God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 368

The woman patted her chest with some fear, and secretly stuck her head out of her hiding place, looking out of the Saint Soul Village, wanting to see if Tang Tian had left.

However, as soon as she poked her head out, she was framed by a lavender long sword exuding dim stars, and her eyes followed the lavender long sword, and found that the one holding the sword was only about twenty years old. , Fengshen handsome man in white.

However, after seeing the white-clothed man, the woman was so frightened that Huarong paled, and said in shock: "Xiao, Xiao Tian!"

She was able to be sent here by the Martial Spirit Hall, and naturally she would not know Xiao Tian. She never expected that such a small shrimp could actually work Xiao Tian's ride!

Xiao Tian looked at the Martial Soul Palace woman expressionlessly, and said lightly: "Name."

"Yao, Yao Xiang," the Wuhundian woman swallowed her saliva and quickly replied.

It was just because of fear that her voice was a little low. If it weren't for Xiao Tian's astonishing strength, she probably couldn't hear what she was saying.

"Identity," Xiao Tian's expression remained unchanged, but his tone became colder.

"Deputy Hallmaster of the Hall of Wuhun Hall of Fasno Branch," Yao Xiang didn't dare to neglect when he heard the words, and said his identity like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

She knew very well what kind of existence she was facing, and in this kind of existence, there was nothing to hide her identity.

Because with Xiao Tian's energy, even if he didn't say it, he could still find out his identity. By then, his fate would only be worse.

Xiao Tian heard the words, a touch of indifferent killing intent flashed in his eyes, and Yao Xiang was frightened.

"Your martial soul is quite peculiar, it can hide from Tang Tian's perception," Xiao Tian looked at Yao Xiang blankly, and said lightly, "Release your martial soul."

Xiao Tian is indeed a little curious about Yao Xiang's martial spirit. It is necessary to know that the Sect Master of the Haotian Sect has reached the realm of Title Douluo, but still can't perceive Yao Xiang, who has only the strength of the Soul Sage. This alone is enough. It shows how powerful Yao Xiang's spirit is.

Yao Xiang couldn't help being a little embarrassed, but when he came into contact with Xiao Tian's cold eyes, his body trembled twice unconsciously. He didn't dare to hesitate any more, and quickly released his martial soul.

A transparent pink gauze appeared in Yao Xiang's hands. At the same time, the seven best-matched spirit rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black and black slowly rose under Yao Xiang's feet.

Xiao Tian's brows wrinkled insignificantly, let alone Tang Tian, ​​even if he was close at hand, he could not perceive the existence of this pink gauze.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Xiao Tian couldn't believe that there were still martial souls on this continent that could avoid his perception.

"This is a mutant Martial Spirit?" Xiao Tian glanced at Yao Xiang, and couldn't hear the slightest anger in his tone.

"My martial soul is called the ethereal spirit garment, which is mutated from Suyue Lingsha," Yao Xiang said without hesitation.

Xiao Tian couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard this. He frowned and said, "Suyue Lingsha, you are from the Luo family? When did the Luo family come together with Wuhun Hall?"

The Luo family is a wealthy family on the mainland, and like the Chen family from Chenxin, it is a famous family on the mainland.

It's just that the Luo family is much weaker than the Chen family, but on the mainland, no one dares to underestimate the Luo family.

Because the Luo family’s inherited martial spirit Suyue Lingsha is the best in the auxiliary martial arts, ranking only behind the spirits such as Jiuxin Begonia and Qibao Liuli Tower!

Chapter 849: The Secret of the Luo Family!

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Yao Xiang fell into silence. After a long time, he said quietly, "Mr. Xiao said well. I am indeed from the Luo family and I am a direct disciple of the Luo family.

However, as a direct disciple of the Luo family, I am not surnamed Luo, but Yao. Don’t Mr. Xiao still understand?

I'm just a rubbish abandoned by the Luo family!"

Speaking of this, Yao Xiang's tone suddenly became excited: "Mr. Xiao knows that although I am innately full of spirit power, this ethereal spiritual garment is similar to Ye Family's Jiuxin Begonia, and its only function is to strengthen the concealment. ability!

Each spirit ring is attached with the ability to weaken the spirit master's breath and sense of existence, and at the same time, when it is used against spirit masters other than me, it consumes a huge amount of spirit power!

Therefore, those old guys in the clan decided that there was no need to cultivate my martial arts, and expelled me from the Luo family!

After being expelled by the Luo family, I took my mother's last name and changed my name to Yao Xiang."

