God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 371

The younger generation’s martial soul is different from the previous Hanguang Liuli martial arts. The younger generation’s should be regarded as a mutant martial soul. In addition to accelerating the speed of other people’s soul power, the only incidental characteristic of this martial soul is that it is not invaded by poisons. .

Therefore, the younger generation got rid of the poison of Senior Dugubo and got a promise from him."

Chapter 856: Conditions!

Xiao Tian couldn't help his spirits after hearing the words, and Dugubo's promise was a Title Douluo-level promise. If ordinary people had won it, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it would take one step to the sky.

I don't know what requirements this Lu Family Young Master put forward to Dugu Bo.

Not only Xiao Tian, ​​but also Lu Fengxian listened attentively. Seven years ago, Lu Kai secretly left the island and scared him half to death. Fortunately, Lu Kai returned safely in the end.

However, Lu Fengxian didn't know anything about what Lu Kai saw and heard while he was away from the island. Now, when Lu Kai talks about the original matter, Lu Fengxian will naturally not miss it.

"The younger generation is naturally extremely happy to receive the conditions promised by Senior Dugu Bo. Finally, the younger generation deliberated and asked Senior Dugu Bo for a drink."

Lu Kai looked at Xiao Tian and said with a smile: "Who knows that this is a crooked fight, and Senior Dugubo gave me a high look.

For a while, I traveled the mainland with Senior Dugubo, and the friendship between us grew deeper and deeper.

Until I returned to the island, Senior Dugubo also passed on some mainland news to me from time to time, and I would also chat with Senior Dugubo about island affairs, even the family affairs of the Lu family... "

Hearing this, Xiao Tian couldn't help taking a deep look at Lu Kai. If the Young Master Lu's words were true, then his luck was really good.

Being chased by someone but accidentally saved Dugu Bo, and then survived the poison of Dugu Bo due to the mutation of the martial arts, and finally he was attacked and formed a friendship with Dugu Bo.

For Dugu Bo, Xiao Tian knew very well that although this titled Douluo was not good at fighting alone, he had to be the bottom of the titled Douluo in terms of personal strength, but when it came to group battles and massacres, no one had this one. Poison Douluo is fast!

As soon as the Jade Snake Emperor came out, he was enveloped with poison for a hundred li, and those with poor strength could only wait to die, and what was even more shocking was the poison of this poison Douluo, which was extremely infectious. Sex can give birth to a more terrifying and rich poisonous gas from the dead body!

Therefore, although Dugu Bo is weak in personal strength, on the mainland, except for the Upper Three Sects and the Hall of Martial Souls, the strong from other forces dare not offend Dugu Bo.

After all, they don't have the ability to kill Dugu Bo with one blow. If they offend Dugu Bo and fail to kill Dugu Bo, the younger generation in their clan will suffer!

Therefore, Lu Kai was able to establish a friendship with Dugu Bo, and even seemed to have a good relationship, which was equivalent to getting a free amulet.

Except for the Upper Three Sects and the Hall of Martial Spirits, people from other forces who want to move Lu Kai must wonder whether they can withstand Dugu Bo's revenge.

Even the Blue Power Overlord Sect, who is the upper three sect, wants to move Lu Kai, he has to think twice. After all, Lu Kai comes from the Lu family. Once Lu Kai is moved, it is likely that Lu Kai and Dugubo will face the joint revenge!

"So that's it," Xiao Tian nodded lightly, and said to Lu Kai, "The Young Patriarch is lucky.

Since the relationship between Patriarch Young and Dugu Bo is irreversible, then I am not going around the corner. I want to ask Patriarch Young to take me to the mainland and practice for a period of time with some of my disciples.

As a reward, I can give the Young Patriarch the strength to rival those of the same realm. I wonder what the Young Patriarch's idea is?"

Lu Kai's heart jumped when he heard this, and a deep joy appeared on his face, and he immediately said loudly: "Since Senior Xiao Tian can look up to juniors, how can juniors refuse?"

Chapter 857 The hidden characteristics of Hanguang Liuli Martial Soul!

Lu Kai is very clear about Xiao Tian's strength, and if he can get Xiao Tian's guidance, it can be said to be great news for him.

It is necessary to know that the more heaven-defying the martial soul, the greater the limit. Just like the Seven-Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, it can increase the spirit master percentage by ignoring the difference in spirit power. Can have seven spirit rings!

The same is true for the Nine Heart Begonia of the Ye Family. While giving the Nine Heart Begonia Spirit Master a powerful healing ability, it also deprived the Nine Heart Begonia Spirit Master of the hope of stepping into the Title Douluo.

The descendants of each generation of Nine Heart Begonia Martial Spirits can only reach the level of an eight-ringed Spirit Douluo. Unless there is a chance against the sky, they will not be able to step into the titled Douluo in their lifetime.

Nine Heart Begonia and Qibao Liuli Pagoda are both like this, and Lu's Hanguang Liuli Martial Spirit is no exception.

