God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 359

With a light sigh, Tang Long remembered what Tang Hu had said before, and couldn't help feeling deeply. He cursed in a low voice, "This group of geniuses, really his grandmother is a creature that strikes people."

Like Tang Hu, Tang Long also thought of Xiao Wu. In his opinion, as a peerless wizard with innate 20th-level spirit power, and being favored by that powerful senior Xiao Tian, ​​Xiao Wu naturally cannot compare Tang San is weak...

On the high platform above the performance stage, Tang Tian was also a little surprised to see Tang San’s two ten thousand year spirit rings, but Tang Tian quickly reacted and laughed: "Haha, good! As expected of me, Tang Tian’s kindness Grandson!"

Originally, he sent Tang Zhen to search for Tang San, only with the intention of holding the dead horse as a living horse doctor.

It is hoped that Senior Xiao Tian will be able to make Tang San's strength increase by leaps and bounds in a short period of time as he changed his fate for Yu Xiaogang in this martial arts field before.

It now appears that Senior Xiao Tian's methods are indeed beyond his imagination.

Not to mention these two black spirit rings, the means to raise Tang San's spirit power from level 10 to level 27 in just one month was enough to make countless people look up!

And these two ten thousand years spirit ring, even subverted his cognition!

You must know that his father was Tang Chen, the first-generation Haotian Douluo, the ninety-ninth level limit Douluo, and one of the most peerless experts in the mainland.

But even for Tang Chen, the first and second spirit rings were only a hundred years old. Now Tang San has already broken this record, and even left this record far behind!

But soon Tang Tian came back to his senses, looking at Tang San, a little more worried on his face.

Because he thought of a very crucial question, that is, Tang San is a twin martial soul.

If two spirit rings were added to the Clear Sky Hammer first, with the advantage of twin spirit rings and the transformation of the spirit ring on the body, Tang San might not be able to add two black spirit rings to the Blue Silver Emperor's spirit!

"No, I have to ask Xiao San later," Tang Tian thought to himself, if Tang San really did this by adding a spirit ring to the Clear Sky Hammer, he would stop Tang San anyway.

Because he was very aware of the drawbacks of doing this, only three twin spirits were born on the mainland for a hundred years.

Except for Bibi Dong and Tang San, the twin spirits who were born first added spirit rings to the two spirits at the same time. In the end, the body could not bear such terrifying spirit power, and was supported by the enormous spirit power. exploded!

Chapter 827 Thrilling!

Just when Tang Tian was thinking about finding time to talk to Tang San alone, on the ring, Tang San and Qian Renxue had already met each other.

Although Tang San had the upper hand in the spirit ring, the control system spirit master was really weak in the early stage.

In addition, the Blue Silver Emperor was not good at attacking. Facing a strong offensive spirit like Seraphim, even if Tang San had two ten thousand year spirit rings, Qian Renxue was still forced to enter the defensive position.

The disciple of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect below the ring could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw this scene. Someone even mocked and said: "The victory of the battle is not determined by the spirit power of the spirit ring. If it is really a waste, even give it to His nine hundred thousand-year spirit rings can't turn the sky!"

These words were undoubtedly mocking Tang San, saying that he only relied on two ten thousand year spirit rings to support the scene, but in fact it was a waste!

Tang San ignored these words, but the Clear Sky School disciples below couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately fought back: "Little San is really useless. It's been almost a month since the awakening of the spirit, and these are only two ten thousand year spirit rings.

It must be inferior to a certain Electric Overlord Sect, and even the owner of the Seraphim Martial Soul can earn it!

I just don’t know if this certain Electric Overlord Sect has the surname Yu or Qian?"

Tang Hao on the side was amused when he heard the words, and looked in the direction where the sound was coming from, with a dumbfounding expression on his face.

Because it was not someone else who was speaking, it was Tang Long, the leader of the younger generation of Haotianzong!

"Tang Long, this kid," Tang Hao shook his head, before turning his eyes to the ring, his expression became a bit solemn.

He fought with Chihiro Ji, and he knew exactly how powerful the spirit of Seraphim was. Apart from anything else, the angel domain that was born with the spirit of Seraphim was enough to restrain most spirits.

Although the Blue Silver Emperor Tang San currently uses is not much inferior to the Seraphim Martial Spirit in terms of rank, the Blue Silver Domain Tang San attached to the Blue Silver Emperor cannot be used before the Blue Silver Emperor's natal spirit ring is condensed.

