God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 350

"With the help of this body quenching liquid, Xiao San should be able to absorb all the medicinal power of the octagonal black ice grass and the burning apricot," Xiao Tian murmured, and immediately waved his hand, the emerald green quenching suspended in front of him. The body fluid flew directly towards the eyes of the ice and fire.

As the body quenching liquid melted into the eyes of the two instruments of ice and fire, a cluster of emerald green color exuding rich vitality was added to the original red and milky spring water.

However, the space occupied by that emerald green was rapidly shrinking, and within a few breaths, it had already been compressed to a very small area near Tang San.

Xiao Tian's expression didn't change at all when he saw it, and there was even a touch of expectation in his eyes.

After the body quenching fluid falls into the eyes of the two instruments of ice and fire, he had expected this result. After all, the eyes of the two instruments of ice and fire are fusion of extreme heat and extreme cold. Anything falling into the eyes of ice and fire Everything in your eyes will be suppressed and eventually turned into nothingness.

It was because this time that the body quenching liquid was refined by him with a variety of immortal herbs and supplemented with the seven-leaf ice crystal jade dew, it was able to support it for a while in the eyes of the ice and fire.

Replaced with body quenching liquid refined from other medicinal materials, I am afraid that as soon as it fell into the eyes of the ice and fire two instruments, the medicinal properties were destroyed by the extreme temperature of the ice and fire two instruments, turning into a pool of clean water with no effect.

Chapter 804 Dugu Bo's Request!

Even if the Body Tempering Liquid refined by Xiao Tian was refined from a large amount of immortal herbs, it still couldn't maintain the efficacy of the medicine for too long in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi.

But fortunately, Xiao Tian never thought of relying on this body quenching fluid to cut the marrow of Tang San Yijing, this body quenching fluid is just an introduction!

Seeing a large amount of Body Tempering Liquid gathered around Tang San, Tang San's originally hideous expression gradually calmed down. The red and blue colors on his body alternated, but compared to the beginning, the speed of the two colors changing is slower. Come down.

This proved that Tang San was absorbing the medicinal power of the octagonal black ice grass and the burning apricot.

Xiao Tian saw this scene with a relaxed smile on his face, and then turned his head to look at Dugu Bo who was not far behind him, his expression became cold and stern again, and said indifferently: "Poison Douluo is not leaving yet, is it just for me? Get one for you?"

While speaking, Xiao Tian released a terrifying pressure, as if the sky collapsed, oppressing Dugu Bo.

"Don't dare!" Dugu Bo said quickly, watching Xiao Tian's sword-like gaze, Dugu Bo only felt that he was surrounded by swords with blowing and breaking hair, and the hairs on his body couldn't help standing upside down.

The gaze alone made him feel extremely uncomfortable, and Dugu Bo couldn't imagine if Xiao Tian really made a move, could he survive a move under Xiao Tian!

"That's not going to roll?" Xiao Tian opened his eyes sharply, and shouted sharply. At the same time, a terrifying killing intent radiated from Xiao Tian, ​​flooding towards Dugu Bo overwhelmingly.

"Pre, senior!" Dugu Bo was enveloped by Xiao Tian's killing intent, and he only felt as if he was in an endless sea of ​​blood. Even if his Poison Douluo murdered the wild, he still felt a little bit in the face of Xiao Tian's terrifying killing intent. Difficulty breathing.

"Senior, the junior wants to ask the senior for pharmacology!" Suppressing the panic in his heart, Dugu Bo looked at Xiao Tian and quickly said his thoughts, for fear that he would be slow to speak, and Xiao Tian would be attacked.

Xiao Tian glanced at Dugu Bo without speaking, which made Dugu Bo's heart hang unconsciously.

For Dugu Bo, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. In the past, he was the only one on the mainland who had in-depth research on drugs. Even if he wanted to communicate, it was difficult to find someone.

At the moment Xiao Tian had already passed the Body Tempering Liquid to prove that he had amazing attainments in medicine, and Xiao Tian's strength was far above him.

Therefore, in his opinion, if he could communicate with Xiao Tian, ​​he might benefit a lot.

As for the previous thoughts that Xiao Tian was too young and couldn't have both soul power training and drug research, he had already forgotten him.

Perhaps there is a real arrogant in this world who knows what to do with half the effort?

Xiao Tian pondered for a while before he looked at Dugu Bo and said lightly: "It's not impossible to point you, but..."

"Senior, please tell me!" Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Dugu Bo quickly said: "Although the junior is not good enough, he has been a Title Douluo for many years. It can be regarded as some connections and savings. It doesn't matter what seniors ask for!"

"Personal connections, savings?" Xiao Tian sneered and did not continue to speak.

Dugu Bo quickly reacted. With Xiao Tian's strength, his personal connections are probably not even tasteless to Xiao Tian.

As for his own savings, it may not be comparable to this Title Douluo with nine hundred thousand year spirit rings!

