God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 392

You must know that Wuhun mutation has always been considered to occur only before the Wuhun awakens. After that, no matter how the Wuhun changes, it has evolved along the established route.

This is how Yu Xiaogang's martial spirit Luo Sanpao transformed into a golden sacred dragon, Ning Rongrong's Qibao Glazed Pagoda turned into a Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda, and Ma Hongjun's Phoenix Martial Spirit did the same.

If Dugu Goose's martial spirit changes normally, it should have evolved into the Jade Snake Emperor Martial Spirit like Dugu Bo, not like it is now.

Chapter 912 Double-headed Jade Snake Emperor!

Not only Dugu Bo and others, but even Xiao Tian's expression became more solemn.

Because unlike the evolution and metamorphosis of Wuhun, Wuhun mutation will not only mutate in a stronger direction!

Under the gaze of everyone, the bulge on the Jade Snake Spirit behind Dugu Goose shattered, and a crimson like a flame caught everyone's eyes. If you look closely, you can find that it is a color, and the rest is in harmony. The head of the Jade Snake does not have any different ferocious heads.

With the emergence of this flaming red head, the color of the phantom of the green phosphorus snake behind the Dugu Goose continued to change, and finally a large number of flaming red patterns appeared on the dark green snake, which looked very charming.

Even the long dark green hair of the Dugu Goose has turned a lot of fire red.

"This should be regarded as a positive mutation," Dugu Bo looked at the green phosphorus snake spirit behind Dugu Yan with some uncertainty.

Although he himself has the Jade Snake Emperor Martial Spirit, and logically speaking, he has the most say in this matter, but it is the Poison Douluo who is far beyond ordinary people's knowledge and can not be sure that Dugu Goose's Martial Spirit mutation is. Good or bad.

After all, the Jade Snake Spirit has always been known for its poison, and the extra head of the Jade Snake Spirit of the Dugu Goose is obviously a fire attribute. It is difficult to say whether this fire attribute will weaken the original poison attribute.

"Ask your granddaughter, don't you know?" Xiao Tian shook his head and looked at the lone geese who had finished his cultivation.

Dugu Yan slowly opened his eyes when he heard the words. Surprisingly, Dugu Yan's left eye pupil turned dark green, while the right eye pupil was as coquettish as a flame!

"My martial arts spirit is a positive mutation," Dugu Yan chong Dugu Bo gestured, and immediately said to Xiao Tian: "My martial arts soul should probably be renamed Shuangshou Biphosphorous Snake Emperor, and I have a hunch that my martial arts The soul is not in a complete state now, and it may mutate again in the future, and to what extent it will eventually evolve, I don't know."

When Xiao Tian heard Dugu Goose's words, a bright light flashed in his heart, and he said inwardly: "In the end, it won't mutate into ten fierce sun snakes, right?"

But soon Xiao Tian shook his head and denied his guess, because Xiao Tian knew better about the Martial Spirit mutation, especially similar mutations that actually happened on the original world line.

That is, Ma Hongjun absorbed the inner alchemy of ten fierce sun snakes to advance to the Soul Sage, and the Fire Phoenix martial arts transformed into seven Fire Phoenix martial arts, and as he was promoted to Spirit Douluo and Title Douluo, the seven fire Phoenix martial arts also transformed. There are eight fire phoenixes and nine fire phoenixes!

Until finally Ma Hongjun broke through the hundredth level, his martial soul finally transformed into ten fire phoenixes!

Therefore, Xiao Tian firmly believed that if Dugu Goose's martial spirit was transformed in the direction of the ten-headed sun snake, then her current martial spirit should not be the double-headed Jade Snake King, but the three-headed Jade Snake King!

"Senior Xiao?" Seeing Xiao Tian's movements, Dugubo's expression changed, and he whispered to Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian's movements made him a little worried whether there was something wrong with Dugu Yan's martial arts.

"It's okay, it's just that I was thinking about the martial soul of Dugu Goose eventually mutating into a martial soul."

Xiao Tian shook his head and said indifferently: "I originally guessed that her martial spirit would eventually transform into the ten-headed ancient alien fierce sun snake, but after thinking about it, such a possibility is almost non-existent, but anyway, Dugu Goose There is no doubt that the girl's martial spirit is positively mutated."

Chapter 913 The name of a master!

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Dugubo immediately let go of his heart.

What he worries most is the reverse mutation of Dugu Goose's martial arts. He is just this precious granddaughter. If Dugu Goose has any accident, he really doesn't know how to face it.

"Next, go to the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect first, and then go to the Star Dou Great Forest to hunt down soul beasts to advance."

