God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 382

"Don't be distracted! Feel it with your heart!" Seeing Yang Lin's expression, Xiao Tian scolded immediately.

When Yang Lin heard the words, he quickly stopped his mind, his eyes fell on Xiao Tian, ​​and his eyes became more clear.

"So..." Yang Lin whispered: "It turns out that I have already taken a detour before. The spirit of the Soulbreaker Spear is upright and upright, like an army oppressing from the front, but I think I'm on a dangerous move, no wonder I feel that the speed of improvement has slowed down recently..."

Although Yang Lin had noticed that his strength was slowing down, especially in his understanding of "power," Yang Lin had always believed that his situation was due to the fact that his soul power could not keep up with his own power. ”

Knowing that after seeing Xiao Tian's sword power, Yang Lin realized that he had made a big mistake before!

Guns are different from swords. Guns are more adept at frontal combat. They are dignified and overwhelming, while swords are known for their lightness and elegance. They are good at frontal combat and can also perform tricks.

Yang Lin used to rely on the illusion, and the aura that condensed in the illusion on the battlefield was the most suitable for him. However, he changed his path after realizing that he was stuck in a bottleneck, and thought of doing it right!

"It seems that you already understand," Xiao Tian smiled slightly when he saw Yang Lin's expression, and said lightly: "For your current situation, I have a solution, but it depends on whether you are willing to try."

"Senior Xiao Tian, ​​please speak!" Yang Lin immediately said with a happy expression.

As long as Xiao Tian can solve his problem, even if it is to let him go up to the sword and down the fire!

Yang Lin knows very well that his talent is too far behind those Tianjiao evildoers. If you want to catch up with or even surpass them, you can only fight with your life!

Chapter 886 Xiao Tian's Way!

Xiao Tian nodded lightly when he heard the words. Although Yang Lin's talent was a bit worse than that of Tai Xiong and Tang San Xiaowu, his unwillingness to admit defeat surpassed many people.

"The solution is actually very simple," Xiao Tian looked at Yang Lin and smiled: "Join the army of the Heaven Dou Empire and experience in the army. When your spirit power level reaches the soul sect, you will naturally be able to condense the purest The general trend.

And the killing intent and fighting intent on the battlefield is also an excellent nourishment for the soul-breaking gun. If you can temper the soul-breaking gun with the killing intent and fighting intent, it will be of great benefit to you in the future."

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Yang Lin couldn't help but froze for a while, then smiled bitterly.

Not everyone can enter the army of the Heaven Dou Empire. Although Yang Lin has amazing talents, he is a disciple of the broken clan. The Heaven Dou Empire generally does not allow the disciples of the Seven Great Sects and their affiliated sects. Joined the army.

Although the seven major sects are within the territory of the Tiandou Empire, they are not under the jurisdiction of the Tiandou Empire. It is similar to the relationship of the Keqing. The Tiandou Empire is in trouble. The seven major sects may come forward to help, but usually, the Tiandou Empire does not think about it. Command the seven sects to do anything!

Therefore, in order to eliminate the possibility of the army being controlled by the seven major sects, although the Tiandou Empire did not expressly prohibit the disciples of the seven major sects and their affiliated sects from entering the Tiandou Empire army, in general, only the seven major sects and their affiliated sects The soul master who was involved in the door had almost no chance to enter the army of the Heaven Dou Empire!

"I personally come forward, the Great Xueye will sell my face," Xiao Tian smiled, with strong self-confidence in his tone.

He is very clear about the ambition of the leader of the Tiandou Empire. Unlike the previous Tiandou Empire emperors, Xueye always wanted to use the Seven Great Sects for his own use, so he would not be too much to let the Seven Great Sect disciples into the army. conflict.

It’s just that the Seven Great Sects didn’t show any unspoken rules that made the talented emperor feel that he had a chance to subdue the Seven Great Sects. Therefore, the unspoken rules that did not allow the spirit masters of the Seven Great Sects and their affiliated sects to enter the Heaven Dou Empire army It is still being executed.

Yang Lin heard the words and said no more. Since Xiao Tian has decided to come out in person, this matter is sure to be done, unless the Xueye Great Emperor and the Manchumen and Martial Arts of the Tiandou Empire want to offend one of their strengths. The peerless powerhouse!

"Okay, you go and rest first," Xiao Tian waved his hand to Yang Lin, his eyes fell on Tai Xiong, and said lightly: "Let me see how your cultivation results have been in the past few days."

Tai Xiong nodded his head heavily and walked to Xiao Tian, ​​like a dormant giant bear, muttering, "Senior Xiao, please advise."

Before the words fell, Tai Xiong's vigorous orangutan spirit phantom screamed to the sky behind him, and Tai Xiong was like a wild and violent bear, ramming towards Xiao Tian, ​​his momentum was extremely shocking.

"Good boy, not bad!" Xiao Tian nodded slightly when he saw it, and smiled: "If you look at the same level, there are not many who can surpass you in strength."

