God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 347

"It really is the eyes of ice and fire!" Tang San looked at the spring water in front of him, excitedly.

Two eyes of ice and fire, twins at one glance, and mutual restraint between the two instruments, but it may not be possible to form a treasure for thousands of years!

As a disciple of the Tang Sect in his previous life, he could only get a glimpse of the mystery of this cornucopia from "Xuantianbaolu". He did not expect to see the legendary eyes of ice and fire in another world now!

Chapter 796: Two Eyes of Ice and Fire (Part 2)!

"Yes, it is indeed the eyes of ice and fire," Xiao Tian nodded, and a dazzling thunder light appeared in his back palm. A ball of thunder took shape in an instant, and was lifted up into the col by Xiao Tian.

The dazzling light radiated from the thunderball, illuminating the inside of the col.

Only then did Tang San discover that around the eyes of Binghuoliangyi, there were actually all kinds of plants, in various poses, looking like a paradise of plants.

And the plants here were all rare things, just looking at it, Tang San was already a little dumbfounded.

Not far in front of him, a large pale pink flower grew quietly beside Binghuo Liangyi's eyes.

The pale pink flower stems three feet long, without leaves, the flower is huge, and the diameter is full. Each petal looks crystal clear. The pale pink flowers sway gently with the mist, giving a faint fragrance. The upload of arrogant flowers makes people feel refreshed.

The stamens of the big flowers are lavender, like purple diamonds inlaid there. Although the fragrance spreads far away, it is not strong. The faint fragrance is like a virgin fragrance.

"Youxiang Qiluo fairy product!"

Tang San said the origin of this big flower, his face was full of ecstasy.

Although there are many herbs near the eyes of the ice and fire, there are many herbs he has seen in his previous life. Even if the quality is not as good as the herbs growing near the eyes of the ice and fire, they are visible after all.

But this Yuxiang Qiluo fairy product is different. It is the best heavenly material and earth treasure that only exists in the legend. Even "Xuantianbaolu" has few pen and ink records, and only mentioned this strain in the final secret record. The existence of immortal herbs.

Why is it called a fairy product?

What I took is that this thing should only be found in the sky, and it is rare to find it in the world!

Take a deep breath.Tang San quickly circled Binghuo Liangyi's eyes.

With just a cursory observation, he has already seen countless treasures, and even the best medicinal materials.

"What, are you satisfied with this place?" Xiao Tian looked at Tang San's expression, knowing that his disciple, the son of the destiny of the Douluo plane, was shocked by the herbs near the eyes of the ice and fire.

Even if he wanted to come, even if he had a system to add to him, and knew the existence of this cornucopia, at first sight the herbs near the eyes of the ice and fire were a little surprised.

What's more, Tang San?

Even though Tang San and two generations were human and far superior to ordinary people in terms of mind, his previous life was weak in heaven and earth, and his status in Tang Sect was not high, so he had no chance to see these heaven and earth spiritual things.

As for this life, people in this world simply don't pay attention to the role of these spiritual things, and I am afraid that they don't even care about them.

Therefore, even if Tang Sangui is the son of the Clear Sky Sect and the future heir of the Clear Sky Sect, he still has no chance to come into contact with these heaven and earth spiritual things.

"Huh..." With a deep breath, Tang San's expression gradually calmed down, and he nodded to Xiao Tian, ​​and said in a deep voice, "Master brought me here. Could it be that he wants to help me with the eyes of ice and fire? Body quenching?"

After all, he is a man of two lives, with a tough mind, even if he was shocked by the spirit grass near the eyes of the two instruments of ice and fire, but after hearing what Xiao Tian said, he immediately recovered and quickly understood that Xiao Tian brought him here. The intention.

The eyes of the ice and fire not only nourish food, but also people. Although humans or animals move around the eyes of the ice and fire, the body will be impacted by the two extreme auras of heaven and earth in a short time. If they do not leave in time, they will inevitably explode. Body died.

But if used properly, these two eyes of ice and fire can also temper the body, which is very beneficial!

Chapter 797: Xiao Tian is invaded by fire and water!

Especially when he saw two weird-shaped herbs near the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi before, he had some guesses about Xiao Tian's intention to bring him here.

