God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 378

"You go in first," Yu Xiaogang smiled, then his eyes fell on the old man who was in charge of enrollment, and he said: "You should be Li Yusong, the owner of the spirit of the dragon-patterned stick, the six-ringed soul emperor. The frontier of the Barak Kingdom single-handedly defeated the army from the Star Dou Empire, am I right?"

Li Yusong looked straight, and looked at Yu Xiaogang's eyes a little sharper, and said solemnly, "Your Excellency?"

He withdrew from the spirit master world and lived in Shrek Academy in seclusion for many years. He couldn't think that Yu Xiaogang would tell his details all at once, which made him not vigilant.

You should know that before he left the soul master world, there were many enemies. Although Yu Xiaogang came with Tang San Xiaowu, and Tang San and Xiao Wu called him a teacher, he was not sure if Yu Xiaogang was. It has something to do with his former enemy.

"My name is Yu Xiaogang," Yu Xiaogang looked calm, and said lightly: "Outsiders usually call me'Master', I think I don't need to say more about my identity."

"It turns out to be the tip of wisdom in the golden iron triangle." Li Yusong relaxed after hearing the words, and smiled: "The dean is setting up a stall outside and will not return to the academy in the afternoon. Master, do you go directly to the academy and wait for the dean to return, or me Take you to the dean?"

"I'll wait for Boss Fred to come back in the academy," Yu Xiaogang smiled and said: "I also want to see how Boss Fred is doing in Shrek Academy."

"In that case, I won't stop you from the master. I will also preside over the enrollment. However, the assessment of the fourth level is Zao Wou-ki. He doesn't have any measure. Master, you can watch it," Li Yusong thought for a while, Chong Yu Xiaogang said.

Chapter 875 Fudo King Zao Wuji!

"Fudo Ming Wang Zao Wou-Ki?" Yu Xiaogang's expression became a little solemn when he heard this. He had heard of Zao Wou-Ki's name, but he was just notorious!

This King Fudo Ming was impulsive and irritable. He had committed many murders in his early years. Later, he provoked the Li Clan and was chased by the Hercules Titan himself, before disappearing.

He doesn't know if Zao Wou-ki has changed in the past few years, but in case he does not seriously hurt Tang San or Xiao Wu...

Yu Xiaogang could foresee how terrifying anger would erupt when his teacher knew about it!

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang pleaded guilty to Li Yusong, hurriedly walked towards the academy, and soon found Tang San and Xiao Wu.

And at this moment, opposite Tang San and Xiao Wu, a strong tower-like man with a hideous scar on his forehead looked at Tang San and Xiao Wu, his mouth widened, he pulled out an ugly smile, and said loudly, "For a long time. I haven't encountered any monsters who can avoid the second and third levels, so I will take the test for the fourth level!

Your task is to support a stick of incense in my hands. If you meet the requirements, you can enter Shrek Academy. If you don't meet the requirements, then you are very sorry, please go back the same way."

While speaking, the brawny man released his martial spirit, and the seven spirit rings of two yellow, two purple and three black behind him slowly moved.

"By the way, I forgot to say that I am Zao Wou-ki, a teacher and vice principal of Shrek Academy, a 75th-level assault war soul saint!" Zao Wou-ki looked at Tang San and Xiao Wu and said in a deep voice.

"Teacher Zhao for advice," Tang San took a deep breath and nodded, "But I think I can hold a stick of incense by myself. How about taking Teacher Zhao's test by myself?

As long as I can hold a stick of incense under Teacher Zhao, then Teacher Zhao will let me enter Shrek Academy with Xiao Wu. If I can't make it through, then Xiao Wu and I will leave together."

"Good boy," Zao Wou-ki laughed. "You are so confident? You know that little girl has 30th level spirit power. If she assists you, you two will join hands and have a stick under my hands. Incense may not be difficult."

"I actually don't have much confidence," Tang San shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Teacher Zhao, you are a soul sage with a 75th-level soul power after all, and I am only a 29th-level soul power, so the strength is far worse.

But because of this, it is even more impossible for me to let Xiao Wu play. I don't want to see Xiao Wu get hurt."

Xiao Wu was moved when she heard the words. She was about to speak, but was interrupted by Zao Wou-ki's words: "Boy, I admire you very much, but this is Shrek Academy's rules, and it is impossible to just abolish it for you!

But since you admire me very much, I can promise you that I will pay attention to proportion and try not to hurt the girl Xiao Wu."

"In this case, thank you Teacher Zhao," Tang San took a deep breath, and the Blue Silver Emperor quickly grew out of his palm.

At the same time, two pitch-black spirit rings slowly rose from under his feet, and the deep light radiating from the black spirit ring seemed to swallow up the surrounding light, making people unconsciously cast their eyes on the black spirit ring.

Xiao Wu's movements are also not slow, the soft bone rabbit martial spirit possesses a pair of cute rabbit ears on her head, and at the same time her slender legs become more slender, and the two black spirit rings under her feet slowly rise. It gave Xiao Wu a bit of a strange feeling.

