God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 393

Although Ning Rongrong's martial arts advanced into the Nine Treasure Glazed Glass Pagoda, Ning Fengzhi was very pleased, but as the Sovereign of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, Ning Fengzhi didn't want to be overwhelmed by his daughter.

I didn't find a way before, so I don't need to say more, but now that there is a great god like Xiao Tian here, Ning Fengzhi naturally hit Xiao Tian's idea.

For him, if Xiao Tian really had an immortal product like Qiluo Tulip in his hands, he would have to ask for one from Xiao Tian, ​​no matter how high the price was!

As the helm of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glazed Sect, he knows nothing better than what the Nine Treasure Glazed Glazed Tower represents!

"Sect Master Ning himself said that Qiluo Tulips are immortal products," Xiao Tian shook his head and said lightly: "What is an immortal product? It is precisely because this thing should only be found in the sky, and it is rare to find it in the world."

When Xiao Tian said this, he paused, and looked at Ning Fengzhi with a calm expression: "This Qiluo tulip is me, and there is only one. But..."

Hearing what Xiao Tian said before, Ning Fengzhi was still a little disappointed, but as soon as Xiao Tian said the last two words, Ning Fengzhi became energetic again, staring at Xiao Tian with burning eyes, for fear of missing something.

Xiao Tian put Ning Fengzhi's expression in his eyes, and he couldn't help shook his head, flipped his wrist, and a strange and luxurious spirit grass appeared in his hands.

With the emergence of this spirit grass, the faint fragrance of Begonia flowers diffused instantly, filling the hall of the Seven Treasure Glass Sect.

"Although this shadowy purple begonia is not as good as the Qiluo Tulip, it is also a rare treasure. Although Sect Master Ning’s martial soul cannot evolve into the Nine Treasure Glazed Glaze Pagoda, if it only adds one more layer to the Seven Treasure Glazed Glaze Pagoda, Not impossible."

Xiao Tian handed You Ying Zi Haitang to Ning Fengzhi, with a calm expression on his face.

Chapter 915 The token left by the ancestors of the Ning family!

Although Xiao Tian spoke calmly, but the words fell in Ning Fengzhi's ears, but it was like thunder, making him stay on the spot.

Originally, he just asked with the mentality of giving it a try. After all, the fairy product of Qiluo Tulip is hard to find in the world. It is already a great fortune to get a plant, so even though he asked if Xiao Tian still had it in his hands. Qiluo Tulips, but Ning Fengzhi doesn't actually have any expectations.

Just like Xiao Tian said, the so-called fairy products are rare things in the sky and hard to find in the world to support the fairy products.

If Qiluo Tulips are so easy to find, then they don't deserve the word "Xianpin".

However, what Ling Fengzhi did not expect was that Xiao Tian did not have Qiluo Tulips in his hands, but there was another fairy grass that could evolve his spirit!

Although it is not possible to turn his Seven Treasure Glazed Glaze Pagoda into the Nine Treasure Glazed Glaze Pagoda like Qiluo Tulip, but even if it only adds another layer to the Qi Treasure Glazed Glaze Pagoda, it is the same for Ning Fengzhi. A very exciting thing!

Carefully accepting You Ying Zi Haitang, Ning Fengzhi respectfully said at Xiao Tian: "Senior Xiao is kind, Fengzhi will remember it in his heart. I know that with the strength of Senior Xiao, I can get something that I can get, and you may not see Senior Xiao. Eyes, but to be favored by others, it must be reported."

While speaking, Ning Fengzhi took out a black iron token from his arms. On the back of the token was a seven-story pagoda, which was the iconic martial spirit of the Qibao Glazed Sect, the Qibao Glazed Tile Pagoda.

But the front of the token was nothing but a deep nick.

"This token is the first generation lord of my Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, and it was also left by my ancestors of the Ning family," Ning Fengzhi held the token and said softly, "The person who holds this token can mobilize the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect. All power, when necessary, can even abolish the Sect Master of Seven Treasure Glazed Tiles!

Feng Zhi has nothing to do with the predecessor's great grace. I ask Senior Xiao to accept this token. It will be useful for the Seven Treasure Glazed Glazed Sect in the future, and Senior Xiao will send someone to bring the token."

With that, Ning Fengzhi handed the token in his hand to Xiao Tian.

Oscar and the others watched with enthusiasm. This is enough to command the Qibao Glazed Glass Sect to go up and down. You must know that the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect is one of the top three sects, and even the richest among the seven sects. If it is other People get this token, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a step to the sky!

Xiao Tian didn't receive the token from Ning Feng, his eyes fell on Chen Xin, and he smiled: "Sword Douluo, look up to the name for a long time."

Chen Xin was stunned for a moment, and then smiled bitterly: "Senior Xiao has broken the old man. Now, who doesn't know that Senior Xiao's spirit is a divine sword. I am afraid that the old man's seven killing swords won't be in the eyes of Senior Xiao, right?"

As for Ning Fengzhi, who was on the sidelines, he withdrew the token in a rather regretful heart.

From Xiao Tian's performance, Ning Fengzhi already knew that Xiao Tian had seen through his careful thoughts, and then he did not pick up the token he handed out.

