God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 357

At the beginning, the Wuhun Palace besieged and killed her mother, although Bibi Dong was the main leader, but Chihiro Ji did not do much in it!

In fact, if it weren't for Chihiro Ji's Angel Domain, Bibi Dong would never have killed her mother!

Therefore, hearing the opportunity to fight against the owner of the Seraphim Martial Soul, how can Xiao Wu suppress the killing intent in her heart?

"Xiao Wu, who are you going to beat up to find teeth?" Before Xiao Wu's voice fell, a rather ridiculous voice suddenly came not far away.

Everyone followed the prestige and saw Xiao Tian and Tang San slowly walking out of the woods.

"Master!" Xiao Wu leaped for joy and jumped directly to Xiao Tian, ​​and immediately hugged Tang San next to Xiao Tian.

"Brother, Xiao Wu wants to kill you!" Xiao Wu hugged Tang San, a pitiful expression appeared on her little face.

The corner of Xiao Tian's mouth twitched twice. Before, when Xiao Wu called him, he really thought Xiao Wu was thinking about him...

Shaking his head, Xiao Tian's gaze fell on Yu Xiaogang, a little more smile on his face, and he whispered softly: "It looks like you have already condensed your fourth spirit ring. Let me see what your fourth spirit ring is. How many years."

Yu Xiaogang nodded, and four spirit rings rose from behind him. Except for the two yellow spirit rings at the head, the third and fourth spirit rings were all deep black, especially the fourth spirit ring. A lot of dark red color has been mixed in the black!

This is enough to prove that Yu Xiaogang's fourth spirit ring has been infinitely close to one hundred thousand years!

Chapter 822 In the Clear Sky Sect!

"Teacher, my fourth spirit ring has a lifespan of 97,000 years, and the spirit ability given to me is a large-scale destructive dragon flame. It's a pity that I haven't been able to condense a 100,000-year spirit ring in one fell swoop."

Yu Xiaogang said to Xiao Tian, ​​but it was rather regretful in words.

After all, only three thousand years of cultivation base, his fourth spirit ring will be able to rank among the 100,000 year spirit ring. By then, he can't help but greatly increase his physical fitness and spirit power, and it can also give him an extra powerful one. skill!

Especially after experimenting with his fourth spirit ability, this regret has become even more intense!

"It doesn't have to be," Xiao Tian shook his head and laughed. "You have a more thorough study of martial arts than mine. How can you not know how big the gap is between a one-hundred-thousand-year spirit ring and one that is less than one hundred thousand years old?

The spirit ring that can condense 90,000 years has already exceeded my expectations."

Yu Xiaogang was silent, Xiao Tian didn't say anything anymore, turned his eyes to Tang Zhen, and said lightly: "I just heard that the second elder is here for help. It shouldn't be too late, let's leave as soon as possible."

"Thank you Senior Xiao!" Tang Zhen said with a happy face when he heard this, and quickly reverently said.

Xiao Tian waved his hand and said to Yu Xiaogang: "After the matter of the Haotian School is resolved, you bring Tang San to the Holy Soul Village to find me, and I have something else for you."

After speaking, Xiao Tian's figure flashed and disappeared from the sight of everyone.

Yu Xiaogang looked at Tang Zhen and said with a smile: "Since the teacher has already spoken, please ask the second elder to take us to find someone from the Blue Electric Overlord Sect."

Tang Zhen nodded, and hurried towards Clear Sky School with Tang Hao and his party...


Tang Zhen took Tang Hao's five people day and night, and it only took three days to rush back to Clear Sky School.

Tang San and Xiao Wu were taken by Tang Hao and didn't consume much energy, so when the group hurried back to the Haotian School, they were in good condition.

"Are the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect still in the martial arts field?" Tang Zhen looked at the Haotian Sect disciple who was in charge of guarding the Clear Sky Sect's gate, and asked aloud.

"Reporting to the second elder, the people of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect have been in the martial arts field for this period of time, and their arrogance is very arrogant. If it were not suppressed by the suzerain, Tang Long, Tanghu and others are ready to teach the people of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. "

Upon seeing Tang Hao and the others, the disciple of the Haotian School guarding the gate quickly replied with joy on his face.

