God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 383

While talking, Xiao Tian took out a token engraved with the word "Xiao" from Najie and handed it to Yang Lin.

Yang Lin took the token, looked at each other with Tai Xiong, and gave a respectful salute to Xiao Tian, ​​and said in unison: "The junior retire."

"Go," Xiao Tian waved his hand and said with a smile: "Wait until the mainland Advanced Soul Master Competition begins, I will review your forces' advancement again. If it can meet my expectations, I will give you another reward."

Yang Lin and Tai Xiong nodded respectfully after hearing the words, and then walked towards the Holy Soul Village.

After Yang Lin and Tai Xiong left, Xiao Tian's gaze fell on Yao Xiang, who was aside, and said lightly, "Dian Master Yao."

Yao Xiang's heart jumped when he heard the words, and hurriedly said, "What's the command of Senior Xiao?"

"Has the Martial Soul Palace looked for you these days?" Xiao Tian walked to the edge of the cliff, facing the sea of ​​clouds ahead, and said lightly.

Upon seeing Xiao Tian's movements, Yao Xiang gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "The Wuhun Palace has indeed sent someone to look for me."

Although it seems that only a slight push can make Xiao Tian fall off the cliff, and she can also take this opportunity to cover her tracks with her ethereal spiritual clothing and take this opportunity to escape, but Yao Xiang knows that with this Senior Xiao Tian's strength, even if he fled to the ends of the world, it would not have any effect.

If not, she had already escaped when Xiao Tian went overseas to search for Lu's family. How could she wait until now?

So when he heard Xiao Tian's question, although Yao Xiang was a little reluctant, he still honestly reported the latest developments of the Wuhun Palace one by one.

"Wuhundian is far more far-sighted than the Luo family," Xiao Tian couldn't help laughing after hearing Yao Xiang's words.

Although Yao Xiang's ethereal spirit clothing has a single function, if used properly, it is an absolute trump card. It's a pity that the pedantic old guys in the Luo family only saw the huge resources and ethereal resources needed to cultivate Yao Xiang. The single function of the spiritual clothing ignores her strength.

In other words, the people in charge of the Luo family selectively ignored the powerful role of Yao Xiang's martial arts. As for the reason, it might involve the grievances of the Luo family's internal forces. Xiao Tian didn't want to and didn't bother to pay attention to it.

Chapter 889 The second thing!

"Luo Family?" Yao Xiang sneered, and said with disdain: "A bunch of silverfishes that hold the incompleteness."

She didn't know why the Luo family gave up training her before, and even for a long time, Yao Xiang thought that it was really her own martial arts soul that was not worth the effort to train.

It wasn't until after joining the Hall of Martial Spirits and reading many internal materials of the Hall of Martial Spirits that she understood how ridiculous her thoughts were!

There is actually only one reason for her not being cultivated by the Luo family, that is, her mother is a low-level bloodline in the Luo family's eyes, and her father is not low in the Luo family, but she was inexplicably a few days before her awakening of the Martial Spirit. Died seriously...

Even a fool can see the trickiness in this!

It was nothing more than the Luo family who felt that Yao Xiang's existence was a stain on the Luo family, but due to the reputation of the Luo family and the existence of Yao Xiang's father, they couldn't directly attack Yao Xiang.

Therefore, on the eve of Yao Xiang's awakening of the martial spirit, the Luo family and Yao Xiang's father secretly took action, causing Yao Xiang's father to be seriously injured and dead, while the other Luo family's other families were watching from the sidelines.

After Yao Xiang awakens the martial soul and is determined to be a mutant martial soul, which series of Yao Xiang's father shot will directly define Yao Xiang's martial soul as an abandoned martial soul, and will not give her any opportunity to grow.

At the same time, in order to show the generosity of the Luo family, the treatment of Yao Xiang by the Luo family was not bad, but when Yao Xiang was out hunting soul beasts, the Luo family declined in every possible way and were unwilling to provide any help.

And this is why Yao Xiang finally resigned from the Luo family and joined the Wuhun Palace!

"I don't care about your grievances with the Luo family, as long as it doesn't affect the three things I said before, do whatever you want," Xiao Tian glanced at Yao Xiang and said lightly: "The first thing is to let you do it for me. Take care of Yang Lin and Tai Xiong.

Although you are not very satisfied with what you did, at least I didn't see any traces of your guidance on Yang Lin and Tai Xiong, but their progress is pretty good, and I don't care about you.

As long as you do the remaining two things, what you are going to do has nothing to do with me."

Yao Xiang took a deep breath after hearing the words, and said seriously, "Senior Xiao, please speak."

"The second thing, I want you to secure your position as the Hallmaster of the Martial Spirit Sub-Hall of the Fasno Province within five years, and raise your spirit power to over 80." Xiao Tian glanced at Yao Xiang, Said lightly.

Yao Xiang was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and a look of doubt appeared in her eyes. She did not understand what Xiao Tian meant by this request.