"The younger generation is terrible..." Ning Fengzhi sighed in his heart. Although the upper three sects cannot be said to have the same energy, the relationship between the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect and the Haotian Sect is not bad, so Ning Fengzhi knows a lot of people and Xiao that the outside world does not know. News about the day.

For example, the real age of the first deity in the mainland in ten thousand years is really only in his twenties, not like the rumors of the outside world. Xiao Tian only looked young, but was actually an old monster who had cultivated for many years.

Chapter 916: The Movement of the Spirit Hall!

The reason why Ning Fengzhi had given the tokens left by his ancestors to Xiao Tian simply and neatly before was actually intending to take the opportunity to tie Qibao Liulizong and Xiao Tian together.

After all, with Xiao Tian's strength, even if he receives tokens, there are not many places where he can use the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect will not lose anything.

On the contrary, once Xiao Tian received the token, it was equivalent to acquiescing to the fact that he was the Supreme Elder of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, and the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect had an extra layer of amulet.

As long as someone who knows the existence of Xiao Tian wants to think about the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, he has to weigh whether he is enough to be a hundred-level god!

It's a pity that Ning Fengzhi's careful thoughts could not hide from Xiao Tian, ​​or in fact, Ning Fengzhi did not intend to conceal it. In the end, Xiao Tian still did not accept the token.

This made Ning Fengzhi regret, but he also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

His move to give out the token is actually a bet. If Xiao Tian really took the token, and instead of managing the affairs of the sect as he imagined, he would intervene in the internal affairs of the Qibao Liuli Sect, I am afraid it will not take long for Qibao. It's time for Liulizong to change his surname!

Therefore, Xiao Tian didn't receive the token, which made Ning Fengzhi feel relieved.

Shaking his head and putting away the token, Ning Fengzhi looked at Sword Douluo and said with a smile: "Uncle Chen, Senior Xiao, they came from afar, they must be hungry, so let's stop chatting here.

I have ordered the kitchen to prepare a banquet, it is better for us to go to dinner first, and it is not too late to talk after dinner."

Jian Douluo Chenxin nodded slightly, and said to Xiao Tian; "How do you think Senior Xiao?"

"Then eat first," Xiao Tian didn't refuse either. Although he could already bigu, the students of Shrek Academy and Yang Lin Taixiong and others could not.

Upon seeing this, Ning Fengzhi personally led the team, and a group of people walked toward the cafeteria mightily...

At the same time, Wuhun Hall headquarters, the Pope Hall.

Chihiro Ji was sitting on the pope's throne. Behind him, Qian Daoliu stood with half-squinted eyes. His thin body clearly gave people a strong sense of oppression, making the atmosphere in the hall a little dull.

"How is the investigation of the whereabouts of Xiao Tian and others?" Qianxun Ji held the throne armrest with his right hand, astonishing killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"The Muslim Pope, Xiao Tian and others have already entered the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect. As for the situation inside the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, the subordinates and others cannot investigate," Yao Xiang walked out of the team, bowed his head and said respectfully.

She is still the deputy head of the Wuhun branch of the Fasno Province. This identity is placed in the papal hall, which is really not worth mentioning, but because of her special spirit, she has monitored Xiao Tian in the Holy Spirit Village. Was called to the Papal Palace.

"Can't you enter Seven Treasure Glaze even with your martial arts?" Qianxun Ji frowned, and a dull expression appeared on his face.

He knew very well what Yao Xiang's martial spirit was. The ethereal spiritual garment mutated from the Luo Family's Mochizuki Lingsha had excellent concealment ability. The group of Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect had no reason to find Yao Xiang.

Yao Xiang smiled bitterly, and said helplessly: "The Pope should know that although my martial soul has a strong concealment ability, it can only hide the perception of others and cannot fool the naked eye...

Because the direct disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect were kidnapped and abducted, the Qibao Glazed Glass Sect was filled with open and secret posts, and there were a large number of outside disciples patrolling at all times. It was almost impossible for me to sneak into the Qibao Glazed Glass Sect silently...

If I did it, my frontal combat ability would probably be better than that of the Great Soul Master. Not to mention the two guardians of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, a fortieth-level battle soul sect could easily solve me."

Chapter 917 The Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace!

Hearing Yao Xiang’s words, Qianxun couldn’t help but nodded. Yao Xiang’s strength was clear to him. He was able to sit on the position of Deputy Hall Master of the Wuhun Branch of the Fassnow Province, largely because of her. The identity of the abandoned son of the Luo family.

Otherwise, it's just a rare auxiliary martial arts spirit. There is no need for the martial arts hall to give Yao Xiang such a generous treatment, just let her be a guest officer. How could it delegate power to her?

As for the situation of the Qibao Liuli Sect, Qian Daoliu also knows something about it, because the direct disciples of the Qibao Liuli Sect have no attack ability. In the past, many direct disciples of the Qibao Liuli Sect were kidnapped and abducted by outside disciples, that is, Ning Fengzhi. After taking charge of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, things got better.

Therefore, it is normal for the Qibao Liulizong to strictly patrol.

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