God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 384

Chapter 891: Advanced Soul Master Competition

"Master~" Seeing Xiao Tian's appearance, Xiao Wu's expression changed, and a bright smile appeared on her small face quickly, and she said tiredly: "Master, you can kill a 100,000-year-old soul beast, right?"

"It's useless to be acting like a baby," Xiao Tian glanced at Xiao Wu, and said in a bad mood: "I have let Daming Erming assist Xiao San. What are you still worried about?

Xiao Wu curled her lips, her tone blunt: "Da Ming and Er Ming are 100,000-year soul beasts, how could they do anything to other soul beasts for no reason?

Unless it was to help hunt some notorious beasts like the human face demon spider hunted last time, but such beasts can be cultivated safely for 100,000 years is really too rare.

Besides, facing this kind of soul beast, unless Da Ming makes a move, other than that, even if Er Ming makes a move, it may not be able to hunt down smoothly."

What Xiao Wu said was the truth. As a one-hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast, she knew nothing more about the Star Dou Forest. Notorious beasts like the human-faced devil spider would attract countless souls before they grew up. The siege of beasts, those who can survive and successfully cultivate to one hundred thousand years, are all strong.

Although the strength of these 100,000-year soul beasts is not as good as that of the Titan Great Ape Erming, if the party wants to escape, I am afraid that a soul beast overlord like Erming has no way to take those 100,000-year soul beasts.

Unless it is the Sky Blue Bull Python Daming who owns the slow field, it is difficult to say that it can be guaranteed to be foolproof and 100% successful in hunting those notorious 100,000-year soul beasts.

"This is not something you need to worry about," Xiao Tian smiled, and said, "I am coming to Shrek Academy this time because I have something else to look for you."

"What's the matter?" When Xiao Tian said that, Xiao Wu stopped playing tricks, and immediately said: "By the way, I remember Master, you said before that you wanted us to participate in the Mainland Advanced Soul Master Competition. About the contest?"

"Yes," Xiao Tian nodded and said with a smile: "You first go find the remaining students of Shrek Academy and tell them not to go out these days. After Xiao San comes back, you take them to the Holy Soul Village. I."

"I understand," Xiao Wu nodded vigorously and said solemnly.

"Don't forget it like last time," Xiao Tian joked, a little teasing on his face.

He said that three years ago, he asked Xiao Wu to take the Seven Shrek Monsters to the Holy Soul Village to find him. He was going to give pointers one by one, but the girl actually forgot about it. When she remembered, Xiao Heaven has no idea where to go.

"Not this time," Xiao Wu scratched her head a little embarrassed when she heard the words, two lovely blushes appeared on her face.

Xiao Tian didn't say much when he saw it, his figure flashed and disappeared into the sight of Xiao Wu and Dai Mubai.

After Xiao Tian left, Xiao Wu looked at Dai Mubai and apologized: "Boss Dai, the matter of helping you hunt the soul beast may be slowed down."

Dai Mubai immediately waved his hand when he heard the words, "Xiao Wu, what are you talking about? I have heard what Senior Xiao Tian said, so let's tell Xiao Ao and Zhu Qing the news first."

"Well," Xiao Wu nodded lightly, and then muttered in a low voice: "I don't know what the master wants to do after leaving in a hurry."

"Maybe to find us teammates, right?" Dai Mubai smiled: "The Continent Senior Soul Master Competition is usually a team of ten people, and five people are choosing five substitutes.

Although the seven of us are good in strength and talent, and there are evildoers like you and Xiao San in it, age is always our weakness..."

Chapter 892 Yang Lin's Transformation!

Dai Mubai paused when he said that, before continuing: "I heard that the Golden Generation of Spirit Hall has an average level of 50 spirit power.

And among the seven of us, only you and Xiao San have level 40 spirit power, Zhu Qing, Rong Rong, and Fatty are still some distance away from level 40, and Xiao Ao has just broken through level 30. Such strengths face Wuhun. The golden generation of the palace is indeed not enough."

Xiao Wu couldn't help but nodded slightly. According to her understanding of Xiao Tian, ​​Xiao Tian really did not like to do things that were unsure. At the moment, the strength gap between the Shrek Seven Devils and the Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace is too great, Xiao It is normal that Tian will find a few strong substitutes for them.

Thinking of this, Xiao Wu no longer struggled, and said to Dai Mubai, "Boss Dai, I'll go to Zhu Qing and Rongrong, you go to Xiao Ao and Fatty."

Dai Mubai nodded, and then the two separately walked towards Shrek Academy in different directions.

At the same time, Xiao Tian had already flown his sword to the border of the Barak Kingdom, the battlefield between the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire.

At this moment, it seemed that a battle had just ended on the battlefield, and the soldiers wearing the armor of the Heaven Dou Empire were quickly cleaning the battlefield.

