God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 386

At least Bo Saixi has stood at the peak of the mainland for a long time, but he has not lost himself, thinking that he is invincible in the world.

You must know that when a person stays at the peak for too long, it is easy to lose yourself, and the most typical representative is Qian Daoliu.

In the Star Dou Great Forest, he and Qian Daoliu faced three tricks and finally won by a narrow margin.

Later, when Qian Daoliu wanted to take Qian Xun Ji away for the second time, Xiao Tian fought Qian Daoliu again.

In fact, the second time there was no need to fight, but it was a pity that Qian Daoliu still relied on his identity and was unwilling to bow his head. As for the result, it had made Xiao Tian's prestige, and even the reputation of Wuhun Palace had plummeted.

Originally, Qian Daoliu was directly subdued. Not only would it not detract from the reputation of the Wuhun Temple, it might also give Qian Daoliu an extra evaluation of being able to bend and stretch, but Qian Daoliu himself did not grasp it.

In contrast, Posesi retreated decisively, and no one could say anything about her.

After leaving Seagod Island, Xiao Tian quickly arrived at the Holy Spirit Village with the Thai bear. After leaving the Thai bear in the back mountain for training, Xiao Tian hurried towards the sunset forest.

The eyes of the ice and fire in the sunset forest gave birth to a lot of spirit grass. When Xiao Tian took Tang San there to absorb the spirit ring last time, he only picked a few of them, and most of the spirit grass was not used.

This time, the Seven Shrek Monsters, Tai Xiong and Yang Lin were summoned for the purpose of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition, and Xiao Tian would naturally not let them compete like this.

After all, even though the Seven Shrek Monsters are all talents of Tian Zong, their age is always their flaws. Even with the assistance of Lu Kai, they can't catch up with the golden generation of Spirit Hall in spirit power in a short time.

Therefore, Xiao Tian planned to find a few spiritual plants suitable for the Shrek Seven Devils, Tai Xiong, and Yang Lin near the Ice and Fire Two Eyes in the Sunset Forest.

Chapter 897

Of course, this time I was mainly looking for spiritual grass suitable for Tai Xiong and Yang Lin. As for the Shrek Seven Devils, Tang San had already absorbed the octagonal black ice grass and the burning apricot, so it is not suitable to absorb other fairy herbs. Strengthen his purple magic pupil.

As for the immortal herbs taken by the other six monsters, with the exception of Xiao Wu, Xiao Tian didn't plan to change, so he just looked for the immortal herbs they had absorbed on the original world line.

While thinking about questions, while flying with his sword, Xiao Tian soon arrived outside the valley where the eyes of the ice and fire were.

In the valley, the huge poisonous array under the Dugu Bo was still running, preventing those low-level spirit beasts from breaking into the eyes of the ice and fire. At the same time, it was also telling other spirit masters that this territory belonged to the Poison Douluo Dugu Bo.

Xiao Tian smiled, ignoring the huge poison formation, and walked directly into the valley. To Xiao Tian's surprise, beside the eyes of the two instruments of ice and fire, Xiao Tian saw the poisonous Douluo Dugubo, who had not been seen for a long time.

Next to Dugu Bo, there was another girl who looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, with long dark green hair hanging down to her waist, and a beautiful face, who was listening patiently to what Dugu Bo said.

"Who?!" Hearing the sound of footsteps, Dugubo's expression changed, and he turned his head and rebuked.

The moment he saw the person, Dugubo's expression changed again, a little more smile appeared on his face, and he respectfully said: "It turns out to be Senior Xiao Tian!"

As he said, Dugu Bo patted the girl next to him on the shoulder and smiled: "Yan'er, this is the senior Xiao Tian that grandpa often talks about."

"He seems to be a few years older than me. Is there a grandfather as good as you said?" The girl frowned, her eyes full of suspicion when she looked at Xiao Tian.

Dugu Bowenyan's expression changed, and he hurriedly said to Xiao Tian: "Senior Xiao, don't want to be offended. This girl is my granddaughter Dugu Goose. She has been spoiled by me since she was a child, a little arrogant."

"It's okay," Xiao Tian waved his hand and smiled at Dugu Yan: "Do you think I am too young, and I am definitely not too strong?"

At the moment when he saw Dugu Goose, Xiao Tian suddenly remembered that there was still one person short of the quota for participating in the Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition.

Lu Kai is too old, even if he does not consider his Hanguang Glazed Martial Spirit, which has no offensive and defensive capabilities and combat assistance capabilities, Lu Kai cannot be selected as a team to participate in the Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition.

