God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 390

Hearing what Dugu Goose said, Xiao Tian couldn't help being a little surprised. Originally, he thought that the greenhouse flowers like Dugu Goose, which grew up under the protection of Dugu Bo, did not have the courage to make this choice, but now it seems that he does. Underestimated the Dugu Goose.

With a little smile on his face, Xiao Tian handed the Nine Nether Spider King Grass to the Dugu Goose, and said: "There is no special way to take this fairy grass, just chew and swallow it.

Before swallowing this immortal grass, let Dugu Bo pass the inner alchemy to you. The inner alchemy cultivated by the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor's martial spirit can ensure that you will not be affected by the poison of this immortal herb too much."

As for why the Youxiang Qiluo fairy product, which can restrain hundreds of poisons, was not given to Dugu Goose, it was because the Youxiang Qiluo fairy product could only defend against poisonous gas, and had no defensive ability against this kind of direct poison.

Secondly, the fairy product of Youxiang Qiluo will completely eliminate the efficacy of the Nine You Spider King Grass. If you give the fairy product of Youxiang Qiluo to the Dugu Goose, it will be a waste of effort.

Dugu Goose took the Jiuyou Spider King Grass, nodded, and then walked towards Dugu Bo with the Jiuyou Spider King Grass.

Seeing Dugu Goose leaving, Xiao Tian's eyes fell on Tai Xiong and Yang Lin, and smiled: "You two boys, I don't have much good things for you."

Chapter 907 Dai Mubai's Joy!

Hearing this, Tai Xiong scratched his head with a simple face, and said: "Senior Xiao has helped me enough, I dare not ask for anything."

For him, Xiao Tian had already made him grateful for bringing him out of Seagod Island. Otherwise, with his strength, he didn't know when to leave Seagod Island.

What's more, in the power formation arranged by Xiao Tian before, his control of his own power and the use of soul power have reached an extremely high level. This is something that will make him use for life.

Yang Lin also deeply believed that Xiao Tian's advice to him before was enough for him to use it for a lifetime. Whether there were any fairy herbs or not was no different to him.

"Although I don't have the fairy grass that fits you best, there are a lot of things that can strengthen the foundation," Xiao Tian smiled, flipped his wrist, and two ginseng-like spirit grass appeared in his hands. In the center of the Lingcao, nine leaves are arranged in order, which looks quite shocking.

"Nine-class ginseng king, it can consolidate its roots, and its medicinal properties are mellow. Although it is not as good as Oscar’s eight-petal fairy orchid, it is also an extremely rare fairy grass.” Xiao Tian handed the two nine-class ginseng king to Yang Lin and Tai Xiong smiled and said, "Chew and swallow directly, and then use the soul power to dissolve the medicine."

Yang Lin and Tai Xiong took over the Nine-Rank Ginseng King, and respectfully said, "Thank you, Senior Xiao."

"Go," Xiao Tian waved his hand and walked towards Dugu Bo and the others.

"Senior Xiao, what extent will this group of juniors reach after absorbing the fairy grass?" After Dugu Bo passed the inner alchemy to the Dugu Goose, he let Dugu Goose absorb the Nine Nether Spider King Grass by himself, so now he In fact, there was nothing wrong. Seeing Xiao Tian walking over, he asked immediately.

"It's hard to say," Xiao Tian said with a smile: "The foundations of these juniors are all very strong. The immortal grass I prepare is also based on strengthening the foundation and cultivating the essence. How much spirit power can be improved depends on their good fortune."

Before Xiao Tian had finished speaking, Dai Mubai, who was the first to take the strange velvet chrysanthemum from his hand, had a golden light on his body. A white tiger phantom looked up to the sky and roared, and the brilliance of domineering radiated from Dai Mubai was heartbreaking.

Dai Mubai slowly opened his eyes, feeling the abundant spirit power in his body, and his face was a little bit more joyful.

Although he hadn't obtained the fourth spirit ring yet, he himself didn't know how much his current spirit power was, but he felt that after absorbing the Qirong Tongtianju, his spirit power increased by at least six!

More importantly, his physical strength has increased a lot. Although it is an exaggeration to say that King Kong is not bad, ordinary attacks are never thought of hurting his hair!

"Congratulations, Boss Dai," seeing Dai Mubai finished absorbing the strange velvet chrysanthemum, Xiao Wu, the only one who did not take the fairy grass, smiled at Dai Mubai.

"Even if I absorb the immortal grass, my current soul power cultivation base may not be able to catch up with you," Dai Mubai couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "If you absorb that snow core ice core, I am afraid that you will be able to use it directly Enter the 50th level of spirit power."

"I won't absorb it," Xiao Wu shook her head hurriedly; "It's a pity to swallow such a beautiful fairy grass."

Dai Mubai was speechless when he heard the words, what is this fallacy?