In the center of the battlefield, a boy who looked only twelve or thirteen years old wore a heavy armor and held a long spear burning with pitch black flames. A strong suffocation radiated from him, making the soldiers passing nearby unconsciously. Speed ​​up the action.

"General Yang, the battlefield has been cleaned up, shall we withdraw or take advantage of the opportunity to pull out a city in the Star Luo Empire?" A soldier walked behind the young man with a frenzy in his eyes.

Although he is more than ten years older than the boy in front of him, he has seen the talent and strength of this boy. He admires this boy who looks twelve or thirteen years old, and his true age is only a little over eleven. At the same time, he also I feel honored to be able to play under this young man.

"How can such a good opportunity be let go?" A smile was drawn from the corner of the boy's mouth. Just as he was about to speak, a man in white clothes suddenly appeared in front of him.

"According to my order, the whole army retreat and guard the border," the boy said to the soldier behind him, and then ignored the soldier's puzzled expression, walked directly to the white man and said respectfully: "Senior Xiao, how are you here? Here comes?"

"Let me see how your strength progresses," Xiao Tian smiled, with a touch of relief on his face, and said: "It can be seen that you have grown a lot over the years."

"Senior Xiao praised," Yang Lin said modestly, but his left hand touched his forehead unconsciously-there was a hideous scar, which was when he used his 30th-level spirit power to kill a 49th-level soul sect. left.

This incident has always made him proud. With the strength of the 30th-level soul sovereign, he killed a 49th-level soul sect. Even the evildoers like Tang San and Xiao Wu have never experienced such pride. People's record!

"Your use of momentum has reached an extremely high level. With your soul-breaking spear and martial soul, it is not difficult to leapfrog the challenge," Xiao Tian smiled and continued: "I'm here this time, I will give you one. The opportunity to be famous in the mainland."

"Mainland Senior Soul Master Competition?" Yang Lin asked with a fierce fighting spirit flashing in his eyes.

"However, it is the Mainland Advanced Soul Master Competition!" Xiao Tian nodded, looked at Yang Lin, and asked, "Will you go?"

Chapter 893 Going to Sea God Island!

"Go!" Yang Lin said immediately without hesitation.

He has been in the army of the Tiandou Empire for five years. In the past five years, he has experienced hundreds of wars, large and small. A soul-breaking gun has no idea how much blood is stained, so that one day he will be able to use it. Is Wuhun famous all over the world?

Although the current soul-breaking gun ranked third in the weapon spirit, it was not small in terms of reputation, but after all, it lacked a well-known benchmark.

Although Yang Wudi is strong, it is estimated that he will stop at the realm of Spirit Douluo in his life. Even if he has the strength of Title Douluo, but after all he has not obtained the ninth spirit ring, he will always be looked down upon.

If he can make a name in the Mainland Advanced Soul Master Competition, his age will surely shock the entire continent!

"Explain what's on hand, and then go to Saint Soul Village to wait for me. I will also go to Sea God Island to bring back the boy Tai Xiong," Xiao Tian nodded at Yang Lin, his figure flashed and disappeared.

Although Xiao Tian said that once the teddy bear is on Seagod Island, he will not take the teddy bear away, but he is only testing the teddy bear. With the strength of the teddy bear, if he doesn’t make a move, the teddy bear will do nothing Can't leave Seagod Island.

After Xiao Tian left, Yang Lin rushed to the soldiers behind him and said calmly: "The order goes on and the whole army is called. I have something to explain."

The soldiers probably guessed what Yang Lin was going to do, but he did not dissuade him. With Yang Lin's talent and strength, he has been in the army. It is indeed a little overkill. In his opinion, Yang Lin's stage should be the senior soul of the whole continent. The Normal University Competition, and only on such a stage, can Yang Lin show his talents!

Soon, the army was assembled, Yang Lin looked at the people in front of him, took a deep breath, and then said: "My intention to summon you, presumably some of you have already guessed..."


As Yang Lin explained what happened after he left, Xiao Tian also flew away from the mainland with the terrifying speed of the flying sword, and hurried towards Sea God Island.

Before long, a seemingly huge island appeared in Xiao Tian's line of sight. On the island, a stone statue held a trident and looked all around.

Xiao Tian smiled and landed directly on the island, putting away the Anchen sword.

Not long after Xiao Tian landed, a few heavily armed soul masters came to Xiao Tian and stood ready.

"Who, why did you break into Seagod Island?" The headed soul master shouted to Xiao Tian, ​​"It's still too late to leave. Once we officially enter the range of Seagod Island, it will be difficult to leave!"

Xiao Tian smiled and walked towards the inside of Sea God Island. From beginning to end, none of the spirit masters stopped Xiao Tian.

For those spirit masters, their duty is to prevent others from leaving Seagod Island. As for those who want to enter Seagod Island, they will not stop them.

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