God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 380

Xiao Wu took the pale pink kit and looked it over curiously. She couldn't help but wonder: "Master, what is this?"

"Enter soul power into it," Xiao Tian twitched at the corner of his mouth, and said helplessly: "You are usually so smart, why are you confused now?"

Xiao Wu did what she said, pouring her soul power into the pale pink kit, and then a smile of joy appeared on her face.

"This Soul Guidance Device is called the Qiankun Bag. Although the space is not comparable to Xiaosan's 24 Bridge Mingyueye, it is better at storing living things," Xiao Tianchong Xiaowu said, then cast his eyes on Tang San, smiled, and said. Said: "You already have a Soul Guidance Device, so I didn't prepare your share."

Although Tang San was a little bit disappointed when he heard this, he didn't say much. He just nodded gently and respectfully said: "Master has helped me enough. If I force anything, it would seem that I am too greedy."

Xiao Tian nodded slightly, then set his eyes on Zao Wou-ki, his expression suddenly turned cold, and said lightly: "Zao Wou-ki."

"Junior is here!" Zao Wou-ki's heart jumped, and he said respectfully.

No way, although he wants to be hard-hearted, but helpless Zao Wou-ki is very clear about the existence of this person!

The peerless powerhouse who defeated Qian Daoliu twice and forced the Spirit Hall to compromise, a small 75th-level battle soul saint himself, in front of this existence like Xiao Tian, ​​was not much better than an ant!

"You see Lie Xinxi, you want to try Xiao San and Xiao Wu's strength, I can understand this, after all, Xiao San and Xiao Wu are too good..."

Xiao Tian looked at Zao Wou-ki and said slowly.

Before Zao Wou-ki's face showed joy, Xiao Tian's face sank and coldly snorted: "But! As a teacher, preacher is puzzled by karma, not like you are indiscreet and random!

If it hadn't been for my timely action to interrupt your spirit ability this time, with your powerful King Kong Bear Martial Spirit Real Body and your fifth spirit ability, I'm afraid Xiao San would be seriously injured on the spot!Have you thought about the consequences?!"

Zao Wou-ki was embarrassed when he heard this. He was really dazzled by anger. Although he remembered to avoid Xiao Wu from the attack, he forgot to consider whether Tang San could withstand the fifth soul blessed by his martial soul body. Technique.

"This time, the younger generation really owes it to you," Zao Wou-ki scratched his head with an embarrassed expression: "Senior Xiao wants to be punished, and the younger generation will never say much."

"Just you?" Xiao Tian glanced at Zao Wou-ki, and said lightly: "I have not been qualified to take action. When you step into the Titled Douluo realm, I can give you a chance to challenge me, but now, You can't even mention the interest in letting me shoot."

"But don't be too happy too early. Although I won't make a move, someone will come to look for you personally. But if you can get out of your body at that time, it depends on your luck." Xiao Tian looked at Zhao. Wuji said with a calm face.

He said that he would visit Zao Wou-Ki personally, so it was naturally Tang Hao, Tang San's short-term daddy.

Xiao Tian knew very well that after Tang Tian sent Yu Xiaogang and Tang San Xiaowu to Soto City, Tang Hao had been secretly protecting the three Tang San Xiaowu. If he did not show up just now, Tang Hao Then he will stop Zao Wou-ki.

When Tang Hao hiding in the dark heard Xiao Tian's words, he instantly understood that he had been discovered by Xiao Tian, ​​and at the same time he understood what Xiao Tian meant.

Chapter 881 Four-eyed Cat Eagle Flanders!

Tang Hao knew very well that with Xiao Tian's identity and strength, if he tried to teach Zao Wou-ki, it would be totally raising the latter's position. Therefore, Xiao Tian would only verbally scold him and would not attack Zao Wou-ki.

Then the task of teaching Zao Wou-ki to let him keep his memory naturally fell on him, Tang Hao.

It happened that he was also a little annoyed because Zao Wou-ki almost hurt Tang Hao. If he could vent it, it would be better.

Poor Zao Wou-ki still didn’t know that he had been recorded in the notebook by the famous Haotian Douluo. Hearing Xiao Tian’s words, Zao Wou-ki was still busy thanking him, with a bit of “escaped” on his face. Fortunately.

"By the way, Master, what are you doing in Shrek Academy?" Xiao Wu put away the universe bag, looked at Xiao Tian, ​​tilted his head and asked in confusion.

She remembered clearly that when she left Saint Soul Village, Xiao Tian had already said that this time she and Tang San came to Shrek Academy to train them. Under this circumstance, Xiao Tian shouldn’t follow in secret. That's right.

"Come here by the way, and then bring you a companion," Xiao Tian pointed to Lu Kai behind him, and smiled: "Lu Kai, the overseas young master of the Lu family, the owner of this generation of Hanguang Glazed Martial Spirit, as for What is the role of Hanguang Liuli Martial Spirit, I don’t think I need to repeat it any more?"

"Hanguang Glazed Martial Soul, the top auxiliary weapon, has no offensive and defensive capabilities before level ninety, and no combat state blessing ability. Its only function is to increase the training speed of the soul masters within the scope of the spirit ability."

