God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 351

The feeling he was talking about naturally meant whether Tang San had noticed his own changes after absorbing the two immortal poisonous weeds, the octagonal black ice grass and the blazing apricot jiaoshu.

After all, those two fairy-grade poisonous weeds are rare things, and with the assistance of the body quenching liquid and ice-fire two eyes refined by Xiao Tian, ​​at the moment Xiao Tian is not sure that the two fairy-grade poisonous weeds are most effective. Will Tang San have any other changes?

Hearing this, Tang San closed his eyes and felt what was going on inside his body, and his face immediately became a little weird.

Xiao Tian's heart jumped, but there was no expression on his face, and he whispered, "But what's wrong?"

Tang San shook his head and said quickly: "Master, don't worry, it's a good thing."

"A good thing?" Xiao Tian relaxed after hearing the words, and said lightly: "If that's the case, let's talk about it."

"After taking the octagonal black ice grass and the blazing apricot jiaoshu, I am now invincible. Because of the body tempering liquid refined by the master, my physical fitness has also improved a lot, but what is the specific strength? I don’t know the extent."

Tang San said quickly, with a bit of joy in his words.

"I'll try," Xiao Tian nodded lightly, and nine blood-colored spirit rings rose from behind him, and the terrifying coercion moved toward Tang San.

Dugu Bo on the side looked a little strange when he saw this. Xiao Tian's coercion was deeply felt by him. Now that Xiao Tian released such a terrifying coercion on Tang San, is it possible that Xiao Tian was so confident that Tang San could bear it. ?

Facing the coercion released by Xiao Tian, ​​Tang San only felt that his surroundings had become a sea of ​​blood, and he was on top of the sea of ​​blood. The strong bloody air made him difficult to breathe.

The Blue Silver Emperor emerged from the palm of his right hand, coiling around Tang San. At the same time, a drenched blue and golden light radiated from the Blue Silver Emperor, covering Tang San.

"This is Blue Silver Grass?" Dugu Bo frowned in thought. He had traveled in the mainland for many years, but he had never seen a Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit like this.

Chapter 807: A hundred poisons will not invade (part 2)!

You must know that Lan Yincao is a famous waste martial arts spirit on the mainland. Most people with blue Yincao martial arts spirit are born with zero spirit power, and cannot become a spirit master at all.

Even with some exceptions, the innate soul power will never exceed two levels, and I am afraid that it will stop at the great soul master in his life, and it is difficult to make achievements.

But Tang San's Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit was different. When facing Tang San's Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit, Dugu Bo actually felt that his martial spirit was faintly suppressed.

One must know that his martial spirit is the Jade Snake Emperor, who can suppress him on the martial spirit, how could it be just an ordinary blue silver grass martial spirit?

Hearing Dugu Bo's words, Xiao Tian smiled, but didn't say anything to explain. At this moment, his eyes fell on Tang San, his face couldn't help but become more satisfied.

With the coercion he released just now, even if a strong soul of the soul saint level comes, it may not be able to withstand it.

What's more, the Blue Silver Emperor is not a defensive spirit. Although known for its toughness and regeneration ability, in the face of direct attack and aura pressure, the Blue Silver Emperor can't even compare to the defensive spirit of a lower level!

In other words, to resist his aura and oppression by relying on the Blue Silver Emperor's martial spirit, Tang San's physical defensive ability might already be comparable to that of an ordinary Soul Dou!

"Your physical body is strong enough to absorb ten thousand years of spirit ring," Xiao Tian looked at Tang San and said with a smile: "The octagonal Profound Ice Grass and Blazing Apricot Jiaoshu are both highly poisonous.

There is also the help of the eyes of the ice and fire, converging the effects of the two immortal poisonous herbs into your body, almost equivalent to a small ice and fire eyes, I am afraid that ordinary toxins can't help you."

Tang San nodded, and said, "Master said right, these two fairy-grade poisonous weeds are extremely rare spirit grasses. Now the disciple has absorbed all the medicinal effects of these two fairy-grade poisonous weeds, there should be no toxins in this world. I have a disciple."

"Is it OK or not? You can tell if you try it?" Xiao Tian smiled and said, "Poison Douluo is here. In terms of research on the use of poison, there are not many that can surpass this Poison Douluo. "

As he said, Xiao Tian's eyes fell on Dugu Bo, and said lightly: "I can borrow your green phosphorus snake venom to use it, can you?"

Xiao Tian's words were not loud, but they fell in the ears of Dugu Bo, but they were like thunder and explosion.

"Since the predecessor has this order, how dare you not follow it?" Dugu Bo said quickly.

While speaking, two yellow, two purple, five black and nine spirit rings rose from behind Dugu Bo, his dark green nails became extremely long, and a drop of almost rich dark green venom was forced out from his fingertips.

