God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 373

That is, his illusion can indeed have an effect on the soul beast of a century, but for the soul beast that is not good at spiritual power, it can be caused to hallucinate for a long time, and for those soul beasts that are inclined to spiritual power, his illusion Ability does not play a big role.

Although this is also related to the fact that he has just mastered this ability and is not familiar with the release of illusions, it is undeniable that the ability to cast illusions attached to Drunken Dreams is not too powerful.

However, Lu Kai thought about it again. If a fairy-grade spirit grass alone can easily make people reborn, then everyone does not need to work hard to cultivate soul power, just go directly to find the treasures of heaven and earth to take it?

Thinking of this, Lu Kai was relieved and released the several hundred-year-old soul beasts he had caught. Lu Kai led several Lu family disciples toward the direction where the ship was docked.

However, before Lu Kai took a few steps, there was a sudden violent vibration under his feet. Lu Kai could clearly feel that the ground under his feet was raising up. In just a few breaths, the island had risen by ten. More than meters!

Standing on the island, the surrounding waves were empty. Lu Kai could clearly see the monstrous waves spreading in all directions, centered on the small island.

A huge shadow popped from the bottom of the water, and the dense water flow above the ferocious head drooped down like a waterfall. The location of Lu Kai just caught all this in his eyes.

"This, this is... the tortoise!" Seeing the hideous head, a lot of information quickly appeared in Lu Kai's mind, and he quickly matched the head in front of him with a soul beast recorded in the Lu Family Library. stand up.

Soul beast Tortoise, one of the extremely rare sea soul beasts, its status is similar to that of the Titan Great Ape among the land soul beasts, and it belongs to the overlord level!

It's just that the tortoises are rare, and they don't have a huge population like the evil demon killer whales and the demon soul great white sharks. Similarly, there has never been a million-year-old super soul beast like the deep sea demon whale king.

Therefore, there is no Xuan tortoise among the three big sea soul beast overlords, but if anyone dares to underestimate or even provoke the Xuan tortoise, then it is really a dead end!


The tortoise made a weird cry like a dragon but not a dragon, or a beast and a beast. Above its ferocious head, a pair of lantern-like eyes were filled with scary blood. Anyone who was stared at by it felt like a fall. The ice cave is stiff.

Hearing the call of the tortoise, Lu Kai suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment. He finally knew why this island is not badly located, but it is inaccessible. Even soul beasts over a thousand years old are rarely born.

Because this "island" is basically the shell of the tortoise, and the soul beast on the island is food for the tortoise to feed!

"Such a big tortoise, I am afraid it has been over a hundred thousand years..." A look of despair appeared in Lu Kai's eyes. Seeing the tortoise's head came towards him, Lu Kai couldn't help but close his eyes. Collapsed in place.

Chapter 862 I'll Take You To Try The Sword Today!

There was a gust of fishy wind on the face, and Lu Kai could clearly smell the stench from the mouth of the tortoise, and the huge wind pressure brought by the tortoise’s huge head hit him even more so that he was hunting. .

"Young Master!" The disciple of the Lu family who was in charge of guarding Lu Kai couldn't help roaring when he saw this scene.

But in the face of such a horrible existence as the tortoise, they can't play any role at all. They can only watch the huge and hideous head of the tortoise get closer and closer to Lu Kai...


Just when the tortoise opened its blood basin and was about to swallow Lu Kai in one bite, a earth-shattering collision suddenly resounded over the island.

Several disciples of the Lu family who were responsible for guarding Lu Kai were even more hurt by this tyrannical sound wave, and wisps of blood flowed down the corners of their mouths. Lu Kai was strengthened by the fantasy sea and drunk dreams, and it was much better than these Lu family disciples. .

Opening his eyes curiously, Lu Kai realized that he did not know when there was a strange pattern made of sword energy in front of him, which was slowly rotating.

And Xuangui's head hit the pattern formed by this sword qi, which made Lu Kai save his life.

Seeing this sword qi pattern, Lu Kai understood who had acted. Besides the unfathomable senior Xiao Tian, ​​who else could easily block this terrifying turtle?

Sure enough, with the appearance of the sword aura pattern, a thunder-like voice suddenly exploded over the surface of the sea: "Naughty animal, don't be arrogant!!"

The voice has not dissipated yet, a figure in white robes holding a divine sword into the air, surrounded by thousands of sword auras behind him, setting off it as if the sword god came to the world!

"Human!!!" The tortoise suddenly uttered words and roared: "You invaded my territory, and you dare to do anything to my food without authorization, damn it!!!"

Hearing Xuangui's words, Lu Kai and the Lu family disciples were even more bloodless, and the soul beasts that could utter human words far exceeded their cognition.

In their impression, even if it is a hundred thousand year soul beast, very few can speak.

