God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 379

"It's really two little monsters," Zao Wou-ki looked at Xiao Wu, and said in a deep voice: "Your second spirit ability is a spirit-type spirit ability. This kind of spirit ability has extremely demanding requirements for the person's spiritual power, even more so. Very easy to be backlashed.

I didn't expect you to be able to launch an attack even after my soul ability was broken. I really underestimated you."

Different from the original world line, on the original world line, Tang San Xiaowu Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong teamed up to fight against Zao Wou-ki, but even with the increase of Ning Rongrong’s Seven Treasure Glass Pagoda, Xiao Wu’s waist The bow still cannot be effective against Zao Wou-ki.

As for the second spirit ability charm, after being destroyed by Zao Wou-ki, Xiao Wu even vomited blood on the spot and fainted.

But in today’s world line, due to Xiao Tian’s intervention, Xiao Wu and Tang San have already surpassed spirit masters of the same level. , Even the general four-ringed soul sect may not be their opponent!

Therefore, after Xiao Wu's charm was broken by Zao Wou-ki, she could not be backlashed, and then even after Zao Wou-ki broke her second soul ability, she threw it out with her waist bow.

"Ms. Zhao, you let us," Tang San said modestly: "If Ms. Zhao makes your best, we will definitely not be able to support it for long."

"I have to do my best for a test. If I really want to spread it to outsiders, don't you tell me that Zao Wou-ki is bullying me?" Zao Wou-ki looked at Tang San, and said with an aura: "But little monsters, this stick of incense can be paid back. It's not burned out, take the move!"

As soon as the voice fell, the second and fourth spirit ring behind Zao Wou-ki suddenly lit up, and the fourth spirit ring suddenly flew out and fell under Tang San's feet. At the same time, Zao Wou-ki leaped up in the air, his hands turned into bear paws, and patted Tang San. .

The second spirit ability of Dali Vajra Bear Wuhun-Dali Diamond Palm!

The fourth spirit ability of the vigorous vajra bear martial soul-gravity tracking!

Seeing Zao Wou-ki rushing towards him, Tang San's expression remained unchanged, the first and second spirit rings behind him lit up at the same time, and the dark light radiated from the spirit ring, as if he was about to swallow the surrounding light.

Chapter 878 Martial Spirit Real Body!

Following Tang San's movements, a large number of thick-armed vines quickly grew from Zao Wou-ki, who had originally rushed towards Tang San in the air, binding Zao Wou-ki as a whole.

Zao Wou-ki moved for a while, falling from mid-air, rolling on the ground twice like a ground gourd. As for Zao Wou-ki's second and fourth spirit abilities, they were interrupted at the same time.

The result of all this was naturally Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor's second spirit ability - Parasite and Blue Silver Emperor's first spirit ability - intertwined.

We must know that although Zao Wou-ki is far superior to Tang San in spirit power, he only displays the second and fourth spirit abilities. Zao Wou-ki’s second spirit ring is only a century-old yellow spirit ring, and the fourth spirit ring is only Just a purple thousand-year spirit ring.

In contrast, Tang San's first spirit ring was the best spirit ring produced by the Mandala Snake King of 20,000 years, and the second spirit ring was a high-grade 10,000-year spirit ring that was close to 100,000 years!

Therefore, when the spirit power was not as good as Zao Wou-ki's, Tang San still unexpectedly interrupted Zao Wou-ki's spirit ability with the advantage of the spirit ring.

Zao Wou-ki stood up from the ground, with his arms hard, trying to break the Blue Silver Emperor entwined with him, but even if he tried his best, he could only make the Blue Silver Emperor rise a full circle, and he couldn't get it anyway. Crumbled.

"It's interesting," Zao Wou-ki's eyes showed anger, the first spirit ring lit up, and his body suddenly expanded, looking like an angry bear.

The first spirit ability of the Great Vajra Bear Martial Spirit-Fudo Ming Wang Body!

Enhance one's own strength by 30%, defense power by 30%, vigorously the King Kong Bear Martial Spirit Soul Skill by 30%, and soul power consumption by 30%!

However, as Zao Wou-ki's size increased, the Blue Silver Emperor, instead of being broken away, severely entangled Zao Wou-ki, the tough vines directly sinking into Zao Wou-ki's muscles, looking extremely hideous.

The level of the Blue Silver Emperor’s martial spirit would have been higher than that of the Vigorous King Kong Bear’s Martial Spirit, plus Tang San’s two ten thousand-year spirit rings increased, and the Blue Silver Emperor’s resilience under the condition of using the first and second spirit abilities Has been elevated to an extremely terrifying level.

Zao Wou-ki wants to break free from the shackles of the Blue Silver Emperor with a first soul ability, that is undoubtedly a idiotic dream!

After all, after Tang San had absorbed the spirit ring of the Mandala Snake King, the Blue Silver Emperor had already carried a strong neurotoxin. Coupled with the tempering of the eyes of ice and fire, Tang San had more extreme cold and extreme inflammation inside his body. An extreme attribute.

