God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 349

Chapter 801 Distressed Dugu Bo!

After Xiao Tian returned to the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, his gaze fell on Tang San.

As for Dugu Bo, Xiao Tian didn't take it to heart. For him, a small Dugu Bo could easily kill him. As long as the Poison Douluo was more acquainted, Xiao Tian wouldn't bother to deal with him.

Tang San's face floating in the eyes of the two instruments of ice and fire was a bit sullen. Obviously, even with the suppression of the eyes of the two instruments of ice and fire, the medicinal power of the octagonal black ice grass and the burning apricot could not be easily absorbed by him now.

In fact, Xiao Tian knew very well that even though Tang San had used these two immortal herbs to develop a special physique that was not invading water or fire, he actually failed to combine the two immortal herbs. Play to its extreme.

Because Tang San, who was on the original world line, couldn’t quickly absorb the terrifying power of the octagonal black icegrass and the raging fire apricot jiaoshu, leading to a large part of the medicinal effect being resolved by the eyes of the ice and fire. Those medicinal powers were also enough to make Tang San change his mind.

Xiao Tian inferred that if he could absorb all the medicinal effects of the two immortal herbs, I'm afraid Tang San's physical fitness would be as good as an ordinary Contra!

"When it comes to the absorption of auxiliary spirit medicines, Yao Chen is an expert in this respect," Xiao Tian laughed suddenly, flipping his wrist, a cloud of azure blue flame appeared in his hand, and lightning flashes could be seen faintly around the flame.

"Fortunately, when I first communicated with Yaochen, I learned a lot about alchemy from him," Shi Shiran got up, Xiao Tian's eyes fell on a plant near the eyes of Binghuo and his fingertips. Jian Qi, cut the plant.

Although there are various taboos in the collection of elixir, for example, some elixir have mild properties and require jade to be cut and filled in brocade boxes, and some have violent properties, which require gold to be cut and filled in porcelain bottles.

However, collecting elixir with spiritual power is not so particular, because these elixir is nourished by spiritual power, and this has become what it is today. Cutting the elixir with spiritual power will not lead to the loss of half of the efficacy of the elixir. .

"Nine-section silkworm, Linglong ginseng, silver frost orchid, shadowless flower, tornado leaf..." Xiao Tian chanted the name of the herb, and quickly cut out the sword energy, cutting down the herb he needed.

Dugu Bo on the top of the mountain saw Xiao Tian as a lunatic, and swung his sword aura to cut off all the herbs near the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, and felt a little distressed for a while.

When he thought about it, even if Xiao Tian knew the uses of some herbs, could it be said that his knowledge in herbs and poisons could be comparable to his Poison Douluo?

Especially when Tang San took the star anise Xuanbing grass and the blazing apricot jiaoshu before Tang San was taking the lead, and Xiao Tian acted exactly according to Tang San's instructions.

Therefore, Dugubo does not believe that Xiao Tian will have a better understanding of herbs than himself!

In his opinion, Tang San might have some understanding of medicinal herbs, but Xiao Tian might be far from satisfactory.

After all, at Xiao Tian's age, it is extremely rare to be able to raise his spirit power to level ninety or higher, so how could he be able to separate his energy to learn other things?

Even in the eyes of Dugu Bo, the reason why Tang San was able to take the octagonal black ice grass and the burning apricot jiaoshu safely was probably the method found in the classics of his predecessors. Tang San just copied it as it is!

"Stop it!" Seeing that Xiao Tian uprooted a plant with seven leaves and a drop of crystal dew on each leaf, Dugu Bo couldn't help it anymore and shouted immediately.

The plants near the eyes of the ice and fire are rare and rare treasures. Some spirit grasses that he doesn't know the medicinal properties even dare to act rashly for fear of destroying the spirit grass.

But the plant that Xiao Tian had just uprooted was one of the few spirit grasses he knew the effects of!

Chapter 802 Ice Crystal Jade Dew!

The spiritual grass is called ice crystal jade dew, and its medicinal effect increases by one point for every extra leaf. Legend has it that once this spiritual grass reaches nine leaves, it can even give birth to spiritual wisdom, and its strength is no less than a hundred thousand-year soul beast!

Dugu Bo has traveled around the world, except for seeing a seven-leaf ice crystal jade near the eyes of the ice and fire, he has never seen even one ice crystal jade that exceeds three leaves!

Seeing that Xiao Tian actually uprooted this seven-leaf ice crystal jade dew from the roots, he had taken care of so much. Several of them leaped in front of Xiao Tian, ​​pointing to Xiao Tian’s nose and cursed: "You kid, you know How precious is this spiritual grass?

You uprooted, this is a violent thing, do you know?!"

After cursing, Dugubo looked at the Qiye Bingjing Yulu in Xiao Tian's hand with a distressed look. His face twitched a few times and said with a calm face: "Give it to me quickly and let me plant it again. There is really no way to remedy it anymore. Up."

