God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 363

Maybe this was the result of Xiao Tian's consideration for him. After all, Xiao Tian also said that he couldn't always stand by their side and act as a bodyguard.

If he could reorganize the Golden Iron Triangle, he would be able to protect himself against Title Douluo by virtue of his martial arts fusion skills.

Even with his current strength, after the reorganization of the Golden Triangle, it is not impossible for him to surpass most Title Douluo with his martial arts fusion skills!

Chapter 836 Peach and plum are all over the world!

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang sighed and muttered in a low voice: "Boss Fu, Erlong..."

Hearing Yu Xiaogang's voice, Xiao Tian smiled slightly, and did not say much, but his eyes were a little bit more expectant.

If the Golden Triangle can be reorganized, he can also relax and complete the special tasks of the system release.

Speaking of the new special mission, there is some connection with the Clear Sky School. When Tang San and the three rushed to the Holy Soul Village two days ago, they also brought Tang Tian's request, hoping that Xiao Tian could come forward and teach the new generation of Clear Sky School.

Originally, Xiao Tian was planning to refuse. He was not idle and doing nothing. He wanted to find some trouble for himself. He had time to teach the new generation of Haotianzong disciples. Why should he go outside and find a few disciples with good talents to teach him?

The reason Xiao Tian chose to agree in the end was because the system that had been silent since the completion of the last special task suddenly jumped out and released a new special task.

Special mission: [Peaches and plums all over the world]

Mission description: Although the host has already gained a lot of momentum among the top powerhouses on the Douluo plane, the host is still not well-known in the spirit master world. Please give instructions to the new generation of Clear Sky School disciples to make a name for yourself. .

Mission requirements: The new generation of Haotianzong disciples won the mainland senior soul master contest.

Reward: 500,000 reputation value, 5,000 teacher points.

Punishment: None.

For the Mainland Advanced Soul Master Competition, Xiao Tian also understood that this was a competition organized by the Spirit Hall to test and win over talented soul masters.

And there is an unspoken rule in this competition, that is, the Seven Great Sects generally do not send their disciples to participate in the Mainland Advanced Soul Master Competition.

After all, the starting point of the disciples of the seven major sects is undoubtedly much higher than those of the academic spirit masters and those who rely on their own efforts.

In addition, the disciples of the Seven Great Sects will not join the Wuhun Hall. If the disciples of the Seven Great Sects win the Mainland Advanced Soul Master Competition, the Wuhun Hall will not be able to win them, and will only give away a large amount of rewards for nothing.

It's just that there are exceptions to everything, the same is true of the Advanced Soul Master Competition.

Although the seven major sects will not send a large number of disciples to participate in the mainland advanced soul master competition, if there are seven major sects and outsiders teaming up to compete, the Spirit Hall will not shut them out.

Thinking of this, Xiao Tian couldn't help looking at Tang San and Xiao Wu, with a slightly more meaningful expression on their faces.

The special missions released by the system only require the new generation of Haotianzong disciples to win the Mainland Advanced Soul Master Competition, but there are no restrictions on specific candidates.

And unfortunately, Tang San and Xiao Wu are now the new generation disciples of the Clear Sky School!

With the two of them taking the place of two places, Xiao Tian at most only used a few other Clear Sky School disciples as substitutes. As for the candidates, Xiao Tian also thought about it.

One is Yang Lin from the Po Clan. He was awakened with Tang San Xiaowu and the others. Although he was not innately full of soul power, his innate soul power reached level 9 and a half. It is also a talent that can cause a lot of power to fight outside. .

At the same time, the soul-breaking spear Wuhun is the third-ranked weapon spirit in the mainland, second only to the Clear Sky Hammer of the Clear Sky School and the Seven Killing Sword of Jian Douluo Chenxin, and it will not be congenitally suppressed by the spirit.

The other person is a teddy bear from a clan of strength. He is born with supernatural power and is innately full of soul power. With the strong orangutan martial soul, once he grows up, he is completely capable of breaking through with strength and reducing ten times in one force!

Chapter 837 Even Heart Beast!

