God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 367

Tang Tian smiled upon hearing this, and then the three of Yu Xiaogang nodded and smiled: "Master, and Xiaosan Xiaowu, you follow me down the mountain, and I will send you to Shrek Academy."

After speaking, Tang Tian stopped staying and walked directly down the mountain. Upon seeing this, the three Yu Xiaogang hurriedly followed Tang Tian and left the open space on the top of the mountain.

After Tang Tian and the others left, Xiao Tian immediately activated the temporarily suspended formation, but this time he reduced the power of the formation by half.

After doing all this, Xiao Tian walked to the big tree beside the cliff, sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and was immersed in the state of cultivation.

But Yang Lin was still stunned, but his eyes flashed with an astonishing look from time to time. At the same time, a trace of brutal killing slowly radiated from Yang Lin.

As for the Tai Xiong, the half-powered gravity formation can barely hold on to the ground without being pressed, but it is extremely difficult to enter the cultivation state to meditate on the spirit power.

Whenever he closes his eyes, he hasn't started meditating, just a little distracted, and when he relaxes, he is lying on the ground by the huge gravity.

In desperation, Tai Xiong had to temporarily put aside his cultivation spirit power and concentrated on fighting the terrifying pressure brought by this gravity formation.

It was three hours before the time flickered. The sun that was originally high in the sky also began to sink. Yang Lin suddenly yelled, waking up from the sluggish state before, with an unconcealable joy on his face.

Sitting under the big tree, Xiao Tian slowly opened his eyes and said lightly: "Use what you have learned to attack me."

Yang Lin didn't hesitate at all when he heard that, holding the soul-breaking gun in both hands, a tragic meaning of killing radiated from him, making people seem to be on the battlefield, surrounded by shouts of killing.

Chapter 846 Xiao Tian's Discussion on Power!

The Tai Xiong, who was enveloped by the gravity array, noticed the changes in Yang Lin's body, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Yang Lin. Then, because of distraction, he was crushed on the ground by the gravity array.

But Tai Xiong didn't care about this, his eyes fell on Yang Lin, and a storm was set off in his heart.

The single attribute has four sects with the same energy, and the relationship between the Li clan and the Po clan is naturally not bad. As a genius of the Li clan, he is fortunate to have seen Yang Wudi hunt and kill a head for 50,000 years under the protection of the Titans. Level of ironclad beast.

At that time, Yang Wudi only used three shots to kill the 50,000-year-old iron-clad beast known for its defense. The first shot broke the defensive spirit of the iron-clad beast, the second shot penetrated the shell of the iron-clad beast, and the third shot directly pierced the iron armor. The heart of the beast killed him on the spot!

During that period, Yang Wudi did not use any spirit ring skills except for a fifth spirit ability!

And what impressed Tai Xiong most was that when Yang Wudi was hunting that iron-clad beast, his body exuded a tragic aura of advancing or retreating, and death without life!

Now in Yang Lin, he actually saw the shadow of Yang Wudi when he hunted down that iron-clad beast.

Although Yang Lin's momentum is still too weak, but the tragic intention of killing, it can't be faked anyway!


Yang Lin shouted angrily, and the soul-breaking gun in his hand pierced directly at Xiao Tian's face. The dark gun body faintly burned with a faint black flame, like a water dragon, rushing towards Xiao Tian!

A look of satisfaction flashed in Xiao Tian's eyes, he smiled slightly, and pointed out, which happened to be on the tip of the Soulbreaking Spear, stopping Yang Lin's attack.

"Very good," Xiao Tian said with a smile after stopping Yang Lin's attack: "Your understanding is really good, presumably you should know what I plan to teach you?"

"Senior Xiao is going to teach me how to use'power'?" Yang Lin put away the soul-breaking gun and said respectfully.

The use of the soul-breaking gun is the most important aspect of the spirit. If you can use the momentum to the extreme, even if you don't use the spirit skills, with the blessing of the momentum, the soul-breaking gun can break the world's defenses!

"Yes," Xiao Tian nodded slightly, and the Anchen sword appeared in his hand. At the same time, an astonishing sword power emanated from him, the sword power surpassing the sky, stirring the animation sky.

Originally, the clouds over the back mountain were swept away by Xiao Tian's sword power, as if a hole had been broken in the sky, and fine sunlight fell from the hole and shone on Xiao Tian.

Yang Lin looked fascinated. Compared with Xiao Tian's sword power, his aura is not even a child's play. If he can master Xiao Tian's sword power, then he can use it. mainland!

"Your gun power is different from mine. The sword power is stronger, while the gun power is more domineering," Xiao Tian said while looking at Yang Lin, "But there is one thing, the two are the same!"

