God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 358

Tang Tian heard a flash of killing intent in his eyes, but his face was extremely calm, and he said indifferently: "Elder Jade, I am not as famous as your Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. Naturally, I cannot recruit a seraphic spirit. Disciple.

Isn't it normal for the new generation of disciples who have not been able to show it?It is my grandson Tang San who is now on stage, and he has only awakened his spirit for about a month.

Letting him come to power this time was also for this kid to see and see how powerful the Seraphim Martial Spirit is, so as not to be as ignorant as his father, and even the Pope of the Martial Spirit Palace would fight as he said."

Hearing Tang Tian's words, the leader of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect snorted coldly and his face became extremely ugly.

Chapter 824 Haotianzong, Tang San, please advise!

He can be the leader of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, leading the new generation of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, and Qian Renxue, a foreign aid from the Spirit Hall, to the Haotianzong to provoke him. Naturally, he will not be a fool. How could he not hear Tang Tian's words? The sarcasm in it?

Although Tang Tian didn't point out, he was undoubtedly not mocking his Blue Lightning Overlord Sect as one of the upper three sects, but reduced to being a running dog in the Wuhun Palace.

In contrast, Haotian Douluo Tang Hao drew Spirit Douluo's strength against Chihiro Ji.

If it hadn't been for that senior Xiao Tian of unknown origin appeared in time and prevented the battle from continuing, I am afraid that Tang Hao would be able to accomplish the feat of defeating Titled Douluo with the strength of the Soul Douluo!

This incident undoubtedly greatly increased the prestige of the Clear Sky Sect. Compared with Clear Sky Sect, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect who had become a running dog in the Spirit Palace naturally became a joke!

"Tang Tian, ​​you can't be proud of it for too long!" The elder of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect looked at Tang Tian with a calm face and sneered in his heart.

He knew very well what kind of arrangement the Spirit Hall had made for the Haotian School. Tang Hao and the Xiao Tianling of unknown origin had swept the Hall of Spirits, and almost destroyed the spirit hall generation of Bibi Dong, Wuhun Hall. How can you give up?

You must know that Wuhun Palace is a transcendent force above the seven major sects. This time Qian Renxue was sent to suppress the Clear Sky School, but it was just a small fight!

Waiting until the Wuhun Palace made its full effort, even if the original Clear Sky Douluo Tang Chen reappeared, it would never be possible to keep Clear Sky School!

At that time, the Haotian Sect mainland was removed, and the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect could naturally surpass the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect and become the seven major sects. No, it should be the strongest among the six major sects!

Thinking of this, the elder of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect looked slightly better, his eyes fell on the ring below, and he snorted coldly in his heart: "Huh, let you be proud of it for a few days!"

At this moment, on the arena in the center of the martial arts arena, Tang San looked at Qian Renxue, with a touch of killing intent hidden in his eyes.

Qian Renxue hated the Haotian School because of Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu Qianxunji, so why didn't Tang San feel resentful because of Wuhun Hall's besieging Tang Hao?

What's more, given his relationship with Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu's mother's blood feud could not be ignored either.

It's just that he is still weak now, and he can't hit the Hall of Souls and overthrow the Hall of Pope, but now that the Hall of Souls is sending the younger generation to the door, he will naturally not be soft, let alone say anything to pity and cherish jade!

"Haotianzong, Tang San, a twenty-seventh-level control system war spirit master, please advise." Tang San said coldly, looking at Qian Renxue.

Hearing Tang San's words, there was an uproar in the martial arts venue. Not only the disciples of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, but even the disciples of the Haotian Sect who had witnessed Tang San's awakening were shocked.

"Ahu, I heard that right, did Tang San's kid say he has a 27th-level spirit power?" On the periphery of the martial arts field, Tang Long elbowed Tang Hu beside him, his tone a little bitter.

He is nearly ten years older than Tang San, but he is now only thirty-ninth level of spirit power, and how old is Tang San, he is already twenty-seventh level of spirit power?

"I also hope I heard it wrong..."

Tang Hu smiled bitterly and shook his head, and cursed in a low voice: "Genius is really a fucking creature!"

While talking, Tang Hu's gaze fell on Xiao Wu, who was also there when Xiao Wu awakened, and now even Tang San has 27th level of spirit power, Xiao Wu who is innately 20th level of spirit power, Didn't he have already obtained the third spirit ring?

Chapter 825 Shock!

Even Tang Long and Tang Hu, the two young Tianjiao of the Haotian Sect who had witnessed Tang San and Xiao Wu awakening their martial souls, were so shocked, let alone those disciples of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect?

