God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 372

When Xiao Tian and Lu Kai disappeared from sight, Lu Fengxian took the Lu family members and those soul masters who depended on the Lu family toward the Lu family.

Lu Kai was taken away by Xiao Tian, ​​and I am afraid that many spirit masters will leave the Lu family, and Lu Feng must first return to the Lu family to handle these matters.

As for those soul masters who want to leave the Lu family, Lu Fengxian is not prepared to do anything to them. He arranges ships to send them off as a gift. When Lu Kai returns from Xiao Tian's school in the future, these short-sighted guys want to cling to them again. Yu Lu's family, then there is no such opportunity!

But these things have nothing to do with Xiao Tian and Lu Kai who have left the island.

Standing on the deck of Lu's ship, Xiao Tian looked at the surrounding vast sea, and couldn't help but raise a bold idea.

If Tang San and others were thrown into this sea for a period of time, I'm afraid the gain would not be small.

The only troublesome possibility is that the spirit ring produced by the sea spirit beast may not be suitable for Tang San and the others.

Tang San was fortunate to say that Xiao Tian would arrange for him to go to Seagod Island in the future. With his talent, he could fully qualify for the Seagod's Nine Exams. When he inherited the Seagod's position, even if it was only a descendant of the Seagod, the spirit ring produced by the sea spirit beast would Will match Tang San incomparably.

But with the exception of Tang San, no matter it was the master, A Yin, or Xiao Wu, they were not very suitable for the spirit ring of the sea spirit beast.

Chapter 859 Illusory Sea Drunk Dreams!

Ah Yin has 70th level spirit power, and the next route has already been planned, so I can exclude it and leave it alone.

But the rest, whether it was Xiao Wu or the master, was not suitable for absorbing the spirit ring of the sea soul beast.

The former is a 100,000-year-old soft-bone rabbit, and it is not compatible with water. If the spirit ring of the sea spirit beast is absorbed, it is impossible to guarantee that it will not affect itself.

The latter is the golden holy dragon martial soul, it is best to absorb the soul ring of the dragon type soul beast, and among the sea soul beasts, the ones that can be connected with the dragon type, except for the extremely rare sub-dragon soul beasts, There was only the Deep Sea Demon Whale King that was about to transform into a dragon.

The former is extremely difficult to find, and the latter is even more difficult for Xiao Tian to kill!

Therefore, Xiao Tian just thought for a while, and quickly put this absurd idea behind him. If he had the opportunity in the future, he would arrange for the master and others to go to Seagod Island for a test. It would be okay to increase the age of the spirit ring and let them stay at sea. Experience, just kill the sea soul beast.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Tian's gaze fell on Lu Kai and said lightly: "I will take a look at releasing your martial soul."

He was very curious about Lu Kai’s martial soul. He just heard that Hanguang Liuli’s martial soul, not to mention that Lu Kai’s martial soul is still a mutated martial soul, which is based on the original Hanguang Liuli martial soul. Non-invasive characteristics.

Lu Kai didn't hesitate when he heard this, and he was about to release his martial soul.

An aquamarine gem with countless facets appeared in Lu Kai's hands, and the sunlight shone on the facets, reflecting colorful light.

At the same time, two yellow, two purple and four spirit rings under Lu Kai's feet rose in turn.

Xiao Tian nodded slightly. According to the characteristics of Hanguang Liuli's martial arts spirit, now Lv Kai can speed up the cultivation speed of spirit masters within 40 meters of a radius and whose spirit power does not exceed his 30th level. For the master, there are Tang San and others. It is just applicable.

"Well, not bad," Xiao Tian said lightly, "but there is still room for improvement."

While talking, Xiao Tian took out a strange spirit grass with its rhizomes as white as jade and frost-like petals from Na Ring, then shook his head, put the spirit grass back in Na Ring, and took out a cabbage like a whole body. Pass the green spirit grass to Lu Kai.

"This spiritual plant is called Drunken Dream of Fantasy Sea," Xiao Tian pointed to the spiritual grass in Lu Kai's hand and explained: "Its biggest function is to give the user a good ability to cast illusions.

Although your martial arts spirit is supernatural, the biggest drawback is that you don't have any attack and self-protection ability before stepping into Title Douluo. After swallowing this phantom sea drunk dream, you will be able to protect yourself in the future."

Lu Kai was pleased when he heard the words, and said respectfully at Xiao Tian: "Thank you, Senior Xiao!"

He knew that Xiao Tian had a rich family background and unpredictable methods, but he did not expect Xiao Tian to be so generous. He had just left the Lu family island with Xiao Tian, ​​and Xiao Tian took out this class of spirit grass!

