God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 352

But right now Tang San actually told him that Qian Daoliu was defeated, and still twice?!

Chapter 809 Dugu Bo's Thoughts!

"Apart from the great worship of Wuhun Hall, who else has the qualifications to let Master do it himself?" Tang San said proudly.

Dugu Bo couldn't help falling into silence. He didn't think Tang San was lying to himself, because Tang San had a backing like Xiao Tian, ​​so he didn't need to fool himself.

And one of the weakest in the title Douluo himself, did not have the capital to make Tang San deceive.

What's more, whether it was the terrifying oppression he felt from Xiao Tian before, or the nine blood-red 100,000-year spirit rings, it was enough to explain the problem.

After all, even as a great sacrifice to the Spirit Hall, the ninety-nine-level Limit Douluo's Qian Daoliu is only a combination of eight black and one red spirit rings, which is worse than Xiao Tian's nine hundred thousand year spirit rings. How many.

Thinking of this, Dugu Bo's gaze fell on Tang San, and his heart moved slightly.

Xiao Tian was able to defeat Qian Daoliu many times, and his vision would naturally not be bad. Tang San was able to catch his eyes, and even more so that he did not hesitate to personally refining spiritual liquid, and now he went out to find suitable soul beasts for Tang San. Xiao Tian attached great importance to Tang San.

If he had a relationship with Tang San's peers, maybe he could still get along with Xiao Tian.

As for the previous thoughts of talking to Tang San's peers and losing his title Douluo, they didn't know where he had thrown them.

Compared to the chance to have a relationship with a terrifying master who could defeat Qian Daoliu, Title Douluo's face seemed a little insignificant.

"Little Brother Tang San," Dugu Bo hesitated, and said in embarrassment, "I heard from the senior that you are very accomplished in poisoning?"

Although he had decided to lower his face and discuss with Tang San's peers, Dugu Bo still inevitably felt embarrassed. After all, even if he put aside his strength, his age alone was enough to be Tang San's grandfather.

"Junior does have some experience with poison," Tang San nodded lightly and smiled: "If senior is willing to give advice to junior, junior is grateful."

Tang San and two generations were human. Seeing the embarrassment on Dugu Bo's face, he just thought about it and understood the reason, so he directly placed himself in the position of a junior.

After all, for him, if he wants to understand the poison in this world, Dugu Bo is undoubtedly the best candidate, because although Xiao Tian is strong, he has learned a lot, and he hasn't dabbled in the use of poison.

"I can't tell you how to give instructions," Dugu Bowenyan said with a little more smile on his face, and said with a smile: "It's not bad for you and me to communicate and confirm each other."

Tang San took the initiative to put himself in the position of the younger generation, but it saved him his face, so Dugu Bo couldn't help but admire Tang San a little bit more in his heart.

At a young age, his mind is already so meticulous, and with the teachings of elders like Xiao Tian, ​​I am afraid that the future is boundless.

Thinking of this, Dugu Bo's heart moved, and he secretly said: "Yan Yan is not much older than Tang San, maybe we can match them together. If Yan Yan can be with Tang San, even if I have any accidents in the future, Yan Yan will have it. To rely on."

Dugu Bo knew very well that even though he was a titled Douluo, he was not good at fighting. If he really wanted to fight, I am afraid that some evil spirit Douluo could beat him.

Besides, Tang Hao, who broke through the titled Douluo realm a few years ago, was known as the youngest titled Douluo in the mainland, and he was able to suppress or even kill him at the level of the Soul Douluo!

Therefore, Dugu Bo did not dare to guarantee that he would not have any accidents and fell outside.

Chapter 810 Ten Thousand Years Mandala Snake King!

While Dugu Bo and Tang San were exchanging their poisonous experiences by the eyes of the Binghuo Liangyi, Xiao Tian had already searched the vicinity of the mound where the Binghuoliangyi Eyes were located. Unfortunately, although there were a lot of Ten Thousand Years Soul Beasts, No one fits Xiao Tian's mind.

"According to the original world line, Tang San's first spirit ring is a mandala snake that has been cultivated for a hundred years..."

Xiao Tian walked in the sunset forest and murmured: "I don't know much about the combination of spirit beasts and spirit rings. It's better to find spirit beasts for him according to Tang San's original development direction. It's just a mandala snake... "

Xiao Tian knew a little about this kind of soul beast. The mandala snake was extremely toxic, and could not help but paralyze the poisoned person, and at the same time could quickly destroy the poisoned person's body nerves.

In addition, its body is extremely tough, and the sword is difficult to damage. In addition to the two vital points of the mouth and eyes, even a soul beast of the same level can hardly break its scales and hurt it.