What Xiao Tian was telling was the truth. Tai Xiong was born with supernatural power and inherited the powerful orangutan spirit. Coupled with the long-term tempering in the gravity formation, Tai Xiong's physical strength and power have become terrifying.

It is no exaggeration to say that Tai Xiong's current power is no less inferior to some non-major power soul sects in the forty-odd level!

Chapter 887 The Tangled Thai Bear!

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Tai Xiong's face had a simple and honest smile.

Although he is not as desperate as Yang Lin, he still spends at least six hours a day in the gravity formation. Coupled with his innate soul power and natural divine power, his progress is not less than Yang Lin, but even better!

"However, it's not enough!" Xiao Tian chuckled, raising his hands slightly, and stopping directly in front of him.

Tai Xiong's shocking charge was directly stopped by Xiao Tian with a pair of palms.

When Xiao Tian stopped him, Tai Xiong didn't show any discouragement on his face. He knew Xiao Tian's strength very well, so he was surprised that Xiao Tian couldn't stop his attack.

"Senior Xiao, please!" Tai Xiong scratched his head and said respectfully.

"Your problem is not big," Xiao Tian smiled and said, "There is not much way to increase strength. I know a place where the strength of the physical body can be tempered, but with your current strength, the basics There is no return."

Tai Xiong was a little unconvinced when he heard this, and said dullly, "I wonder where Senior Xiao said?"

"Poseidon Island," Xiao Tian looked at Tai Xiong, and said in a deep voice, "Poseidon Island’s tidal body refining has an extremely significant effect on the strength of the physical body, but Poseidon Island has always been allowed to enter and not leave. If the strength is insufficient, you will arrive at Poseidon Island. You can only stay there for a lifetime. Do you still want to go to Seagod Island now?"

Tai Xiong was silent for a moment, his expression a bit solemn.

Since awakening the spirit of martial arts, he has become the most promising star of the Li Clan. In many things, the Titans and the high-level members of the Li Clan will not avoid him again. Therefore, Tai Xiong knows exactly where Seagod Island is. .

One of the three ultimate Douluo, the territory of Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi!

In the past, the soul masters who entered the Seagod Island were able to walk out unharmed, but now only the first generation Haotian Douluo Tang Chen has been recorded, and the Wuhun Hall is dedicated to the two brothers Qian Daoliu and Tang Hao Tang Xiao.

It’s just that Tang Chen and Qian Daoliu retreated from Bo Saixi’s attack by relying on their own strength, while the two brothers Tang Hao and Tang Xiao sent letters to Bo Saixi. Enron left Seagod Island.

With his strength, let alone Bo Saixi and Seagod Island's titled Douluo, even a Fourth Ring Soul Sect made the move, and he couldn't handle it.

After all, although he is not inferior to some of the four-ringed spirit sects who are not majoring in strength, his overall strength is only comparable to that of a great spirit master.

Even after tidal body refining, he would be able to contend against the average Five Ring Soul King, but with that level of strength, wanting to leave Seagod Island safely, that is simply a dream!

Thinking of this, Tai Xiong couldn't help but glance at Xiao Tian. If Xiao Tian was willing to make a move, he would have nothing to worry about. Even if Bo Saixi made the move personally, it was absolutely impossible to stop Xiao Tian!

Seeing Tai Xiong looking at him, Xiao Tian smiled and said lightly: "If you go to Seagod Island, I won't do anything. How to leave Seagod Island is up to you."

Hearing this, Tai Xiong fell into silence again, with a thick entanglement on his face.

Although he hadn't heard of the tidal body refining on Seagod Island, it could be regarded as important by Xiao Tian. Naturally, it couldn't be anything bad, but the difficulties he faced after entering Seagod Island also made it difficult for him to decide.

Chapter 888: Decision!

Seeing Tai Xiong's expression, Xiao Tian shook his head lightly, but did not speak. He just stood by the side, waiting for Tai Xiong to make his own decision.

It took a long time for Tai Xiong to take a deep breath, with firmness in his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Senior Xiao, I want to understand, I'm going to Sea God Island!"

"You have to think clearly," Xiao Tian heard the words, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and immediately said: "It's easy to get in there, but it's not that easy to get out!"

"Junior wants to understand," Tai Xiong nodded his head and muttered in a dull voice: "My soul masters, if you want to quickly improve your own strength, you need to compete for various opportunities. At present, Seagod Island accepts the tide training for the same purpose. Quickly improve your strength...

In that case, what do I have to worry about?

If it is really impossible to leave Seagod Island by then, that would be my own decision!"

Hearing Tai Xiong's words, Xiao Tian's face was a little more relieved, and he nodded lightly and smiled; "If this is the case, then you should rush back to the clan first, and let Titan take you to Sea God Island."

After speaking, Xiao Tian looked at Yang Lin and said with a smile: "If you say, take my token back to the clan, and let Yang Wudi take you to see Emperor Xueye."

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