God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 364

Seeing Xiao Tian's slightly surprised expression, Tang San said hastily: "Master, this heart beast was obtained by chance before the great ancestor went missing. It was raised in the clan and was rarely used."

It turned out to be Tang Chen!

The astonishment on Xiao Tian's face faded a lot, if it was Tang Chen, it would not be difficult to understand.

After all, the first generation Sect Master of the Clear Sky School had already stood at the top of the continent in terms of strength, and there were few places he could not go to in the entire continent.

After Tang San finished explaining, he whispered a few words to Lianxin Beast, took out a dim light-emitting spirit bone from his arms and sent it into Lianxin Beast's mouth.

Xiao Tian was also a little stunned when he saw this. Although the Lianxin Beast was able to transmit other messages, the cost was not small. Every time the Lianxin Beast passed a message, it would consume a soul bone.

Although there is no requirement for the age of the soul bone, even a soul bone with a ten-year age can enable even the heart beast to pass on news.

But soul bones are soul bones after all. Except for the great sects of the Haotian School, other forces probably won't be able to use them often even if they get even the heart beast.

Even the Clear Sky School would never use the Heart-Linked Beast unless it was a last resort. This time it was only because of Xiao Tian's concern. Tang Tian gritted his teeth and gave a Heart-Linked beast to Tang San. To deliver the message.

After swallowing the soul bone, the Lianxin Beast suddenly emitted a dim light, and then the light dissipated, and Tang San saw it and put the Lianxin Beast back on the ground.

After Lianxin Beast landed, he crawled towards a bush not far away, and quickly hid in the bush, only a little white hair was exposed from the gap.

Xiao Tian twitched when he saw it, but fortunately, he knew some rare soul beasts on the Douluo Continent plane, so he didn't show too many other expressions on his face.

"The three of you, when Yang Lin and Tai Xiong arrive, you can leave for Shrek Academy," Xiao Tian glanced at Yu Xiaogang, and said lightly, "I don't have high requirements for you. It will be five years later. In the Mainland Advanced Soul Master Competition, you only need to win the championship."

Yu Xiaogang nodded and said in a deep voice, "Teacher, don't worry, after five years, the champion of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Competition must be in our pocket."

In fact, if it weren't for the age limit of the Mainland Advanced Soul Master Competition, Yu Xiaogang would also like to take the stage to compete with other soul masters.

After all, since Luo Sanpao transformed into a golden sacred dragon, he hasn't fought with others a few times. He also wanted to see how far the golden sacred dragon's martial arts can achieve against a spirit master of the same level!

Xiao Tian didn't speak when he heard the words, his figure flashed and disappeared into the sight of Tang San's trio.

The three of Tang San looked at each other, Yu Xiaogang smiled helplessly, and immediately led Tang San and Xiao Wu towards the Holy Soul Village...

Chapter 839 Breakthrough!

Three days later, the holy soul village back mountain.

Tang Tian led the two teenagers slowly towards the top of the mountain, and in the open space on the top of the mountain, Xiao Tian, ​​Yu Xiaogang and Tang San Xiaowu were sitting cross-legged, with a faint spiritual wave appearing all over their bodies, pushing the ground onto the ground. The fallen leaves lined up.

Suddenly, Xiao Tian moved his ears and said lightly: "Sect Master Tang is about to reach the top of the mountain, Xiao San, go and meet him."

As he spoke, Xiao Tian still closed his eyes tightly, as if an old monk in concentration, unmoved by foreign objects.

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Tang San immediately opened his eyes and slowly exhaled a stale breath, then got up and walked down the mountain.

Xiao Wu's ears moved, and she quietly opened her eyes. Just as she was about to get up, Xiao Tian's voice came slowly: "Xiao Wu, don't be distracted."

Xiao Wu's face collapsed when she heard that, she made a grimace at Xiao Tian, ​​then reluctantly closed her eyes, and started running the exercises Xiao Tian had taught her before.

Xiao Tian smiled, slowly opened his eyes, and walked to the edge of the cliff, facing the sea of ​​clouds below, his mental power spread in all directions.

Under the envelope of spiritual power, Xiao Tian clearly sensed that Tang San had already received Tang Tian and Tai Xiong Yang Lin, and he was walking towards the top of the mountain.

On the mountain path, a large number of song insects hid in the grass, making two noises from time to time. As Tang San passed by, the noisy song insects could not help but converge and stopped making any noise.

In the Saint Soul Village not far away, a large number of ordinary mortals were working in the fields, and there were even children running on the fields, making bursts of crisp laughter.

Farther away, a few soul saints were peering into the holy soul village. Although they didn't have clothing representing any power, Xiao Tian didn't need to think about who sent it.