With such characteristics, the mandala snake can be regarded as the king of snake-like soul beasts, and it is also one of the most terrifying existences among the poisonous soul beasts. Only a few soul beasts such as the green phosphorus snake can suppress mandala of the same level. Luo snake.

And with Tang San's current physical fitness and non-invasive characteristics, he could completely absorb a ten thousand-year-old mandala snake spirit ring!

"It's just that the mandala snake is not easy to find..." Xiao Tian shook his head and smiled bitterly, and walked deeper into the sunset forest.

Mandala snakes are scarce. Even if there are not many natural enemies, this kind of soul beast is a great threat to other soul beasts. Therefore, many mandala snakes will be surrounded by a large number of soul beasts before they grow up. kill.

And this also caused the number of mandala snakes to be even rarer, and mandala snakes with a cultivation base of more than ten thousand years are even more rare. I am afraid that it is difficult to find a few even in the Great Forest of Heaven Dou.

And in this sunset forest, it is estimated that there will not be mandala snakes more than ten thousand years old.

However, before Xiao Tian could take a few steps, a gust of wind suddenly struck behind him. Xiao Tian made a wrong step and hid to the side. At the same time, terrifying coercion radiated from him and moved toward the attacker.

Before, because he was afraid of scaring away the soul beasts in the sunset forest, Xiao Tian reduced his aura as much as possible. With his strength and deliberately reducing his aura, I am afraid that even if the gods of the gods come in person, it is difficult to see him. Virtual reality.

It's just that Xiao Tian didn't expect that his act of restraining his breath turned him into a delicacy in the eyes of those soul beasts!

Hearing the sound of a heavy object falling, Xiao Tian couldn't help shaking his head, and said with a laugh: "I don't know what soul beast is so bold."

While talking, Xiao Tian turned his head and looked behind him, and saw an eleven-meter-long yellow snake lying on the ground. The narrow vertical pupil was full of horror.

"This is really..." Xiao Tian saw the big yellow snake with a dumbfounding expression on his face.

He didn't know what to say. Before, he thought that there might not be a mandala snake in this sunset forest with more than ten thousand years old, but he didn't expect that there would be a ten thousand year cultivation base before long. The mandala snake came to attack him!

It is actually very simple to identify the cultivation base of the mandala snake. Before the cultivation base reached a thousand years, the body of the mandala snake was dark green. For every 100 years of cultivation base, the body length increased by one meter.

Once it breaks through the millennium, the mandala snake will shed its skin and condense its strength, so the body will be shortened back to one meter, and the cultivation base will increase for a hundred years, and the body length will increase by one meter. At the same time, the color of the mandala snake will change from ink Green changes to pink.

After every thousand years, the body of the mandala snake will retract one meter again, and the pink on the body will gradually deepen, and the cycle repeats.

When the mandala snake breaks through ten thousand years, the color will change to yellow, and the body length of the mandala snake will increase by one meter for every ten thousand years of cultivation.

And based on the color and length of this mandala snake, Xiao Tian was enough to conclude that this mandala snake king was about 20,000 years old!

Chapter 811 Tang San and Dugu Bo!

"The 20,000-year soul beast is still the mandala snake king known for its poison..." Xiao Tian frowned and murmured, "I don't know if Xiao San can absorb...

But with the help of ice and fire, it shouldn’t be difficult to absorb the spirit ring of the mandala and snake king..."

Xiao Tian pondered for a while, then he patted his forehead and smiled: "What am I struggling with here, let the little San's child decide for himself?"

Thinking about this, Xiao Tian looked at the Mandala Snake King lying on the ground, his eyes condensed, and terrifying pressure radiated from him, as if the sky collapsed toward the Mandala Snake King oppressing.

Facing the terrifying pressure of Xiao Tian, ​​the Mandala Snake King failed to support him for a moment, and passed out on the spot.

Seeing this, Xiao Tian made a quick move, the majestic spiritual power turned into a powerful hand, grabbed the mandala snake king, and flew towards the hill where the eyes of the ice and fire were.

Just when Xiao Tian took the Mandala and Snake King to the eyes of the Binghuo Liangyi, Dugu Bo and Tang San beside the Binghuo Liangyi also had a very happy conversation.

Although Tang San had the inheritance of the Tang Sect, the "Xuantian Treasure Record" recorded countless poisons and hidden weapons, but some things in the previous life were completely different from this world.

Although Xiao Tian's strength was astonishing, because of this, Xiao Tian didn't know much about poisons. In contrast, no one in this world knew more about various poisons than the poison Douluo in front of him.

During the short time of talking with Dugu Bo, Tang San learned a lot of knowledge about using poison that could not be learned from "Xuantianbaolu".

And Dugu Bo was also very frightened. He had previously decided to let go of Title Douluo's reservations about communicating with Tang San and using poison, but he planned to use Tang San as a springboard to establish a relationship with Xiao Tian.

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