He was also watching the scene when Tang San awakened the spirit of martial arts. He was naturally no stranger to the owner of this twin spirit, the future Sect Master of the Clear Sky School.

"Huh!" Tang Zhen snorted when he heard the words, and a sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth, "The Blue Lightning Overlord Sect will not be proud of it for long. I really thought that if I could get someone from the Spirit Hall as a helper, Haotian Sect would have nothing to do? "

Having said that, Tang Zhen strode towards the martial arts field, Tang Hao and the others did not hesitate at all, and went straight to the martial arts field.

Soon, Tang Hao and a few people rushed to the outside of the martial arts arena. Before they could enter the martial arts arena, a proud voice came from inside: "I said, is there anyone from the Haotianzong?

If no one is there, don't waste it here, obediently give up the name of the world's number one sect, and admit that the new generation of you Clear Sky Sect is a bunch of waste!"

"Humph! Arrogant!" Tang Hao's expression sank, coldly snort.

It's just that although he is angry, he doesn't want to bully the big one and fight against a group of juniors, but his face is not very good.

Chapter 823 Thousand Renxue!

A Yin smiled when he saw it, took Tang Hao's hand, and whispered softly: "There are Xiao San and Xiao Wu, let them be arrogant for a while."

The anger on Tang Hao's face disappeared when he heard the words, replaced by a relieved smile.

When he rushed back to Clear Sky School from the Star Dou Great Forest, he already knew Tang San's current spirit power level.

Level 27!

Compared to Xiao Wu, one level higher, not to mention Tang San's two spirit rings, one is the best spirit ring dropped by the 20,000-year mandala snake king, and the other is a 90,000-year god bestowed soul. ring!

"Yes, with the current strength of Xiao San, let alone the new generation of Wuhun Palace, a two-ringed Seraphim Wuhun, even if it is a forty-level Soul Sect, it may not be Xiao San's opponent!

His words were not aimless, before the spirit power reached the 80th rank, the gap between each rank was actually not too big.

Some soul masters with extraordinary talents can leapfrog and defeat soul masters with stronger spirit power by virtue of their powerful martial arts and powerful soul rings!

When he was young, Tang Hao used his 30th-level spirit power to defeat a forty-seventh-level 4th ring war spirit master before obtaining the third spirit ring!

Now Tang San's talent is even more enchanting than him. What he was able to do at the beginning, Tang San will definitely be able to do, or even better!

With these words, several people have already walked outside the martial arts field. At this moment, the martial arts field was surrounded by a large number of disciples of the Clear Sky Sect and the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

On the temporary arena in the middle of the martial arts field, a beautiful girl of about ten years old was standing quietly, holding an angel holy sword in her hand, and a pair of cut water autumn eyes concealed a bit of disdain and killing intent. .

"Is this the owner of the Seraphim Martial Spirit that the second elder said?" Tang Hao frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Yes," Tang Xiao said in a low voice when he walked to Tang Hao's side, "This girl is Qian Xun Ji's daughter, Qian Renxue, with a twenty-ninth level of spirit power, and both spirit rings are centenary soul ring."

Before Tang Xiao finished speaking, Qian Renxue in the middle of the martial arts arena suddenly spoke, with a voice like a jade bead: "Everyone in the Haotian School, are there any young disciples who can do it? If not, don't waste time anymore. Up."

Tang Hao's face sank, his eyes fell on Tang San, and he said coldly: "Little San, I'm leaving it to you."

Tang San nodded lightly, his face also a little ugly.

Unlike the original world line, today Tang Hao has not been expelled from the Clear Sky Sect, and Tang San has been taken care of in the Clear Sky Sect.

Therefore, Tang San's sense of belonging to the Haotian School was not weak. Now that he heard Qian Renxue's provocation, Tang San couldn't help getting angry, and a little bit below his feet, he jumped out of the crowd and landed on the ring.

"Little brother, this is not where you should be," Qian Renxue couldn't help laughing when she saw Tang San.

The disciples of the Blue Power Overlord Sect around the martial arts field even burst into laughter.

On the high platform in the martial arts field, the leader of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect looked at Tang Tian beside him, and mocked: "Sect Master Tang, don't you have any disciples in the new generation of Clear Sky Sect? Let such a little kid go to the ring?"

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