God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 376

Since the Battle of Poseidon Island, the King of the Deep Sea Demon Whale was seriously injured and sleeping, and the Demon Whale clan of the Deep Sea was greatly injured. The remaining remnants will be defeated by the demon soul great white shark clan and the evil demon killer whale clan. Being chased madly, the number dropped sharply.

After solving the threat of the deep-sea demon whale clan, the demon soul great white shark and the evil demon killer whale fought, and the two clans fought wildly, which gave the only deep-sea demon whale a respite.

But whether it's the Demon Soul Great White Shark or the Evil Demon Orca, when encountering a single Deep Sea Demon Whale, they will choose to kill them first.

Therefore, even if the demon soul great white shark and the evil demon killer whale are in the same situation, the deep sea demon whale still does not have much room for survival.

Even if the Devil Whale King of the Deep Sea has recovered his injuries, it cannot stop the decline of the Devil Whale Clan!

So that it is not much easier to find the traces of the deep-sea magic whale now than hunting a soul beast that is one hundred thousand years or even more than one hundred thousand years old. It is also because of this that Lu Kai is sure that it is probably no longer in the ocean. There are deep-sea monster whales other than the deep-sea monster whale king.

"Is that so?" Xiao Tian raised his eyes slightly, his expression a little weird.

For these things, let alone him, even the Clear Sky Sect or even the Soul Palace people don’t understand. After all, neither the Clear Sky Sect nor the Soul Palace belong to the mainland soul masters, and there is not much to the ocean. To understanding.

It is even more impossible to understand the soul beasts in the ocean and all kinds of legends.

That is to say, the Lu family has survived on that island for generations, and it can be regarded as half of the sea spirit master. Coupled with the special nature of the Hanguang Liuli martial arts, many sea spirit masters will also move closer to the Lu family. Home contains a large number of legends about the ocean.

"These are the secrets recorded in the notes of the ancestors of the Lu family, there should be nothing wrong," Lu Kai nodded and said solemnly.

"If this is the case, then things are much easier to handle," Xiao Tian looked at Lu Kai and said lightly: "If you want to absorb the soul ring of the Demon Whale King of the Deep Sea, then at least you have to become a successor to the gods. It’s just an ordinary deep-sea magic whale spirit ring, you don’t need to worry about these, as long as you can find the deep-sea magic whale."

"It's just a deep-sea magic whale..." Lu Kai hesitated for a moment, and hesitated.

In his opinion, in today's ocean, there are probably no Deep-Sea Demon Whales other than the Deep-Sea Demon Whale King. Xiao Tian's thoughts are a little too taken for granted.

"Don't worry about this, I have my own way," Xiao Tian smiled mysteriously, and said lightly: "With your current soul power, you are not in a hurry to absorb the soul ring of the deep sea monster whale, waiting for your 70th level soul power. At that time, I will let you absorb the spirit ring of the Deep Sea Demon Whale to advance."

Chapter 870 Shrek Academy!

Although Lu Kai still had doubts in his heart when he heard this, Xiao Tian had already said so clearly. If he continued to entangle him, he would not get better results, but would leave a turbulent impression in Xiao Tian's heart.

Therefore, Lu Kai nodded neatly and smiled at Xiao Tian: "Since Senior Xiao has ordered, the younger generation should obey."

After speaking, Lu Kai charged Xiao Tian and left the cabin.

There was a calm wave on the next road, and the ship quickly reached the edge of the mainland. A city called Linhai City. After Lu Kai and Xiao Tian were delivered here, Lu’s ships docked in the port. As for those The Lu family disciples went to the Lu family residence in the city.

And Xiao Tian took Lu Kai and hurried towards the location of Shrek Academy...


Half a month later, Tiandou Empire south, Barak Kingdom, Soto City.

A middle-aged man in his forties who looked tall and gleamed between his eyes and headed for the outskirts of Soto City with two children who looked less than six or seven years old.

These three are not others, they are the three of the master and Tang San Xiaowu who left from Holy Soul Village and came to Shrek Academy.

After the three of them left the Holy Soul Village, they did not rush to Shrek Academy directly, but found a few places along the way to experience it. Only when the enrollment of each Soul Master Academy started, Shi Shiran rushed to Soto City .

"Teacher, where is this Shrek Academy," Xiao Wu said, clutching the corner of Tang San's clothes.

"It's in the suburbs," Yu Xiaogang smiled when he heard the words, and replied casually.

"Outskirts..." Xiao Wu suddenly collapsed upon hearing this, and immediately looked at Tang San, and said pitifully, "Brother~"

Tang San felt helpless when he heard the words, but finally he sighed and said in a bad mood: "Come on."