"You are a disciple of the Tang Sect of Bashu, and you must have a good understanding of medicinal herbs," Xiao Tian smiled and said, "I brought you here to train your body, but how to temper it? Try your own way, I will protect you from being obliterated by the eyes of ice and fire.

A look of horror appeared in Tang San's eyes when he heard the words. This ice and fire two eyes dazzled the world, with all kinds of strangeness, but it is also a terrifying weapon.

One yin, one yang and two eyes of spring water converge in one place. Even if Title Douluo comes here, if it accidentally falls into the vermillion sun spring, it will be melted instantly by the high temperature, leaving no bones.

Once it fell into the milky white cloudy spring, it instantly condensed into ice, and then shattered, making it difficult to leave the whole body.

As for falling into the place where the yin and yang springs converge, they will be blasted to death by the terrifying power of the cathode and yang!

And his Tang San is now just a tenth-level spirit power, and he can't even get a spirit ring. If he falls into the eyes of the ice and fire without protection, he is simply looking for death!

Even if the two herbs he had seen before were escorted by him, he was not so sure that he would survive the eyes of the two instruments of ice and fire. Xiao Tian actually said that he could protect him from being obliterated by the eyes of ice and fire.

This made even Tang San, who was used to seeing the miracles of his master, a little unbelievable.

"Although the eyes of the Ice and Fire Liangyi are domineering, they are not without solutions," Xiao Tian smiled, and immediately jumped into the eyes of the Ice and Fire Liangyi with Tang San's horrified eyes.

With the sound of "puff", a few drops of hot Yangquan splashed and landed on the nearby soil. In an instant, a deep hole was corroded on the soil.

Tang San quickly cast his gaze on Xiao Tian, ​​but found that Xiao Tian was floating in Yangquan at this moment, his face was somewhat cozy, as if the extremely hot Yangquan that could melt gold and iron was no different from an ordinary hot spring.

"This..." Tang San opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Even though he had seen the magic of Xiao Tian, ​​he couldn't believe the scene before him.

After all, this is the eyes of both ice and fire!

Seeing Tang San's expression, Xiao Tian smiled, jumped out of the extremely hot Yangquan, fell beside Tang San, and said with a smile: "I can resist the eyes of ice and fire. It's a trick, but it's enough. It proves that the eyes of ice and fire are not irresistible."

What Xiao Tian said was a coincidence, but naturally he said that he had turned into a white-robed battle armor.

Inheriting the characteristics of the basalt battle robe that is not invading water and fire, the Wuxiang armor strengthens its defense against attribute attacks while also not invading water and fire.

Although the extremely hot Yangquan in the eyes of the ice and fire is terrifying, it is not enough to see in front of the system-produced Wuxiang armor.

"Even if it is trickery, it is not something ordinary people can do," Tang San took a deep breath, and said seriously, "Wait for Master Lao to protect me."

"Go," Xiao Tian waved his hand, and said lightly: "What medicinal herb you want, tell me directly, and I will pull it out for you with my soul power to ensure that the effect is not lost."

"That Xiaosan thanked Master," Tang San smiled and quickly walked towards the two weird herbs he had photographed before.

Chapter 798 The octagonal black ice grass and the blazing apricot sparse!

Soon, Tang San stopped in front of a white herb. The top of the white herb looked like a large white flower, octagonal, with stamens shining like ice crystals in the center.

There is no fragrance flow, and its location is exactly the center point on the side of the cold and yin spring.

Only after spending a few breaths near this white herb, Tang San's body surface was already covered with a thin light frost, even if he used the Profound Heaven Art to his full strength, it would not help, which showed the power of the white herb!

"Master, please trouble Master Master to pick this octagonal black ice grass for me," Tang San said to Xiao Tian with a shiver.

"You kid, just point it out to me. You have to rely on it to ask for trouble?" Xiao Tian couldn't help being speechless when he saw Tang San's miserable appearance.

However, although Xiao Tian's mouth was not forgiving, his movements were not slow at all. As soon as he lifted his right hand, the majestic spiritual power was gathered in his hand, and he took pictures of the octagonal black ice grass and the surrounding soil.

With the protection of the Phaseless Armor, the icy air attached to the octagonal Profound Ice Grass did not affect Xiao Tian at all.

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