God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 377

Tang San stretched out his right hand, and the old man grabbed Tang San's wrist and squeezed several acupuncture points, a look of shock appeared on his face.

Chapter 872 My Master's Last Name is Xiao Mingtian!

"You are only six years old, how many months have you awakened your spirit?!" The old man grabbed Tang San's wrist and lost his voice.

It's no wonder that he was so shocked. You must know that every year in the Martial Spirit Hall and the major sects, the Martial Spirit Awakening Ceremony is held, but only school-age children up to six years old can awaken a Martial Spirit.

Tang San's bone age was only six years old, and the old man couldn't know what the hidden information represented.

"If you count it seriously, it should be about three months," Tang San replied, scratching his head.

He knows exactly what he is like. His spirit power is closely related to the internal strength of his cultivation. If he really wants to talk about the cultivation of spirit power, he actually started when he was three years old, but he was officially awakened at the age of six. .

But the old man in charge of the test didn't know his particularity, and Tang San could only calculate the time after he awakened his spirit.

"Three months!" A deep shock flashed in the old man's eyes, and the look in Tang San's eyes was like looking at a monster!

Although Shrek Academy is famous for recruiting monster academies, the most outstanding disciple recruited over the years is only Qin Ming, the owner of the mutant Martial Spirit Fire Wolf.

When Qin Ming entered school, he was only twelve years old, with a twenty-fourth level of spirit power!

"Little monster, are you really planning to join Shrek Academy?" The old man looked solemn and said solemnly: "The forces behind you will allow you to join Shrek Academy?"

The elder knew very well that although Shrek Academy did not ask about the origin of the students, even if they were born in the Seven Great Sects or even in the Martial Soul Palace, Shrek Academy still accepted them.

But the problem is that a genius like Tang San's level, no matter where it is placed, will be an existence that will be cultivated by the forces to which it belongs!

If it were among the Seven Great Sects and the Hall of Spirits, the treatment Tang San would get would never be inferior to that of an ordinary Title Douluo!

If a genius like this is rashly accepted, it will probably arouse the anger of the forces behind him. Therefore, the old man would not dare to advocate that Tang San should be admitted to the academy before he knew the origin of Tang San.

"I came to Shrek Academy this time because of my master's order," Tang San nodded lightly and said to the old man.

"Master?" The old man glanced at Tang San deeply, and said seriously, "I don't know which senior your master is?"

As he spoke, the old man quickly appeared in his mind about the seven major sects and the powerhouse of Wuhun Hall. At the same time, he guessed which powerhouse it was to cultivate a talent like Tang San!

"Could it be the sword Douluo Chenxin of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect?" the old man secretly said in his heart, who among the seven sects had the strongest ability to instruct the younger generation, then naturally it was Jian Douluo Chenxin.

Therefore, the elder who was in charge of enrolling students first thought of the Qibao Glazed Glass Sect's Optimus White Jade Pillar, who framed the sea with purple gold beams!

"No, I've seen Sword Douluo. The disciples he has cultivated are all with fierce aura. They are the temperament of a swordsman who can only be born after years of practicing swords. Not only does the child in front of him have the temperament of a swordsman. With an indescribable meaning..."

The old man frowned, and finally shook his head impenetrably, giving up guessing who could teach Tang San such disciples.

"My teacher's surname is Xiao Mingtian, the teacher should have heard of it?" Tang San looked at the old man with a touch of pride in his tone.

For him, being Xiao Tian's disciple is indeed a thing worth showing off!

Chapter 873 Shocked Admissions Teacher!

"Xiao Tian?" The old man was stunned for a moment, then he reacted and lost his voice: "Could it be that Senior Xiao Tian who defeated Qian Daoliu twice?!"

As a teacher of Shrek Academy, his news will naturally not be blocked. He knows that a very powerful and terrifying existence has recently appeared in the soul master world. There are even rumors that the soul master named Xiao Tian is even more powerful than three. Above the Big Limit Douluo!

"Exactly," Tang San nodded proudly, with a natural expression on his face.

He is innately full of soul power plus twin martial souls. Except for the existence of the master, which is unmatched in the theoretical field, not many can convince him, and Xiao Tian is one of the few people. The one who can convince him the most!

In particular, Xiao Tian had to surpass him in strength, soul power cultivation, or even the understanding and application of medicinal materials, which made Tang San convinced that Xiao Tian was a master.

