God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 346

After speaking, Xiao Tian's tone had become severe.

"Students understand," Yu Xiaogang nodded respectfully and said solemnly.

He didn't think it was too difficult for Xiao Tian's request. After all, he had absorbed the spirit ring of the Earth Demon Dragon for 20,000 years before and had no effect on him. With his current physical quality, the fourth spirit ring has reached 80,000 years. It can be said to be quite easy.

Even more, he was still thinking in his heart, when the fourth spirit ring, hit the one hundred thousand year spirit ring!

After all, once the spirit ring reaches 100,000 years, it will not only greatly enhance the spirit master's own spirit power and physical fitness, but also obtain two powerful spirit abilities!

"That's good," Xiao Tian nodded, his eyes fell on Xiao Wu, and smiled: "Xiao Wu, I don't have high expectations of you. The second spirit ring is at least 50,000 years old. Can you do it?"

Xiao Wu tilted her head for a moment, and finally nodded, and said crisply: "Master, don't worry, Xiao Wu will not waste this god bestowed spirit ring."

Her first spirit ring was already a ten thousand year spirit ring, and the enhancement of her physical fitness by this ten thousand year spirit ring was far beyond that of a hundred years spirit ring.

Now she is confident to increase the age of the second spirit ring to 50,000 years or even higher!

Xiao Tian nodded when he heard the words, and said to Tang San, "Little San, you follow me to the sunset forest."

After speaking, Xiao Tian walked out of the Star Dou Forest, Tang San hurriedly followed, only Tang Hao A Yin and others staying beside the Lake of Life.

"A Yin, do you think Senior Xiao has any way to make Xiao San condense the ten thousand-year-old first spirit ring?" After Xiao Tian left, Tang Hao looked at the direction Xiao Tian left, and asked with some curiosity.

A Yin shook his head and frowned, and said in a low voice, "I don't know. If Master plans to take Xiao San to the forest where I was born, with the characteristics of the Blue Silver Emperor's life spirit ring, it might impact ten thousand years or even one hundred thousand years. Spirit ring, but in the sunset forest, there is no way to condense the Blue Silver Emperor's life spirit ring...

But since Master dared to say that, he must be sure."

Chapter 794 Three Cornucopias!

Tang Hao nodded, and didn't say anything more. He knew very well that even if he was now a Title Douluo, and with his strength, he could rank in the forefront of Title Douluo.

But compared with Xiao Tian, ​​he was far inferior to that senior Xiao Tian who had extremely mysterious origins, no matter his spirit power level, strength or vision.

Tang Hao sometimes even wondered whether the senior Xiao Tian came from the God Realm, or why he could surpass countless soul masters in the mainland at such an age.

Seeing Tang Hao like this, A Yin shook his head lightly, and immediately walked to the lake of life to sit down, and cultivated his soul power.

Xiao Wu is protected by the two 100,000-year soul beast overlords, Daming Erming, and she will not have any impact if one is missing.


Tang San and Xiao Tian quickly left the Star Dou Forest and rushed towards the sunset forest.

"Master, why are we going to the sunset forest? Is there any mystery in the sunset forest?" On the carriage, Tang San frowned, with doubts written on his face.

During the time in the Haotian School, a master and Tang Hao A Yin taught that although his knowledge was not as good as Xiao Tian and the others, he did not know how much better than his peers.

Therefore, Tang San knew very well that although the Sunset Forest was one of the larger gathering places of spirit beasts in the Heaven Dou Empire, it was far from there.

Thinking of the great sunset forest that Xiao Tian said before was a treasure, Tang San was even more curious.

"Although the sunset forest is not very good, there is a treasure place in the sunset forest. I must have heard of it." Xiao Tian looked at Tang San and said with a smile: "There are three big cornucopias in the legend.

In the environment of the three major cornucopias, ordinary plants cannot grow at all, but the three major cornucopias are the derivation of all precious plants.Moreover, it will shorten the growth time of these rare plants by a factor of ten..."

"Master, what do you mean..." Tang San was so smart. Hearing what Xiao Tian said, he immediately reacted and said in disbelief, "Then there is a cornucopia in the sunset forest?"

In addition to hidden weapons in the "Hidden Weapon Solutions" of "Xuantianbaolu", there is a secret record about poison, which records some extremely rare drugs, which are highly poisonous, and there are also treasures of heaven and earth. .