Xiao Tian shook his head and said lightly, "Done?"

"It's finished," Dugubo nodded, and immediately reacted and shouted angrily: "What do you mean, what is your attitude, hurry up and give me this ice crystal jade, I will plant it back!"

"It's rare and weird," Xiao Tian glanced at Dugu Bo, disdainfully said: "Isn't it just a seven-leaf ice crystal jade dew?"

With that said, Xiao Tian pointed it into a knife and cut off the seven leaves with crystal clear dew, and then threw the remaining roots of the ice crystal jade to Dugu Bo like trash.

"Violence of the heavens, the violence of the heavens!" Dugu Bo saw Xiao Tian's movements, his cheeks twitched again, distressed.

But at the moment the seven blades have been chopped off by Xiao Tian, ​​and Dugu Bo has no way to connect them back. He can only carefully bury the remaining roots in the soil, hoping to take advantage of the special environment here to make the ice crystal jade grow early. Out leaves.

Xiao Tian ignored Dugu Bo, his expression suddenly became solemn, and with a wave of his robe sleeves, the spirit grass that he had previously cut with sword energy was wrapped in majestic spiritual power and flew towards Xiao Tian.

The azure blue flame in Xiao Tian's hands suddenly flared and turned into a big burning cauldron.

"Boy, what do you want to do?" Dugu Bo, who had just planted the ice crystal jade root system, saw Xiao Tian's movements, his heart beat, and a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

Xiao Tian didn't say a word, and the spirit grass that was cut off by him flew into the cauldron with his spiritual power. The moment those precious spirit grasses fell into the cauldron, they quickly withered, and then most of them were burned to fly ash. , Only a drop of liquid of various colors exuding amazing spiritual power was suspended in the great cauldron.

Upon seeing this, Dugu Bo jumped into a rage and shouted angrily: "Boy, what are you doing?!"

It's no wonder that Dugu Expo is like this, because although there are medicines in this world, they are not too mainstream.

With the existence of auxiliary system spirit masters, most of the time, the soul masters are injured by looking for auxiliary system spirit masters for treatment or simply waiting for them to heal themselves.

So even if Dugu Bo had some knowledge about alchemy, he had never seen a person like Xiao Tian who threw all the medicinal materials into the cauldron to refine.

Those alchemy masters were all standing by, guarding the alchemy furnace at all times, observing the conditions of the medicinal materials, and then adding the medicinal materials according to the pill.

How can someone like Xiao Tian throw them together in a pot like stew!

Xiao Tian glared at Dugu Bo, and a terrifying aura suddenly erupted, making Dugu Bo feel as if he was being stared at by a terrifying soul beast, and he shrank his head unconsciously, and he swallowed the words behind.

Chapter 803 Body Tempering Liquid!

Seeing Dugu Bo calm down, Xiao Tian then cast his gaze on the large cauldron formed by flames in front of him, pinching his hands, and the majestic spiritual power squeezed all the liquid medicine suspended in the cauldron together.

The liquid medicines of various colors were mixed together, and they continued to churn in the cauldron. The liquid medicines of different colors blended with each other, and in the end only a fist-sized emerald green liquid was left.

At the same time, a strong medicinal scent radiated from the emerald green medicinal liquid, and Dugu Bo just smelled it, and felt that the poison in his body seemed to have encountered some terrifying existence, and it was actually suppressed in an instant!

"What is this?!"

Dugu Bo widened his eyes and looked at the emerald green liquid medicine floating in the cauldron, his face was full of salivation.

If it weren't for the nine hundred thousand-year spirit rings that Xiao Tian showed before, it was too terrifying, Dugu Bo had already planned to grab it!

In his opinion, as long as he can get this emerald green liquid medicine, the poisonous poison that has plagued him for many years can no longer affect him!

He might even take this opportunity to raise his soul power a bit, and his combat power soars!

But thinking of Xiao Tian's nine blood-red spirit rings, Dugu Bo could only suppress the distractions in his heart, turned his head, and forced himself not to look at the emerald green liquid medicine that had fatal appeal to him.

Xiao Tian didn't pay attention to Dugu Bo, and scattered the azure blue cauldron. Looking at the emerald green liquid medicine floating in front of him, Xiao Tian couldn't help but smile a little more on his face.

This emerald green liquid medicine is actually not a precious thing, even on the plane of fighting and breaking, it is not even a pill.

However, Xiao Tian’s method of refining this body tempering liquid was improved by the dust, and any medicinal material can be refined into body tempering liquid. At the same time, the higher the grade of the medicinal material for refining body tempering liquid, the refined quenching body liquid. The better the body fluid is absorbed, the stronger the physical body is strengthened!

It is important to know that in the bucket breaking plane, before the dust improves the body tempering and liquid medicine, there is only one way to refine the body tempering and liquid. At the same time, the refined body tempering liquid can only be used for untrained, and the bone age is not It works for children over ten years old.

The body quenching liquid after the improvement of the dust does not have this shortcoming.

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