God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 366

Therefore, Yang Lin is very clear about what Xiao Tian's implication is—I teach my apprentices, I never look at talent!Even if it is a pig, I can make him famous in the mainland!

And Yang Lin didn't think that Xiao Tian was talking big, not talking about others, just Yu Xiaogang, who is sitting not far away, is the best example of the theory master in the spirit world, isn't it?

From a mutated waste martial soul with half-level innate soul power, it directly transformed into a golden holy dragon martial soul, and its strength was even faster.

Xiao Tian didn't get too entangled in this topic, but directly said to Yang Lin: "Since you know that the soul-breaking gun has a strong momentum, let me see to what extent you have mastered the soul-breaking gun.

Now, use your soul-breaking gun to attack me!"

Yang Lin looked straight when he heard the words, and tightly grasped the soul-breaking gun with both hands, and a weak momentum rose from him.

Xiao Tian nodded lightly. Although Yang Lin's aura was not worth mentioning in Xiao Tian's eyes, he was not even qualified to tickle him, but Yang Lin was only six years old and he was able to grasp the aura. Use can be considered a genius.

When the momentum was accumulated to the extreme, Yang Lin shouted, and the immature voice resounded over the back mountain of the holy soul village, the soul-breaking gun in his hand with the whistling wind, like a pitch-black large python opening its blood bowl towards Xiao Tian Pounce!

Xiao Tian nodded slightly. If he was an opponent of the same level, facing Yang Lin's blow, even if he didn't appear panicked, he would be like an enemy.

Thinking of this, Xiao Tian smiled, rising up in a tragic slaying force, and nodding towards Yang Lin's forehead with the fingers of his right hand!

Yang Lin's movements suddenly stopped, and then the whole person seemed to have lost his soul, standing still on the spot, his body even faintly trembling.

"Senior Xiao, this is..." Seeing Yang Lin's appearance, Tang Tian couldn't help but be a little worried and asked quickly.

Yang Lin is the heart and soul of the old fellow Yang Wudi, if something happens here, I am afraid that the old fellow Yang Wudi should take up the soul-breaking gun and fight him hard.

"Don't worry, this kid is okay," Xiao Tian smiled and said lightly: "Look at how this kid's savvy is. If he can comprehend what was in my finger just now, it will be enough to make him eligible to rampage in the mainland in the future!"

Xiao Tian’s words were not big talk. The finger just now was that he used some of the spear technique cheats he had obtained on the plane of Heavenly Dragon and the Plane of Divine Carving to deplete, and put countless spears into this finger. in.

If Yang Lin can comprehend the hidden spear trick in this finger, even if it is half worth it, it will be enough to ramp up the world!

Tang Tian couldn't help feeling a little envious. He didn't think Xiao Tian was bragging. After all, besides his shocking power, isn't this senior Xiao Tian most famous for his various self-created spirit abilities?

It is said that this senior Xiao Tian had not used the spirit ring skills a few times when he was fighting against the Great Enshrine of Qian Daoliu in the Martial Spirit Hall. Instead, he used a large number of his own spirit skills to fight the enemy.

If Yang Lin can really comprehend anything, I'm afraid that in the future, the broken clan will have one or even a few more self-made spirit abilities that can be used to set up a house!

Regarding this, Tang Tian was even more pleased with the envy, because the Po Clan is affiliated to the Clear Sky School, and the relationship between the Clear Sky School and the single attribute four schools is also very close. If the Po Clan can rise, it will be for Hao Tian. It is also a good thing for Tianzong.

Chapter 844 Xiao Tian's Instruction (Part 2)!

Compared with Tang Tian, ​​the Tai Xiong on the side looked at Xiao Tian expectantly.

Although he came from a family of strength, he was not the kind of brash man with only muscles in his mind. Since Xiao Tian asked Tang Tian to bring him here, it was impossible to just take a look at his martial soul.

Now that Xiao Tian has given instructions to Yang Lin, should he be next?

He believes that his talent is better than Yang Lin. Xiao Tian wants to point him, shouldn't it be worse than the one passed to Yang Lin?

Xiao Tian caught a glimpse of Tai Xiong's expression and couldn't help being dumb.

He also knows a little about the wizards of the power clan, and he also knows that the wizards of the power clan are not as simple and honest as the disciples of most power clan.

After all, the Tai Xiong is a genius who has been placed high hopes by the patriarch of the force, the patriarch Titan, who has tried his best to teach him, if he is still so honest and honest, then the Titan is probably crying blind.

