God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 348

After using his spiritual power to clear the soil around the octagonal black ice grass roots, Xiao Tian looked at Tang San and said: "Is there any other spiritual grass, show me."

Tang San took a deep breath and pointed to the other end, at the center point on one side of the extremely hot Yangquan, where there was a plant that looked like a cabbage but was completely red.

Even after such a distance, Tang San could still feel the scorching heat emanating from the fiery red plant.

"Master, this blazing apricot flower is also troubled by Master picking it for me," Tang San pointed to the fiery red plant, his face faintly frantic.

With the help of the octagonal black ice grass and the burning apricot Jiao Shu, he can use the eyes of the ice and fire to temper himself, and maybe he will have unexpected gains at that time!

Xiao Tian smiled, his figure flashed, appeared before Lihuo Xingjiao Shu, his left hand gathered the majestic spiritual power, turned into a huge spiritual power palm, and Lihuo Xingjiao Shu was brought up by the roots.

The seemingly violent action, but under the control of Xiao Tian's so wonderful, did not hurt the root system of the burning Xingjiao!

Taking Lihuo Xingjiao Shu into his hand and shaking off the dirt attached to its root system, Xiao Tian looked at Tang San and said lightly: "Enough is enough."

"Enough," Tang San took a deep breath, walked to Xiao Tian, ​​and solemnly said, "Master, please put these two herbs together."

Xiao Tian nodded, and the two immortal herbs held by his left and right hands floated in the air at the same time, floating towards Tang San under his majestic spiritual power, and finally gathered in front of Tang San.

It is strange to say that the two immortal herbs that were extremely cold and extremely hot before, when they gathered in front of Tang San, the two breaths of cold and heat disappeared at the same time.

A faint red light was enveloped on the octagonal Xuanbing grass, and a faint white air was cast on the Jiaohuo Xingjiao.

Tang San did not hesitate at all, grabbing the two immortal herbs in his hands, and squeezing them into his mouth.

He was very aware of the effects of these two immortal herbs, both of which were highly poisonous plants, but when they met each other, they would be restrained by each other. After ten breaths, their effectiveness would be lost.

And within these ten breaths, it is the best time to take these two highly poisonous fairy plants!

Although the two immortal herbs are highly poisonous, after being restrained by the Nemesis, they are no longer overbearing. The mouth melts and turns into body fluid and flows down the throat. Tang San only felt that there was fluid under his tongue, and the fragrance was overflowing.

Chapter 799 Poison Douluo: Dugu Bo!

"I hope they won't be too violent in the future," Tang San secretly said in his heart.

Thinking in his heart, Tang San had already torn off his clothes, and said to Xiao Tian: "Master, Master Lao will protect me next."

"Relax," Xiao Tian nodded, his eyes falling on Tang San.

At this moment, Tang San's body was already rising with a crystal blue light, but in an instant it turned into fiery red, just a few breaths, it had already been alternated several times.

Xiao Tian clearly saw that Tang San's expression had become distorted, and large beads of sweat appeared on his body, but those sweat beads had not had time to shed, they were affected by the extreme heat and cold aura exuding from Tang San. , Either turned into smoke to dissipate, or turned into ice crystals to fall.

Seeing the medicinal effects of the octagonal Xuan Bing Grass and Lihuo Xing Jiao Shu began to take effect, before Tang San could make other actions, Xiao Tian raised his hand and shot a soft bombardment on Tang San, pushing him towards the extreme cold. Where the spring meets the extremely hot Yangquan.

With a "puff," Tang San sank completely into the spring water, and in an instant he sank into it.

Xiao Tian nodded when he saw it, and let Tang San soak in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi before he swept towards the top of the mountain.

When he was picking two immortal poisonous weeds for Tang San, he found that someone was coming from outside, but that person might be curious and didn't come in to interrupt Xiao Tian picking two immortal poisonous weeds.

Next to a boulder on the top of the mountain, an old man with green hair and a skinny figure looked at Xiao Tian, ​​who was coming towards the top of the mountain, with a glint in his eyes.

He came here suddenly this time because of a poisonous attack that accumulated on his body due to the practice of poisoning, and he wanted to use the mystery here to suppress the poison in his body.

Unexpectedly, waiting for him to arrive here, he found that someone had already passed through the poison array he had laid and entered into the mountain's belly, and then picked the precious spiritual grass that he didn't know the role of.

Later, seeing that after taking two herbs, Tang San was able to survive the extremely cold and extremely hot spring water that he didn't dare to touch easily, his heart was even more shocked!

In contrast, the methods Xiao Tian showed when he picked the octagonal black ice grass and the burning apricot sparsely did not make him so concerned.

