God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 370

Is there another time when it is so humble as it is now, even called a slave girl?

"Yeah," Xiao Tian just nodded lightly when seeing a group of soul masters looking at him, with no expression on his face.

If it were someone else, who was so arrogant when facing Lu Fengxian, I'm afraid that the family head of the Lu family would have driven out of the island long ago.

However, it was Xiao Tian that Lu Feng faced first!

Therefore, all the soul masters present were surprised to find that in the face of Xiao Tian's arrogant, even almost rude attitude, Lu Fengxian's face did not even show the slightest dissatisfaction, and even Lu Fengxian's face was faintly agitated. !

What is the origin of this person?!

A huge question mark has risen in the hearts of all spirit masters. They are very clear about Lu Fengxian's status and status. Although Lu Fengxian's own strength is not high, because he has a good son like Lu Kai, even Title Douluo will treat him Treat with courtesy.

With Lu Fengxian's knowledge and status, who can make him so pleased, can it be the descendants of the gods?

"Patriarch Lu, this senior..." Finally, someone couldn't help but looked at Lu Fengxian and asked in a low voice, "What is the origin?"

When Lu Feng heard the words, he gave Xiao Tian a cautious look. Seeing that Xiao Tian was still expressionless, he hesitated, and then said loudly: "You have never heard of this senior Xiao Tian.

Have you heard of the great worship of Qian Daoliu, Vast Sky Douluo Tang Chen, and Seagod Island owner Bo Saixi?"

"What are you talking about, Family Master Lu, the three Extreme Douluo, the figure standing at the top of the spirit master world, if we haven't even heard of this, then what kind of spirit master?" a spirit master said with a smile .

"Senior Xiao Tian, ​​once defeated Qian Daoliu twice, and the Second Spirit Palace enshrines Golden Crocodile Douluo in private and confessed to me that the strongest person in the world is probably this Senior Xiao Tian!"

Lu Feng first looked at the soul masters present, and said in a deep voice: "You know how honorable Senior Xiao Tian can come here to my Lu Family, right?"

A group of spirit masters couldn't help but be surprised. Although the Lu Family was treated by spirit masters in many ways because of the Hanguang Liuli Martial Spirit, the Lu Family was nothing in the face of the Three Ultimate Douluos.

Now that Lu Feng would choose to kneel and lick in the face of an existence that surpassed the Three Limits of Douluo, it was normal.

Even some people couldn't help feeling jealous of Mr. Lu Feng, jealous that he had such a good son as Lu Kai, who could be favored by Xiao Tian, ​​and even came to Lu's family to'borrow someone'!

It is foreseeable that once Lu Kai leaves with Xiao Tian, ​​he will probably be reborn again soon, and the Lu Family's power is bound to usher in a period of rapid expansion!

Just as everyone was thinking about things, the Lu family who had been ordered by Lu Feng to find Lu Kai before also brought a Tsing Yi boy over.

"Father, what's the matter with you asking me to come over?" Lu Kai walked up to Lu Fengxian, dissatisfied.

He was originally cultivating soul power, but was suddenly interrupted by his subordinates. If it hadn't been for this subordinate to tell him that Lu Feng was looking for him first, he would have been angry long ago, but even so, Lu Kai had some complaints against his father.

Chapter 854 Lu Kai's Source of Information!

Lu Feng first saw Lu Kai with a little smile on his face, and quickly said, "Kay, come, Dad will introduce you to you."

Immediately afterwards, Lu Fengxian involuntarily pulled Lu Kai to Xiao Tian, ​​and said in a deep voice, "This senior is Senior Xiao Tianxiao."

In the end, Lv Fengxian was afraid that Lv Kai would not know the details of Xiao Tian, ​​and added: "Senior Xiao Tian is your uncle the golden crocodile. He believes that his strength surpasses the three limits of Douluo, and he is called the strongest in the mainland. The strong!"

However, what Lu Feng didn't expect was that after hearing the words'Xiao Tian', Lu Kai's eyes flashed with an astonishing look, and immediately said respectfully to Xiao Tian: "Junior Lu Kai, I have seen Senior Xiao Tian!"

As the Patriarch of the Lu Family and the owner of Hanguang Liuli Martial Spirit, Lu Kai has more sources of information than the Patriarch of Lu Fengxian. Lu Kai is actually far more aware of Xiao Tian's deeds than Lu Fengxian!

The fact that this mysterious powerhouse of unknown origin defeated Qian Daoliu twice is nothing news for Lu Kai.

What shocked Lu Kai most was that Senior Xiao Tian seemed to possess a certain method that could enable the spirit master to exceed the upper limit of the spirit ring level that he can absorb when he absorbs spirit rings.

Even Lu Kai knew that this senior Xiao Tian even cultivated a first and second spirit ring that was a peerless wizard at the ten thousand year level!

Lu Kai would not doubt the authenticity of the news, because it was not someone else who told him the news, but one of the most titled Douluo on the mainland-Poison Douluo Dugubo!