"Your talent is much stronger than Yang Lin," Xiao Tian looked at Tai Xiong and said lightly: "Like Yang Lin, let me first talk about your views on the spirit of the gorilla.

If you don't even understand your own martial spirit, then I don't have the need to point you."

Tai Xiong's expression was shocked when he heard the words. He knew very well that his next answer would have to do with his image in Xiao Tian's heart.

If his own answer cannot satisfy Xiao Tian, ​​even if Xiao Tian looked at Tang Tian and Haotianzong's face and reluctantly pointed him a few words, he would definitely not give him an unreserved one.

After thinking about it in his heart, Tai Xiong said slowly: "The spirit beast of the gorilla is ranked in the soul beast world, but in terms of power alone, the gorilla is already one of the top soul beasts, second only to The soul beast overlord Titan Great Ape.

The Great Gorilla Martial Spirit also inherited this advantage, and the spirit master with the Great Gorilla Martial Spirit was far superior to the same level in power.

And my power family has gone to the extreme on the line of power. Every soul ring is produced by the same soul beast, and the main additional power is..."

Tai Xiong was about to continue speaking, but Xiao Tian suddenly spoke and interrupted him: "Speaking of the important point, don't say what these people know.

Talk about your view of this kind of martial spirit. Is it better to follow the traditional route of the Li family, or is it better to use another way to attach other spirit rings to the gorilla?"

Tai Xiong hesitated, and then said, "I think if it were me, it might be better to follow the traditional route of the Li family."

He knew very well what his advantage was, not innate full of soul power, but inborn divine power!

If he follows the traditional route of the power clan, with his natural supernatural power, he is innately ahead of others by two spirit rings!

If he takes another path, not to mention a little bit of exploration, simply being unable to maximize his advantage is enough to make him give up this route.

"In this case," Xiao Tian nodded when he heard the words, his right hand volleyed and painted, and a complex array took shape in an instant, appearing on the top of the back mountain.

"Go in and try," Xiao Tian said to Tai Xiong with a playful look in his eyes.

When Tai Xiong heard Xiao Tian's words, a hint of ominous premonition rose in his heart, but when Xiao Tian watched him, he could only bite the bullet and walk towards the place covered by the formation.

As soon as he stepped into the area covered by the formation, Tai Xiong felt his shoulders sink, and the whole person fell to the ground uncontrollably, with a lot of dense beads of sweat appearing on his forehead.

Xiao Tian waved his hand to temporarily stop the operation of the formation, and said to Taixiong: "From today onwards, I will cultivate soul power in this formation every day.

When will you be able to stay in the formation safely for two hours, and when will you be able to leave here to hunt down the spirit beasts to obtain the spirit ring."

Chapter 845 Yang Lin's Harvest!

After that, Xiao Tian stopped looking at the Thai bears, his eyes fell on Yu Xiaogang Tang San and Xiao Wu, and said lightly: "You should also leave for Shrek Academy. After a year, I will visit you at Shrek Academy. If I’m not satisfied with the results of my cultivation..."

Xiao Tian laughed twice, making the three of Yu Xiaogang shudder.

"Teacher, don't worry," Yu Xiaogang said earnestly, "I will teach Xiaosan and Xiao Wu well."

"Well," Xiao Tian nodded, and immediately said to Tang Tian, ​​"Sect Master Tang, please take them for a ride. In addition, the soul sages of the soul halls near the Holy Soul Village were also sent by Sect Master Labor Tang Well, that kind of rubbish, I can't even mention the interest in shooting."

"Mr. Xiao rest assured, I will remove all the spies from the surrounding spirit hall!"

When Tang Tian said this, he paused and asked, "Should I ask A Hao to bring a few direct disciples of the Clear Sky School over to clean up the Spirit Hall?"

Tang Tian thought that if Xiao Tian could agree, he could completely let Tang Hao bring a few disciples of the Clear Sky School with good talent.

Even if Xiao Tian couldn't say anything to teach, when Xiao Tian pointed Yang Lin and Tai Xiong, those disciples of the Clear Sky School would be able to listen to them, and they would benefit a lot.

"Whatever," Xiao Tian said lightly, "but it's still the same sentence, not a direct disciple of the Haotian Sect who is innately full of soul power, I will not specifically point it alone.

If Tang Hao brought Haotianzong disciples to this holy soul village, at best they could only let them listen in while I pointed Yang Lin and Tai Xiong."

How Xiao Tian couldn't guess Tang Tian's mind, but he was too lazy to say something.

Anyway, he wants to give instructions to Yang Lin and Tai Xiong, and it doesn't matter if more people are in attendance.

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