God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 395

"The master's guess is good. The soul skills produced by Pink Lady's soul ring are indeed related to Pink Lady's own excitatory toxins. My fourth soul ability is enough for people to increase 25% without any influence," Oscar Excited.

"It's only increased by 25%. What are you doing, Xiaoao, so excited?" Ma Hongjun just finished absorbing the spirit ring, opened his eyes, and said with no good air: "When Rongrong is promoted to the Soul Sect, he will be able to achieve 50% increase In contrast, your fourth spirit ability is too tasteless, right?"

"Fatty, it seems that you still don't understand the powerfulness of my brother my soul ability," Oscar shook his head, with a look of contempt: "Brother, this fourth soul ability allows you to increase your own strength by 100% without any influence. Of twenty-five!

Hear it clearly, it's not allowed!what!shadow!ring!"

Oscar paused and emphasized one by one.

"So what?" Ma Hongjun didn't react for a moment, and said in a daze.

"Don't you understand?" Oscar said helplessly: "Assuming your original strength was 100, can you guarantee that you can play 100 strength at any time?"

Ma Hongjun shook his head. No soul master can guarantee that he will be able to exert 100% of his strength in every battle, such as the suppression of martial arts, the weakening of spirit abilities, or other reasons.

In short, generally speaking, a soul master can display 90% of his strength in battle is already very good.

"Look, you can't guarantee 100% strength every time," Oscar saw Ma Hongjun shook his head, and said with an aura: "And my fourth spirit ability can directly increase your strength to 125. , Ignoring any negative state, understand now!"

"According to you, your spirit skills are very powerful?" Ma Hongjun reacted immediately and said excitedly.

"That's not it," Oscar said with a grimace.

"Your spirit skills, I'm afraid there are many defects, right?" At this moment, Xiao Tianyouyou on the side spoke.

Oscar's expression was stagnant when he heard the words, the excitement on his face quickly solidified, and finally he said with a sigh of relief: "Senior Xiao, you are right. Although my soul ability is very useful, it also has two flaws.

The first is that the duration is too short, only lasting five minutes;

The second is that it cannot be saved. It will only have an effect if I take it within a minute of being summoned."

"This is also normal," before Xiao Tian could speak, Yu Xiaogang said comfortingly: "As long as the powerful soul ability consumes soul power or restricts a lot, your fourth soul ability is already considered good. ."

After speaking, Yu Xiaogang's eyes fell on Ma Hongjun, and said lightly: "Tell me about your fourth soul ability."

What Ma Hongjun chose to absorb this time was the spirit ring of the 30,000-year-old Earth King. This spirit beast was also finalized by Yu Xiaogang for him, so Yu Xiaogang was very curious about Ma Hongjun's fourth spirit ability.

Chapter 921: Dai Mubai's Gratitude!

Ma Hongjun looked around when he heard the words, and smiled bitterly: "Master, I can't judge the power of my spirit ability, and it's not suitable for me to experiment with spirit ability..."

He knows exactly where this lake of life is. Daming and Erming, the two old nests dominated by the Great Star Dou Forest, are also Xiao Wu’s favorite places to stay. If he is experimenting with spirit abilities here, in case he accidentally destroys it. Given the surrounding environment, I am afraid Xiao Wu and Daming Erming can tear him down!

Yu Xiaogang was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, somewhat helplessly said: "In this case, wait until you leave the Star Dou Great Forest and try your spirit ability again."

After that, the other people also gradually finished absorbing the spirit ring. Only Dai Mubai was still sitting on the spot, with thick black awns covering his body, and blue veins burst out on the exposed skin, with a hideous expression.

"Teacher, it seems that Mubai, this child has absorbed the 60,000-year spirit ring so early, and he is still a little hasty." Seeing Dai Mubai's situation, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help shook his head and said to Xiao Tian, ​​"According to the present situation. In this case, the probability that Dai Mubai's child can successfully absorb the spirit ring is less than one in ten."

Xiao Tian just shook his head when he heard this, and didn't say much.

Although he said that this was just a test, who did not know that Xiao Tian was the shortest guard?

Although Dai Mubai was not his disciple, he was asked to give some guidance for a few days. If it would take a lot of effort to absorb a super-rank spirit ring, where would he put Xiao Tian's face?

Seeing Dai Mubai's complexion getting worse and worse, Xiao Tian sighed lightly, and the brilliance of accepting Jie flashed, a pale golden god bestowed spirit ring appeared in his hand, and his fingers flicked towards Dai Mubai.

The role of the god bestowed spirit ring is not only to replace the spirit ring needed by the spirit master when he is promoted. Similarly, the god bestowed spirit ring can also suppress other spirit rings. After all, in terms of level, other spirit rings are worse than the god bestowed spirit ring. It is too much.