With a sneer in his heart, Xiao Tian slowly retracted his mental strength, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

After staying in the Douluo plane for a while, his own strength has also improved a lot, and now he is only half a step away from the earth fairy realm. I am afraid that it will not be long before he can break through the human and immortal bottleneck and reach the earth fairy realm.

You must know that even if you look at the Douluo plane, the Earth Xian realm belongs to the first-level existence of "God", but the God Realm is separated from the lower realm. Once Xiao Tian breaks through, it is truly invincible in the world!

At the same time, because of the separation between the God Realm and the Lower Realm, even if the gods of the God Realm knew about Xiao Tian's existence, it would be difficult for them to attack Xiao Tian.

What's more, Xiao Tian might not be afraid of the gods of God Realm if he really wants to fight.

Just as Xiao Tian was thinking about things, Tang Tian had already come to the top of the mountain under the leadership of Tang San. Seeing Xiao Tian’s back, Tang Tian immediately reverently said: "The Haotian Sect Master Tang Tian has seen Xiao Senior day."

As far as Tang Tian was concerned, if it were to face other people, apart from his father Tang Chen, even if the Wuhun Palace worshipped Qian Daoliu, he couldn't make him so respectful.

But Xiao Tian was different, not to mention that Xiao Tian's own strength already surpassed all beings on the mainland. It was enough for Xiao Tian to save Tang Hao and teach Tang San carefully, enough to make Tang Tian treat Xiao Tian with courtesy.

What's more, Xiao Tian has now promised to give instructions to the new generation of Clear Sky School, although the two disciples selected by Xiao Tian are all four single-attribute clans affiliated to Clear Sky School.

But now the four single-attribute sects and the Clear Sky Sect are at the same level. For Tang Tian, ​​the disciples of the single-attributed four sects are also disciples of the Clear Sky Sect.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Tang Tian to be so respectful to Xiao Tian.

"Sect Master Tang doesn't need to be polite," Xiao Tian slowly turned around and smiled at Tang Tian: "A Yin is my disciple. As A Yin's husband, Tang Hao is my junior, and we can discuss with the same generation."

Chapter 840 Tang Tian's Change!

Tang Tian smiled upon hearing this, and immediately agreed.

Although he didn't resist being called Senior Xiao Tian, ​​after all, with Xiao Tian's strength, he was qualified to be treated with courtesy of the younger generation.

But Xiao Tian looked like he was only in his twenties. It was impossible for Tang Tian to be awkward in his heart to call such a young man a senior.

As for peer discussion, although it is still a bit awkward, it is better to treat Xiao Tian than the courtesy of later generations.

"The gossip will be recounted later," Xiao Tian looked at Tang Tian and said with a smile: "Let me take a look at the outstanding Haotian Sect master Tang Sect Master brought."

Tang Tian was kind enough, and when he brought Tai Xiong and Yang Lin to the side, he introduced, "Mr. Xiao, this shamelessly strong kid is the Tai Xiong. The Wuhun is a strong gorilla, and the other is from a clan. Yang Lin, Wuhun is a soul-breaking gun."

"Well," Xiao Tian set his eyes on Tai Xiong and Yang Lin, nodding slightly, and said lightly: "Yes."

"Did they absorb the first spirit ring?" Xiao Tian looked at Tai Xiong and Yang Lin and asked suddenly.

Because of the special nature of spirit power, even Xiao Tian can only see its approximate spirit power, but as long as others don't release the spirit ring, Xiao Tian can't detect what other people's spirit ring looks like.

In Xiao Tian's perception, Tai Xiong and Yang Lin both had tenth-level spirit power, and they didn't know whether they had absorbed the spirit ring, their spirit power had not increased rapidly or hadn't absorbed the spirit ring temporarily, their spirit power was suppressed at the tenth level.

"Not yet," Tang Tian said in embarrassment.

In fact, as early as when Xiao Tian opened up the meridians for Yu Xiaogang in the Haotian School, and turned Luo Sanpao into a golden sacred dragon, Tang Tian had already thought of sending the new generation of Haotian School to Xiao Tian for teaching.

Therefore, under his order, several disciples of the new generation of Clear Sky School with amazing talents, such as Tai Xiong and Yang Lin, and several other direct disciples of Clear Sky School just insisted on cultivating spirit power, but did not absorb any spirit rings.

After hearing this, Xiao Tian took a deep look at Tang Tian, ​​and he admired Tang Tian a little bit more in his heart.

Before, Xiao Tian thought that Tang Tian would be as indecisive and lacking courage as the original world line, but now it seems that Tang Tian is now stronger than Tang Tian on the original world line, but by more than one.

At least on the current world line, after Tang Hao played Qian Xun Ji, Tang Tian hadn't even said verbally sorry to Wuhun Hall!

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