Xiao Tian nodded when he saw it, and raised his hand to take the drop of dark green venom into his hand.

"The Jade Snake Emperor's life is very poisonous, yes," Xiao Tian looked at the dark green venom in his hand, and then told Tang San, "Open your mouth."

After hearing this, Dugu Bo's expression changed, and just about to speak out to persuade him, Tang San had already opened his mouth and swallowed the drop of green phosphorus snake venom.

"Senior, this is the natural poison of the Biphos Snake Emperor!" Dugu Bo saw Tang San swallowing the venom, his face was earthy: "Even if it is due to swallowing, the toxicity has been reduced a lot, but it is not a company. A soul warrior who doesn't have a spirit ring can bear it!"

Dugu Bo is not a fool, how can he not see Xiao Tian's pampering with Tang San, if ordinary people, with Xiao Tian's strength, would bring him here, use medicinal herbs and spiritual springs to refine his body and strengthen his physique?

If Tang San died of his green phosphorus snake venom, even if Xiao Tian asked for it, he would definitely be angry with Xiao Tian!

Chapter 808 The Scared Dugu Bo!

"Don't worry," Xiao Tian glanced at Dugu Bo and said lightly: "Even if something happens to Xiaosan, I won't bother you."

Xiao Tian didn't worry that Tang San would not be able to resist Dugubo's green phosphorus snake venom.

After all, on the original world line, Tang San with more than 30 levels of spirit power, without fully absorbing the octagonal black icegrass and the blazing apricot, can resist the biphos that Dugu Bo injected into his body. Snake venom.

Even if there is the help of Youxiang Qiluo's pollen, it is enough to prove that Dugubo's Biphosphorous Snake Venom is not insoluble.

Right now, even though Tang San's spirit power was only tenth rank, with the help of the Body Tempering Liquid he refined, he strengthened his body to a terrifying level.

In addition, the medicinal properties of the octagonal black icegrass and the burning apricot were absorbed by Tang San. It was just a breeze to resist the mere green phosphorus snake venom.

Dugu Bowenyan shook his head. He couldn't hear the confidence in Xiao Tian's words. In his opinion, Xiao Tian might have really miscalculated this time.

But for Dugu Bo, what does it matter if Tang San is dead or alive?

As long as Xiao Tian didn't anger him, even if Tang San was poisoned by his green phosphorus snake venom, he could leave safely.

Thinking about this, Dugubo's suspended heart was released, and then his eyes fell on Tang San, and he couldn't help but say, "This is impossible!"

Under his gaze, the black color on Tang San's face that had swallowed the Biphosphorous Snake Venom actually dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, but for a few breaths, the blackness that had originally filled Tang San's face The black has disappeared!

How can Dugu Bo not know what this means?

"Yes," Xiao Tian's expression was much calmer than Dugu Bo's shock, and he said lightly: "When your spirit power becomes stronger, there should be no poison on the mainland that can help you."

After finishing speaking, before Tang San could speak, Xiao Tian continued: "Okay, you wait here, I will find you a suitable ten thousand year soul beast."

Before the lingering sound had dissipated, Xiao Tian had disappeared in place, leaving only Tang San and Dugubo staring at them.

Dugu Bo swallowed his saliva, looked at Tang San, hesitated for a while before he said: "Boy, your name is Tang San?"

"Yes," Tang San nodded lightly. He was extremely curious about this titled Douluo who was titled "Poison", so he immediately replied after hearing Dugubo's words.

"That senior...what's his name?" Dugu Bo thought for a while and continued to ask.

"Doesn't Poison Douluo know who the master is?" Tang San couldn't help but feel a little stunned when he heard the words, and said in doubt: "Do you have never heard of the fact that Poison Douluo defeated the spirit hall to worship Qian Daoliu twice?"

Dugu Bo was stunned for a moment, and a look of horror appeared on his face, and he lost his voice: "You mean, the senior just now defeated the Great Hall of Martial Arts worship Qian Daoliu twice?!

That Qian Daoliu was a level ninety-nine limit Douluo. Looking at the entire continent, Tang Chen of the Haotian Sect and Bo Saixi, the owner of the Seagod Island, were able to fight him. The senior had defeated him twice?!"

It’s no wonder that Dugu Bo was so shocked. Before he lived in seclusion, Qian Daoliu was already a level ninety-nine limit Douluo, but like Tang Chen, he suppressed a generation of peerless geniuses, Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen. Dugu Bo is regarded as an idol and faith!

As for Bo Saixi, the owner of Seagod Island, Dugu Bo doesn't care much. Firstly, the sea spirit master is different from the mainland soul master. Secondly, the sea god island owner is said to be favored by the sea god, and given the sea god martial soul, his own talent may not be necessarily Comparable to Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen.

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