God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 394

But because of this, Qianxunji was even more depressed. Knowing that Xiao Tian had already entered the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, Wuhun Hall couldn't hear any news!

In case Seven Treasures Liuli Sect and Xiao Tian join forces to deal with Wuhun Hall, then Wuhun Hall will be able to bear it.

After all, Xiao Tian has a close relationship with the Clear Sky School, and the relationship between the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect and the Clear Sky Sect is not bad, it is hard to guarantee that the Seven Treasure Glass Sect will not come together with Xiao Tian.

If only Xiao Tian is alone, Qian Xun Ji is sure to be able to stop him, no matter how bad he is, he will be able to preserve the foundation of the Spirit Hall, but if the Hao Tian Sect and the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect are added, the Spirit Hall may not be far away. Up!

"Deputy Hall Master Yao, the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect is in a special situation, you can't investigate it, I can understand, then in the next period of time, you go to the Clear Sky Sect and always pay attention to the movements of the Clear Sky Sect," Qianxun thought for a while and charged Yao. Xiang said.

"Subordinates understand," Yao Xiang nodded slightly. Compared to investigating the internal situation of the Qibao Glazed Glass Sect, this task was not much easier.

You must know that the Clear Sky Sect today does not close the gates. As the number one in the world, the Clear Sky Sect does not refuse foreign soul masters to visit the Clear Sky Sect. Except for some forbidden lands that are not open to the outside world, spirit masters with a little strength are Able to enter the Clear Sky School.

With her Martial Spirit, it was too simple to sneak into the lax-guarded Clear Sky School.

"Well," Qianxun Ji nodded slightly, his eyes flashed, and he looked at another old man below, and said in a deep voice: "Fifth elders, how is the golden generation now practicing? That Xiao Tian's previous actions all show that he is very good to the whole continent. I have an idea in the Advanced Soul Master Competition, but my Spirit Hall cannot lose in this competition!"

"The Pope can rest assured that the cultivation base of the three leaders of the Golden Generation is above level 50, and Shura has reached level 60 spirit power, and is now acquiring the sixth spirit ring!"

The old man known as the'five elders' proudly said: "Even if the first spirit ring of the evil kind born by Tang Hao and the one hundred thousand year soul beast is already at the ten thousand year level, under the pressure of spirit power, it is impossible to think about it. !"

The only restriction in the Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition is that they are under twenty years old. Although Tang San and the others have amazing talents, they are only eleven or twelve years old after all, and the oldest Dai Mubai is only about fourteen.

As for the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, the eldest Shura is 19 years old, and the other two in the lead are also 18 years old. The gap caused by the past few years alone cannot be easily wiped out!

"Asura is already level sixty?" Qianxun Ji couldn't help but be delighted when he heard this: "Have you helped Asura find the soul beast hunter?"

Chapter 918 The Palace of the Pope, the place of trial!

"The Pope can rest assured, I will personally take action and accompany Shura to hunt down the soul beast," the fifth elder nodded lightly and said solemnly.

"The Fifth Elder personally took action, then I won't worry about it," Chihiro said with a quick smile: "However, apart from the leading three, the cultivation level of other people can't be lowered, so let's open the trial ground of the Pope's Palace, Send them to the trial ground for half a month."

The test site that Chihiro Ji said was actually the place where the god of angels inherited the test. The gods of the sea left sea sacred pillars on the island of the sea to test and select heirs, and the god of angels was no exception.

The only difference is that the heir of the Sea God is selected by the Sea Sacred Pillar, while the heir of the Angel God is the owner of the Seraphim Martial Spirit.

But in the inheritance trial ground left by the angel god, there is still an angel sacred pillar standing, which can also issue various tests like the sea sacred pillar, but this secret realm has always been controlled by Qian Daoliu, not for People who have made great contributions to the Palace of Wuhun are not qualified to enter.

This time Qian Daoliu was determined to open the trial ground and let the Golden Generation enter the trial ground for half a month. It was also because Xiao Tian put too much pressure on him.

He himself had no hope of inheriting the position of the god of angels, and his granddaughter Qian Renxue who was most hopeful of inheriting the position of God was still young, so Qian Daoliu could only use this method to try to break Xiao Tian's prestige.

Hearing Chihiro Ji's words, the face of the Fifth Elder showed surprise. He had entered the trial site of the Papal Palace, and naturally knew how amazing the place was.

"If the Golden Generation is trying for half a month in the trial ground, I can guarantee that the group of little ghosts taught by Xiao Tian will not be the opponents of the Golden Generation!" The Fifth Elder patted his chest and said confidently.

"Haha! Good!" Qianxun Ji laughed when he heard the words, and said in a deep voice: "In this case, I will hand over the Golden Generation to the Fifth Elders. There is only one request for me, and that is the subsequent All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition. Not only do I want a championship, but I also want to make Xiao Tian face disgraced!"

"Pope rest assured," the fifth elder nodded and said seriously: "That Xiao Tian won't be proud of it for long. Even if his strength is amazing, he will go to the God Realm after all. As long as his junior disciples are not a weapon, I will only I need to bear with him for a while."

For Xiao Tian, ​​Wuhun Palace did not have a good impression, not only because Xiao Tian was famous for stepping on Qian Daoliu, but more importantly, Xiao Tian's existence caused many plans in Wuhun Palace to be shelved.

And the most important one is that the Huawu Soul Palace becomes the Wuhun Empire, annexing the two empires of the Star Luo Empire and the Heaven Dou Empire in one fell swoop, and uniting the mainland!