And at the end of this secret record, the three major cornucopias are recorded in detail.

The three major cornucopias have unique conditions for the earth, and they are the beauty of Zhongling and the place where the aura of heaven and earth gathers.

He did not expect that the cornucopia recorded in "Xuantianbaolu" should exist in this other world!

"Yes," Xiao Tian nodded slightly, and then placed a barrier to isolate the carriage from the outside world. Then he continued: "Although this alien world is different from the world we live in, but in this alien world, you can find many There are only legends in the world we live in.

For example, the Nine Profound Tongluo Grass I was looking for before, and the cornucopia we are going to next."

Tang San swallowed his mouth water. He who owns the "Xuantian Treasure Record" naturally knows what the three cornucopias represent, which are the treasures where countless precious heaven and earth spiritual things can be cultivated.

If he can find a cornucopia, he can start making many of the hidden weapons recorded in "Hidden Weapon Solutions"!

"Master, I don't know which one of the three big cornucopia is that cornucopia?" Tang San looked at Xiao Tian with a look of expectation.

Chapter 795 Two Eyes of Ice and Fire (Part 1)!

The three major cornucopias are Qiankun Wenqing Valley, Ice and Fire Eyes and Penglai Fantasyland.

It's just that the Penglai illusion is illusory, and even "Xuantianbaolu" there is no detailed record of this cornucopia, but it is only vaguely mentioned that this cornucopia may be fabricated by posterity, in fact, there should only be two of the three major cornucopias.

As for the other two treasures, whether it is the Qiankun Wenqing Valley or the Eyes of Ice and Fire, there are detailed records in the "Xuantianbaolu".

Xiao Tian smiled when he heard the words, with a mysterious expression: "When you get to the place, you will naturally know."

Seeing that Xiao Tian didn't want to say, even though Tang San was puzzled, he didn't dare to continue to ask questions.

The speed of the two was not slow, and it only took a few days to reach the periphery of the sunset forest.

Leaving the carriage outside the sunset forest, Xiao Tian took Tang San into the sunset forest on foot.

Compared to the Star Dou Great Forest, the Sunset Great Forest is undoubtedly much worse. Xiao Tian and Tang San did not encounter too many spirit beasts along the way. Even if they occasionally encounter some low-level spirit beasts, they were driven away by Xiao Tian casually. , So the two quickly reached the middle of the sunset forest.

"Master, the cornucopia you said would not be in the belly of this mountain, right?" Tang San asked Xiao Tian looking at the hill in front of him about 500 meters high.

"Let me take a look and you'll know," Xiao Tian grabbed Tang San's shoulder, and after a few vertical jumps he reached the top of the mountain, and then Xiao Tian let go of Tang San.

Tang San settled, couldn't help being taken aback by the terrain in front of him.

Because in front of him is an inverted cone-shaped mountain col. The top of the mountain they are on is the edge of the mountain col. Thick heat rises from the col. The heat is very humid, and it also has a smell of sulfur. .

"Hot spring?" Tang San's eyes flashed a hint of suspicion. Among the three cornucopias, the Penglai fantasy realm was illusory. According to the records of "Xuan Tian Bao Lu", the Qiankun Wenqing Valley was a vast lake, and it was difficult to be in this cockle. The hot springs catch up with the relationship.

The only ones in this col are the legendary eyes of ice and fire!

Thinking of this, Tang San quickly looked at Xiao Tian and said excitedly: "Master, could it be possible that what is hidden in this mountain col is the eyes of the ice and fire in the three major cornucopias?"

"Yes," Xiao Tian nodded and smiled, "Follow me."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Tian jumped and plunged directly into the bottom of the valley, but he felt sorry for Tang San, and could only pull the rock wall a little bit and climb towards the col.

Fortunately, with the assistance of the Blue Silver Emperor's martial soul, Tang San arrived at the mountain col without much effort. Then Tang San's gaze was fixed on a pool not far away, and he could no longer move away.

The area of ​​the pool is not large, but it is divided into two parts. In the oval pool, the colors of the hot spring water are milky white and vermilion respectively.

What is even more bizarre is that although they are in the same pool, they are distinct, do not violate each other, and always remain on their side.

The billowing water vapor was generated from the position between the two hot springs, and it continued to rise until it slowly dissipated until the mountain pass.

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