Speaking of this, the Anchen Sword in Xiao Tian's hand trembled abruptly, making a crisp sound of sword chanting, like a nine-day dragon roaring.

"That is, no matter whether you use a gun or a sword, you can't hesitate for a moment when you make a move. What is more important is to go forward and let me go!"

Before Xiao Tian's words fell, the Dark Chen sword in his hand was slashed out suddenly, and the terrifying sword power instantly erupted like a volcano. For a while, the wind and clouds changed color, and the sea of ​​clouds in front was plowed out to be more than ten feet wide and a hundred feet long The ditch of terror.

Chapter 847: Martial Spirit Hall Detective!

Yang Lin couldn't help showing excitement in his eyes when he saw this. He didn't expect to be able to achieve Xiao Tian's level, but as long as he could have a tenth of Xiao Tian's, he would be enough to make a name for the mainland with the soul-breaking spear and martial soul!

"From today, I will teach you how to use and condense the'potential', but I am not using a gun, so all I can teach you is the use of the'potential', how to integrate it with the soul-breaking gun and become your own thing. It depends on your ability."

Yang Lin nodded and said seriously: "Senior Xiao, don't worry, I will work hard."

Xiao Tian nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then the Anchen Sword quivered a few times, and countless sword qi appeared out of thin air and flew towards Yang Lin, finally forming an extremely complex formation on Yang Lin's head.

"Close your eyes," Xiao Tian put away the Anchen sword and ordered to Yang Lin.

Yang Lin followed kindness, closed his eyes and stood still.

Seeing this, Xiao Tian waved his hands repeatedly, and his sword aura fell from the sky and plunged into the ground. At the same time, an energetic aura rose from the sword aura and enveloped Yang Lin.

"Okay, open your eyes. This formation is a phantom formation that will produce all kinds of illusions. Remember to close your eyes every time you enter the formation, otherwise it will affect you a lot.

Just like Tai Xiong, you enter this formation every day to practice, when you can stay in the formation safely for two hours, you can go hunting and killing the spirit beast to obtain the spirit ring."

Yang Lin nodded and slowly opened his eyes, only to find that he was in a paradise. Although he knew he was in an illusion, Yang Lin could not help but relax his vigilance.

Looking left and right, Yang Lin didn't notice anything abnormal, he simply sat down cross-legged and began to practice...

It's just that Yang Lin didn't know that even though he had entered a state of cultivation in the illusion, he himself stood motionless, as if he had lost his soul.

Xiao Tian couldn't help laughing twice when he saw Yang Lin froze in place through the enchanting air generated by the illusion.

This formation was a systemic Zhaowu Xuanguang formation that gathered spirits, phantom formations, killing enemies, and defense capabilities. It was later slightly modified by Xiao Tian to become the current phantom formation.

In this illusion, the connection between the spirit and the body will become weak. If you can't find a way to break the game, you will be like Yang Lin.

"I don't know how long it will take this kid to comprehend," Xiao Tian smiled, no longer looking at Yang Lin, but cast his gaze to the Holy Soul Village below, with a flash of murderous intent in his eyes.

Before Tang Tian left, he asked Tang Tian to clean up the spies in the Wuhun Hall near Shenghun Village.

Now it seems that I don’t know if Tang Tian is perfuncting him, or the people in the Spirit Hall do have other means. Although most of the Soul Saints in the Spirit Hall have been cleared by Tang Tian, ​​there is still a fish that slipped through the net hidden in the Saint. In the soul village!

"Humph!" Xiao Tian snorted coldly, and Anchen Sword appeared again, flying directly to the Holy Soul Village.

At the same time, inside the Holy Soul Village, a woman who looked like she was in her twenties was holding her chest in shock and panting.

Due to the special reason of her own spirit, she was sent by the spirit hall to investigate Xiao Tian's movements. At the same time, there were several spirit sages who were responsible for intercepting and killing Tang San.

After all, the two black spirit rings that Tang San showed when he defeated Qian Renxue in the Clear Sky School were too shocking to the world!

Therefore, after Qian Renxue returned to the Spirit Hall and informed Qian Xun Ji of the news, Qian Xun Ji sent a few soul sages to the Holy Soul Village and Haotian Sect to find a chance to kill Tang San.

Originally, after she learned that Xiao Tian was going to let Tang San and the others go to Shrek Academy, she had already made arrangements with the soul sages, ready to wait for an opportunity to kill Tang San.

Who knows that a Tang Tian will be killed halfway, and they will be wiped out. If it weren't for her special martial arts, and hiding herself in the holy soul village, I am afraid it would be hard to escape!

Chapter 848 Yao Xiang!

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