Unfortunately, because of Xiao Tian's appearance, this plan had to be temporarily suspended. This plan would never be activated until Xiao Tian didn't enter the God Realm or the Spirit Hall had no combat power that could compete with Xiao Tian.

"I'm waiting for the good news from the Fifth Elders," Chihiro Ji smiled upon hearing this, and immediately got up and left the Papal Palace.

After Chihiro Ji left, everyone in the Wuhun Hall also gradually left, and the Pope Hall, which was crowded with many people, suddenly became empty...

At the same time, Xiao Tian and others also left the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect and rushed towards the Star Dou Great Forest.

After swallowing the immortal herbs that Xiao Tian had prepared before, among the ten people participating in the Mainland Advanced Soul Master Competition, except Tang San and Xiao Wu, the other eight needed to obtain the fourth spirit ring.

Because of the fact that their bodies were tempered by immortal herbs, Xiao Tian required them to have the fourth spirit ring at least ten thousand years. Like the Tai Xiong who had undergone trials on the Sea God Island and refining by the tides, Xiao Tian was even more so It is required that his fourth spirit ring must be more than fifty thousand years old!

Chapter 919 Xiao Tian's test!

Deep in the Star Dou Forest, beside the lake of life.

Xiao Tian sat on the branch of a big tree with his back leaning against the trunk, looking at the people below.

The ten thousand-year soul beasts lying on the ground around the lake of life, except for Tang San and Xiao Wu, the other eight people kept walking through the pile of soul beasts, looking for soul beasts suitable for them.

And Yu Xiaogang, Dugu Bo, and Lu Kai stood on the sidelines, giving instructions from time to time.

As for Tang San and Xiao Wu, they took Daming Erming and avoided here temporarily. After all, Xiao Wu is a one-hundred-thousand-year soul beast, and Daming Erming is also a one-hundred-year-old soul beast. The last thing he doesn’t want to see is The soul beast was hunted and killed.

Therefore, Xiao Tian personally took the shot to capture the soul beast this time, and the two overlords of the Star Dou Great Forest, Daming and Er Ming, did not provide the slightest support.

Tai Xiong quickly found a 50,000-year-old vigorous orangutan. Without a word, he carried the unconscious vigorous orangutan to the lake of life. He did not know where to find a sharp dagger, directly from the vigorous orangutan. Pierced in the eye socket, killing this fifty thousand year soul beast in one fell swoop!

The dark spirit ring appeared, and Tai Xiong didn't hesitate at all. He directly sat on the spot, drew the spirit ring over, calmed his mind, and silently absorbed the spirit ring.

Yang Lin's movements are also not slow. After all, the single-attribute four sects hunt the same soul beast every time they are promoted. What he is entangled with is only the soul beast's cultivation base. After not thinking about it for long, Yang Lin found the first three. The Gale Tiger, who had been cultivated for ten thousand years, killed it, and then absorbed the spirit ring.

Tai Xiong and Yang Lin acted like a certain signal. As the two of them chose the spirit beast, the remaining six quickly found a suitable spirit beast, killed it, and absorbed the spirit ring.

Xiao Tian jumped from the tree and landed beside the three of Yu Xiaogang.

"Teacher, will this group of children take some risks," Yu Xiaogang frowned and said solemnly, "Except for the soul beast cultivation base chosen by Oscar and Ning Rongrong, which has just reached ten thousand years, the others chose Soul beasts all started in 20,000 years.

Especially for Dai Mubai’s child, he directly selected the Shadow Tiger King who had been cultivated for 60,000 years. You must know that the Shadow Tiger King’s spirit ring is the type that is difficult to absorb among the spirit beasts of the same level, and it has reached 60,000. year……"

"I chose Dai Mubai's spirit ring for him," Xiao Tian interrupted Yu Xiaogang with a smile, "Dai Mubai has a good talent. If he can survive, it will be of great benefit to him. If If I can't make it through, I will save him, and it won't be too late to re-select the soul beast."

Hearing what Xiao Tian said, although Yu Xiaogang disagreed a little, he didn't say much. Xiao Tian naturally had a reason to do so. He didn't need to worry too much.

After all, whether it is strength or knowledge, Xiao Tian must be above him.

"Actually, I never thought about letting them hunt the soul beasts," Xiao Tian couldn't help but smile when he saw Yu Xiaogang's expression, "The reason why I brought them to hunt the soul beasts this time is actually me. Want to see how their decision-making ability and self-perception are.

It now appears that their performance is barely qualified."

Xiao Tian is telling the truth. He is now at level one hundred and is able to condense the god bestowed spirit ring with his internal strength. Xiao Tian once tried with a disciple of the Clear Sky School. The god bestowed spirit ring he condensed and the few remaining in the ring There is no difference between a god bestowed spirit ring.

The reason why he didn’t directly give Dai Mubai and others a god-given spirit ring this time was because he had a trial mind in his heart. Otherwise, he would not bother to be so troublesome. He would just send out a god-given spirit ring and absorb and advance himself. .

Chapter 920 Oscar's Fourth Spirit Ability!

Just as Xiao Tian was speaking, Oscar had already absorbed the spirit ring and slowly got up.

He was the lowest soul beast cultivation level selected among the eight people present, and it was just a pink lady who had just broken through ten thousand years, and this was also determined by Yu Xiaogang after repeated consideration for him.

"Xiao Ao, what's the result?" Seeing Oscar got up, Yu Xiaogang immediately asked Oscar.

He asked Oscar to choose Pink Empress, in fact, because this kind of soul beast itself is not strong, and the spirit ring is relatively easy to absorb, and secondly, he fancy the excitatory toxin carried by Pink Empress.

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