However, Lu Kai also knew that this drunken dream of the sea of ​​fantasy may be an extremely precious thing to him, but in the eyes of this senior Xiao Tian, ​​it may be just a dispensable tasteless taste.

"It's nothing more than a spiritual grass," Xiao Tian shook his head and said lightly: "Eat the leaves first, swallow them directly, and run the soul power to dissolve the medicine."

Lu Kai immediately did so, tearing off a few leaves from the Dream Sea and Drunken Dream, and stuffing them into his mouth without saying anything.

Fortunately, the leaves of Dream Sea and Drunken Dreams turned into a clear stream and flowed down Lu Kai's throat, otherwise Lu Kai would have to spend a lot of work.

Chapter 860 Strange Things!

Seeing Lu Kai swallowing Drunken Dream in the Sea of ​​Fantasy, Xiao Tian smiled, allowing Lu Kai to sit on the spot, absorbing the medicinal effects of Drunken Dream in the Sea of ​​Fantasy, while he walked into the cabin and slept on the bed.

Although his strength reached Xiao Tian's level, not sleeping for a few days and nights would not have any effect on him, but at the moment when he is on the sea, it is impossible for Xiao Tian to leave his sword to Lu Kai and rush back to the mainland alone. The cabin is asleep.

After all, he was only half a step away from the god level, and this half step could not be achieved by burying his head in cultivation, so Xiao Tian didn't bother to devote a lot of energy to cultivation.

It didn’t take much time for Lu Kai to absorb Fantasy Sea Drunken Dream, because although this elixir belonged to an immortal product, it was extremely mild in nature. Lu Kai was also a four-ringed soul sect, with the help of the mutated Hanguang Glazed Martial Spirit. A mild elixir is not much harder than eating and drinking.

Taking a pat on his clothes, Lu Kai slowly got up, with a faint glow across his eyes.

"As expected to be Senior Xiao Tian, ​​I have benefited a lot from everything I took out," Lu Kai looked towards the cabin, with a little awe on his face, and then turned into a faint smile, whispered: "First Try the illusion ability that this fantasy sea drunk dream gives me."

Thinking about this, Lu Kai directly ordered the ship to be sent to a nearby island.

As the young master of the Lu family, he once ran away from home and drove to the mainland from the sea alone. Although Lu Kai didn't know the seas around here, he knew everything about it.

Now that he wants to try his tricks, he naturally has to find a place that suits him.

And the island he ordered to go to is an excellent place. The island is inaccessible, and the strength of soul beasts is not strong. Most of them are weak and small soul beasts of ten years and one hundred years, and thousand-year soul beasts are extremely rare.

For Lu Kai, with his strength, it is undoubtedly unrealistic to use the thousand-year spirit beast to try, but the ten-year and hundred-year spirit beast is just right.

The island mentioned by Lu Kai is not far from where the ship is now, so it didn't take much time for Lu Kai to take a few people from the Lu family to the island.

At the same time, Xiao Tian, ​​who was closing his eyes and rested in the cabin, suddenly opened his eyes, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

"This kid is really bold..." Xiao Tian walked out of the cabin, stood on the deck, and looked at the island in front of him, with a mysterious look in his eyes.

In his perception, the soul beasts on this island are indeed very weak, most of them are ten-year-old soul beasts, and there are only three thousand-year-old soul beasts.

But the problem is...

Xiao Tian shook his head and watched Lu Kai and the others go deep into the island. Then the Anchen Sword appeared in his hands, and countless sword shadows rose and fell behind him.

"Senior Xiao, what's the problem?" The disciple of the Lu family staying on the boat hurriedly asked when he saw Xiao Tian's movements.

They also knew that Xiao Tian's strength was able to make this one who was standing up...

These Lu family disciples no longer dare to think about it anymore, because they know very well that if any accidents really happen, looking at this senior Xiao’s posture, I am afraid they will not be able to take care of them...

In other words, once an accident happens, they are likely to die without a place to bury them!

"It's okay," Xiao Tian shook his head, and didn't look at the interrogating Lu family disciple, and said lightly: "Stay on the boat with peace of mind, no one can help you."

Chapter 861 Surprise!

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the Lu family disciple staying on the boat was slightly relieved, but his face was still unsightly.

After all, Xiao Tian can almost be said to be the strongest person in the world. How could it be something simple that could make him face an enemy?

However, Lu Kai, who had already arrived on the island, didn't know this. With the assistance of several Lu family disciples, Lu Kai quickly captured a few hundred-year-old soul beasts to test his illusion skills.

The final result is neither good nor bad for Lu Kai.

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