God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 369

Therefore, before this, Xiao Tian did not intend to let Yao Xiang go to other forces, because Yao Xiang’s ethereal spiritual clothing is one of the best auxiliary weapons of martial arts, as long as the resources are sufficient, it is enough to pile up a horror that will shake the mainland. power!

If Yao Xiang returns to the Hall of Martial Spirits, or joins other forces, it will be fine if he cannot grow up in the end. If he really wants to grow up and step into the realm of Titled Douluo, I am afraid that the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect is the world’s first weapon The status of the soul will be greatly threatened!

"I understand," Yao Xiang nodded and said solemnly.

Although he knew very well that Xiao Tian wouldn't just propose such a simple task, he couldn't resist right now, and Yao Xiang could only grit his teeth and agree.

"The second condition, after I return to the Holy Soul Village, I will tell you that now I am leaving this place and traveling, Tai Xiong and Yang Lin will be temporarily directed by you, but..."

Xiao Tian said with a cold expression, and said coldly: "How to teach these two people how to teach, I will not blend into it, but if I come back, Yang Lin and Tai Xiong can't reach it. My request, of course they will be punished, you can't shirk the blame!

At that time, you can think about how to give yourself a decent way to die!"

Yao Xiang was taken aback, but at the moment, I was a fish, and she had no confidence to refute Xiao Tian's words, so she could only nod her head and agree to the matter.

Xiao Tian couldn't help but smile a little bit more on his face that couldn't see the expression when he saw this. He nodded and said, "In this case, go to the top of Houshan Mountain. Both Tai Xiong and Yang Lin are there. Everyday I have also arranged a lot of training, you just need to do it.

After that, Xiao Tian stepped directly on the Anchen sword and flew towards the distance, leaving Yao Xiang alone. After a long time, Yao Xiang gritted his teeth and walked towards the back mountain of the Holy Soul Village.

Chapter 851 Lu Family!

In the next few days, Yao Xiang stayed on the top of the Houshan Mountain in Shenghun Village. She did not give any advice to Yang Lin and Tai Xiong, but was responsible for feeding the two people like a nanny.

At the same time, Xiao Tian also flew above the reckless sea, seeming to be looking for something.

After searching for Yujian on the endless sea for three or four days, Xiao Tian finally landed on an island full of green bamboo, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

After seeing Yao Xiang before, I heard her talk about Suyue Lingsha Martial Soul, Xiao Tian only then remembered that in the soul master world, there is an auxiliary type of martial soul, and the rarity is not in Suyue Lingsha or Jiuxin Begonia. Below, even more rare to some extent.

Because that kind of martial spirit also only has one effect, that is to increase the speed of cultivation!

The only soul skill is the ability to increase the cultivation speed of a soul master within a ten-meter radius and not higher than the 30th level of the spirit power of the martial soul owner. For each additional soul ring, the range will be expanded by ten meters, and the cultivation speed will increase twice!

The name of this Wuhun is called Hanguang Liuli!

And this kind of martial arts, like Jiuxin Begonia, is also a single pass. If it hadn't been for Tang Hao to mention this strange martial arts by chance when he lived in Saint Soul Village, Xiao Tian would have forgotten it.

That is to say, after seeing Yao Xiang and hearing her mention Suyue Lingsha martial arts, Xiao Tian remembered that there are other strange martial arts such as Hanguang Liuli in this world.

Although he was quite satisfied with Tang San Xiaowu and the master's current cultivation speed, if they could improve the strength of these people faster, Xiao Tian would naturally not refuse.

Shaking his head and looking at the dense green bamboos in front of him, Xiao Tian couldn't help smiling a little more on his face, and said loudly, "Everyone from the Lu family, since they have already arrived, why hide in hiding?"

The owner of Hanguang Liuli Martial Spirit is Lu.

This kind of martial soul is a single pass. There will not be two owners of Hanguang glazed glaze martial souls at the same time. Before the last Hanguang glazed glaze martial soul owner falls, even if it is his direct bloodline, the martial soul is only Huaguang Liuli.

Only when the owner of the Hanguang Glazed Martial Soul has fallen, will there be a Huaguang Fleeing Martial Soul that becomes Hanguang Glazed Martial Soul!

Compared with Hanguang Liuli, Huaguang Fleeing is a standard waste martial arts spirit, with no offensive and defensive capabilities, and no auxiliary capabilities. His innate soul power is pitifully low, and it is almost impossible to embark on the path of a soul master.

Before Xiao Tian spoke, there was a rustling sound in the green bamboo forest, and then a mess of footsteps sounded, and several men in luxurious robes came out of the green bamboo forest with a large number of spirit masters with different costumes.

Like the Seven Treasures Liuli Sect, because the Lu Family's direct disciples did not have any other abilities, the Lu Family also recruited many soul masters who hoped to be assisted by the Hanguang Liuli Martial Spirit.