The god bestowed spirit ring shattered in midair and turned into a pale golden light that enveloped Dai Mubai. Under the pale golden light, Dai Mubai's originally hideous expression gradually calmed down, and the aura exuding from his body Also getting thicker.

Soon, Dai Mubai's momentum rose to its extreme, and then there seemed to be a faint sound of something breaking in the air. The spirit power that Dai Mubai radiated changed rapidly, and in a blink of an eye it rushed from level 40 to level 40. At level seven, it stopped.

Dai Mubai slowly opened his eyes, before he could feel the soul power in his body, he hurriedly said respectfully to Xiao Tian: "Thank you Senior Xiao for your help."

He knew his own situation. If Xiao Tian hadn't taken the initiative to help suppress it, he would definitely fail in absorbing the spirit ring this time. Although Xiao Tian decided to absorb the spirit ring of the 60,000-year Shadow Tiger King this time, he himself This also played a decisive role.

If it were not for his insistence, Xiao Tian might not have let him choose the first 60,000-year-old Shadow Tiger King.

Therefore, if he fails to absorb the spirit ring this time, the main responsibility is actually with him, not to mention that even if he fails to absorb the spirit ring, it will not have a big impact on Xiao Tian, ​​so Xiao Tian helped him after all.

Xiao Tian shook his head, and said in a calm tone: "You go find Xiao Wu and Xiao San, and then wait for me here, Ma Hongjun, come with me, and I will find you an opponent to test soul skills."

Chapter 922: Opponent to Test Soul Skills!

After speaking, Xiao Tian slowly walked towards the periphery of the Star Dou Great Forest without waiting for others to speak.

Ma Hongjun hurriedly followed Xiao Tian when he saw this. As for Dai Mubai and others, they stayed honestly near the Lake of Life, and only Yu Xiaogang went out to look for Tang San and Xiao Wu.

We must know that although this lake of life is the territory of the two Ming Ming dynasties, generally speaking, no soul beasts will break into this place without opening their eyes, but the world is unpredictable, and no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents.

Therefore, Yu Xiaogang discussed with Dugu Bo, let Dugu Bo, the titled Douluo, sit in the Lake of Life and protect Dai Mubai and others, while Yu Xiaogang went out alone to find Tang San Xiaowu.

On the other side, Ma Hongjun had followed Xiao Tian a long distance, and spirit beasts had passed by from time to time.

Obviously, after leaving the range of the lake of life, without the aura of the two forest kings, Da Ming Er Ming, other spirit beasts became active.

"Senior Xiao, where is the opponent you asked me to test my soul abilities?" Ma Hongjun looked at Xiao Tian, ​​took a breath, and asked.

Although he has lost weight because of the Cockscomb and Phoenix Sunflower, he is still a bit fatter than the others. Before this, his clothes were already wet with sweat.

Although with his current strength, this stretch of the journey did not consume much of his physical and soul power, but the slimy clothes on his body really made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"It's coming soon, just don't be scared when the time comes," Xiao Tian said without looking back.

When Ma Hongjun heard this, he suddenly felt that he knew that Xiao Tian would not aimlessly. Since Xiao Tian said so, I am afraid that the opponent he will face will not be bad, and it may even completely crush him!

"Dying or dying, I would not pretend if I knew it long ago, just tell the master of my soul ability effect, but in the end I have to pretend," Ma Hongjun whispered.

In fact, as a spirit master, when the spirit ring was obtained, the skills-related information attached to the spirit ring had already been poured into the mind of the spirit master. How could Ma Hongjun not know the power of his spirit ability?

Xiao Tian walked in front, heard Ma Hongjun's voice, couldn't help but smile, but didn't say much, and directly led Ma Hongjun to a fairly wide open space.

"This should be enough for you to test your soul skills," Xiao Tian said lightly, looking at Ma Hongjun.

"Enough is enough," Ma Hongjun whispered.

Afterwards, Ma Hongjun looked around and said with some doubts: "Senior Xiao, where is my opponent?"

"Don't worry, you will be here soon," Xiao Tian looked at Ma Hongjun with a calm face, but if you look closely, you can find a fleeting joke in Xiao Tian's eyes.

"You stinky boy, I finally like to make things out," Xiao Tian said as soon as his voice fell, a thick male voice came from a tree trunk not far away.

Then the black shadow flashed, and a slightly thin figure appeared in front of Ma Hongjun.

"Teacher?!" Ma Hongjun was stunned for a moment, and said in doubt: "Aren't you going to guard Shrek Academy?"

The person here is not someone else, but Ma Hongjun's teacher, Dean of Shrek Academy——Flander.

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