As for the remaining candidates to participate in the Mainland Soul Master Competition, Xiao Tian still felt that he would find an opportunity to gather the Seven Shrek Monsters and use the Seven Monsters to participate in the competition. As for Yang Lin and Tai Xiong, they were used as substitutes just in case.

After all, the remaining five Shrek players, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, were originally amazingly talented, plus their martial arts fusion skills were enough to sweep opponents of the same level.

Oscar is an auxiliary spirit master with innate soul power, and can be described as a wizard of the sky, even in the Clear Sky School, there is no auxiliary soul master with more talent than Oscar.

Although Xiao Tian hadn't thought of pointing him personally, he was unwilling to let such a good seedling fall into the hands of others.

After all, although Xiao Tian didn't bother to point Oscar to him, both Yu Xiaogang and Tang Hao had the qualifications to guide Oscar to practice.

As for Ma Hongjun, the mutant martial soul evil fire phoenix is ​​already considered the top class among the fire attribute martial souls, not to mention that this little fat man is a direct disciple of Flanders.

Given the relationship between Yu Xiaogang and Flanders, as long as the Golden Iron Triangle gathers together, Ma Hongjun and Tang San will naturally become teammates.

The only troublesome Ning Rongrong, as long as Xiao Tian personally boarded the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and told Ning Fengzhi that he wanted to accept Ning Rongrong as a disciple, the Sect Master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect would not refuse!

When the time comes, Ning Rongrong will be brought out and thrown to Yu Xiaogang for teaching.

Thinking of this, Xiao Tian said to Tang San, "Little San, you said before that the Clear Sky School intends to hand over the new generation of disciples to me to teach?"

Tang San hurriedly nodded and said respectfully: "Master, grandfather, his old man really wants you to give instructions to the new generation of Haotianzong disciples, and all the expenses will be borne by Haotianzong.

It's just that when I told you, Master, you didn't explicitly agree, so I haven't relayed the news to my grandfather."

"Well," Xiao Tian nodded lightly and smiled: "The Haotian School has some incense with me. Since Tang Tian made a request, I can't ignore it.

Well, let the Haotian School send the Tai Xiong of the Power Clan and Yang Lin of the Break Clan. As for the others, tell Tang Tian that I will not accept them except for the innate soul power!"

Tang San nodded when he heard the words, took out a whistle from his arms and blew it hard.

A small white beast came out of the grass beside it, looking fluffy, very cute.

When Xiao Wu next to Tang San saw the Snow White Little Beast, her gaze completely fell on the Snow White Little Beast, and she moved away for a moment.

"Lianxin Beast?" Yu Xiaogang was taken aback when seeing the snow-white little beast, then surprised.

Hearing Yu Xiaogang uttering the name of the Snow White Little Beast, the message of this soul beast suddenly appeared in Xiao Tian's mind.

On the mainland, there are many strange spirit beasts, they are scarce in number, but their abilities are very strange.

For example, the Snow Emperor Xiao Tian had encountered before was from the Bingtian Snow Girl clan, and the mirage hunted by Qian Daoliu was also one of these strange soul beasts.

And even the heart beast, in terms of strength, is inferior to the mirage beast, because this soul beast is so fragile that not only does it have no attack power, but even its defensive ability is close to nothing.

Precisely because of this, its spiritual power is extremely huge, even not inferior to the legendary first soul beast Tianmeng Ice Silkworm!

However, this is not the most sought after heart beast, but it has always been an egg twin, and these two twin heart beasts are more related to life and death, and can transmit information thousands of miles away!

Chapter 838 Xiao Tian's Request!

In other words, even the heart beast is a satellite phone of the Douluo plane, capable of transmitting messages from thousands of miles away!

Xiao Tian didn't expect that the Haotian School would actually raise a pair of heart-connected beasts!

It is necessary to know that the rarity of this spirit beast theory is even higher than that of mirage beasts, and its ability to transmit messages thousands of miles away has attracted countless great powers in the mainland.

Every time a heart-linked beast is born, it will cause a bloody storm, and even many people will kill the heart-linked beast after they have no hope of getting it!

This has also led to the extremely scarce number of even-heart beasts. Among the major powers in the mainland today, no one has ever heard of any power that breeds even-heart beasts.

Unexpectedly, the Clear Sky School actually possessed such a strange soul beast.

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