After gritting his teeth, Dugubo said in a deep voice: "As long as the senior is willing to give advice to the junior pharmacology, the junior is willing to do three things for the senior or the senior nephew, as long as it does not violate my heart."

Chapter 805: A hundred poison is not invading

Dugu Bo can be considered to understand that the contacts and resources he has at his disposal are probably not worth mentioning in front of this senior. In contrast, his only bargaining chip is probably only himself!

Therefore, Dugu Bo just thought about it for a moment, and then offered his own terms, unconditionally doing three things for Xiao Tian and his descendants, as long as he didn't go against his original intention.

In his opinion, even if Xiao Tian's amazing strength didn't need him, Tang San, who was soaked in the eyes of Bing Huo Liang Yi, was just a spirit warrior who hadn't even obtained a spirit ring. He could still do something for Tang San.

Xiao Tian hesitated for a while when he heard the words, his eyes fell on Dugu Bo, and he said lightly: "I still believe in the reputation of Poison Douluo. In this case, I will point you for a while, but it is not me who pointed you."

"Senior means..." Dugubo hesitated, pointing at Tang San who was soaking in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, his tone was a bit astringent: "Isn't that the little guy pointing me?"

You must know that Tang San is only six years old now. Although he looks like he is about ten years old because of his relatively good growth, he still finds it difficult to accept the advice of such a child from Dugu Bo.

After all, although Xiao Tian was young, he looked like he was in his twenties, and his strength was even more unfathomable. Therefore, Dugubo had no resistance to accepting Xiao Tian's guidance, but Tang San...really too young!

When Xiao Tian heard this, the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, his face was a little joking, and he said: "If you want to talk about the understanding of herbs and poisons, my disciple must be above me. If you want to communicate with him, you can figure it out. ."

After that, Xiao Tian ignored Dugu Bo and walked directly towards the location of Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product, and then sitting next to Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product, thinking about where to take Tang San to find a soul beast suitable for him next.

When Dugubo saw this, his face was uncertain. With his identity and age, asking Xiao Tian for advice was already his last bottom line. He still couldn't hold back his face if he wanted him to ask Tang San for advice.

After all, no matter how weak he is, he will be a titled Douluo after all, asking for advice from a soul warrior who doesn't even have a spirit ring. What is this called?

After a while, Tang San, who was soaking in the eyes of Bing Huo Liang Yi, no longer showed red and blue colors on his body, his skin was as white as jade, and his face gradually calmed down.

Slowly opening his eyes, Tang San's gaze fell on Xiao Tian next to Youxiang Qiluo's immortal product for the first time. Before he could speak, Xiao Tian's voice came slowly: "Not bad, octagonal black ice grass and burning fire. You have absorbed most of the medicinal effects of Xingjiaoshu, and it is not a waste of those two fairy poisonous plants."

"Thanks to the medicinal liquid refined by Shigong, otherwise the medicinal effects of these two immortal herbs will be mostly reduced by the eyes of the ice and fire," Tang San said with a straight face and said to Xiao Tian.

"I haven't come up yet, is it comfortable to be soaked in the eyes of the Binghuo Liangyi?" Xiao Tian's hand gave a flash of brilliance, and a black suit appeared in his palm, and he threw it to Tang San.

Tang San took over the black strong outfit, jumped from the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, quickly changed his clothes, and then set his sights on Dugu Bo.

"Master, who is this?" Tang San frowned, and the fishy smell emanating from Dugu Bo made him familiar, just like the snake smell of the green phosphorus snake he had seen in Tang Sect in his previous life.

"Oh, this old man is Poison Douluo," Xiao Tian glanced at Dugu Bo and said lightly.

Chapter 806: A hundred poisons are not invaded (Part 2)!

Tang San immediately became interested when he heard this. To him, a Title Douluo was really nothing. After all, he had been around him for many years with Title Douluo and One Hundred Thousand Year Soul Beasts.

But a title Douluo with the title "Poison" really made him a little curious.

After all, according to his understanding of this world, there are very few soul masters who use poison in this other world. Now there are people who can use "poison" as the title, I am afraid that they have been unique in the knowledge of poison in the entire continent!

Because of this, Tang San has a lot of interest in Dugu Bo.

"Junior Tang San, I have met Senior Poison Douluo," thinking about communicating with Dugu Bo, so as to confirm whether the poisons of his previous life and this continent are different. Tang San's attitude towards Dugu Bo is not bad. Humble.

"Humph!" Dugu Bo snorted coldly, don't turn around, don't look at Tang San.

If Xiao Tian taught him personally, he would naturally not be like this, but how could Tang San, a little kid like him, have the ability to teach him pharmacology?

What's more, his Dugu Bo is also a well-known titled Douluo on the mainland. If he talks with a few-year-old kid of his generation, he even has to hold a disciple ceremony. If this spreads out, he still needs to be in the mainland. Upmix?!

Seeing Dugu Bo's awkward appearance, Xiao Tian couldn't help but shook his head and laughed, but he was too lazy to say anything, his eyes fell on Tang San, and he whispered, "Little San, how do you feel now?"

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