God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 388

"Strange velvet chrysanthemum!" Tang San whispered when he saw the strange chrysanthemum in Xiao Tian's hand.

"Brother, what strange velvet chrysanthemum?" Xiao Wu immediately asked when hearing Tang San's words on the tip of her ears.

Xiao Tian looked at Xiao Wu after hearing this, and motioned to her not to talk too much, and then his gaze fell on Tang San, and said lightly: "Little San, you can spread it to them."

"Yes, Master," Tang San nodded lightly, and said solemnly, "Curious velvet chrysanthemum, an immortal herb. The most rare thing is that this immortal herb is mild in temperament, and it is a rare neutral herb. Herb.

Taking Qirong Tongtianju can penetrate the body's qi and blood, open up the meridians in the body, and develop the imperfect body of King Kong!"

After speaking, Tang San thought for a while and added: "Before the master said that Boss Dai was too hostile, and Qirong Tongtianju could indeed purify Boss Dai's hostility and make his spirit power purer.

Speaking of which, this herb is indeed suitable for Dai Boss."

Except for Xiao Wu, the faces of several others showed envy.

Dai Mubai was originally the eldest person among them, second only to evildoers like Tang San and Xiao Wu in strength.

Now that he has the help of immortal herbs, he has a promising future.

"Eat the petals first, then the stamens, and then run the soul power to digest the medicinal effects." Xiao Tian handed Dai Mubai the strange velvet chrysanthemum and said lightly.

Dai Mubai quickly took it, and respectfully said: "Senior Xiao, don't worry, this junior will not waste this fairy herb!"

"Go," Xiao Tian waved his hand, his eyes fell on Xiao Wu, and he smiled: "Xiao Wu"

"Master, do you still have my share?" Xiao Wu heard a surprise on her face.

She originally thought that Xiao Tian hadn't prepared the fairy-grade herbs that belonged to her. After all, after she cultivated into a human form, Xiao Tian almost watched them grow up. One or two fairy-grade herbs would actually not have much effect on her.

"Your situation is quite special. The general fairy herbs really have no effect on you..."

When Xiao Tian said this, he paused. Seeing Xiao Wu blinking his eyes and looking at him pitifully, he couldn't help but laugh, and immediately continued: "There are exceptions to a few immortal herbs, but those immortal herbs are too hard to find. , Even I only found one or two of them."

"Really?!" Xiao Wu's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and then thought of something, and asked: "How does it compare to the Nine Profound Tongluo Grass that the teacher absorbed?"

She still remembered that Xiao Tian went deep into the far north in order to find the Nine Profound Tongluo Grass.

I had known that place long ago, even if she hadn't dared to step into it before she was transformed, but Xiao Tian went to the extreme north for the Jiuxuan Tongluo grass, which shows the preciousness of the Jiuxuan Tongluo grass!

Oscar and others in Dai Mubai's own team who had not left yet heard Xiao Wu's words, a wry smile appeared on their faces.

Xiao Wu was the only one who could bargain with Senior Xiao Tian like this.

"Don't worry, it won't be inferior to Jiuxuan Tongluo Grass," Xiao Tian said helplessly: "The herb I prepared for you is called Xuerui Ice Core."

While talking, Xiao Tian took out a palm-sized, snow-white flower from Na Jie.

Surprisingly, this large flower has only six petals, white as jade, and it looks like a snow falling on the earth.

In the center of the snowflake, there is a flower stamen like broken jade, reflecting the colorful rays of light under the sunlight.

Chapter 902 Guiding (three)!

"It's beautiful..." Xiao Wu looked at the Xuerui ice core in Xiao Tian's hands, and an obsessive color appeared in her pair of cut water autumn eyes.

Xiao Tian smiled, and Chong Xiaowu said, "Although you are naturally active, your mind is as clear as a mirror, and it happens to be able to maximize the effectiveness of this snow core ice core, so this fairy herb is best for you."

"You are now at the 40th level of spirit power, and the third and fourth spirit rings are already at the 100,000-year level. This snow core ice core can make your foundation stronger," Xiao Tian said, handing the strange flower in his hand to Xiao Dance, whispered: "Swallow directly, don't chew, and then use the spirit power to absorb the effect of the medicine."

Xiao Wu took the Xuerui Ice Core and looked at it carefully, her eyes filled with love.

"Master, can you not take it?" Xiao Wu held the Xuerui ice core and looked at Xiao Tian pitifully.

"Follow you," Xiao Tian shook his head and said helplessly: "You are now at the 46th level of spirit power. Even if other people have absorbed the immortal herbs, the spirit power will not be able to catch up with you. Do you take this Xuerui? Ice core, you decide for yourself."

