God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 374

Hearing Golden Crocodile Douluo said, that Qian Daoliu's domain can cover a radius of more than 100 meters at most, while Xiao Tian's domain can cover a radius of one thousand meters. The suppression of the domain alone is enough to make Qian Daoliu face Xiao Tian. When the strength is weakened by three points!

Chapter 864 Xiao Tian's "Ninth Soul Ability"!

It's just that Lu Kai didn't know that when Xiao Tian defeated Qian Daoliu, he didn't use the domain at all!Not even just the domain, when Xiao Tian and Qian Daoliu fought each other, even his soul abilities were rarely used!

Although Xiao Tian himself knew very well that the reason he didn't use spirit abilities was because his spirit rings were matched by the system, and there was no such thing as spirit ring skills at all, but outsiders didn't know it!

The spirit hall masters who had witnessed the battle between Qian Daoliu and Xiao Tian thought that Xiao Tian was crushing Qian Daoliu because of his strength, and only used his soul skills a few times!

However, Xiao Tian, ​​who had released the sword domain, didn't pay attention to Lu Kai's feelings. The Dark Chen sword in his hand was horizontally in front of him, and there was a dim starlight flashing on the dark purple sword.

"Huh..." He let out a deep breath, and Xiao Tian's eyes flashed with a sharp light like sword aura, as if to cut everything in front of him!

"It's nothing more than a tortoise shell," Xiao Tian shook his head, the Dark Chen sword in his hand was shining brightly, and the surrounding sky suddenly became gloomy and dark, which was extremely depressing.

The dim starlight appeared and disappeared in the dim sky, like thunder.

The tortoise that had retracted its head into the shell seemed to be aware of something wrong, and quickly stuck out its head, opened its mouth and spit out a huge curtain of water, shrouded itself in it, and at the same time its huge body quickly sank to the bottom of the sea.

Xiao Tian shook his head. In the dim sky, a ray of starlight suddenly flourished, like a divine sword that pierced the sky, directly covering Lu Kai. Before Lu Kai could react, a few dazzling starlights fell from the sky. Several Lu family disciples around him were also enveloped.


Xiao Tian screamed, the divinity of Lu Kai and others, who were shrouded in starlight, quickly disappeared in place, and after a while, appeared on the Lu family ship not far away.

After doing all this, Xiao Tian sneered a bit more on his face, and then the dazzling starlight fell like raindrops, hitting behind the turtle.

When every starlight falls, it can bring up a huge pit on the island behind the tortoise. The more penetrating starlight directly penetrates the solid shell of the tortoise, bringing a lot of Blood.

"What a terrifying attack!" Lu Kai, who was transferred to the ship by Xiao Tian, ​​saw this scene, and a deep look of horror appeared on his face.

According to the records of the Lu family’s classics, Lu Kai is very clear about the defensive power of the tortoise. It is no exaggeration to say that a tortoise that has just stepped into the ten thousand-year level can be regarded as a titled Douluo if it fully defends. , In a short period of time there is no way to do it!

And Xiao Tian's attack easily broke through the defense of the at least one hundred thousand years old turtle, which shows how much Xiao Tian's attack has reached!

"This is nothing," Xiao Tian shook his head lightly when he heard Lu Kai's words, and said lightly, the previous attack was an ability attached to the Anchen Sword, and he hadn't exerted any strength yet.

"Quick battle, quick decision," Xiao Tian's face turned straight, and the Anchen sword in his hand was inserted back to his waist, his left hand held virtually, and his right hand held the hilt, his back slightly bent, his body leaning forward, maintaining a sword-out posture.

At the same time, behind Xiao Tian, ​​the ninth spirit ring suddenly brightened, and the blood-colored light spread in all directions, instantly dispelling the dim sky above, and replaced by a shocking blood-red color!

Seeing this scene, Lu Kai couldn't help but widen his eyes, staring at the Anchen Sword on Xiao Tian's waist, for fear of missing something!

Chapter 865: Long-lost point star drawing swordsmanship!

Lu Kai remembered clearly that whether it was releasing the sword-qi Tai Chi diagram to block the Xuangui's attack, he saved his life.

Later, when he released the domain, moved him and the Lu family disciples from the island to the ship, or finally issued the terrifying attack that wounded the turtle, Xiao Tianke did not use any spirit ring skills!

Now that Xiao Tian actually used the ninth spirit ability, Lu Kai naturally didn't want to miss it.

He wanted to know how strong this Senior Xiao Tian, ​​who was already too strong when he didn't use his spirit ring skills, should be so strong when he used his ninth spirit ability!

I'm afraid that such an attack would not be an exaggeration even if it is said to be destroying the world, right?