As for how Lu Kai got in touch with Dugu Bo, this is a long story.

"Have you heard of me?" Xiao Tian couldn't help being a little strange when he saw Lu Kai's appearance.

Xiao Tian felt that Lu Kai’s respect was not superficial and pretentious, but really from the heart. If Lu Kai had never heard of him before, even if Lu Feng introduced him first, Lu Kai would never Maybe so respectful.

If Lu Kai had never heard of him before, even if Lu Feng introduced him first, Lu Kai would never be so respectful.

"Junior and Poison Douluo have some friendships. A few days ago, Poison Douluo sent a message to the younger generation, so that the younger generation took the time to go to the mainland, just planning to introduce the younger generation to the senior," Lu Kai looked at Xiao Tian and said respectfully.

Lu Feng couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard the words. He looked at Lu Kai and frowned and said, "Kay, you are going to the mainland, why don't you discuss it with me in advance?

Lu Kai looked at Lu Fengxian and smiled bitterly: "If the child said in advance, would you agree with my father?"

He understands his father's temperament too well. To sound good is to be prudent, but to sound bad is to lack courage and timid!

Lu Kai can be sure that once he proposes to go to the mainland, Lu Feng will definitely refuse it first, and maybe even let the Lu family's subordinates strictly guard him!

When Lu Feng heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. What Lu Kai said was indeed the truth. His father Lu De, who was also the owner of the last Hanguang Liuli Martial Soul, also said when he passed on the position of Patriarch to him. More than enough, lack of courage.

"Lord Lu," Xiao Tian said suddenly, and said to Lu Feng first, "Should you leave this Lu family island to go to the mainland? Can we talk about it later?

What I am more curious about now is how the noble son got to know the poisonous Douluo Dugubo."

Chapter 855 Lu Kai and Dugu Bo!

Xiao Tian is really curious about the relationship between Lv Kai and Dugu Bo. It stands to reason that with Dugu Bo’s temperament, if he has a relationship with Lv Kai, then he should find ways to bring Lv Kai back to the mainland or he should live in seclusion on the Lu family island. Correct.

Xiao Tian didn't think that the Dugu Expo would leave a Baoshan with Hanguang glazed martial arts spirit like Lu Kai leaving empty-handed!

Not only Xiao Tian, ​​but even Lu Fengxian looked at Lu Kai with a puzzled look. Even the Patriarch of the Lu family only knew the titled Douluo, the Golden Crocodile Douluo.

That's all because his father Lu De had a great benevolence to Golden Crocodile Douluo when Golden Crocodile Douluo was weak, and Golden Crocodile Douluo has always regarded himself as Lu De's descendants, so Lu Feng was able to call Golden Crocodile Douluo first.

Otherwise, with the strength of Golden Crocodile Douluo's Ninety-eighth Peak Douluo, Hanguang Glazed Glazed Martial Spirit is peculiar, but it can't be seen by the second consecrated Martial Spirit Hall!

However, now Lu Fengxian discovered that his son had been in contact with a Title Douluo silently. How could this not worry him?

You must know that Title Douluo is not a fuel-efficient lamp. No one who can cultivate to the realm of Title Douluo is foolish, because those foolish white sweets, no matter how amazing their talents are, they will have all kinds of things before they grow up. The reason has fallen!

What's more, the one who has contact with Lu Kai is one of the most notorious Title Douluo among Title Douluo-Poison Douluo Dugubo!

Lu Kai didn’t hesitate when he heard this, and immediately said to Xiao Tian: “The junior and Poison Douluo met seven years ago. At that time, I secretly ran out of the island and went to the mainland, but I was chased and killed. Saved..."

Xiao Tian nodded slightly. This was something that Dugu Bo could do. This Poison Douluo had always done whatever he wanted. If he saw Lu Kai pleasingly, it would not be difficult to understand.

Then I heard Lu Kai continue to say: "However, after Dugu Bo rescued the junior, he posed a problem for the junior. He inflicted a kind of poison on the junior, and the junior was solved within three days. If it can be solved Open, he promised a condition for juniors, if it can’t be solved..."

Lu Kai didn't explain the consequences of not being able to explain the poisoning, but neither Lu Fengxian nor Xiao Tian was a fool, and naturally he could hear what Lu Kai meant.

Dugu Bo uses poison as his title, and if he is poisoned by him, if he fails to solve it in time, will there be other results besides falling?

Thinking of this, Xiao Tian couldn’t help but shook his head and laughed. This was indeed Dugu Bo’s style. Saving Lu Kai was just casual, but his Dugu Bo was a good and evil existence. If he felt that saving Lu Kai would make him a little bit disadvantaged. It is not impossible to find an excuse to solve Lu Kai.

It's just that Lu Kai's ability is much better than Dugubo's imagination, and it just happened to get rid of the poison on his body.

Sure enough, Xiao Tian soon heard Lu Kai talk about the following things: "The juniors grew up on this island since they were young, and they were lucky enough to inherit the Hanguang Liuli Martial Spirit.

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