In other words, except for the overlord of the Three Great Sea Soul Beasts, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, the Demon Soul Great White Shark King, and the Evil Demon Orca King, they have never heard of other 100,000-year-old soul beasts that can speak words!

"I am afraid that these soul beasts have exceeded the limit of Title Douluo, and are moving towards the realm of the legendary god," Lu Kai looked pale, looking at the terrifying head of the Xuangui, in shock.

Xiao Tian was also taken aback when he heard what the tortoise said. He had noticed the existence of the tortoise before, but because the tortoise had no other actions at that time, Xiao Tian was only on alert.

It's just that even Xiao Tian didn't expect that this turtle could already speak.

Xiao Tian knew very well what this meant. Except for the spirit beast overlord who was born at the top of the food chain, except for the sky blue bull python, Titan giant ape and the demon soul great white shark, the evil demon killer whale, all the spirit beasts that can spit out human speech. They all have another name-a semi-god spirit beast!

This class of spirit beasts, like the Limit Douluo in humans, has reached a peak and has begun to transform toward the gods!

"A demigod soul beast?"

A smile of disdain appeared at the corner of Xiao Tian's mouth, and the Dark Chen sword in his hand uttered bursts of sharp sword sounds. As if countless sword auras had been summoned by some kind, they quickly gathered behind Xiao Tian and formed a handle in an instant. The sword-qi giant sword, which is more than a hundred feet long, was cut down towards the head of the turtle!

"It just so happens. Since I got the Dark Chen Sword, I haven't tried my best to push this Divine Sword, so I will try it with you today!"

Chapter 863: The Tortoise in Seconds!

Facing that hundred-foot-long sword-qi giant sword, Xuangui's eyes showed a hint of fear.

Before that, Xiao Tian didn't fully expose his strength, he just locked it with Qi machine. When it shot Lu Kai, Xiao Tian just stopped his attack with a sword Qi pattern.

Now that Xiao Tian made an all-out effort, with a hundred feet of sword aura, the soul beast's keen intuition told Xuangui that it might not be Xiao Tian's opponent!

Because above Xiao Tian's sword aura, it felt the terrifying pressure that only the Deep Sea Demon Whale King had brought to it!

We must know that the Deep Sea Demon Whale King once competed with the Sea God for the position of God, and now it is about to complete the dragon transformation, and will soon become a terrifying existence of a god in the body of a million-year soul beast!

Xiao Tian was no more than a human soul master, and he was able to give it such terrifying pressure. Thinking of this, Xuan Turtle regretted his recklessness before.

Anyway, there was so much food on its back, and Lu Kai and the others did not kill it. They just tried their spirit skills. Why could it not help jumping out?

But regretting it, the turtle's movements were not slow at all, and the hideous head quickly retracted into the thick shell, just to avoid the terrifying blow of Xiao Tian.

Then Xuangui shrank his head, planning to let Xiao Tian attack.

The tortoise is still very confident about the defensive power of its tortoise shell. It has been cultivated for nearly two hundred thousand years. The defense of the tortoise shell has long reached a desperate level, even in the sea. The most terrifying Deep Sea Demon Whale King can hardly break its turtle shell!

What's more, what it is now exposed on the sea surface is not its shell at all, but the small island attached to its shell. Even if Xiao Tian completely destroys the small island, it will only lose some. No more food to feed!

After the big deal escapes, find another island on your back!

As for why the Tortoise didn’t choose not to run away now, it’s because Xiao Tian had already placed a blockade around Lu Kai when it shot Lv Kai. If it wants to break through the blockade, it will definitely usher in Xiao Tian’s attack, even There may be injuries.

That being the case, it would be better to defend it all, anyway, Xuangui was confident that Xiao Tian could do nothing about himself in this situation, at most it would lose some food at that time.

Seeing the movement of the tortoise, Xiao Tian smiled disdainfully at the corner of his mouth, and nine bloody soul rings rose slowly behind him, like a bloody moon across the sky, with sword energy emerging out of thin air, carrying a cold-hearted killing. It means to cover all the kilometers in the radius.

"This is... the domain?" As the young master of the Lu family, Lu Kai is naturally familiar with the domain. What's more, the spirit abilities possessed by his mutated Hanguang Liuli are also domain skills in a sense.

It’s just that he has never seen a realm that can cover a radius of a thousand meters. In his impression, the maximum range that a realm can cover is only a radius of 200 meters, but now Xiao Tian has easily released the cover of a thousand meters. The terrifying realm of meters!

"Sure enough, it is Senior Xiao Tian..." Lu Kai exclaimed in a low voice.

He finally knew why Qian Daoliu was so suppressed by Xiao Tian that he was also an Extreme Douluo with ninety-nine level spirit power!

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