Chapter 876 Tang San Xiaowu VS Zao Wuji!

When Zao Wou-ki saw this, his expression condensed, his sleepy eyes suddenly opened, and his remaining sleepiness had long since been thrown away.

"Two ten-thousand-year spirit rings, and the second one is an advanced ten-thousand-year spirit ring that is close to one hundred thousand years old!"

Zao Wou-ki stared at Tang San and Xiao Wu, and immediately laughed: "Haha, okay! It really turned out to be two little monsters! In this case, I have to show some real skills too, but I can’t be yours. Let me show you!"

"Two little monsters, you are careful!" Zao Wou-ki did not know where to take out a piece of incense to light it, and nailed the incense into the stone beside him, reminding loudly.

Before he finished his words, the third purple spirit ring behind Zao Wuji suddenly lit up, and circles of invisible ripples centered on him, covering a radius of more than ten meters.

The third spirit ability of the vigorous vajra bear martial soul-gravity enhancement!

Increase the gravity within a radius of more than ten meters by 50%, and the range and gravity increase can be adjusted.

Tang San and Xiao Wu only felt their shoulders sink, as if something was pressing on their shoulders, but the two soon re-adapted to gravity, standing indifferently in the place covered by Zao Wou-ki's spirit abilities.

For Tang San, after tempering with the eyes of ice and fire, and absorbing the body tempering liquid refined by Xiao Tian with various spirit grasses, and tempering with two ten thousand year spirit rings, his physical strength has long been It reached a staggering point.

Not to mention that it has only increased the gravity by 50% now, even if it is ten times the gravity, it may not affect him!

The same is true for Xiao Wu. She transformed from a one-hundred-year-old spirit beast, and her physical strength surpassed ordinary spirit masters. After two ten-thousand-year spirit rings, she was slightly weaker than Tang San's physical strength. The strength of the body is definitely not what a spirit master of the same level can imagine!

"I really underestimated you!" There was a little more smile on Zao Wuji's face, and a tyrannical aura exuded from him, oppressing Tang San and Xiao Wu.

At the same time, the third spirit ability that originally covered a radius of more than ten meters was under Zao Wou-ki's control, only covering Tang San and Xiao Wu.

As the scope of the spirit ability became smaller, the gravity that Tang San and Xiao Wu were bearing began to rise rapidly. Originally, they only increased their gravity by 50%, but within a few breaths they reached five times the gravity. Slowly climbing up!

Coupled with the pressure of Zao Wou-Ki's aura, Rao Tang San and Xiao Wu's physical strength were amazing, and they began to feel a little bit of effort.

"Can't defend so passively anymore," Tang San's eyes flashed a sharp light, and he shouted to Xiao Wu, "Xiao Wu, join forces!"

Tang San knew very well that if Zao Wou-ki was allowed to increase the power of his spirit abilities, even if he and Xiao Wu's physical strength were far beyond ordinary people, they would definitely not be able to support it for long, so he had to interrupt Zao Wou-ki to release his spirit abilities!

Xiao Wu nodded, her Jiao body moved with a strange frequency, lifted the gravity to one side, and at the same time put her feet harder on the ground, the whole person fell on Tang San's shoulder like a swallow returning to the nest.

Tang San saw a smile at the corner of his mouth, and Lan Yinhuang threw it out, just to wrap Xiao Wu's right ankle, flick forward, and directly smashed Xiao Wu at Zao Wou-ki.

"What kind of move is this?" Zhao Wuji saw Tang San and Xiao Wu's movements, stopped the third spirit ability he was releasing, looked at Tang San with interest, and asked.

Chapter 877: Zao Wou-ki who suffers from boring losses!

Tang San pursed his lips, did not speak, but Xiao Wu's crisp voice sounded slowly: "This is the joint attack method that I and Brother have come up with. There is no name yet."

Zao Wou-ki subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, but met a pair of flushed eyes.

The second spirit ability of the Soft Bone Rabbit Martial Spirit-Charm!

Depending on the spiritual power gap between the two parties, charm the target for 0 to 10 seconds. If the spiritual power gap between the two parties is too large, it may cause backlash.

Zao Wou-ki felt trance for a while, and his consciousness instantly became weak, but soon Zao Wou-ki returned to his senses, biting the tip of his tongue, and under the stimulation of pain, a pair of eyes quickly appeared clear.

"Although spiritual spirit skills are powerful, they are not for me..." Zao Wou-ki did not finish her words. Xiao Wu had fallen behind Zao Wou-ki, resting her hands on the ground, her slender legs tied around Zao Wou-ki’s neck, and she was the first behind. The spirit ring suddenly lit up.

Softbone Rabbit Martial Spirit's first spirit ability-waist bow!

Enhance your waist strength by 100% and body flexibility by 100%!

Zao Wou-ki only felt his body light, and his whole person was blown out, but after all, Zao Wou-ki was a soul-sage powerhouse with a 75th-level spirit power.

It's just that after landing, Zao Wou-ki's expression was a bit ugly, with a little anger mixed in his relief.

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