Originally, Xiao Tian wanted to go to the Clear Sky Sect to pick up a direct disciple of the Clear Sky Sect, but now that he saw the Dugu Goose, Xiao Tian naturally didn't have to go back to the Clear Sky Sect.

Especially Dugu Goose itself is not weak, coupled with her Jade Snake Spirit, the ability to control the field with poison is very powerful.

Although her spirit power may be slightly inferior, with the "poison" characteristic, she can play a greater role in the team than the direct disciples of the Clear Sky School.

After all, now there are nine Shrek Seven Devils and Yang Lintai Xiong. Except for the auxiliary spirit master Oscar and Ning Rongrong, the remaining few are stronger than the other in terms of attack ability. There is really no need to add another assault war spirit master to the team. Go inside.

"Isn't it?" Dugu Yan asked, when he heard the words.

Although she had heard Dugubo say that Xiao Tian was very young, in her opinion, Dugubo's so-called "youngness" was based on his own age. After all, how could he become a Titled Douluo, how could he be younger?

You must know that Tang Hao, the youngest Title Douluo in the mainland, had already passed forty when he broke through the Title Douluo realm. Xiao Tian looked like he was only in his twenties, which was really unconvincing.

Chapter 898 Dugu Goose's Decision!

Xiao Tian smiled when he heard the words, did not speak, and nine red, one gold and ten spirit rings rose slowly behind him, floating behind him, motionless.

But because of this, the impact it brought was far greater than the constant rhythm of the spirit ring.

"One hundred, one hundred!" Seeing the ten spirit rings behind Xiao Tian, ​​Dugubo's expression suddenly became extremely exciting, shocked and jealous, and a large number of different emotions surfaced on Dugubo's face, which was astounding. .

And Dugu Yan's expression is even more unbearable, and a pretty face is full of incredible.

As the granddaughter of Dugu Bo, she has a family history. Naturally, she doesn’t know what the ten spirit rings behind Xiao Tian represent. Such a legendary realm, I can’t imagine that she is in her twenties today. Seen from young people!

"How? Do you believe it now?" Xiao Tian looked at Dugu Yan with a bit of joking on his face that was hard to detect.

Dugu Goose nodded, or Dugu Bo reacted first, and said in surprise: "Senior Xiao came here, I am afraid it is not to amuse the Yan'er? Is it something Senior Xiao is looking for me or Yan'er?"

Dugu Bo was at the Title Douluo level anyway, and it was not an exaggeration to say that he was an old man, he just thought about it and guessed Xiao Tian's intention.

"The Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition," Xiao Tian said lightly, looking at Dugu Bo.

"Senior Xiao is interested in that game?" Dugu said that he was stunned. With Xiao Tian's identity, strength and status, the entire continent's senior soul master competition might even count as a fight among juniors in Xiao Tian's eyes. Not on.

As for the elites selected through the Continent Senior Soul Master Competition, for this Senior Xiao, it is estimated that they are only decent juniors.

After all, with Xiao Tian's identity and strength, once it was announced that it would recruit disciples, some of the sects and forces cried out and cried out their most outstanding disciples to Xiao Tian.

Especially now that Xiao Tian has already broken through the god level, once the news goes out, I am afraid that no one will be able to keep calm, maybe even those old guys will put down their face and regard themselves as Xiao Tian disciples.

After all, this is the guidance from the gods!

Who knows if it will have an epiphany and will have the opportunity to step into that legendary realm?

Thinking of this, Dugu Bo couldn't help laughing. When Xiao Tian brought Tang San to the Binghuo Yiyan, he had bet with Xiao Tian that he would do three things for Xiao Tian.

Although it is impossible for Xiao Tian to take this bet to heart with Xiao Tian's identity and strength, his Dugu Bo can just use this to bring Xiao Tian closer.

In any case, at least with this bet, he was able to catch Xiao Tian's line earlier than others!

"Some thoughts," Xiao Tian smiled and said lightly: "There is still one person in my team. I originally wanted to find a direct disciple of the Clear Sky School to make up the number, but your granddaughter may be more suitable."

Before Xiao Tian's words came out, Dugu Bo opened his mouth and said: "Senior Xiao, you don't need to say any more. It is her blessing that Yan'er can join your team.

It just so happened that I recently planned to let her go out for some experience. The Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition is indeed a good stage."

Xiao Tian didn't pay attention to Dugu Bo, his eyes fell on Dugu Goose, with a look of questioning in his eyes.

"I am willing," Dugu Yan said without any hesitation.

She is not a fool, and she doesn't know how to grasp such a chance before her eyes.

Chapter 899 Dugu Bo's Thoughts!

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