As he said, Tang San squatted down, Xiao Wu cheered when he saw it, and after a run-up, he immediately jumped behind Tang San, wrapped his hands around Tang San's neck, and hung behind Tang San like brown candy.

Tang San shook his head helplessly, supporting Xiao Wu's buttocks with his backhand to prevent her from falling off his back, then stepped forward and walked out of the city.

When Yu Xiaogang saw this scene, he could only shook his head helplessly. He knew how much his teacher loved Xiao Wu this girl, so as long as Xiao Wu didn't make a big mess, Yu Xiaogang would not have seen it. Up.

And Xiao Wu is also sensible. Apart from being lazy sometimes, he didn't cause him anything along the way, so he just turned a blind eye to the obvious laziness that Xiao Wu just now. Eyes, forget it as it didn't happen.

The group of three people soon appeared outside of Shrek Academy, except for Yu Xiaogang, Tang San and Xiao Wu's expressions were a bit wrong.

Because what came into view was a dilapidated village, and a tattered plaque hung above the wooden arch at the entrance of the village, with five characters crookedly engraved on it-Shrek Academy.

Before these five characters, there was a green head, which looked like the head of some kind of monster.

Under the tattered plaque of Shrek Academy, there was a table, behind which sat a drowsy old man.

"Isn't it?" Xiao Wu looked at Tang San, then at the master, and couldn't help but said in amazement: "Teacher, this is the Shrek Academy that Master highly respects?"

Chapter 871 Admissions Test!

Tang San also collapsed a little. Originally, he thought the Shrek Academy that Xiao Tian could admire was something like a sacred place.

But he came with hope, and what he saw was a dilapidated academy...

Even Yu Xiaogang's mouth twitched twice, looking at the worn-out plaque of Shrek Academy, several black lines were placed on his forehead.

"This Flander is still so picky!" Yu Xiaogang cursed in a low voice, and led Tang San and Xiao Wu towards the table, knocked on the table, and said lightly: "Sign up."

"Ten Gold Soul Coins for the registration fee, put them in the wooden box next to you," the old man behind the table leaned back on the chair and said lazily: "But these two children are still too young, I don't think he can reach us. The Shrek Academy’s request is to stop wasting money."

"Humph!" Without waiting for Yu Xiaogang to speak, Xiao Wu grinned and grinned at the old man: "I want to hear how high your Shrek Academy is!"

"Haha," the old man didn't get annoyed, and said leisurely: "Little girl, don't be aggressive. The admissions standard of Shrek Academy is below thirteen years old, and your spirit power reaches level 21 or above. Your age is naturally It meets the requirements, but soul power..."

The old man shook his head and said lazily: "The old man has seen many geniuses, but there are only a handful of people who can reach level twenty-one spirit power at your age."

"I thought what a high requirement!" Xiao Wu snorted, and said to Tang San, "Brother, give me money!"

With a wry smile, Tang San took out twenty Golden Soul Coins from the Soul Guidance Device and threw them into the wooden box next to the table, and immediately said to the old man behind the table: "Teacher, please help us test it."

"You kid..." The old man behind the table shook his head and sighed: "Well, you have paid the money too. I will not refund it anyway..."

While talking, the old man took out an awakening crystal from his arms, handed it to Tang San, and said slowly, "Pour your soul power into it."

Tang San is naturally no stranger to awakening crystals, and he also knows that besides awakening martial souls, this kind of awakening crystals can also be used as a spirit power tester.

Without any hesitation, Tang Sanyi grasped the awakening crystal, and the mysterious heavenly power ran, and the majestic true energy surged toward the awakening crystal.

The dim awakening crystal instantly shined, and the azure blue light dotted the surrounding like a dream.

"Twenty-ninth level of spirit power!" The old man behind the table saw the abnormal appearance of the awakening crystal, and almost fell off the chair. come out.

"My child, what's your name?" The old man looked at Tang San with a sharp light flashing in his eyes, not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional, the old man's aura turned towards Tang San oppressively.

Facing the pressure of the old man's momentum, Tang San's expression was indifferent, neither humble nor overbearing: "Tang San!"

"Good boy!" The old man praised, and smiled at Tang San: "At your age, being able to stay calm under my aura is really good. Maybe your origins are not simple?"

Before Tang San could speak, the old man continued: "But I recruit students from Shrek Academy and never ask about the origin of the Academy. Even if you are the reincarnated deity, Shrek Academy will accept it! Now stretch your hand , Let me see your bone age."

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