After all, there are too many spirit grasses near the extremely cold and extremely hot springs. Although Dugu Bo has some impressions of the octagonal black ice grass and the burning apricot, after all, he does not think these two fairy-grade poisonous weeds are peculiar.

Apart from knowing that one of the two fairy poisonous weeds feels extremely cold when they are close, and the other feels extremely hot when they are close, there is no other understanding.

As for picking, relying on his Title Douluo's strength, it is not difficult to pick these two herbs, but he doesn't know the effectiveness of these two herbs, and the picking is useless, so he allows them to grow in the ice and fire. Near the Yiyan.

Xiao Tian quickly reached the top of the mountain, looking at the green-haired old man next to the boulder, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he jokingly said, "Poison Douluo has been watching here for a long time.

As early as when the green-haired old man arrived, Xiao Tian had already noticed the identity of the visitor. After all, the strong smell of Poison Douluo Dugu Bo's body could be noticed even after a long distance, Xiao Tian!

What's more, in this Douluo plane, there is only one Dugu Bo beside him and Tang San who now know the existence of the eyes of ice and fire!

"Who is your excellency?" Dugu Bo was indeed shocked when he heard Xiao Tian's words, and said with a solemn expression.

Chapter 800 The Terrified Dugu Bo!

He has been famous for Dugu Bo for a long time, and has been retired many years ago, so he knows very little about things on the mainland today.

He had also heard about the fact that Tang Hao broke through the titled Douluo realm and became the youngest Titled Douluo in the mainland, and he knew nothing about other things, even the existence of Xiao Tian.

But in the same way, because he had already retired very early, no one of the younger soul masters should have heard of his name.

However, Xiao Tian told his origins in one mouth, and even Dugu Bo faintly felt a terrifying sense of oppression from Xiao Tian.

This kind of oppression, he has only felt in one person, that is when he was listed as a Title Douluo and went to the Wuhun Hall to register, he registered for him to worship the Ninety-Nine Extreme Douluo. Qian Daoliu!

"Could this young man still be comparable to Qian Daoliu?" Dugu Bo looked at Xiao Tian and said in his heart.

However, this idea just came up and was extinguished by him. What a joke, there has only been a thousand Daoliu in the mainland for hundreds of years. Except for the first generation of Haotianzong, Tang Chen, the master of Tianzong, Bo Saixi, the owner of Seagod Island, is unique. The advantage of can be tied with Qiandaoliu.

Others, even the astonishing sword Douluo Chenxin of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, and the second enshrined Golden Crocodile Douluo in Wuhun Palace, had to be eclipsed by Qian Daoliu's brilliance.

"It doesn't matter who I am," Xiao Tian shook his head and said with a calm face: "The important thing is that Poison Douluo is here, what is it for?"

Dugubo's face sank, but the terrifying oppression that was taken on Xiao Tian's body finally suppressed the fire, and said coldly, "This is my Dugubo's site. Your Excellency will occupy the magpie's nest without mentioning it. What I am here to do is too much!"

He was not a good temper, if it weren't because he wasn't good at fighting solo, and his strength was one of the few people at the bottom of the known Title Douluo, he would have already shot.

Xiao Tian shook his head, and walked directly towards the eyes of the Binghuo Liangyi. After a few steps out, Xiao Tian's footsteps suddenly stopped, and he didn't look back, "During this period of time, I should borrow the precious treasure to use it. Would you care?"

While speaking, the nine blood red spirit rings behind Xiao Tian suddenly rose up.

Seeing the spirit ring rising behind Xiao Tian, ​​Dugu Bo's expression became extremely horrified. After he reacted, Xiao Tian had already condensed the spirit ring and walked to sit down beside the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi.

"Nine-ring titled Douluo, nine hundred thousand year spirit rings..." Standing on the top of the mountain, Dugu Bo looked at Xiao Tian beside the eyes of Bing Huo Liang Yi, and muttered, "What kind of monster is this! "

As a titled Douluo, Dugu Bo naturally knew how rare a hundred thousand year spirit ring was.

After all, one hundred thousand year soul beasts are scarce, and the strength of those hundred thousand year soul beasts is no longer weaker than Title Douluo, and ordinary people don't even want to hunt them.

Therefore, many people, even if they were born in the three huge sects, may not necessarily see a 100,000-year spirit ring in their lifetime.

And Xiao Tian actually possessed nine hundred thousand year spirit rings!

Dugu Bo doesn't think that someone who can obtain nine hundred thousand year spirit rings is a mediocre person. Even if Xiao Tian himself is a trash, with nine hundred thousand year spirit rings, it is enough to cross the continent, even the three ultimate Douluo. It may not be able to stop him!

What's more, how could someone with such a spirit ring matching be a waste?

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