It's just that because of the special nature of Hanguang Liuli's martial arts, the Lu family doesn't need to worry about who will do anything against the Lu family, or even kidnap Lu family disciples!

"In Xia Lu Fengxian, I don't know who your Excellency is?" The man in the lead wore luxurious robes and exuded an aura of no anger and might. Obviously, this man had been in a high position for a long time.

"Xiao Tian," Xiao Tian glanced at Lu Fengxian and said lightly, "I came here to ask you to borrow someone from the Lu family."

"Boy, do you know where this place is? Dare to come here to run wild, I think you are tired of living!" A leopard head ring-eyed, the whole body muscles are as angular as a rock, shouted at Xiao Tian angrily.

Chapter 852 The Name of Xiao Tian!

Xiao Tian glanced at the brawny man, without a trace of emotion in his eyes, making the brawny man as if he had fallen into an ice cave, his body trembled unconsciously, and the anger on his face gradually subsided.

"Humph!" Xiao Tian snorted, looking disdainfully, looking at Lu Fengxian, and just about to speak, another gloomy voice sounded: "Boy, you are here to take care of the Lu family, not intending to take the Lu family. The Lord borrowed it?"

Lu Kai, the young master of the Lu family, is the owner of Hanguang Liuli Martial Spirit.

What the person who spoke before said this, undoubtedly directly pushing Xiao Tian to the opposite of all the soul masters on the island.

After all, these soul masters don't hesitate to take refuge in the Lu family, become affiliates or even serve as slaves, so that they can practice by Lu Kai's side, so as to increase the speed of cultivation?

If Xiao Tian were to lend Li Kai away, would they still have a chance in the future?

Therefore, after the gloomy voice sounded, the eyes of all spirit masters on the island looking towards Xiao Tian were filled with dissatisfaction, and even some people had astonishing killing intent in their eyes.

On the contrary, Lu Feng of the Lu family stood there first, seeming to be thinking about something. After a while, Lu Fengxian flashed in his mind, looked at Xiao Tian, ​​and lost his voice: "You just said...You are Xiao Tian!?"

Lu Fengxian's voice trembled unconsciously when he spoke. Even if his Lu family was overseas, he didn't care much about things on the mainland, but it didn't prevent him from knowing the other great masters on the mainland.

It's just that he only heard his friends talk about Xiao Tian a few days ago, so when Xiao Tian reported his name just now, he didn't immediately react.

"Replace it like a fake," Xiao Tian looked at Lu Fengxian in an extremely calm tone.

Lu Feng first heard that the whole person was as if being struck by thunder, and the whole person was stunned.

He clearly remembered how his friends commented on Xiao Tian in private a few days ago-above the Seagod Island owner Bo Saixi, the former Vast Sky Douluo Tang Chen, and the Great Spirit Hall dedicated to Qian Daoliu. , Deservedly the strongest in the world!

Lu Fengxian didn't doubt the words of his friends, because his friend was a famous titled Douluo on the mainland—the second consecration of Wuhun Hall, Golden Crocodile Douluo!

"Patriarch Lu, is there anything special about this person?" a fifth ring war spirit master said to Lu Fengxian.

The other soul masters quickly agreed upon hearing this.

When they saw Lu Fengxian's expression, they were also a little worried.

They didn't know the identity of Xiao Tian, ​​because they had stayed on the island where the Lu family was located and had little communication with the outside world, so they didn't know that terrifying figures such as Xiao Tian appeared on the mainland.

From their point of view, Xiao Tian looked like he was in his twenties. He even dared to speak up here. To borrow Li Kai, it didn’t require too many people to come forward. Only a few three-ringed souls could take Xiao Get out of this Lu family island!

Hearing the words of the Five Ring Fighting Soul Master, Lu Fengxian came back to his senses and said respectfully to Xiao Tian: "It turns out that Senior Xiao came here. My Lu family has missed a long way to welcome him, and I ask Senior Xiao to forgive me!"

After speaking, Lu Feng first turned to look at a disciple of the Lu family beside him, and said in a deep voice, "Go and call Kai'er."

After finishing the order, Lu Fengxian looked at Xiao Tian and said with a slight flattery: "Senior Xiao, it is his blessing that the dog Li Kai can be favored by Senior Xiao.

I don’t dare to speculate why Senior Xiao must be named to borrow the dog Li Kai, but the younger generation begged Senior Xiao to give a few words to the dog in his spare time. The younger generation was grateful!"

Chapter 853 The flattering Lu Fengxian!

Upon hearing Lu Fengxian's words, the soul masters couldn't help but cast their eyes on Xiao Tian, ​​guessing in their hearts the origin of Xiao Tian.

They are not stupid. If it weren't for Xiao Tian's identity and origin, how could Lu Fengxian be so?

You must know that as the Patriarch of the Lu Family, the father of Lu Kai, the owner of Hanguang Glazed Glass Martial Spirit, Lu Fengxian can still talk and laugh happily even in the face of some titled Douluo powerhouses.

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