God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 381

Soon, Zao Wou-ki appeared in the woods of Shrek Academy. Without being reminded by others, Zao Wou-ki's eyes fell on a tree trunk.

Above that tree trunk, stood a man in black covered in black robe, and the nine spirit rings behind him were exuding a daunting aura.

"Title and title Douluo!" Zao Wuji swallowed his saliva, then as if thinking of something, he lost his voice: "You are Haotian Douluo Tang Hao!"

Chapter 883 Tang Hao's Pointing!

As for Tang San's identity, Zao Wuji was also very clear. In fact, after Xiao Tian appeared, Tang San's identity was no longer a secret.

After all, Xiao Tian and Vast Sky Sect are extremely close. Vast Sky Douluo and Vast Sky Douluo’s wife are even more disciples in front of Xiao Tian. Tang San and Xiao Wu call Xiao Tian "Master", and their identities are natural. Obviously.

What's more, Xiao Tian said before that he would not make a move. In this case, he would make a move to teach him that Zao Wou-ki was still a Title Douluo, and only the Haotian Douluo Tang Hao!

"Your reaction is not slow," Tang Hao said coldly: "After hitting the young ones, the old ones will naturally come out to beg for justice. I don't make it difficult for you. I won't use Martial Spirit. You can take my three punches. The matter was wiped out."

Zao Wou-ki gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "Please also Hao Tianmian's mercy."

He knew very well that these three punches could not be avoided anyway, so he didn't try to fight for anything, he directly released his spirit, and the first spirit ring lit up.

If it hadn't been for Xiao Tian to destroy his martial soul body before, causing him to suffer backlash and unable to use the martial soul body in a short time, he would definitely release the martial soul body first.

Seeing Zao Wou-ki's movements, Tang Hao nodded lightly, and walked towards Zao Wou-ki, his right hand raised high.


Tang Hao clenched a fist with his right hand and directly bombarded Zao Wou-Ki. Without the blessing of any spirit ring, he blasted Zao Wou-ki back ten meters and crashed into a big tree.

Tang Hao gained power and did not forgive people. Before Zao Wuji took a breath, his figure flashed, and his two fists landed on Zao Wuji's abdomen and face, directly hitting the fierce King of Immovable in the Soul Master Realm on the ground .

"Three punches are over, the previous thing is completely wiped out," Tang Hao glanced at Zao Wou-ki, who was lying on the ground, and said lightly: "Little San and Xiao Wu's girl, leave it to you, and tell Flanders for me, if If you encounter something that cannot be solved, you can send someone to the Clear Sky School to find me."

After speaking, Tang Hao's figure flashed and disappeared into Zao Wou-ki's sight.

After a long time, Zao Wou-ki got up from the ground, his face was bruised, but his face was full of joy.

Although Tang Hao beat him up badly just now, Tang Hao is also a spirit master focused on power, so he also got a lot of inspiration from it.

Zao Wuji knew very well that Tang Hao's previous actions were not so much to teach himself, but to secretly give instructions in the name of teaching himself.

Taking a deep breath, Zao Wou-ki touched his bruised face, and couldn't help smiling, "It's really ruthless to start."

Shaking his head, Zao Wou-ki walked towards Shrek Academy...


Five days later, Shenghun Village, the top of Houshan Mountain.

Xiao Tian stood under a big tree, facing the sea of ​​clouds in the distance. Behind him, there were three people, Yao Xiang and Yang Lintai Xiong, who looked formal.

"Let me see the results of your cultivation these days, who of you will come first?" Xiao Tian said lightly with his back to the three of Yang Lin.

"I'll come first," Yang Lin took a deep breath and said solemnly.

Before he finished his words, Yang Lin suddenly burst out with an extremely tragic meaning of killing and killing, and the soul-breaking spear in his hand trembled slightly, making people feel like they were on the desolate desert, surrounded by remnants with broken blades.

"Well, yes," Xiao Tian nodded slightly, and said immediately: "Come, attack me."

Chapter 884 Yang Lin and Xiao Tian!

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Yang Lin didn't hesitate at all. The soul-breaking spear in his hand whizzed out, and with an unrelenting tragic aura, he slammed into Xiao Tian!

The soul-breaking gun burned with pitch-black flames, looking like a terrifying murder weapon pierced from the Nine Nether Hell, which made people shudder.

Xiao Tian's eyes lit up, his face was a little more relieved, and he admired: "Yes! It seems that you have not been in the illusion for nothing during this time!"

Yang Lin pursed his lips and didn't speak. In fact, in the past few days when Xiao Tian was absent, his cultivation could be described as crazy. At twelve hours a day, he spent most of the time in the illusion.