"Is this kid kidding, 27th-level spirit power, he looks less than ten years old, right?" A Blue Lightning Overlord Sect disciple swallowed his saliva and said to his companion next to him.

"Little San is just over six years old this year, a martial soul who only awakened a month ago." Before the other Blue Lightning Overlord Sect disciples could speak, the Haotian Sect disciple on the side spoke quietly.

Several disciples of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect looked at the disciples of the Open Haotian Sect, but saw a "don't thank me" expression on the latter's face. They hated them, but they also took the latter.

The disciple of the Haotian School who was speaking only felt refreshed when he saw this, and his gaze at Tang San on the ring became softer.

"Worthy of the second uncle's son," the Haotian Sect disciple sighed softly, and laughed in a low voice: "With Tang San here, as long as he steps into the titled Douluo realm, the Spirit Hall will have to My Clear Sky School bowed my head!"

As one of the disciples of the Haotian School who had witnessed Tang San's awakening at the beginning, he knew very well what Tang San's real trump card was—that was a twin martial soul that had been rare in a century!

And it's still top martial arts spirits like Clear Sky Hammer and Blue Silver Emperor!

In contrast, Tang San's current astonishing cultivation speed is actually not worth mentioning!

On the arena, Qian Renxue frowned unconsciously when she heard the discussion around her.

Originally thought that Tang San was just a smoke bomb released by the Clear Sky School to save face, after all, at Tang San's age, even if it was defeated in her hands, Clear Sky School could excuse the third year of Tang's youth.

But now it seems...

She underestimated the Clear Sky School!

You must know that she is a Seraphim Martial Soul, with an innate soul power of 20th level, and now only a 29th-level soul power. Tang San looks about five years younger than her, and his soul power is only two levels lower than her. Qian Renxue naturally doesn't know what this means!

"It seems that this kid's martial arts spirit is weird," Qian Renxue looked at Tang San, and said in her heart: "Listening to those people just now, this kid is the child of Tang Hao and that one hundred thousand year old soul beast...

If it is a Clear Sky Hammer spirit, even if this kid is talented, it is absolutely impossible to reach the twenty-seventh level of spirit power at this age. So, the spirit of the one hundred thousand year old spirit beast is still at the rank Above the Clear Sky Hammer?"

"Interesting," Qian Renxue lowered her eyes and said in a voice that only she could hear: "I want to see if I can compare with my Seraphim!"

Thinking of this, Qian Renxue held the Angel Sacred Sword with her right hand slightly raised, the Angel Sacred Sword pointed at Tang San, and said coldly: "Wuhun Hall, Qian Renxue, a twenty-ninth level assault war spirit master."

After that, a seraph phantom with her eyes closed and sacred light appeared behind her. Two yellow spirit rings surrounded the seraph phantom, giving a strong sense of oppression.

Seeing Qian Renxue releasing his martial spirit, Tang San took a deep breath, the Blue Silver Emperor stretched out from the palm of his right hand, and at the same time two black spirit rings rose from his feet.

After the appearance of these two spirit rings, the originally noisy martial arts field became silent in an instant, as if the surrounding sounds were swallowed by the deep black glow emitted by those two spirit rings!

After a long time, Tang Long swallowed his saliva and turned his head very stiffly, looking at Tang Hu who was equally surprised from ear to ear, and said with difficulty, "Is it wrong that Tang San has two? Ten thousand years spirit ring?"

Chapter 826 Tang Tian's Worries!

As a disciple of the Clear Sky School, Tang Long thought that his knowledge was not too shallow, and the ten thousand year spirit ring was also not a rare thing to them.

Because the spirit ring matching of every Clear Sky School disciple must be based on the best spirit ring matching.

In other words, as long as it is a disciple of the Clear Sky School with a spirit power of 50 or higher, the fifth spirit ring is nothing but a ten thousand year spirit ring!

But the problem is...

Tang San's first and second spirit ring has now reached ten thousand years!

Especially Tang San's second spirit ring, judging from the dark red hidden under the black, this second spirit ring has been evolving in the direction of a hundred thousand year spirit ring, which represents Tang San. 'S second spirit ring is at least 80,000 years old!

A spirit ring of 80,000 years!

Tang Long felt that if he could step into the realm of Title Douluo, the ninth spirit ring would probably be around 80,000 years old.

But when Tang San was six years old, with a twenty-seventh level of spirit power, he had already accomplished one of his biggest goals in his life!

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