God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 387

Seeing Dugu Yan agreeing, Xiao Tian didn't say anything any more, nodded, and walked towards the eyes of the two instruments of ice and fire.

After a period of time, the spirit grass near the eyes of the ice and fire has increased a lot, and many of those picked by Xiao Tian before have sprouts again.

"It's worthy of being one of the three big cornucopias," Xiao Tian said with emotion in his heart.

? He remembers very clearly. The last time he took away a half of the medicinal herbs near the eyes of Binghuoliangyi, he can hardly see it now.

Only five years have passed!

Shaking his head, Xiao Tian's gaze fell on the spirit grass near the eyes of the ice and fire. Without any hesitation, he picked up all the spirit grasses that were growing well.

It didn't take Xiao Tian much time to pick the spirit grass. Soon the spirit grass near the eyes of the ice and fire was wiped out by Xiao Tian.

Except for the roots and seeds, Xiao Tian didn't leave any spirit grass. The original vigorous eyes of the ice and fire were swayed by Xiao Tian and looked inexplicably desolate.

The corners of Dugubo's mouth twitched twice, but he didn't say much, he just watched painfully as Xiao Tian put the picked spirit grass into the ring.

"You promised me three things at the beginning. The spirit grass near the eyes of the ice and fire is considered the first one," Xiao Tian saw Dugu Bo's expression, thought about it, and said to Dugu Bo.

To be honest, he really didn't know what to let Dugu Bo do. With his current strength and status, he only needed a word to order. Some people were willing to come and show their courtesy.

Dugu Bowenyan hurriedly waved his hand and said: "Senior Xiao said that he is serious, I don't know many of the herbs here, and it's useless to take it.

Since Senior Xiao can make them play their due role, it doesn't matter if I send all these herbs to Senior Xiao."

For Dugu Bo, the promise to consume one thing with such a pile of herbs that are not too useful for him is undoubtedly a big loss.

You know? Today, Xiao Tian has broken through to the hundredth level, truly becoming a deity above all living beings.

Under such circumstances, others can't wait to take out their hearts, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys to show Xiao Tian their thoughts, in order for Xiao Tian to give pointers at will.

He can now get closer to Xiao Tian through the promise of these three things, how can he be so stupid that he can consume his share of one thing so easily?

Even if it is actually him who suffers!

But? For Dugu Bo, as long as he can maintain a good relationship with Xiao Tian, ​​even if he suffers a loss, he will recognize it!

Xiao Tian took a deep look at Dugu Bo, with a playful expression, and after a long time he nodded gently.

"Since you insist on doing this, then I won't force it. Your strength really won't help me.

Well, it just so happens that the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition is about to be held. Your granddaughter is also in my team, you might as well be a leader teacher and take them to Wuhun City."

? Dugu Bo nodded and agreed.

Although he doesn't like these things very much, since he wants to get closer to Xiao Tian, ​​he doesn't care about it anymore.

What's more, his granddaughter Dugu Yan also went to Wuhun City, and he had no complaints about protecting a group of juniors along the way as a leader.

"Since that's the case, let me do it," Xiao Tian smiled, and a few steps out of the valley, rushing towards the Saint Soul Village.

Dugu Bo didn't hesitate when he saw this, grabbing Dugu Goose's shoulder, and quickly caught up with Xiao Tian...

Chapter 900 Guiding (1)!

Five days later, Shenghun Village, Houshan.

Xiao Tian stood on the edge of the cliff, with his hands on his back, looking at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance.

Behind him, ten boys and girls stood neatly in a row without squinting.

Not far away, a few people gathered together, and a skinny old man with green hair looked at this side with a little doubt in his eyes.

"Master, what is Senior Xiao planning to do?" Dugu Bo turned his head and looked at Yu Xiaogang beside him, wondering.

On the side, Lu Kai couldn't help but cheer up, wanting to hear what Yu Xiaogang would say.

"Poison Douluo knows at a glance," Yu Xiaogang smiled at Lu Kai and Dugu Bo, but didn't say much.

Dugu Bo heard that he was helpless, but he couldn't ask any more, so he had to cast his gaze in the direction where Xiao Tian was.

When Lu Kai saw this, he withdrew his attention, his eyes fell on the ten boys and girls, with a look of envy on his face.

Suddenly, a breeze blew by, and a sly color flashed in the eyes of the girl with scorpion braids on the far left, making a face at Xiao Tian's back.

"Xiao Wu," Xiao Tian said lightly without looking back, "Stand well, don't move."

"Humph!" Xiao Wu snorted and made a grimace again, so she stood there honestly.

Xiao Tian shook his head and turned around, his eyes falling on the young man on the far right.

"Dai Mubai," Xiao Tian looked at the prince of the Star Luo Empire in a calm tone.

"Senior Xiao!" Dai Mubai stepped forward with a solemn expression.

Regarding the identity of Xiao Tian, ​​he couldn't be more clear, and Flender told them all before they left Shrek Academy to come to Holy Soul Village, he naturally did not dare to neglect.

"Release Martial Soul," Xiao Tian looked at Dai Mubai in a calm tone.

Dai Mubai didn't hesitate at all when he heard that, a white tiger phantom appeared behind him.

At the same time, the self-cultivation clothes on Dai Mubai's body were stretched open by the suddenly swollen muscles, and they were broken into rags.

The muscles like cast copper and iron reflect the bronze luster under the sunlight, so that no one dares to ignore the explosive power contained in this body.

Three spirit rings, two yellow and one purple, rose from Dai Mubai's feet, adding a bit of domineering to him.

"Do you know why I didn't let you come back again after obtaining the fourth spirit ring?" Xiao Tian suddenly asked nonchalantly.

Dai Mubai was silent for a while, and said with some uncertainty: "Senior Xiao is planning to let me attack the fourth spirit ring that exceeds the normal life of the spirit ring?"

A few days ago, he had been able to hunt down soul beasts and then absorb the spirit ring Advanced Soul Sect, but Xiao Tianque let him and Xiao Wu stay at Shrek Academy and wait for the master and Tang San to come back, Dai Mubai naturally guessed Xiao Tian's thoughts.

"Yes," Xiao Tian nodded slightly, and said softly: "Your martial soul is undoubtedly one of the top beast martial souls.

It's a pity that your hostility is too heavy, which has affected the potential of your Martial Spirit!"

Xiao Tian paused for a while when he saw Dai Mubai's face showing thoughtfulness, and then continued: "The tiger is the beast of the king, and the tiger spirit also pays attention to the upright king's aura, and uses power to overwhelm people.

Let people know that you are going to attack, but he can't evade, he can only connect!"

After that, Xiao Tian took out a chrysanthemum from Najie. Surprisingly, this chrysanthemum was not the pale yellow of the ordinary variety, but instead appeared as a magnificent purple.

What's even more strange is that every petal of the chrysanthemum seems to have small hairs, but it unexpectedly does not give people any uncomfortable feeling.

The whole chrysanthemum is a whole body without any scent. The stamen is more than half a foot higher than the petals, and the top is shining with a faint gilt color.

Chapter 901 Guiding (two)!

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