Even Yao Xiang was a little bit stunned at his desperate energy, saying that she had been in charge of the Martial Soul Branch of the Fazno Province for many years, and it was the first time she had seen a younger generation like Yang Lin so desperate.

Every time he heard Yao Xiang say this, Yang Lin could only smile to himself.

Because he knew very well that among the new generation Xiao Tian pointed out, his talent was probably the worst one. If he didn't work hard, what would he use to chase geniuses like Tai Xiong, even to chase Tang San and Xiao Wu. evildoer?!

When Xiao Tian saw Yang Lin’s expression, he probably knew what he was thinking, and nodded with satisfaction. He would have liked Yang Lin at first, not because of Yang Lin’s talent, but because Yang Lin’s unwillingness to lose. Tenacity.

You must know that when the spirit of martial arts awakened, after learning that Tang San Xiaowu had the talent of Tai Xiong, many of the disciples of the Clear Sky School were frustrated and resigned, only Yang Lin was indifferent, even Still a little eager to try.

It was precisely because of this that Xiao Tian would abandon the new generation disciples of the Haotian School who had an innate spirit power of ninth level or even ninth and a half levels, and only selected Yang Lin, the soul-breaking gun martial spirit owner with an innate spirit power of nine and a half levels.

However, when it comes to appreciation, Xiao Tian will not be soft when it comes to education. With his right hand pointing out, the majestic sword power overwhelmingly oppresses Yang Lin.

This sword power contains a little bit of Shura Dragon Slashing Technique, although it is only a sword finger, the sword power bursting out of Xiao Tian's body is still not much worse than Xiao Tian using the Slaughter Sword to display Shura Dragon Slashing Technique!

Yang Lin only felt that his surroundings seemed to be enveloped by countless sharp sword auras, and he was even more in the world of swords. From time to time, there was a strong tingling sensation on his skin, which made Yang Lin feel as if he would be caught in the next moment. The illusion of being cut into countless pieces!

"Can't just be beaten passively like this!" Yang Lin bit through the tip of his tongue hard, and the sweet blood slid down his throat, making him sober.

Seeing Yang Lin's performance, Xiao Tian's eyes showed a strange color. The sword power that had reached its peak once again rose, and the sword intent rose to the sky, changing the color of the wind and clouds, and the fallen leaves of Xiao Tian's body were invisible power. Divided into two, the cut surface is as smooth as a mirror!

Upon seeing this scene, Yao Xiang and Tai Xiong hurried to hide away, for fear of accidental injury.

However, Yang Lin gritted his teeth severely, his face showing firmness, the soul-breaking gun in his hand was constantly waved, bringing up a series of black gun shadows, and finally a large number of gun shadows gathered together towards Xiao Tian's throat. Click to go!

Feeling the tragic aura emanating from Yang Lin like a moth battling a fire, the color of surprise in Xiao Tian's eyes became stronger, and he immediately reduced the astonishing aura. on.

Chapter 885 Different "Positions"!

Before Yang Lin's shocking blow could show its power, it was lightly blocked by Xiao Tian.

"Yes," after stopping Yang Lin's attack, Xiao Tian nodded slightly and smiled at Yang Lin: "I didn't expect that in just a few days, you would be able to comprehend the'potential' to such a degree, even though it is in spirit power You are a little worse than the Tai Bears, but in terms of talent, you are no weaker than them."

Yang Lin put away the soul-breaking gun, scratched his head with some shame, and said in a low voice: "Senior Xiao is ridiculously praised, but I am just willing to work hard."

"It's enough if you are willing to work hard!" Xiao Tian looked at Yang Lin and said lightly: "You don't have to belittle yourself. I just told the truth and didn't mean to praise you.

But remember not to be proud of it. Although you have made significant progress, you still have a lot of problems."

"Senior Xiao, please give me some advice!" Yang Lin said respectfully immediately upon hearing this.

"If I say that, I won't hide my clumsiness. Let's take a look at my sword and feel the difference with yours!"

Before he finished his words, a fierce sword force from Xiao Tian's body rose into the sky, and the terrifying sword intent directly pierced the clouds above, even causing the sky with a radius of thousands of feet to quickly gloom.

A dark vortex gleaming with thunder light quickly formed above Xiao Tian's head, slowly rotating, like a cold eye without any emotion.

Yang Lin couldn't help opening his mouth wide, his face full of shock.

Being able to influence the outside world by virtue of the sword's power, and even to reverse the weather, make the situation change color, this method is called a miracle in Yang Lin's view!

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