"It turns out to be the younger of Senior Xiao Tian," the old man took a deep breath and laughed: "Are you a disciple of the Clear Sky School, who are you Tang Hao?"

The relationship between Xiao Tian and Clear Sky School is not a secret in the world of soul masters. As long as the soul masters who know that Xiao Tian exists, it is not clear that Xiao Tian and Clear Sky School are closely related, and even Clear Sky Douluo of Clear Sky School is in Xiao. In front of the sky is also a disciple ceremony.

"My father is Tang Hao," Tang San smiled as he looked at the old man.

"That's it," the old man nodded lightly, then took out a form and filled in some basic information of Tang San, but he didn't know where to get a seal from where he affixed a seal at the end of the form, and then handed the form to Tang San.

"This is your admission certificate. After you put it away, someone will receive you later," the old man smiled at Tang San, his tone extremely gentle.

As a teacher of Shrek Academy, the Academy was able to recruit disciples like Tang San, and he was also honored by You, especially when Tang San graduated from Shrek Academy and became famous in the mainland in the future, Shrek Academy will also welcome him. Here comes a period of rapid development.

And this time won’t be very long. With Tang San’s talent and the senior Xiao Tian’s secret guidance, the old man thinks that in less than ten years, Tang San will be able to surpass most spirit masters in the mainland. King’s Landing One side!

Tang San took the form, nodded, and walked aside.

"It's my turn now," Xiao Wu hurriedly walked to the opposite of the old man when she saw this, and said suddenly.

"Little girl, what's your name?" Seeing Xiao Wu stepping forward, the old man didn't dare to neglect. After all, Xiao Wu could stay with Tang San, his talent and strength would not be bad, otherwise it would be Clear Sky School or that one. Senior Xiao Tian would never allow Tang San and Xiao Wu to stay together!

And this is the so-called gathering of people in groups!

"My name is Xiao Wu, Dancing Dance," Xiao Wu blinked and said to the old man.

"Little girl, Xiao Wu, hand me your hand," the old man smiled kindly at Xiao Wu and said.

Xiao Wu obediently placed her right hand on the wooden table, and a sly color flashed in her bright eyes.

"You are just over six years old?" The old man took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "How many months have you awakened the spirit?"

When questioning the question, the old man couldn’t help feeling a little excited. If he didn’t guess wrong, I’m afraid Shrek Academy will recruit two students with great background and extremely enchanting qualifications. I’m afraid it won’t be long before Shrek Academy will Tang San and Xiao Wu are proud!

Chapter 874 Li Yusong and Master!

"Teacher, Xiao Wu and I awakened the spirit of martial arts together," Tang San couldn't help but interject: "It is better to test the spirit power directly to see if Xiao Wu can meet the enrollment requirements."

The old man in charge of enrollment was stunned when he heard the words, and then reacted, nodded lightly, and smiled at Xiao Wu: "If this is the case, then Xiao Wu, you should test your spirit power directly."

While talking, the old man took out another test crystal and threw it to Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu took the test crystal and slowly entered her soul power into it, wisps of blue light enveloped Xiao Wu, looking like a dream.

"Thirty-level soul power!" The old man in charge of enrollment shook his head with a wry smile, and asked, "Want to come to Xiao Wu, are you related to Senior Xiao Tian?"

"It's more than a relationship," Tang San couldn't help muttering after hearing the words, "Master Xiao Wu is the girl who loves most."

"Okay, you two go directly to the fourth level. There is no need to test the second and third levels. In fact, if it is not due to the regulations, you can also avoid the fourth level," the old man shook his head with a wry smile, and said.

Anyway, because Tang San and Xiao Wu came early, there are no other students coming to sign up at Shrek Academy right now, so he naturally doesn’t have to avoid suspicion. What's more, with Tang San and Xiao Wu’s talents, the second and third levels are simply difficult Living with them, there is no need to waste time.

Tang San and Xiao Wu nodded, their eyes fell on Yu Xiaogang.

"Teacher, how did you get in?" Xiao Wu looked at Yu Xiaogang and couldn't help but wonder.

She and Tang San were able to enter Shrek Academy through enrollment, but with the strength of a master, they could not apply for Shrek Academy teachers. After all, even though Yu Xiaogang had transformed his spirit into a golden holy dragon with the help of Xiao Tian, ​​he I have only four spirit rings now.

Although the release of these two yellow, two black and four spirit rings was enough to scare a bunch of people to death!

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