But Xiao Wu's talent is here, even if he doesn't take the fairy grass, Xiao Wu's spirit power level is still not lower than him, and Xiao Tian didn't say anything, so Dai Mubai naturally wouldn't persuade him.

Chapter 908 The eye-catching Ning Rongrong!

Seeing Dai Mubai not speaking, Xiao Wu triumphantly compared with a victory sign, and smiled at Dai Mubai: "Boss Dai, Master probably has something to say, so I won't bother you."

After that, Xiao Wu bounced to the side of Tang San who was absorbing the see-through Qiu Shui Lu, and protected him.

Upon seeing this, Dai Mubai shook his head, walked to Xiao Tian's side, and respectfully said: "Senior Xiao Tian, ​​Senior Dugu, Master, Mr. Lu."

Except for Xiao Tian and Yu Xiaogang, the two remaining people smiled kindly at Dai Mubai when they heard the words, and they didn't put on airs.

Because both Dugubo and Lu Kai knew very well that their identity really didn't count for Dai Mubai.

Not mentioning Dai Mubai's identity as the third prince of the Star Dou Empire, the mere fact that he was a companion of Tang San and Xiao Wu, the younger generation that Xiao Tian valued was enough for him to walk sideways on the mainland!

On this continent, no one dares to take the risk of offending a deity to deal with the people valued by the deity!

Especially, this god hasn't entered the god realm yet!

"It seems that you have gained a good harvest," Xiao Tian looked at Dai Mubai and said lightly: "Wait here first. After others have absorbed the fairy grass, I will take you to hunt down the soul beasts needed for promotion."

Dai Mubai nodded respectfully, walked to the side and stood still, his eyes falling on Zhu Zhuqing who was practicing with closed eyes.

As if he had noticed Dai Mubai's gaze, a phantom civet suddenly appeared behind Zhu Zhuqing, and then Zhu Zhuqing slowly opened his eyes, facing Dai Mubai's gaze, his eyes were cold without a trace of emotion.

Dai Mubai smiled awkwardly, but didn't know what to say.

"Let me look at your martial soul," Xiao Tian's voice came at this moment, calm but with a domineering force that could not be rejected.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded gently, and a black ghost cat phantom appeared behind her. At the same time, a pair of small cat ears appeared on her head, and the long and thin hair that was originally thin became denser and more luxuriant.

Three spirit rings, two yellow and one purple, rose slowly from her feet, and they kept moving behind her.

"You should be at level 40 soul power now, right?" Xiao Tian looked at Zhu Zhuqing and said lightly.

"After taking the narcissus jade muscle bone that you gave Senior Xiao, my spirit power has increased a lot. My spirit power is already at level forty, and I feel that after absorbing the spirit ring, my spirit power will increase. some."

Zhu Zhuqing said immediately after hearing the words, his voice was cold, like a cold spring.

"Like Dai Mubai, wait here for a while, and after the others have absorbed the fairy grass, they will hunt down the soul beasts together," Xiao Tian said casually, and then his eyes fell on Ning Rongrong, who had just finished his cultivation.

"My spirit power has also reached level 40, but Qiluo Tulip's medicinal power should have been exhausted, even after absorbing the spirit ring to advance, my spirit power will not increase much."

Seeing Xiao Tian looking at him, Ning Rongrong said quickly, and the little princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Lizong had an expression of joy on her face as she spoke.

"Release your martial soul," Xiao Tian looked at Ning Rongrong with a calm expression.

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, both Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, as well as Dugu Bo, Lu Kai, and Yu Xiaogang on the side turned their eyes to Ning Rongrong.

They remembered what Xiao Tian said when he handed the Qiluo Tulip to Ning Rongrong, and naturally wanted to see if Ning Rongrong's martial arts had completed the transformation as Xiao Tian said.

Chapter 909 Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Tower!

Ning Rongrong, who was so careless and accustomed to being watched by everyone, couldn't help being a little bit shy. A light blush appeared on her white face, but she still released her martial soul according to her words.

A nine-story glazed pagoda appeared in her hands. At the bottom of the tower, there was a circle of tulip petals-like golden light as a foil.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine! It's really the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Tower!" Lu Kai began to count as soon as Ning Rongrong released his martial soul, with a little voice. At the end, he couldn't help but exclaim.

Not only Lu Kai, but even Dugubo's face was also covered with the word shock.

Only Yu Xiaogang's expression was a little calmer, but even so, his face also had a shock that was not too late to dissipate.

There are three of them. One is Titled Douluo, one is from the Lu family, which has the best auxiliary Wuhun Hanguang Liuli, and the other is from the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. No one can match the research of Wuhun. They knew nothing about that.

The Qibao Glazed Tile Pagoda became the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, and they all understood what it meant to the Qibao Glazed Tile Sect!

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