Xiao Tian glanced at the people in front of him, and said lightly: "In the past few days, you have all thought about what soul beast you want to hunt, and then tell the master, let the master help you to judge.

After arriving in the Star Dou Great Forest, I will not give you time to consider what spirit beast to hunt."

Tang San and the others hurriedly nodded. Actually, among the people present, only he and Xiao Wu didn't need to hunt down soul beasts, and the other eight people all needed to hunt down soul beasts to advance to the soul sect.

When Xiao Tian saw this, he stopped talking and walked directly down the mountain.

Dugubo, Yu Xiaogang and others hurriedly led Tang San and others to catch up...


Three days later, Qibao Liulizong.

As one of the last three sects and the richest among the seven sects, the sect of the Qibao Glazed Sect was built extremely luxuriously.

Really can be said to be "white jade is the golden horse"!

"Senior Xiao, and everyone, please here!" A disciple of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect led Xiao Tian and others toward the inside of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, his face full of respect.

The evolution of Ning Rongrong's spirit into the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda has spread throughout the Seven Treasure Glazed Glazed Sect, and now the Seven Treasure Glazed Glazed Sect is preparing to change its name to the Nine Treasure Glazed Glass Sect.

It was just that Ning Rongrong hadn't reached the titled Douluo realm for the time being, so the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect was just making preparations and didn't take action.

But no one in the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect would doubt that Ning Rongrong had this ability to advance Title Douluo, because they knew who Ning Rongrong's teacher was!

Yu Xiaogang, the master of Wuhun world theory flow!

If five years ago, the name Yu Xiaogang or "Master" was still just a rubbish synonym in the spirit master world, today Yu Xiaogang is the most recognized candidate for the title Douluo in the spirit master world. !

The master of martial arts theory, one of the golden iron triangles, the owner of the golden holy dragon martial arts, the disciple of the world's only hundred-level god Xiao Tian!

When so many identities are concentrated on one person, no matter how trash he was, no one would dare to look down upon it.

What's more, Yu Xiaogang now has fifty-sixth level of spirit power. You must know that more than five years ago, Yu Xiao just had only twenty-ninth level of spirit power!

In more than five years, the 27th level of soul power has been increased, and this level of cultivation speed alone is enough to make many people desperate!

Not to mention that while Yu Xiaogang's spirit power was increasing, his combat power was also growing rapidly. Even when he was at 50th level of spirit power, relying on the advantages of his martial spirit and spirit ring, he defeated three 70th level souls. Holy!

It is necessary to know that the strength of the soul master before and after stepping into the soul sage can be said to be different, because once the soul master steps into the realm of the soul sage, he will have the real body of the martial soul, and the combat power will rapidly increase.

However, with the help of five spirit rings, Yu Xiaogang defeated three spirit saints who possessed martial soul real bodies!

This alone is enough to make countless people in awe, what's more, Yu Xiaogang is not alone, behind him there is a terrifying existence that has reached the 100th level in the legend-Xiao Tian!

Chapter 914 Shadowy Purple Begonia!

Soon, under the leadership of the disciples of the Qibao Glazed Glass Sect, Xiao Tian and others walked to the main hall of the Qibao Glazed Glass Sect. At the head of the hall, a middle-aged man who was about forty years old and exuding an elegant atmosphere looked at Xiao. When the sky waited for the arrival of people, an uncontrollable joy appeared on his face.

Behind the middle-aged man are two tall old men. The old man on the left wears a white robe and carries a long sword on his back. The whole person exudes a sharp aura like a sword, while the old man on the right is It was a gray coat, looking a little thin, with only a few sparse hairs left on his head.

These three are not others, but Ning Fengzhi, the current leader of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, and the two guardians of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, Jian Douluo Chenxin and Bone Douluo Gu Rong!

"Fengzhi has seen Senior Xiao, Master, and everyone." As soon as Xiao Tian and the others walked into the hall, Ning Fengzhi greeted him with Chenxin and Gu Rong, with a smile on his face.

"Sect Master Ning, Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo," Xiao Tian nodded to the three of Ning Fengzhi, looking calm.

As for the others behind Xiao Tian, ​​they didn't dare to be so big, and met Ning Fengzhi, Chenxin and Gu Rong one by one.

After finally waiting for the greeting, Ning Fengzhi looked at Xiao Tian and respectfully said: "Senior Xiao, I have heard about the evolution of Rong Rong's spirit into the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, so I took the liberty to invite Senior Xiao over. First, I would like to thank Senior Xiao for his great kindness to my Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, this second..."

Ning Fengzhi was silent for a while, and after a while, he said a little embarrassed: "Secondly, Fengzhi also wants to ask if there is still a fairy herb like Qiluo Tulip in Senior Xiao's hand..."

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