Before Xiao Tian spoke, there was a clear voice not far away. Everyone followed the prestige and saw Yu Xiaogang and a middle-aged man slowly walking towards several people.

The middle-aged man next to Yu Xiaogang looked like he was in his forties, with a strong build.

The face is long and characteristic, the chin is a little protruding forward, the cheekbones are wide, and the face is flat. If you really want to describe it, it looks like a shoehorn. Although it is slightly squinted, it gives people a very treacherous and cunning feeling. .

He wears a pair of black-framed crystal glasses with a square frame on his face, and from time to time there is a sharp light passing through his slightly squinted eyes.

And it was the middle-aged man next to Yu Xiaogang who spoke just now.

"I have seen the teacher," Yu Xiaogang walked quickly to Xiao Tian and said respectfully.

He had originally planned to come directly to the playground to watch the battle, and at the same time it was convenient to stop Zao Wou-ki, but on the way he met Flanders who had just returned to the academy, which only delayed some time.

Xiao Tian nodded to Yu Xiaogang, then his gaze fell on the middle-aged man next to Yu Xiaogang, and said lightly: "Four-eyed cat and eagle Flanders, 77th-level agile attack type battle soul saint, rare flying class The owner of Martial Spirit and the founder of Shrek Academy, am I right?"

"Senior Xiao Tian from the famous Soul Master Realm should have heard of my name. It's really an honor for me!" Flender pushed the square glasses, with a little surprise on his face.

Although he didn't pay much attention to matters in the soul master world, he had never heard of the name Xiao Tian, ​​and he knew that this senior Xiao Tian was a peerless powerhouse who overpowered Qian Daoliu.

"I have naturally heard of the main battle in the Golden Triangle," Xiao Tian said lightly, "I made my own claim and put another student in your Shrek Academy. You have no objections, do you?"

He said that the student who forced it in was naturally Lu Kai. Xiao Tian believed that even if Flanders didn't consider his identity, Lv Kai's martial spirit alone was enough to make Flanders unable to raise any thoughts of rejection.

After all, this is the ultimate auxiliary weapon Wuhun that can increase the speed of the soul master's cultivation!

Chapter 882 Tang Hao Appears!

Sure enough, before Xiao Tian's words fell, Flender said quickly: "Senior Xiao Tian is joking, the owner of Hanguang Liuli Martial Spirit, I can't ask for it, and now he is willing to enter my Shrek Academy. Do I have any reason to rush out?"

Although the purpose of Shrek Academy is not to enroll any students who are over thirteen years old and whose spirit power has not reached the level of twenty-one, and the control of spirit power still has a spirit ability that does not match the martial spirit.

But there are always exceptions to everything. The owner of a top-level auxiliary weapon like Hanguang Liuli will be treated as a guest no matter which sect or even the hall of spirits. As for the treatment, I am afraid that it is far beyond ordinary. Title Douluo is close to the pinnacle Douluo!

After all, such an existence that can be called a soul power cultivation plug-in is enough to create a large number of strong backbones!

Even an academy dedicated to cultivating monster-level geniuses like Shrek Academy cannot refuse the owner of a Hanguang Glazed Glaze Martial Spirit. After all, who would dislike the speed of his cultivation too fast?

"In this case, I will leave you with Lu Kai and the two children, Xiao San and Xiao Wu," Xiao Tian looked at Flanders and said lightly: "You can discuss with the master how to teach them.

My only requirement is to protect a few of them. If you encounter an opponent that cannot be resolved, crush this token, and I will come right away."

While talking, Xiao Tian took out an iron token from the ring and handed it to Flanders. The back of the token was in chaos, and the front was engraved with a dragon flying and phoenix "Xiao".

Flander solemnly collected the token and nodded respectfully: "Senior Xiao Tian, ​​don't worry. Since these kids have entered Shrek Academy, they are the students of Shrek Academy. If you want to touch them, you must first Ask me if I can answer!"

Xiao Tian didn't say more when he heard the words, his figure flashed and disappeared from the sight of everyone.

He also had to go back to the Holy Soul Village to see the cultivation results of Tai Xiong and Yang Lin before deciding whether to take them to hunt the soul beasts.

After Xiao Tian left, Flander confessed to Tang San and the others, and then took the master and Tang San and the others to the dormitory, leaving Zao Wuji alone on the playground.

When Zao Wou-ki saw Flanders and the others leave, he shook his head. Just as he was about to return to the dormitory, a thunderous voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "Zao Wou-ki!"

"Who!" Zao Wuji's expression changed, and he shouted sharply.

Being able to transmit sound into his ears through soul power outside of his sight, this strength alone is far above his Zao Wou-ki.

"You will know when you come out," the voice sounded again, calm and without any emotion.

"Pretend to be a god," Zao Wou-ki frowned, but unconsciously walked towards the woods outside Shrek Academy. He knew that the strength of the person who made the noise was far above him. In that case, it would be better to make senseless struggles. Go straight to meet this mysterious senior.

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