Under the dual restraint of the domain and the martial spirit, even though Tang San possesses two ten thousand year spirit rings, it is still too early to say that it is more stable than Qian Renxue.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred on the ring!

Tang San seemed to be lacking in spirit power, the defenses under the Blue Silver Emperor's cloth were torn apart by Qian Renxue, and the first spirit ring behind Qian Renxue suddenly brightened, and then the angel's holy sword burned with the blazing holy flame and cut it towards Tang San.

Seraphim Martial Soul's first spirit ability-Flame Slash!

The power of the angel holy flame is increased by 30%, and the penetration power is increased by 30%, with soul power suppression and soul power purification effects.

"It's over!" Qian Renxue said softly, with a little more murderous intent on her face.

What about two ten thousand year spirit rings?

There is too little combat experience, and under the dual restraint of the spirit and domain, even if it is two ten thousand-year spirit rings, it is impossible to change the sky!

The disciples of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect in the audience also showed joy when they saw this. Before Qian Renxue took the stage, it was with this spirit ability that he swept the new generation of Haotian Sect disciples!

Now Tang Sankong's door opened wide, facing this spirit ability, even if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured!

As for the outcome, let alone!

Tang Long, Tang Hu and other disciples of the Haotian School unconsciously raised their hearts, their eyes moved with the angel's holy sword, and a look of worry appeared on their faces.

When Xiao Wu saw this scene, she curled her lips and whispered: "With this attack, even Brother's defense can't be broken. These idiots really think they have a chance to win."

Chapter 828 Victory!

Before Xiao Wu's words fell, Tang San's eyes flashed in the ring, and the second spirit ring behind him suddenly brightened, and the dense black light immediately attracted everyone's attention.

A large number of blue-gold vines suddenly grew on Qian Renxue's body, and Qian Renxue was tied into a zongzi in a flash. As for Qian Renxue's first spirit ability, it was directly interrupted.

The second spirit ability of the Blue Silver Emperor-Parasite!

When attacking with the blue silver emperor, the blue silver emperor will emit a large number of parasitic seeds. With the activation of soul skills, these parasitic seeds will instantly absorb the soul power of the parasitic and grow quickly!

Although Tang San was suppressed by Qian Renxue before, he took the opportunity to send a large number of parasitic seeds to Qian Renxue while he was defending, but the owner of the Seraphim Martial Spirit had not paid attention.

"It's indeed over," Tang San said softly while looking at Qian Renxue.

As he spoke, the first spirit ring behind him quickly lit up, and the Blue Silver Emperor instantly ejected, tying Qian Renxue tightly.

The Blue Silver Emperor's first spirit ability-winding!

Instantly enhance the Blue Silver Emperor's toughness by 100%, and at the same time it is accompanied by nerve paralysis toxin. After hitting the target, it will instantly grow numerous spikes, injecting the nerve paralysis toxin into the body of the entangled target.

Because this spirit ring was condensed by absorbing a 20,000-year-old mandala snake king's spirit ring, the nerve paralysis toxin attached to it is extremely strong. If it is not detoxified in time, even the five-ringed spirit king will fall into this horror. Under nerve paralysis toxin!

Qian Renxue's face, who was entwined by the Blue Silver Emperor, turned blue at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the blood on her lips disappeared. The Seraphim Martial Spirit behind her also shattered into countless light spots, submerged in Qian Renxue's body.

Obviously, this terrifying nerve paralysis toxin could not be resisted even by Qian Renxue who possessed the Seraphim Martial Spirit.

"Little San, stop," Tang Tian on the high platform couldn't help but speak when he saw this scene.

Although the Clear Sky School and the Wuhun Temple have now gone against each other, the two sides have not completely torn their faces after all. What's more, Tang Chen is nowhere to be found, and Xiao Tian is not in the Clear Sky School, so Tang Tian is not good at fighting the Wuhun completely. The temple tore his skin.

If Qian Renxue died in the Clear Sky School, one could imagine how furious the Spirit Hall would be, and maybe even the power of the Spirit Hall would be used to attack the Clear Sky School.

Although Tang Tian conceited that the Clear Sky School was the number one sect in the world, he did not dare to say that without Tang Chen, Clear Sky School could withstand the full attack of the Spirit Hall.

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