Xiao Tian couldn't help but feel a little moved when he heard this, Yao Xiang's martial arts was indeed a bit tasteless, but if used properly, it might not be impossible to perform miracles.

It's just that Yao Xiang's Wuhun doesn't have the slightest offensive and defensive abilities, and the only auxiliary ability for teammates and self-enhancing effects is also useless in combat. It is no wonder that the elders of the Luo family will conclude that Yao Xiang is not worth training.

"So later you joined the Martial Spirit Hall?" Xiao Tian suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart and said lightly: "The Luo Family and the Martial Spirit Hall are not at the same time."

If you want to say which force on this continent hates the Spirit Hall, it must be the Luo family!

The Sanren Patriarch of the Luo Family, the first Patriarch, the 96-level auxiliary pinnacle Douluo, because he had a good relationship with Tang Chen, eventually died under the assassination of the Spirit Hall.

The second Patriarch, the 95-jin auxiliary pinnacle Douluo, was ambushed by the Spirit Hall Title Douluo while he was out and fell on the spot.

The last Patriarch of the Luo family was chased and killed by Qian Xun Ji because of a conflict with Qian Xun Ji, and eventually died of serious injuries!

It can be said that even the Clear Sky School has the possibility of reconciling with the Spirit Hall, but the Luo Family is absolutely impossible to reconcile with the Spirit Hall.

In this case, even if Yao Xiang is an abandoned son of the Luo family, he shouldn't come together with Wuhundian so easily, unless there are calculations he doesn't know about!

Xiao Tian thought for a while, and a slightly ridiculous thought came up in his heart, that is, this Yao Xiang wouldn't be the nail that the Luo family deliberately released and penetrated into the Wuhun Hall?

If this is the case, this Yao family's plot may not be small!

"What do these things have to do with me?" Xiao Tian suddenly laughed a little bit self-deprecatingly, and asked inwardly.

If the Luo Family and the Spirit Hall meet each other, whether it is the Luo Family or the Spirit Hall, the Vast Sky Sect and the Four Single Attribute Sects will be able to take the opportunity to grab a large amount from the territory of the Luo Family and the Spirit Hall. benefit!

Right now he only needs to watch from the sidelines. With his strength, he will be able to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai until the Luo Family and the Wuhundian are divided.

Whether it was the defeat of the Luo Family or the defeat of the Wuhun Palace, even Mao wouldn't let Xiao Tian lose one, but he could get countless benefits from it.

The first is the resources and personnel. Once the Luo Family is destroyed by the Spirit Hall, the remaining forces of the Luo Family will naturally choose to flee to the Clear Sky School.

The reason is simple. As soon as the Clear Sky School is the number one sect in the world, although the prestige has been somewhat compromised over the years, it will not hurt after all. If the Luo Family is merged into the Clear Sky School, it may be a good thing for the development of the Luo Family.

Chapter 850 Force Yao Xiang!

As for this second point, it is that the Clear Sky School and the Spirit Hall are at odds. If the Luo Family is defeated by the Spirit Hall, if they want revenge, they can only rely on the power of the Clear Sky School!

Xiao Tian thought for a while, and said to Yao Xiang, "I have three things for you to do here. When you are done, you can leave safely.

No matter if it is going back to the Wuhun Temple branch hall in the province of Fastino to be your deputy hall master or doing other things, I will not interfere."

"I would like to ask Mr. Xiao to give orders," Yao Xiang heard the words and there was joy on his face. She originally thought that Xiao Tian would not let her go. You must know how much the character of this senior Xiao Tian is circulated in the outside world.

Many people know that in addition to his strong strength, this senior Xiao Tian is the most grudge and defender.

In contrast, Yao Xiang is particularly impressed by the fact that it is a grudge.

If she really doesn’t know what’s good or bad, and refuses Xiao Tian’s request, I’m afraid that the best result will be to be thrown back to the Wuhun Hall by Xiao Tian, ​​and if the mission fails, he will definitely be removed from the position of deputy head of the Wuhun Hall branch hall. , Everything that was accumulated before disappears like a cloud of smoke!

Unexpectedly, Xiao Tian was only planning to let her do a few things now. How did this make her unhappy?

"Next I will go out. My two registered disciples are practicing in the back mountains of the Holy Soul Village. I want you to watch them for me," Xiao Tian looked at Yao Xiang and said lightly.

Although Yao Xiang is the deputy master of the sub-hall of the Martial Spirit Hall, Xiao Tian believes that in time, the deputy master of the sub-hall of the Martial Spirit Hall should be replaced, and Yao Xiang is bound to take charge of a sub-hall of the Martial Spirit. Master the life and death of countless people!

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