God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 389

"You have great potential. The food-type soul master with innate soul power is unprecedented on this continent, but the problem of your slow cultivation as a food-type soul master cannot be made up for even if you are innately full with soul power." Xiao Tian looked at Oscar and slowly said.

Oscar was frustrated when he heard the words, Xiao Tian said rightly, even if he was born with full spirit power, there was no way to solve the problem of slow cultivation of food-type spirit masters.

And this problem can be said to be a common problem with food-type spirit masters and even auxiliary-type spirit masters!

Compared with the battle spirit masters, the cultivation speed of the auxiliary system spirit masters was indeed slow and touching.

However, Oscar only recovered for a moment of depression. Although he didn't have much contact with Xiao Tian, ​​he also knew Xiao Tian's temperament very well. He knew that Xiao Tian was not the kind of person who aimed at nothing. Since Xiao Tian focused his problems at this time. After it came out, it was obvious that Xiao Tian should have a solution to this problem!

No matter how bad it is, it can make his cultivation speed increase a lot!

"The medicinal plant of the fairy product I prepared for you is the mildest and the most mellow in my collection. It is easy to absorb, but it takes a lot of time to digest.

However, it can consolidate the foundation and cultivate your vitality, enough to solve the problem of slow cultivation as a food-type spirit master, and the medicinal effect can even last until you cultivate to the seventieth level of the soul sage."

Chapter 904 Guiding (five)!

While speaking, Xiao Tian flipped his wrist and an eight-petaled orchid appeared in his hand. The whole body was snow-white and crystal clear, and the petals trembled slightly, not staining the dust.

After the appearance of this orchid, the rich aroma of orchids immediately overflowed, making people clear and refreshing,

"This immortal grass is called the eight-petal immortal orchid," Xiao Tian handed the eight-petal orchid in his hand to Oscar, and said lightly: "As for the role, I have already said it before.

There is no special way to eat this immortal product, just chew and swallow, and run the soul power to dissolve the medicinal power, but the eight-petal immortal orchid has a long medicinal effect, and you cannot completely absorb it for a while."

"Thank you Senior Xiao!" Oscar took the eight-petal fairy orchid, his face full of surprises.

According to Xiao Tian, ​​this eight-petal immortal orchid is enough to make his cultivation speed equal to or even surpassing the battle spirit master before the 70th-level spirit power. The problem of the slow cultivation speed of his auxiliary soul master is the effect of the eight-petal immortal orchid. Below, it is almost easy to solve!

"Go and absorb the medicine first," Xiao Tian shook his head, his eyes fell on Tang San, and said softly, "Little San."

"Master," Tang San walked out of the team quickly, respectfully.

"You know your situation, and taking other great tonic herbs will easily conflict with the effects of the two immortal medicinal herbs you have already absorbed. Therefore, the immortal grass I prepared for you is only an auxiliary immortal grass," Xiao Tian looked at Tang San had a calm tone.

"Master, I understand," Tang San said with a smile: "The immortal herb is invisible. I have absorbed the octagonal black ice grass and the blazing apricot. I can't be more greedy. An auxiliary immortal grass treats me. The benefits are not small."

Xiao Tian nodded and said softly: "Since you understand, I won't say more. Looking through the autumn water, what is the effect? ​​How to absorb yourself is clear, I won't repeat it."

While talking, Xiao Tian took out an inconspicuous herb from Na Jie.

The whole body of the herb is green, and what is more strange is that in the center of the herb, there are three small snow-white leaves, with a few drops of crystal water in the center of the leaves shaking gently, like the dew left in the morning.

Tang San took the look through the autumn water dew, with a slight smile on his face, and said loudly, "Thank you, Master!"

With the record of the fairy herb in the Xuantianbaolu, he is naturally no stranger to the effect of Wang Chuanqiu Shulu. This fairy herb is much milder than the eight-petal fairy orchid that Xiao Tian gave to Oscar just now, but it is not compatible. The medicinal conflict between the octagonal black ice grass and the burning apricot jiaoshu.

The most important thing is that Wang Chuan Qiu Shui Lu played a significant role in his cultivation of the Purple Demon Eye. The improved version of "Xuan Tian Gong" taught to him by Xiao Tian did not include the Purple Demon Eye and Xuan Jade Hand. He would not refuse this method of assisting ability.

Xiao Tian smiled when he saw it, and ignored Tang San, his gaze fell on the last person among the Shrek Seven Devils.

"Ma Hongjun," Xiao Tian looked at Ma Hongjun, who had grown into a sphere when he was only about eleven, and said helplessly, "You really should lose weight."

Ma Hongjun scratched his head awkwardly when he heard the words, but didn't know what to say.

"I considered your question. Your evil fire is a sequelae caused by the incomplete mutation of the martial soul. Although it is powerful, it is also very corrosive to your body, so your martial soul can also Said it is a defective product that has failed to mutate..."

Chapter 905 Guiding (6)!

Xiao Tian paused for a moment when he said that, and then looked at Ma Hongjun's expression specifically, seeing the latter's expression dignified, and then he continued: "Know that the spirit of the spirit itself is to provide assistance to the spirit master, just like your spirit. , It will have a bad influence on the soul master, no matter how powerful it is, it can only be regarded as a waste martial soul!

A wry smile appeared on the faces of Tang San and others when they heard Xiao Tian's words.

