tian, ​​dressed in white, jumped from the tree and fell in front of Tang Hao and the others.

"Master/Teacher/Senior Xiao!" Seeing Xiao Tian appear, A Yinyu Xiaogang, Tang Hao and Daming Erming all respectfully said.

"Master," Tang San bowed respectfully to Xiao Tian, ​​his eyes gleaming with uncertainty.

After learning about Xiao Tian's origins, he was not unfamiliar with Xiao Tian. After all, they both came from different worlds, and in a sense they were considered fellows.

Xiao Tian looked at Tang Hao and others as well as the two masters of the Star Dou Great Forest. Before he had time to speak, a fragrant wind blew in front of him, and his body suddenly sank.

"Master, do you have a way to increase the upper limit of my spirit ring?" Xiao Wu hung on Xiao Tian like a koala, and said a little.

"You come down first," Xiao Tian looked at Xiao Wu with a little bit of laughter and tears, "You are not young anymore, you should learn more steadily, and you have to stay like this. After you and the third and third level, how can I rest assured that you Go out and practice with the master?"

"Oh," Xiao Wu obediently jumped off Xiao Tian upon hearing the words, turned her head back and made a face, then turned her head and looked at Xiao Tian hopefully.

"Oh, I can't do anything with you," Xiao Tian shook his head, holding the ring light in his hand, and a golden ball appeared in his hand.

"Master, what is this?" Xiao Wu looked at the golden ball in Xiao Tian's hand curiously, but she didn't see any clues after looking at it for a long time.

Not only Xiao Wu, but even Tang Hao and others looked at Xiao Tian with a puzzled expression, wondering what he meant by suddenly making such a golden ball.

"Tang Hao, I heard that you've been to Sea God Island with Tang Xiao, right?" Xiao Tian ignored Xiao Wu, but turned to look at Tang Hao, expressing profoundly.

Chapter 790 God-given spirit ring!

"Yes, when my eldest brother and I were ordered by my father to send a letter to Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi, Senior Xiao, why did you suddenly ask about this?" Tang Hao asked with some confusion.

"Do you know that you have seen the spirit ring of a spirit master on Seagod Island?" Xiao Tian glanced at Tang Hao and smiled.

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Tang Hao was stunned for a moment, and then what he had seen and heard in Sea God Island appeared in his mind.

"Senior Xiao, if you don’t tell me, I haven’t remembered yet. The spirit ring matching of the spirit masters on Seagod Island is not much different from our best spirit ring matching, but among them, the strong and talented ones have the spirit ring. Different from us.

I have seen a four-ringed soul sect with a thousand-year spirit ring. If it weren’t for the restrictions of Seagod Island, that person would have been a peerless prodigy when placed on the mainland. However, young people like Seagod Island seemed to not A lot."

"Yes, the average spirit ring life of the spirit masters on Seagod Island is much higher than that of the mainland soul masters. There are even many soul masters who have exceeded the maximum age of the spirit ring studied by the master. Do you know why?"

Xiao Tian looked at Tang Hao and asked.

"I heard that Seagod Island used to be Seagod's dojo, is it related to this?" Tang Hao hesitated, thought for a while, and said.

"However," Xiao Tian nodded and said faintly: "On Poseidon Island, all spirit masters can participate in the Poseidon assessment. According to their talents, the Poseidon will give the assessment. Once the assessment is completed, the spirit power or the age of the spirit ring can be increased. , What's more, you can get a god bestowed spirit ring."

"God bestowed spirit ring?!" Everyone looked at Xiao Tian with surprise when they heard the words. Although they didn't know what a god bestowed spirit ring was, in this world, anyone who could get in touch with "God", They are all extraordinary products!

"Yes, God bestowed spirit ring," Xiao Tian nodded, and said lightly: "God bestowed spirit ring is bestowed by gods. Absorbing God bestowed spirit ring can condense the most suitable spirit ring for him.

Moreover, the age of this spirit ring is determined by your own willpower and physical fitness, and you can ignore the maximum age of the spirit ring that each level can absorb!"

"It turned out to be like this," everyone was stunned, and then their eyes fell on the golden orb in Xiao Tian's hand, their eyes hot.

None of them were fools. Xiao Tian first took out the golden ball, and then talked about the god bestowed spirit ring. They would naturally guess what the golden ball was.

Even if the golden ball is not a god bestowed spirit ring, it must have a lot to do with the god bestowed spirit ring!

"You guessed right, this is indeed a god bestowed spirit ring," Xiao Tian tossed the golden orb in his hand, and laughed at Xiao Wu, "Don't you want to increase the age of your condensed spirit ring? Take it, and finally condense it. It's up to you to find out what spirit ring is."

With that said, Xiao Tian threw the god bestowed spirit ring in his hand to Xiao Wu casually, as if throwing away rubbish, as if the god bestowed spirit ring that could cause a bloody storm outside was like weeds on the roadside. s things.

"Thank you, Master!" Xiao Wu said to Xiao Tian with a surprised expression on her face after receiving the god bestowed spirit ring.

"Okay, let's absorb the god bestowed spirit ring first, I will protect the law for you," Xiao Tian shook his head and said with a smile.

This god bestowed spirit ring is really not a rare thing for him, because there are a total of nine such god bestowed spirit rings in his receiving ring!

These god bestowed spirit rings all appeared in him inexplicably after crossing the Douluo plane.

Xiao Tian guessed that this should be an invisible benefit brought by him using the designated ID card to become A Yin's master. Xiao Tian also asked the system, but the system did not give him an answer.

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