After that, Xiao Tian stopped looking at Xiao Wu, his eyes fell on a girl in the team who was wearing a black dress, black hair and dark eyes, and a slender figure, like an iceberg that couldn't be melted. He said lightly: " Zhu Zhuqing."

"Senior Xiao," Zhu Zhuqing walked out of the team with a cold voice.

Xiao Tian looked at the iceberg beauty who made Dai Mubai fearful like a tiger, and his hand received the brilliance for a flash, and a whole white plant appeared in his hand, looking like a green lotus and white lotus root, without any dust.

A few petite petals surround the sparse stamen. On the stamen, there are a few drops of crystal dew, as if it might drip down at any time.

"This fairy is called the daffodil jade muscle bone. I originally prepared it for Xiao Wu, but she and Xiao San have been by my side since childhood, and they have beaten their bodies to a very strong level. Therefore, this narcissus The effect of jade muscle bone on Xiao Wu is quite limited."

When Xiao Tian said this, he paused, and said to Zhu Zhuqing, "But to you, this fairy product is perfect. You have a cold temperament, but it coincides with the medicinal properties of this daffodil jade and absorbs this fairy. It’s of great benefit to you."

When Zhu Zhuqing heard the words, his cold face couldn't help but a little more faint smile, nodded at Xiao Tian, ​​and said softly: "Thank you Senior Xiao."

"Only eat the petals, then suck the stamens, run the soul power to absorb the effects of the medicine," Xiao Tian handed the fairy herb in his hand to Zhu Zhuqing, then his eyes fell on a young girl in a white dress not far behind Zhu Zhuqing.

Different from Zhu Zhuqing's coldness, the white girls always have a gentle smile on their faces. A white dress can't conceal her Shengxue's skin at all, and her short hair adds a bit of heroism to her.

"Ning Rongrong," Xiao Tian said lightly, looking at the girl who caused the Qi Treasure Glazed Glass Sect to have a headache.

"Senior Xiao," Ning Rongrong quickly walked out of the team and said respectfully to Xiao Tian.

In front of Xiao Tian, ​​she didn't dare to put on the airs of the little princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, because she knew exactly how much Ning Fengzhi had spent to send her to Shrek Academy to receive Xiao Tian's teachings!

Even the two guardians of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, Jian Douluo Chenxin and Bone Douluo Gu Rong had to serve as the guest teacher of Shrek Academy.

Although Chen Xin and Gu Rong are not required to teach, they have to show up at Shrek Academy for a period of time every year in order to show their sincerity.

Chapter 903 Guiding (four)!

"Ning Fengzhi should be very pleased to see the way you are now," Xiao Tian looked at Ning Rongrong, chuckled twice, then flipped his wrist, and a strangely grown fairy grass appeared in his hand.

The rhizomes and leaves under this fairy grass are all vines, finely combed, and the faint purple shades set off its grace and luxury, but at the top of this fairy grass, there is a golden tulip, which looks extremely atmosphere.

With the emergence of this fairy grass, the rich tulip scent quickly filled Xiao Tian's side, and he could smell the rich tulip scent with just a light sniff.

"This fairy grass is called Qiluo Tulip. I want to go. Of you and Lu Kai, you are more suitable for this fairy grass. In addition, Lu Kai has already swallowed Drunken Dreams, Qiluo. Tulips are not very effective for him."

Xiao Tian handed the Qiluo tulip in his hand to Ning Rongrong, and smiled: "This flower must not be swallowed. It sucks the stamen, absorbs its essence, and then uses the soul power to slowly release the medicine. If nothing happens, this fairy grass is enough. Make your martial soul transformed and advance to the legendary Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda."

Ning Rongrong heard that a surprise appeared on his face. Although the Qibao Glazed Glass Tower is expensive as the first auxiliary weapon of the martial arts, it has a great limit. That is, the Qibao Glazed Glass Tower can only cultivate to seven in his life. Nineteenth-level soul power.

After reaching the seventy-ninth level of spirit power, even a genius of Tianzong could not improve even a trace of spirit power.

But there is always a ray of life in everything. Although the Qibao Glazed Tile Pagoda is greatly restricted, it is not without a solution. The Qibao Glazed Tile Sect records that if the Qibao Glazed Tile Pagoda can be upgraded to the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, then you have the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. The spirit master of Wuhun can naturally attack the realm of Title Douluo.

What Ning Rongrong didn't expect was that Xiao Tian solved the problem that plagued countless people in the Qibao Glazed Tile School so easily!

"Thank you Senior Xiao!" Ning Rongrong respectfully took over Qiluo Tulip.

"Go," Xiao Tian waved his hand, his eyes fell on the other auxiliary soul master in the team, and said lightly: "Oscar."

"Senior Xiao," the handsome man with a pair of peach-eyed eyes walked out of the team and rubbed his hands with a look of expectation.

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