Because in her opinion, Xiao Tian is not a requirement at all. After all, this is what she wants to do to improve her strength. Xiao Tian's request is only to allow her to reach the Contra level in a shorter period of time. .

Xiao Tian ignored Yao Xiang's doubts and continued: "As for the third thing, wait until you finish the second thing."

As for why Yao Xiang was asked to raise his spirit power to level 80 within five years, Xiao Tian did not explain to Yao Xiang.

Although Yao Xiang was puzzled, Xiao Tian didn't say anything, and she didn't ask too much, so she nodded respectfully and said seriously: "I understand."

"If that's the case, then go back to the Martial Spirit Sub-Hall of the Province of Fassnow. I want you to hold that Punishment Hall in your hands as soon as possible." Xiao Tian waved his hand and said lightly.

After finishing speaking, before Yao Xiang could speak, Xiao Tian's figure flashed and disappeared into Yao Xiang's sight.

Yao Xiang was stunned for a moment, and soon recovered. He immediately left the back mountain of the holy soul village and hurried towards the branch hall of the Wuhun Hall in the province of Fastno...

Chapter 890 Five Years Later!

Five years later, the Heaven Dou Empire, the Kingdom of Barak, and Shrek Academy on the outskirts of Soto City.

An eleven or twelve-year-old girl with long legs with scorpion braids walked on the playground with a gloomy expression on her face.

"Teacher and brother went out to hunt the soul beasts, this has been more than a month, why haven't they come back!" The girl suddenly stopped and gently kicked the stone under her feet, her pretty face full of sadness.

"Master, too, knowing that my brother was going to hunt down a hundred thousand year soul beast, he didn't help out, hum!" The girl mumbled, her expression very cute.

"Xiao Wu," just at this moment, there was a very angry male voice in the distance, and I saw a strong man with a pair of different pupils running from a distance, his self-cultivation clothes being supported by the man's exaggerated muscles. Full of dangdang, no one can perceive the horrible explosive power hidden under that body.

"Boss Dai, why are you here?" Xiao Wu was taken aback when she saw the visitor, and said in confusion, "Didn't you go for special training with Rongrong and Zhu Qing?"

"My spirit power has reached level 40, and I am going to the Star Dou Great Forest to hunt a suitable spirit beast. The dean asked me to come to you for help," Dai Mubai said in embarrassment.

He is only fourteen years old now, and his spirit power level has reached the fortieth level. If he looks at the outside world, it is enough to attract competition from countless forces, but...

"After all, it can't compare to these enchanting evildoers," Dai Mubai looked at the girl in front of him, smiling bitterly in his heart.

Xiao Wu is three years younger than him, but his spirit power has already reached level 40 or above. I am afraid that he is already hitting level 50 spirit power. Even Tang San, who went with the master to hunt the soul beast, was too early. It reached the fortieth level of spirit power more than a month ago.

You know Tang San is three years younger than him!

"That's it," Xiao Wu nodded softly when he heard the words, and smiled: "Boss Dai, you have already spoken. Naturally, I can't help but I also want to go to the Star Dou Great Forest to see if the teacher and others are right. A suitable soul beast has been found."

Xiao Wu is not very worried about the safety of Tang San and Master. There are Titan Great Ape Erming and Sky Blue Bull Python Daming in the Star Dou Great Forest, and there is no soul beast that can dominate these two Star Dou Great Forests. Tang San and Master were hurt underneath.

"How can Xiao San and the others find a suitable soul beast so easily?" Dai Mubai smiled bitterly after hearing this, "That's a 100,000-year soul ring!

You forgot that when Xiaosan absorbed the third spirit ring, in order to find a suitable one-hundred-thousand-year soul beast, even Haotian Douluo and Xiaotian Douluo personally took action, and it took two months to find a suitable soul. beast.

This time only Master and Xiaosan were two people, and even if they found a suitable soul beast, they would have to come back to rescue soldiers."

Dai Mubai said that when Tang San reached the 30th level of spirit power, the two brothers Tang Hao and Tang Xiao happened to come to Shrek Academy to visit Tang San, and by the way, they took Tang San to hunt a hundred thousand years old. The human face spider.

As for the consequences, Xiao Tian, ​​who hadn't appeared for a long time, suddenly appeared after Tang San absorbed the spirit ring of the Human Face Demon Spider. He cursed the two brothers Tang Hao and Tang Xiao bloody, and finally drove them back to Hao. Tianzong.

And this was also the reason why Tang San was only accompanied by the master when he went to hunt the spirit beasts to advance.

"Humph!" Xiao Wu snorted, dissatisfied: "I really don't know what the master thinks. The teacher is only at level 56 soul power, and my brother is only at level 40. Let them challenge the one hundred thousand years soul. Beast, isn't that asking them to die?"

"Xiao Wu, are you talking ill of me again?" Before Xiao Wu's words fell, a chuckle suddenly sounded, and then Xiao Tian's figure appeared in Xiao Wu's line of sight.

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