As long as the target entangled by the Blue Silver Emperor, under the weakening of these three energies, the strength is at most 90% or even lower.

Therefore, with limited spirit power, it is absolutely impossible for Zao Wou-ki to break away from the shackles of the Blue Silver Emperor with a first spirit ability!

"Little monster, I underestimated you!" Zao Wou-ki suddenly roared, and the seventh spirit ring behind him suddenly brightened. The deep black seemed to swallow all the surrounding light.

Zao Wou-ki's body swelled a bit again, and a thick layer of dark yellow hair was attached to his body. After a few breaths, he became a vigorous King Kong bear that roared constantly!

The Seventh Soul Ability of the Great King Kong Bear-Wuhun True Body!

After the Martial Spirit Body is released, the first to sixth spirit abilities can be released without limitation, greatly reducing the consumption of spirit power, and increasing the power of attacking spirit abilities by 50%!

"Little monster, you angered me!" The powerful King Kong Bear that Zao Wou-ki transformed roared, the first spirit ring on his body shone, and the originally strong muscles became more angular, like blocks of copper cast iron. !

Chapter 879 Xiao Tian's Return!

As Zao Wou-ki released the real body of Wuhun and King Fudoming, the Blue Silver Emperor who was originally wrapped around Zao Wou-ki's body was directly shattered under the combined action of the real body of Wuhun and King Fudoming!

"I don't want to teach you this little monster today, where will I put the face of "Fudo Mingwang" in the future!" Zao Wou-ki roared, and the fifth spirit ring suddenly lit up behind him, and the majestic gravity squeezed towards Tang San from all directions. Pressed away.

As for Xiao Wu, she was not affected at all.

In his anger, Zao Wou-ki still remembered what he had promised Tang San before, and tried his best to avoid hurting Xiao Wu.

"Huh! Zao Wou-Ki, you are really going back!" Seeing that the majestic gravity was about to fall on Tang San, a cold thunderous snort suddenly sounded in the air.

As that cold snort sounded, Zao Wou-ki's fifth soul ability was directly interrupted, and the whole person flew out, changing back to the previous appearance in mid-air.

That cold snort broke Zao Wou-ki's martial soul real body at the same time it interrupted Zao Wou-ki's fifth soul ability!

Zao Wou-ki hit a tree and immediately spouted a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, and he stood up with the trunk of the tree, and said in horror: "Senior, can you come out and see you?"

No wonder Zao Wou-ki was like this. Zao Wou-ki knew very well how terrifying it would be to be able to destroy the existence of his martial soul with a cold snort.

That was at least the result of a top Contra-level powerhouse, even a Titled Douluo level powerhouse!

Whether it is a top Contra or a Titled Contra, none of his little 75th-level Battle Spirit Saint can match it!

Before Zao Wou-ki's words fell, Xiao Wu's expression turned a little weird, with a bit of surprise on her face, looking in the direction of the voice, and suddenly said: "Master, are you here?"

Hearing the word'Master', Zao Wou-ki was shocked, his eyelids jumped wildly.

Before, Li Yusong specifically indicated the identities of Tang San and Xiao Wu on the registration form, so Zao Wou-ki knew exactly who the masters of Tang San and Xiao Wu were.

"How did you provoke this senior?" Zao Wou-ki smiled bitterly.

Originally, he had only seen Tang San Xiaowu's talents amazing, and he was a little bit happy with Lie, and wanted to try Tang San and Xiao Wu's strength, who would have thought to provoke such a great god!

"Dare to ask if the person here is Senior Xiao Tian?" Zao Wou-ki quickly adjusted his mentality, looked in the direction of the voice, and respectfully said: "Dare to ask Senior Xiao Tian to come out and see you."

Suddenly there was a clear sound of footsteps in the distance, and then a young man in white clothes and graceful as jade slowly walked from a distance. Behind the young man, a young man in his twenties carried a few words on his face. Divided into restraint and shock, respectfully followed behind the white-clothed man.

"Master!" Seeing the white-clothed man, Xiao Wu cheered, and a few leaped to the white-clothed man, and then hung around the white-clothed man's neck like a koala.

"Master, where's Xiao Wu's present?" Xiao Wu hung around Xiao Tian's neck, raised her head, and blinked at Xiao Tian.

"You come down first," Xiao Tian said in a speechless, out of air: "You are not young anymore, why are you still so busy?"

Xiao Wu jumped off Xiao Tian when she heard the words, and stood in front of Xiao Tian with her hands on her back. She blinked and blinked with her water-cut autumn eyes, making Xiao Tian feel helpless.

The brilliance of the ring in his hand flashed, a pale pink kit appeared in Xiao Tian's hand, and then Xiao Tian was handed it to Xiao Wu.

Chapter 880 Rebuke Zao Wou-ki!

"Here, your gift," Xiao Tianchong Xiaowu said in an unpleasant way.

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