Xiao Tian didn't know what Lu Kai was thinking. At this moment, his eyes were slightly squinted, and his aura had accumulated to a critical point. Only one action from him would explode like a volcanic eruption.

Suddenly, Xiao Tian's slightly squinted eyes suddenly opened, and there seemed to be flashes of electricity in his pupils. Suddenly, there was a clear sound of sword chanting in the air, and the Dark Chen sword that was pressed by Xiao Tian quickly flew out. , The stars flickered, as if penetrating the barrier of time and space, bringing up a splendid plume, stabbing the tortoise.

This type of sword technique was created by Xiao Tian when he was on the plane of Zhuxian. After being improved several times by Xiao Tian, ​​it was extremely suitable even with Xiao Tian's current cultivation base.

In particular, there is a connection between this type of sword move and the Dark Chen Sword, if you use the Dark Chen sword to use the Star Drawing Swordsmanship, the power will increase by 30%!

Xiao Tian's whole person turned into a meteor, and the dark star sword was shining with silver-white starlight, like a hanging star river falling down, slamming on the back of the turtle!


The tortoise let out a stern roar, the body shook frantically, and the red blood spewed out, and it dyed the nearby sea in the blink of an eye, looking shocking.

Xiao Tian's figure suddenly appeared next to Lu Kai, looking at the struggling tortoise in front of him, with no expression on his face, and said to Lu Kai: "Order to go down and leave."

Lu Kai was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly ordered the disciples of the Lu family to sail away, then walked to Xiao Tian's side, and whispered: "Senior Xiao, don't you have anything to do with the turtle?"

As soon as he said the words, Lu Kai regretted it a little, and cursed in his heart why he had to ask this sentence.

In Lu Kai's view, Xiao Tian would leave so simply and neatly, I am afraid that he could not help the defense of the tortoise. It is also true that the tortoise that has just stepped into the realm of ten thousand years can use its defensive power to support the Title Douluo for a long time. .

At present, this turtle has surpassed one hundred thousand years. In terms of its defensive capabilities, I am afraid it can already surpass the three overlords of sea spirit beasts. Although Xiao Tian is strong, he wants to damage or even kill that one with a ninth spirit skill. Xuangui is somewhat unrealistic.

And when he raised this question, wasn't he hitting Xiao Tian in the face?

An unexplained smile flashed across Xiao Tian's face, he didn't speak, and he put away the Anchen sword and walked into the cabin.

When Lu Kai saw this, he felt cold and couldn't help but cast his gaze on the struggling tortoise. He was shocked and said: "The defense of this tortoise is really terrifying, even Senior Xiao Tian can't help it."

According to Lu Kai's thinking, since Xiao Tian didn't argue, he probably also acquiesced to his previous guess.

With a light sigh, Lu Kai retracted his gaze from Xuangui, ready to find Xiao Tian in the cabin, and told him that he had just raised the question unintentionally and hoped that Xiao Tian would not care about it.

However, before he could enter the cabin, the turtle suddenly let out a stern cry. Lu Kai quickly turned around, but saw a scene that he would never forget in his life...

Chapter 866 Kill the Turtle!

I saw that the huge body of the tortoise gradually stopped struggling, and there was a shocking sword mark on the hardest shell of the tortoise.

The tortoise shell of the tortoise is divided into two by this sword mark, and the cut surface is as smooth as a mirror!

And through the tortoise shell that was cut open, Lu Kai clearly saw that there were countless sword qi raging in the tortoise, cutting the body tissue hidden under the shell to pieces!

"No wonder Senior Xiao's expression was so strange just now..."

Lu Kai turned his head and looked in the direction of the cabin, with a little more insight in his heart.

It turned out that Xiao Tian didn't speak before, not because he couldn't help but disdain to explain.

Thinking of this, Lu Kai couldn't help but feel ashamed, gritted his teeth, and walked straight to the cabin.

As for the corpse of the tortoise, no one paid any attention, because only Xiao Tian could absorb the spirit ring produced by the tortoise.

If it is another soul beast, its body is also a rare treasure, but the turtle is different, even if they get the body of the tortoise, they cannot use it. After all, with the defensive power of the tortoise, even if it is only a corpse now, its flesh The defense is not something ordinary people can break.

With the strength of the disciples of the Lu family on the ship, it was really impossible to obtain the corpse of this turtle.

Therefore, the disciples of the Lu family on the ship directly ignored the huge carcass of the tortoise, controlled the boat to bypass the carcass of the tortoise, and continued to march towards the mainland.

At the same time, Lu Kai also walked into the cabin and walked straight to the innermost cabin with luxurious decorations. It was originally his room, but after Xiao Tian boarded the ship, he gave that room to it. Xiao Tian, ​​he found another general room to stay temporarily.

Knocked on the door lightly, Lu Kai looked at the closed door, his face became a little nervous.

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