Ma Hongjun's Evil Fire Phoenix Martial Spirit certainly has a considerable influence on the soul master himself, but its power is extremely overbearing. It is probably only Xiao Tian who can call this class of martial souls a waste martial soul!

"Master, I have also pondered Fatty's martial arts spirit. I think the reason why Fatty's martial arts soul has become like this is that his phoenix flame is not pure enough. If it can filter out the impurities in the phoenix flame, remove the waste. Fatty's Martial Spirit should have a lot of changes."

Tang San thought for a while, and said to Xiao Tian.

"You are right," Xiao Tian laughed when he heard the words, and said with relief: "Your understanding of martial souls is indeed getting deeper and deeper, so this time I prepared a fairy grass that can nourish pure sun for the little fat man Ma Hongjun. !"

"Big Pure Yang?!" Xiao Wu tilted her head when she heard the words, blurted out: "Master, the fat man wants to make up? He can't suppress his evil fire now. If this is to make up again, the evil fire is afraid. It's even more uncontrollable, Master, are you trying to hollow out the fat man's wealth?"

"Xiao Wu!" Xiao Tian couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, and explained: "I also said just now that Ma Hongjun caused himself to eat back because of the impure evil fire. If he didn't want to purify the impurities in his phoenix flame, one day he would be killed. The evil fire burned to ashes.

The herbs I prepared are used to enhance the power of the Phoenix flame and purify the impurities."

As he said, Xiao Tian's hand received a ring of brilliance, and a trembling, soft and crisp fairy grass appeared in his hand.

With the emergence of this fairy grass, the surrounding temperature suddenly rose a lot, and fine beads of sweat appeared on Tang San, who was closest to Xiao Tian.

If the high temperature attached to the fairy grass is ignored, the fairy grass looks nothing strange anymore, except that all the grass blades are red, and the top of the grass blade is like a cockscomb.

But if you observe carefully, you can find the difference of this fairy grass. The veins of every blade of this fairy grass are red gold, which looks grandiose and full of brilliance and domineering.

"This fairy grass is called Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower. Swallow it directly without chewing, and then use the soul power to channel the medicine." Xiao Tian handed the Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower in his hand to Ma Hongjun, and said in a deep voice: "This fairy grass is also the fairy I prepared. The absorption process is the most painful in the grass, but no matter how painful the process is, you have to endure it, otherwise you will fall short!"

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Ma Hongjun's expression stunned, then gritted his teeth and said firmly: "Senior Xiao, don't worry, I won't waste this fairy grass!"

Ma Hongjun also knew that the immortal grass in front of him was the only hope to change his Martial Spirit's disadvantages, so he would never let go of such an opportunity anyway!

If he can really get rid of his evil fire and make it more pure and more powerful, he will desperately fight for such an opportunity, not to mention that he is just asking him to endure the pain now.

We must know that his age is only in the middle of the Shrek Seven Devils, but he has been tortured by evil fire all the year round. In terms of the tenacity of will, he is second only to Tang San among the Shrek Seven Devils, and even Xiao Wu can't keep up with him. !

Chapter 906 Guiding (7)!

Xiao Tian nodded softly when he heard the words. He still admired the willpower of the little fat man Ma Hongjun. After passing the cockscomb and Phoenix sunflower to Ma Hongjun, Xiao Tian's eyes fell on the last three people. After a while, he whispered: "The lone goose."

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the green-haired girl gave a startled expression, and quickly walked out of the team and said respectfully: "Senior Xiao."

Not only Dugu Goose, but the poison Douluo Dugu Bo who was not far away also turned his gaze to Xiao Tian, ​​with some expectation on his face.

The immortal herbs Xiao Tianfen gave to the Seven Devils before were unheard of. According to Xiao Tian’s statement, these immortal herbs are the most suitable for the Shrek Seven Devils. Now that he heard Xiao Tian call his granddaughter’s name, he again How can I be calm?

According to Xiao Tian's identity, even if the herb Xiao Tian gave to the Dugu Goose was not as good as the one given to the Shrek Seven Devils before, it wouldn't be much worse if he wanted to.

Xiao Tian's hand received a ring of brilliance for a flash, and a green strange fairy grass appeared in his hand. In the center of this fairy grass, the purple-black stamen actually formed a hideous spider, which looked quite Infiltrating.

"This immortal grass is called Jiuyou Spider King Grass," Xiao Tian said lightly, looking at the Dugu Goose, "Your Jade Snake Spirit is a highly poisonous thing, and this immortal grass is among the immortal herbs. An absolutely poisonous thing, let alone touch, ordinary people will be poisoned to death by smelling the smell of this fairy grass.

Even if you have the Jade Snake Martial Spirit, absorbing this immortal grass will be a life of nine deaths. You decide whether to absorb it or not."

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Dugu Bo who was not far away hung his heart directly. According to Xiao Tian, ​​the risk of absorbing the Nine Nether Spider King Grass was too high, and he didn't want Dugu Goose to take a risk.

After all, his son and daughter-in-law both died early because of the practice of poisoning since childhood, leaving only this granddaughter. Naturally, he didn't want to see what happened to his precious granddaughter.

Dugu Goose looked at the Jiuyou Spider King Grass in Xiao Tian's hand, then turned to look at Dugu Bo twice, and finally gritted his teeth and said solemnly, "I'm willing to give it a try!"

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