In addition to the two soul masters of Hanguang Glazed Glaze Martial Soul, before stepping into Titled Douluo, Hanguang Glazed Glaze Martial Soul has no offensive and defensive abilities, except that it can speed up the cultivation of others. There is nothing good outside.

Once a spirit master with Hanguang Liuli Martial Spirit stepped into the titled Douluo realm, it would usher in a completely reborn change, thus possessing extremely strong offensive and defensive capabilities, and then leaving the scope of the auxiliary system martial spirit.

Only according to the records of the Lu Family, apart from the third Patriarch of Lu Family, the peerless wizard who has been dead for thousands of years, the Lu Family has never seen any Hanguang Glazed Martial Soul who stepped into the titled Douluo realm. division.

But Lu Kai believes that the limitations of Hanguang Liuli's martial arts should be nothing to Xiao Tian. After all, Xiao Tian has cultivated the evil spirits whose first and second spirit rings are both ten thousand year spirit rings!

"I don't know what the Lu Family's idea is?" Seeing Lu Kai's promise, Xiao Tian couldn't help but smile a little more, and soon turned his eyes to Lu Fengxian, and said lightly.

As for the other soul masters on this island, Xiao Tian didn't bother to ask, they and the Lu family were just an employment relationship, and they were even vassals attached to the Lu family.

They have no right to speak at all about Lu Kai's going or staying.

Lu Feng fell into silence when he heard this. Although he knew that Xiao Tian was astonishing, he was a little worried about Xiao Tian's ability to teach his disciples.

After all, Xiao Tian looks so young, but his strength is already above the three extreme Douluo, how can he have time to distract him?


Thinking of the consequences of rejecting Xiao Tian, ​​Lu Fengxian's heart was even more miserable, but there was not much change in expression on his face. He nodded lightly and said, "Senior Xiao can value a dog. That is a love for a dog, and even a dog. Fortunately, I naturally have no reason to stop it."

Lu Fengxian knew very well that although the Hanguang Glazed Martial Spirit is extremely against the sky, in the eyes of these Ultimate Douluo, I am afraid that the soul master with Hanguang Glazed Martial Spirit is just a special ant. Hit to death with a finger!

Therefore, Lu Fengxian did not dare to refuse Xiao Tian's conditions.

"Patriarch Lu is refreshed," Xiao Tian said with a little more smile on his face, and said with a smile: "In that case, I will take your noble son to leave later. For the sake of Patriarch Lu's cheerfulness, I will give Patriarch Lu one more thing. "

As he spoke, Xiao Tian's hand received the ring brilliance for a flash, and a strange ganoderma lucidum that was full of purple and shining brightly appeared in Xiao Tian's hands.

Chapter 858 Ninth Grade Zizhi!

"Senior Xiao, what is this?" Lu Feng first looked at the strange purple Ganoderma lucidum that exuded a faint fluorescence in Xiao Tian's hands, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes, and asked Xiao Tian.

On the contrary, Lu Kai seemed to have thought of something, and there was a bit of joy on his face that was hard to hide.

Lu Kai knows very well that this senior Xiao Tian’s research on medicinal materials is probably not weaker than that of Dugu Bo, and even above it!

The medicinal materials that can be carried by this senior Xiao Tian must not be ordinary products!

"This is called Nine-Rank Zizhi," Xiao Tian said indifferently: "It is a very mild elixir, which has the effect of consolidating the roots. I saw that Patriarch Lu seems to have dark wounds on his body. This Nine-Rank Zizhi can replace Lu. The Patriarch healed the dark wounds on his body and extended his life for at least 20 years."

With that said, Xiao Tian threw the 9th-grade Zizhi in his hand to Lu Fengxian like trash, and the latter hurriedly caught it, with an inevitable smile on his face.

For Lu Fengxian, it is impractical to rely on the path of breaking through the realm to increase lifespan, because his martial soul is Huaguang Liuli, one of the standard waste martial souls, and the innate soul power is only one level.

Even with the huge accumulation of resources of the Lu Family, he now has no more than thirty-level spirit power. If there is no adventure, it would be a blessing to be able to reach thirty-ninth level in his lifetime. He wants to break through to the forty level. And obtaining the fourth spirit ring is undoubtedly an idiot dream.

Therefore, for Lu Fengxian, the nine-grade Zizhi given by Xiao Tian is a rare treasure!

If he could extend his life for 20 years, it would be enough for him to sit in the Lu family and wait for Lu Kai to fully grow up!

"Thank you for the gift from Senior Xiao," Lu Fengxian said respectfully to Xiao Tian: "The dog will be handed over to Senior Xiao. It is time to beat or scold, Senior Xiao does not have to worry."

Xiao Tian nodded, and immediately said to Lu Kai: "Follow me."

With that said, Xiao Tian walked towards the only port on the island. He had observed the pattern of the entire island before he landed on the island, and now he does not even have a black eye on the island.

Without any hesitation, Lv Kai nodded to Lu Feng first, and then followed Xiao Tian and walked towards the port.

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